Betreff: Dr Jon's letter: The repressed cancer cure that works + pics of our cats & Raiza Datum: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 02:16:58 +0000 Von: Rückantwort: An: siehe auch There are many QUACK-clinics which prey on desperate people. The first place I would go if I had cancer would be to my colleague's clinic in Houston. The following is an actual unedited testimony. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Burzynski Cancer Clinic I was away in Houston, Texas to take my brother to the Burzynski Cancer Clinic. I would like to give you a report of my "experience" at the Burzynski Clinic SO THAT YOU, IF YOU LIKE, CAN FORWARD TO YOUR MAIL LIST. The WORLD needs to know about Dr. Burzynski,s Cancer Clinic. Keep in mind, Dr. Burzynski discovered this cancer cure in the 70's and has been held back to the point of JAIL by the FDA, court battles, and you name it from our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. He is, now doing, FDA approved "clinical trials". Here is my story: My brother was diagnosed with Metastatic Malignant Melanoma about 8 weeks ago. He had two tumors in his brain, PLUS MANY tumors in his lungs, liver, neck, and throughout his body with ALL lymph nodes swelled indicating possible tumors in multiple lymph nodes. He was experiencing SEVERE SWEATS EVERY NIGHT, and had a SEVERE cough wherein he could not say a complete sentence without coughing VERY hard, PLUS he had very little energy. At two m "cancer clinics", one that specialized in Melanoma, he was told he had from 3 weeks to 6 months to live. The ONLY treatment available was, FIRST, radiation to his whole head wherein he would PERMANENTLY loose ALL hair including eye brows, and eye lashes, and would be "highly susceptible to stroke" that would cripple or KILL him. SECOND, assuming he survive the radiation, he would received massive Chemotherapy to the fullest extent that his body could stand without dying for 3 to 4 months. THIRD, due to the massive Chemo he would need a bone marrow transplant from one of his two brothers to restore the damage from Chemo. The report had one section near the end of this gruesome report titled, "Alternative Treatments". It was a very short paragraph that said (and I QUOTE) " There are NO alternative treats from Metastatic Malignant Melanoma." I had learned about Dr. Burzynski via Dr. Julian Whittacker in the early 80's and had even sent money to support his legal battle, pay bonds to avoid jail by FDA. I told my brother who had decided to NOT take the radiation and Chemo, AND to just ride it out and DIE. He immediately accepted my offer to drive him to Texas. Here in what has happened: We arrived at the clinic 8/4/00. After consultation with two Oncologist and Dr. Burzynski, it was recommend that we treat the cancer orally with the Burzynski medication rather than intravenously as some patients require that do not still have good body functions and activity. The next day, 8/5/00 he (my brother - Jimmy) began taking one capsule six times per day, then 2 six times then 3 six times, etc. until eventually he will reach 12 six times per day. The reason for the slow increase is to conform with the FDA protocol, AND to allow the body to compensate for the influx of medication. Jimmy had NO, repeat NO, ill effects whatsoever from the medication. On Monday morning Jimmy noticed that the two LARGEST Swollen lymph nodes on his neck (half the size of an egg) "seemed" to be SMALLER. Jimmy had about 15 lymph nodes that you could feel swollen around his neck, under his arms, etc. Jimmy continued to increase by one capsule each day(six times). Jimmy was examined by the Oncologist on Wednesday (THIS WAS AN EXCITING DAY). As he examined Jimmy he said in an excited voice, the swelling is ALL GONE in ALL Lymph glands. He turned to the Doctor recording the findings and said, "Write, ALL swelled glands are normal", and continued to examine. We told the Doctor that Jimmy's cough seemed to be better. The cough was caused by a large tumor the size of a baseball pressing against his wind pipe. Jimmy also seemed to be feeling better. We asked the Doctor, how soon we could leave since Jimmy had NO INSURANCE and the cost of staying in a motel was fairly expensive AND I needed to get back home to my wife. He said if, everything, looked OK on Thursday 8/10 we could go home. On Thursday, another full physical found EVERYTHING AOK, Jimmy was feeling MUCH better, cough even better, sweats the same but he was sleeping better. We were then given a box FULL of bottled capsules, and headed for home. NOW, as I write this, Jimmy just reported, NO MORE night sweats, NO, repeat NO, coughing, and he is feeling better (energy wise) than he has felt in "months". He plans to go back to work on Monday!!!!!! NOTE: He is up to 9 or 10 (not sure) capsules six times per day and STILL NO side effects. He has started the diet recommended by Dr. Burzynski's Staff Dietitian which is designed so as to NOT "feed" the cancer cells. This letter would be far too long if I began to tell how impressed we were with the HIGH professionalism we saw at the Burzynski Clinic, how impressed with staff, the building, and everything we saw. Jimmy feels that he has beat the IMPOSSIBLE odds with Burzynzki's treatment. I MUST say that MANY prayers have been prayed, and I believe God worked the "miracle" through Dr. Burzynski. We saw MANY patients that had seen similar results. One that had Throat Cancer that completely disappeared in two weeks. Please do NOT get the idea that ALL patients are cured "instantly". Most take longer. All start on the road to health "instantly", but are SO far down the road that it takes longer to get back to good health. Jimmy had only been "sick" a few months (2 or 3) before the symptoms began to surface, and he found he had a VERY FAST growing cancer that was spreading RAPIDLY. He was going down FAST, DAILY. Pass this along for the SOLE PURPOSE of letting other cancer patients know that there IS AN ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT TO ANY CANCER THAT REALLY WORKS. Also, I would ask every person that will, to go to Dr. Burzynski's very detailed website, AND use the links to write your Congress Person, and Representative about a Bill that is before Congress AS WE SPEAK that will restore a parents right to decide treatment for their child. There is a your child named Thomas Navarro that is literally waiting in Houston for the Bill to pass so that he can receive Dr. Burzynski's treatment. There are NO documented records of ANY child recovering from the cancer that young Thomas has, except that Dr. Burzynski has successfully treated 7 out of 8 children with that cancer. THE PROBLEM: A child cannot request alternative treatment, and the LAW says that ONLY the FDA can make that decision - the parents cannot. READ the story of Thomas Navarro. My heart goes out to him and his parents. I pray that at least ONE person will read this AND respond to their Political Representative on behalf of this child. ALSO, I pray that those is need of cancer treatment will have the opportunity to consider this cancer treatment. It has certainly worked for my brother, Jimmy. He will continue the medication for 4 to 6 months, and will return to Houston in 8 weeks for more MRI's, and CT Scans, and examinations. NOTE: he will be examined and monitored by a local Doctor on a daily basis in accord with the FDA requirements on the Burzynski Clinical Trial Treatments. Hopefully, Burzynski will soon be able to practice his art EVERYWHERE, so that we can FINALLY conquer cancer. The Burzynski Website is ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Previous newsletters are available here: