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Matthias Weisser's alternative Medizin |
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1 Psyche
2 Statik
3 Ernährung
4 Gifte
5 Zahnherde
6 Störfelder
7 Parasiten 8 heilende Informationen 9 Selbstheilung 10 Diagnostik 11 Zusammenhänge Literatur |
Blitze, Funken, Impulse - Literatur |
Teil 1: Zusammenhänge Hautkrebs elektromagnetisch geheilt Symptome Zusammenhänge, Diagnose Therapieansätze Erfolgsberichte bei Symptomen A-Z Teil 2: Literaturhinweise zum Anklicken Teil 3: Literaturhinweise Wissenschaft |
siehe auch: Felder Tesla Lakhovsky Rife Priore Beck Elektromedizin Frequenzen Äther |
"1774 erfolgreiche Elektroschockbehandlung bei einem leblosen Kind..
"1776 Brusttumor.. vom Blitz an der Schulter getroffen ->
Tumorremission.. Eason.."
"1880 Lancet: vom Blitz getroffen -> Krebs am Kinn verschwand
in 2 Wochen.." Becker: 'cross..' S.155
"Pathogene ca. 2000x empfindlicher als Körperzellen
-> durch elektrische Impulse zerstörbar ohne dem Patienten
zu schaden.." Vassilatos
"Wer heilt, hat recht"
Literatur, Patente | |
Cone: "Successful use of electric shock in a lifeless child as reported in 1774" Pediatrics 49 853 9.1972 elektrischer Schlag zur Wiederbelebung eines Kindes.. Mr. Squires, Soho.. | |
1775: Peter Christian Abildgaard.. Gegenschock zur Wiederbelebung von Tieren nach Blitzschlag.. führt zur Entwicklung des Defibrillators.. | |
Driscol, Ratnoff, Nygaard: "The remarkable Dr. Abildgaard and countershock. The bicentennial of his electrical experiments on animals" Ann Intern Med 83,6 878-882 12.1975 Gegenschock zur Wiederbelebung von Tieren nach Blitzschlag.. | |
A. Eason: "An account of the effect of lightning in discussion of a tumor of the breast" Medical and Philosophical Comment 4 82 1776 Blitz regeneriert Krebs.. | |
1791: Luigi Galvani: wichtiger Beitrag für Elektrostimulation des Herzens.. | |
1800: Bichat: Herz von Enthaupteten elektrisch wieder zum Schlagen gebracht.. | |
1802: Nysten: Herz von Enthaupteten elektrisch wieder zum Schlagen gebracht.. | |
Olmsted: "Case of a paralytic affection, cured by a stroke of lightning" Am J Science 3 100-102 1821 Lähmung geheilt durch Blitzschlag.. | |
R. Emerson: "Cure of asthma by a stroke of lightning" Am J Science 6 329 1823 Asthma geheilt durch Blitzschlag.. | |
1836: Guy's Hospital in London richtet einen "electrifying room" ein. Patienten sitzen in isolierten Stühlen und erhalten das "elektrische Bad" einer elektrostatischen Maschine.. die meisten Patienten sind Frauen.. die Behandlung besteht aus dem Ziehen von Funken entlang der Wirbelsäule mit einer geerdeten Messingkugel.. | |
John Le Conte: "Extraordinary effects of a stroke of lightning, singular phenomena" New York J Medical and Collateral Sciences 1844 | |
John Le Conte: "Effects of lightning" Western J Medicine Surgery 13 162 1846 Heilung durch Blitzschlag.. kein Krebs.. | |
1872: Duchenne de Boulogne: Areal über Herzspitze stimuliert -> Erniedrigung der Frequenz, regelmäßiger Puls.. | |
Allison: "Therapeutic effects of lightning upon cancer" Lancet 115,2941 77 10.1.1880 Krebsrückbildung nach Blitzschlag.. | |
1882: Hugo von Ziemssen: stimuliert Herz mit Faraday- und galvanischem Strom -> Stromstöße verändern Herzfrequenz.. | |
D'Arsonval: "Effect of a powerful magnetic field on fermentations" C R Soc Biol (Paris) 34 276 1882 | |
MacKenzie, Toynbee: "Meterological phenomena" Nature 33 245 14.1.1886 Augenzeugenberichte über Flammen und Irrlichter oberhalb von Gewittern.. | |
McWilliam: "Electrical stimulation of the heart in man" Br Med J 1,1468 348-350 16.2.1889 Anfänge der Idee des Defibrillators.. | |
Thomson: "Sur l'induction aux tensions et aux fréquences trèsélevées" La Lumière Élect 44,18 240-243 1892 hochfrequente Hochspannungserzeugung ohne Eisenkern.. | |
1892: Paul Marie Oudin: Erfindung Oudin-Spule als Resonanztrafo zur RF-Hochspannungserzeugung (250kV-1 Mio kV) mittels Funkenstrecke ähnlich Teslaspule, nur als Spartrafo.. | |
Paul Oudin: "" 1893 Artikel über Nutzung des Violet Ray zur Heilung von Hauterkrankungen.. in Gary Lockhart.. | |
Tesla: "The physiological and other effects of high frequency currents" Electrical Engineer N.Y. 122 1.2.1893 | |
Tesla: "On light and other high frequency phenomena (Lecture before Franklin Institut, Philadelphia 2.1893)" J Franklin Institute, Philadelphia 7.1893 Vortrag.. | |
Oudin: "Nouveau mode de transformations des courants de haute fréquence" Lélectricien - Revue internationale délectricité 6 86-91 1896 Oudin-Resonator.. | |
D'Arsonval: "Action physiologique et thérapeutique des courants à haute fréquence" Ann Electrobiol 1 1 1898 | |
Tesla: "High Frequency Oscillators for Electro-therapeutic and Other Purposes (Lecture before American Electrotherapeutic Society, Buffalo 14.9.1898" Medical Record N.Y. 24.9.1898 | |
Tesla: "High Frequency Oscillators for Electro-therapeutic and Other Purposes" Electrical Engineer 26,550 477-481 17.11.1898 Vortrag vor American Electrotherapeutic Society, Buffalo 14.9.1898.. systematische Untersuchung Hochfrequenzphänomene 1889.. Spezialdynamos.. große Mengen elektrischer Energie durch den Körper schicken ohne ernste Unbequemlichkeit.. physiologische Effekte in 3 Klassen: statische Effekte (Spannungshöhe), dynamische Effekte (Stromstärke), Frequenzeffekte (Impulse).. einfachste Methode Körper mit 2 Polen des Generators zu verbinden (50-100V 5-10kHz).. Intensitätseinstellung über Flüssigkeitswiderstand.. schwache Ströme hoher Spannung durch Sekundärspule S hinter großer Spule H mit starkem Kabel P.. Windungen durch Versuche feststellen.. Regulierung durch Abstand.. Bilder.. im Dunkeln beobachten wie aus allen Körperteilen Flammenströme herauskommen.. Hautreinigung.. Gewebe als Kondensator -> keine extreme Erwärmung im Feld.. höchste Ströme durch Kondensatoren durch extrem rasche Entladung.. Elektrotherapie, Bakteriologie.. Boksan | |
1899: Prevost, Batelli: elektrische Schocks.. | |
Riviere: "Action des courants de haute frequence et des effleuves du resonateur Oudin sur certaines tumeur malignes" J Med Intern 4 6-7 1900 Entladungen von Oudin-Resonator bei bösartigen Tumoren.. | |
1900: Riviere was the first to use high-frequency current to treat skin cancer.. | |
H. Bordier: "Effects of pulsed current on the nutrition and development of the muscle of man" Archives d'Eléctricité Médicale 10 331 1902 | |
Paul Oudin et al: "Local action of high-frequency currents" J Physiotherapie 3 371 1903 Erfahrungen mit Violet Ray Gerät in Frankreich.. | |
US-Patent 733343: batteriebetriebenes Violet Ray-Gerät mit Quarzfenster. Strong 11.5.1903 -> 7.7.1903 | |
Allen: "High-frequency currents in the treatment of skin diseases" Medical Record 20.2.1904 | |
Grubbe: "High frequency electric currents in medicine" Medical Brief 1.1904 | |
Paul Oudin: "Action of the effluve on atrophied muscles" Annales d'Electrobiologie 11 233 1908 | |
Görl: "Über die Blitzbehandlung der Krebse" Münchener Med Wochenschr 10 1908 | |
Czerny: "Über die Blitzbehandlung der Krebse" Münchener Med Wochenschr 28 1908 | |
King: "The Leduc current in anesthesia and therapeutics" North Am J Homeopathy 23 504 1908 | |
Stephane Leduc: "On the electrical treatment of paralysis of atrophied muscles by intermittent currents" Annales d'Electrobiologie 12 349 1909 | |
Feerhoff: "Eine neue Naturkraft oder eine Kette von Täuschungen? (Reichenbachs Od und seine Nachentdeckungen)" Max Altmann, Leipzig 1914 | |
Albert Abrams: "New concepts in diagnosis and treatment: physico-clinical medicine, the practical application of the electronic theory in the interpretation and treatment of disease with an appendix on new scientific facts" Philopolis, San Francisco 1916.. Albert Abrams radionische Diagnose und Therapie Electronic Reactions Abrams ERA.. alle Krankheiten haben eine eigene Frequenz, die gemessen und behandelt werden kann.. Diagnose aus 1 Tropfen Blut.. 80 Bilder.. | |
US-Patent 1524876: Halter für Violet Ray. Mueller 8.9.1922 | |
US-Patent 1506344: Violet Ray Generator. Jancke 31.1.1923 | |
FR-Patent 601155: Röhrensender für kurze Wellen. Lakhovsky 18.10.1924 | |
DE-Patent 427596: Röhrensender für kurze Wellen. Lakhovsky 27.5.1925 | |
GB-Patent 322485: offene metallische Leiter 31.7.1928 | |
DE-Patent 627341: Hochfrequenztherapiegerät (MWO). Lakhovsky 25.10.1931 | |
US-Patent 1962565: Multi Wave Oscillator (MWO). Lakhovsky 13.11.1931
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Jellinek: "Die Entdeckung der biologischen Fernwirkung der Elektrizität. Anläßlich d'Arsonvals 80. Geburtstage am 8. Juni 1931" Wiener Klin Wochenschr 44 1343-1344 1931 | |
GB-Patent 400257: Multi Wave Oscillator (MWO). Lakhovsky 22.4.1932 | |
1932: Albert S. Hyman: erfolgreiche Anwendung externer Schrittmacher.. | |
1932: Nobelpreis C.S. Sherrington, E.D. Adrian für Entdeckungen Funktion Neuronen.. Aktivität und Häufigkeit Nerven-Impulse.. | |
Cottenot: "Oudin et les courants a haute frequence" J radiol electrol Med Nucl 7 586-588 1933 | |
Critchley: "Neurological effects of lightning and of electricity" Lancet 1 68-72 13.1.1934 | |
Ginsberg: "Ultrashort radiowaves as a therapeutic agent" Medical Record 140 651-653 1934 | |
US-Patent 2276995: Impuls-Gerät mit Röhren. Milinowski. 22.1.1938 -> 17.3.1942 | |
Shiffman, Safford: "Pulsating high voltage short wave: a preliminary clinical report" Physiotherapy Review 23 6 1943 | |
1944: Nobelpreis J. Erlanger, H.S. Gasser für Entdeckungen funktionale Differenzierung Nervenfasern.. Nerven aus mehreren Arten Fasern verschiedener Leitfähigkeit.. je dicker der Nerv umso schneller die Impulse.. Leitgeschwindigkeit.. | |
Ambiès: "Les cures remarquables obtenues par les rayons violets de haute fréquence (d'Arsonvalisation)" Paris 1946 | |
Kellaway: "The part played by electric fish in the early history of bioelectricity and electrotherapy" Bulletin of the History of Medicine 20 112 1946 | |
1947: Claude Beck: 300-1000V AC am offenen Herzen -> Defibrillation.. | |
Golseth, Fizzell: "A constant current impulse stimulator" Arch Phys Med Rehabil 28,3 154-158 3.1947 | |
US-Patent 2545087: oszilloklast-ähnliches Therapiegerät 43MHz mit 60Hz gepulst. Hart 30.1.1948 -> 13.3.1951 | |
Schumann: "Über die Ausbreitung sehr langer elektrischer Wellen um die Signale des Blitzes" Nuovo Cimento 9,12 1116-1138 1952 | |
Zoll: "Resuscitation of the heart in ventricular standstill by external stimulation" N Engl J Med 247,20 768-771 13.11.1952 erste klinische Anwendung der Defibrillation.. | |
Miller: "A production of amino acids under possible primitive earth conditions" Science 117,3046 528-529 15.5.1953 Aminosäuren durch Blitze.. | |
Zoll, Linenthal, Norman, Paul, Gibson: "External electric stimulation of the heart in cardiac arrest: Stokes-Adams disease, reflex vagal standstill, drug-induced standstill, and unexpected circulatory arrest" AMA Arch Intern Med 96,5 639-653 11.1955 Defibrillation.. | |
Zoll, Linenthal, Gibson, Paul, Norman: "Termination of ventricular fibrillation in man by externally applied electric countershock" N Engl J Med 254,16 727-732 19.4.1956 Defibrillator.. | |
Keynes: "The generation of electricity by fishes" Endeavour 15 215 1956 | |
Schumann: "Über elektrische Eigenschwingungen des Hohlraumes Erde-Luft-Ionosphäre, erregt durch Blitzentladungen" Z Angew J Phys 9 373-378 1957 | |
Kleinfeld, Giel, Tabershaw: "Health hazards associated with inert-gas-shielded metal arc welding" Amer Med Ass Arch Ind Health 15 27-31 1957 | |
Lissmann: "On the function and evolution of electric organs in fish" J Exp Biol 35 156 1958 | |
Ginsberg: "Pulsed short wave in the treatment of bursitis with calcification" 36th Annual Meeting of the American Congress of physical medicine and rehabilitation Philadephia 24-29.8.1958 gepulste Kurzwellen.. 10min mit 600 Pulsen/s auf betroffener Stelle.. 10min mit 400 Pulsen/s auf Leber und Nebennieren.. 3x/Woche.. | |
Wildervanck, Wakim, Herrick, Krusen: "Certain experimental observations on a pulsed diathermy machine" Arch Phys Med Rehabil 40,2 45-65 2.1959 | |
Cominole: "Clinical impressions and speculations on the use of high-frequency pulsed energy" Abraham J Ginsberg Foundation for Medical Research Symposium 29.6.1959 | |
Heller, Teixeira-Pinto: "A new physical method of creating chromosome aberrations" Nature 183,4665 905-906 28.3.1959 Chromosomeneffekte durch 50us Pulse von 27MHz mit 80-180Hz Wiederholrate.. | |
"Radio Waves Found to Affect Cell Behaviour" New York Times 30.3.1959 über Dr. John Heller, Dr. A.A. Teixeira-Pinto und Dr. John Cutler.. athermische Effekte gepulster Radiowellen.. | |
Osmundsen: "Effects of Radio Waves gets Wider Laboratory Study" New York Times 6.4.1959 Interview mit Dr. A. J. Ginsberg.. athermische Effekte gepulster Radiowellen.. | |
Erdman: "Peripheral blood flow measurements during application of pulsed high frequency currents" Am J Orthop 2 196-197 8.1960 Diapulse.. | |
Balser, Wagner: "Observations of earth-ionosphere cavity resonances" Nature 188,4751 638-641 1960 | |
Teixeira-Pinto, Nejelski, Cutler, Heller: "The behavior of unicellular organisms in an electromagnetic field" Exp Cell Res 20,2 548-564 9.1960 Ausrichtung von Zellen im Feld, Wanderung, Wirkung bestimmter Frequenzen.. | |
Ginsberg: "Pulsed short wave in the treatment of bursitis with calcification" Int Rec Med 174 71-75 2.1961 Diapulse.. | |
Cameron: "Experimental acceleration of wound healing" Am J Orthop 3,11 336-343 11.1961 | |
Flanagan: "Audibility of periodic pulses and a model for the threshold" J Acoust Soc Am 33,11 1540-1549 11.1961 | |
Frey: "Human auditory system response to modulated electromagnetic energy" J Applied Physiol 17,4 689-692 1962 | |
Presman, Levitina: "The nonthermal effect of microwaves on the rhythm of cardiac contractions in animals. Report II. Investigations of the effect of pulsed microwaves" Byull Eksp Biol Medit 53 39-43 1962 | |
US-Patent 3043310: Behandlungskopf für Diapulse-Impuls-Gerät. Milinowski. 24.4.1959 -> 10.6.1962 | |
Forster, Post, Benton: "Preliminary observations on electrosleep" Arch Phys Med Rehabil 44 481-489 9.1963 | |
DE-Patent 1217576: positive impulsüberlagerte Gleichspannung zur Beseitigung Ermüdung, Erhöhung Widerstandsfähigkeit. Grauvogel, Jahnke 22.5.1964 | |
Costain, Redfearn, Lippold: "A controlled trial of the therapeutic effects of polarization of the brain in depressive illness" Br J Psychiatry 110 786-799 11.1964 | |
Cameron: "A three-phase evaluation of pulsed high frequency, radio short waves (Diapulse): 646 patients" Am J Orthop 6,3 72-78 3.1964 | |
US-Patent 3181535: Diapulse-Impuls-Gerät mit Röhren. Milinowski. 4.10.1957 -> 4.5.1965 | |
Bickford, Fremming: "Neural stimulation by pulsed magnetic fields in animals and man" Digest 6th Internat Conference Med Electronics Biol Engineering, Tokio. Abstract 7-6 1965 | |
Magora, Beller, Aladjemoff, Tannenbaum: "Observations on electrically induced sleep in man" Br J Anaesth 37,7 480-491 1965 | |
Woods, Tyce, Bickford: "Electric sleep producing devices: an evaluation using EEG monitoring" Am J Psychiatry 122 153-158 8.1965 | |
Miller, Mathas: "The use and effectiveness of electrosleep in the treatment of some common psychiatric problems" Am J Psychiatry 122,4 460-462 10.1965 | |
US-Patent 3231484: Glimmentladung bei Raumdruck preisgünstiger. Berghaus. 25.1.1966 | |
US-Patent 3270746: Elektrotherapie mit elektr. Hochfrequenzpulsen. Kendall 6.9.1966 | |
Ramsay, Schlagenhauf: "Treatment of depression with low voltage direct current" South Med J 59,8 932-934 8.1966 | |
Lewis: "Electrosleep sleep therapy" in Williams, Webb: "Sleep therapy: A bibliography and commentary" Kap 3 26-39 Thomas, Springfield Ill 1966 | |
Forster, Shapiro, Fine, Feldman, Berner, Goldberg: "Continued investigations of electrosleep" in Wageneder, Schuy: "Electrotherapeutic Sleep and Electroanesthesia" Proc 1. Int Symposium Graz, Austria 12.-17.9.1966 | |
Titaeva: "Changes in the functional state of the central nervous system under the influence of a pulse current as used in electrosleep" in Wageneder, Schuy: "Electrotherapeutic Sleep and Electroanesthesia" Proc 1. Int Symposium Graz, Austria 12.-17.9.1966 | |
Magora, Assael, Ashkenazi: "Some aspects of electrical sleep and its therapeutic values" in Wageneder: "Electrotherapeutic Sleep and Electroanesthesia" Proc 1. Int Symposium. Graz, Austria, 12.-17.9.1966 | |
Obrosow: "Electrosleep therapy" in Stillwell: "Therapeutic Electricity and Ultraviolet Radiation, second edition" chap 5 179-187 1967 | |
Gilliland, Speck: "Mechanism of the bactericidal action produced by electrohydraulic shock" Appl Microbiol 15,5 1038-1044 1967 elektrische Desinfektion.. | |
Ludwig: "Grundlagen der Elektroklimatologie" Dissertation Freiburg i. Br. 1967 | |
Persinger: "The effect of pulsating magnetic fields upon the behavior and gross physiological changes of the albino rat" Under-graduate thesis, Universität Wisconsin 1967 | |
Achte, Kauko, Seppala: "On electrosleep therapy" Psychiatric Quarterly 42,1 17-27 1968 bei 83% sofortige Besserung von Schlaflosigkeit durch russische Schlafmaschine.. bei 33% blieb der Nutzen 2 Monate bestehen.. | |
Taaks, Kugler: "Electrosleep and brain function" Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiology 24 62-94 1.1968 | |
US-Patent 3393279: Flanagan's Neurophone 16.7.1968 ![]() |
Frey: "Pulse modulated UHF energy illumination of the heart associated with change in heart rate" Life Sci II 505-512 1968 | |
Frey: "Brain stem evoked responses associated with low intensity pulsed UHF energy" J Appl Physiol 23 505-512 1968 | |
Kaplan, Weinstock: "Clinical evaluation of diapulse as adjunctive therapy following foot surgery" J Am Podiatry Assoc 58,5 218-221 5.1968 Diapulse.. | |
Glazer, Ashkenazi, Magora: "Electrosleep therapy in bronchial asthma" Int Arch Allergy Appl Immunol 36,1 163-171 1969 | |
Wilson, Reigel, Unger, Larson, Sances: "Gastric secretions before and after electrotherapeutic sleep in executive monkeys" in Wageneder: "Electrotherapeutic Sleep and Electroanesthesia" II Proc 2. Int Symposium Graz, Austria, 8.-13. 9.1969 | |
Wageneder: "The application of electrosleep in people of advanced age" Am J Proctol 20 351-358 10.1969 | |
Van Poznak: "Advances in electrosleep and electroanesthesia during the past decade" Clin Anesth 3 501-520 1969 | |
Fenn: "Effect of pulsed electromagnetic energy (Diapulse) on experimental hematomas" Can Med Assoc J 100,5 251-254 1.2.1969 Hämatome verschwinden viel rascher.. gute Bilder.. | |
Kouwenhoven: "The development of the defibrillator" Ann Intern Med 71,3 449-458 9.1969 | |
Rosenthal, Wulfsohn: "Studies of electrosleep with active and simulated treatment" Curr Ther Res Clin Exp 12,3 126-130 3.1970 | |
Rosenthal, Wulfsohn: "Electrosleep. A preliminary communication" J Nerv Ment Dis 151,2 146-151 8.1970 | |
Rosenthal, Wulfsohn: "Electrosleep - A clinical trial" Am J Psychiatry 127,4 533-534 10.1970 | |
Brand: "Electrosleep therapy for migraine and headache" in Wageneder, Schuy: "Electrotherapeutic Sleep and Electroanesthesia" II Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam 1970 | |
Kostyukhina: "Comparative evaluation of capillaragraphic data of hypertensives during treatment with pulse currents as used in electrosleep" in Wageneder, Schuy: "Electrotherapeutic Sleep and Electroanesthesia" II Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam 1970 | |
Dyson, Pond, Joseph, Warwick: "Stimulation of tissue regeneration by pulsed plane-wave ultrasound" IEEE Transactions on Sonics and Ultrasonics 17,3 133-139 7.1970 | |
Kresch, Sher, Schwan: "Transient behavior of pearl-chain formation with implications for exposure of man to pulsed, electromagnetic radiation" Fed Proc 29 953 1970 | |
DE-Patent 2046583: periodisch steil abfallendes elektr. Feld zur Steigerung von Leistung/Wohlbefinden. Riess 22.9.1970 | |
US-Patent 3600126: Sterilisierung von Oberflächen durch 1ms-Plasmaglimmentladung. Energie 0.03-300eV. Hellund 5.2.1968 -> 17.8.1971 | |
US-Patent 3876373: Sterilisierung, Hemmung Fortpflanzung durch Impulse/Plasma mit definierten Frequenzen, veränderte DNA. Glyptis 8.3.1971 -> 8.4.1975 | |
US-Patent 3785383: Electrostatic Wand. Gianni Dotto 29.3.1971 -> 1.1.1974 | |
Koegler, Hicks, Barger: "Medical and psychiatric use of electrosleep. Transcerebral electrotherapy" Dis Nerv Syst 32,2 100-104 2.1971 | |
Aronofsky: "Reduction of dental postsurgical symptoms using nonthermal pulsed high-peak-power electromagnetic energy" Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 32,5 688-696 11.1971 Zähne.. | |
Schechter: "Early experience with resuscitation by means of electricity" Surgery 69,3 360-372 3.1971 Defibrillator.. | |
Schechter: "Background of clinical cardiac electrostimulation. V. Direct electrostimulation of heart without thoracotomy" N Y State J Med 72,5 605-619 1.3.1972 | |
Schechter: "Background of clinical cardiac electrostimulation. VI. Precursor apparatus and events to the electrical treatment of complete heart block" N Y State J Med 72,8 953-961 15.4.1972 | |
Rosenthal: "Electrosleep therapy" Current Psychiatric Therapies 12 104-107 1972 | |
Rosenthal: "Electrosleep: a double-blind clinical study" Biol Psychiatry 4 179-185 4.1972 | |
Rosenthal, Calvert: "Electrosleep: personal subjective experiences" Biol Psychiatry 4,2 187-190 1972 | |
Frankel, Buchbinder, Snyder: "The effect of cerebral electrotherapy on the sleep of chronic insomniacs" in Wageneder, Schuy: "Electrotherapeutic Sleep and Electroanesthesia" III 3. Int Symposium in Varna, Bulgarien 9.1972 | |
Rosenthal, Briones: "Hormonal studies in cerebral electrotherapy" in Wageneder, Schuy: "Electrotherapeutic Sleep and Electroanesthesia" III 3. Int Symposium in Varna, Bulgaria 9.1972 | |
Koegler: "Predicting the results of electrosleep therapy" in Wageneder, Schuy: "Electrotherapeutic Sleep and Electroanesthesia" III 3. Int Symposium in Varna, Bulgarien 9.1972 | |
Itil, Gannon, Akpinar, Hsu: "Quantitative EEG analysis of electrosleep using analog frequency analyzer and digital computer methods" Dis Nerv Syst 33,6 376-381 6.1972 | |
Neumann, Rosenheck: "Permeability changes induced by electric impulses in vesicular membranes" J Membrane Biol 10,1 279-290 1972 Freisetzung Katecholamine durch 20kV/cm in 150us.. | |
Wilson: "Treatment of soft-tissue injuries by pulsed electrical energy" Br Med J 2,5808 269-270 29.4.1972 Diapulse.. | |
Goldman et al: "Effects of continuous and impulse ultraviolet radiation therapy in clinical health resort treatment of patients with hypertension and chronic coronary insufficiency" Vop Kurort Fizioter 36,5 417 1972 | |
Frey, Messenger: "Human perception of illumination with pulsed ultrahigh-frequency electromagnetic energy" Science 181 356-358 1973 | |
Boyers, Tiller: "Corona discharge photography" J Appl Phys 44,7 3102-3112 1973 100us kurze RF-Impulse mit 1MHz bei 250um Elektrodenabstand fotografisch aufgezeichnet.. Feldstärke 1 Mio V/cm.. | |
Pleitez: "New frontier: electrosleep therapy" Nebr Med J 58,1 9-11 1.1973 | |
Weiss: "The treatment of insomnia through the use of electrosleep: an EEG study" J Nervous and Mental Disease 157 108-120 8.1973 | |
Rosenthal: "Alterations in serum thyroxine with cerebral electrotherapy (electrosleep)" Arch Gen Psychiatry 28,1 28-29 1.1973 | |
Feighner, Brown, Olivier: "Electrosleep therapy. A controlled double blind study" J Nerv Ment Dis 157,2 121-128 8.1973 | |
Briones, Rosenthal: "Changes in urinary free catecholamines and 17-ketosteroids with cerebral electrotherapy (electrosleep)" Dis Nerv Syst 34,1 57-58 1.1973 | |
Empson: "Clinical note. Does electrosleep induce natural sleep?" Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 35,6 663-664 12.1973 | |
Wen, Cheung: "Treatment of drug addiction by acupuncture and electrical stimulation" Asian J Med 9 138-141 1973 | |
Tomsovic, Edwards: "Cerebral electrotherapy for tension-related symptoms in alcoholics" Q J Stud Alcohol 34,4 1352-1355 12.1973 | |
Frankel, Buchbinder, Snyder: "Ineffectiveness of electrosleep in chronic primary insomnia" Arch Gen Psychiatry 29,4 563-568 10.1973 | |
Foster, Finch: "Microwave hearing: evidence for thermoacoustic auditory stimulation by pulsed microwaves" Science 185,147 256-258 19.7.1974 | |
Wilson, Jagadeesh, Newman, Harriman: "The effects of pulsed electromagnetic energy on peripheral nerve regeneration" Ann NY Acad Sci 238 575-580 1974 Diapulse.. | |
Stillings: "The first defibrillator?" Med Prog Technol 2,4 205-206 1974 | |
Nuccitelli, Jaffe: "Spontaneous current pulses through developing fucoid eggs" Proc Nat Acad Sci 71 4855-4859 1974 | |
Astrup: "A follow-up study of electrosleep" Biol Psychiatry 8,1 115-117 2.1974 | |
Gershman, Clouser: "Treating insomnia with relaxation and desensitization in a group setting by an automated approach" J Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 5,1 31-35 7.1974 | |
Flemenbaum: "Cerebral electrotherapy (electrosleep): an open-clinical study with a six month follow-up" Psychosomatics 15,1 20-24 1974 | |
Frankel: "Research on cerebral electrotherapy (electrosleep): some suggestions" Am J Psychiatry 131,1 95-98 1.1974 | |
Hearst, Cloninger, Crews, Cadoret: "Electrosleep therapy: a double-blind trial" Arch Gen Psychiatry 30,4 463-466 4.1974 | |
Nias, Shapiro: "The effects of small electrical currents upon depressive symptoms" Br J Psychiatry 125,0 414-415 10.1974 | |
Marshall, Izard: "Cerebral electrotherapeutic treatment of depressions" J Consult Clin Psychol 42,1 93-97 2.1974 | |
Singh, King, Super: "Effects of transcerebral electrotherapy (TCT) in stress related illness" Pharmacologist 16,2 264 1974 | |
US-Patent 3955921: Abtöten von Mikroorganismen durch lasererzeugtes Plasma.. je mehr Pulse, umso mehr Erfolg. Tensmeyer 15.10.1974 -> 11.5.1976 | |
Nuccitelli, Jaffe: "The pulse current pattern generated by developing fucoid eggs" J Cell Biol 64 636-643 1975 | |
Hoffmann: "A Tesla transformer high-voltage generator" Review of Scientific Instruments 46 1 1975 | |
Schechter: "Historical notes on electroresuscitation" Med Instrum 9,6 250-254 1975 historische Entwicklung des Defibrillators seit 1774.. | |
Smith, O'Neill: "Electrosleep in the management of alcoholism" Biol Psychiatry 10,6 675-680 12.1975 | |
Templer: "The efficacy of electrosleep therapy" Can Psychiatr Assoc J 20,8 607-613 12.1975 | |
Kotter, Henschel, Hogan, Kalbfleisch: "Inhibition of gastric acid secretion in man by the transcranial application of lwo intensity pulsed current" Gastroenterology 69,2 359-363 8.1975 Ströme funktionieren.. | |
Moore, Mellor, Standage, Strong: "A double blind study of electrosleep for anxiety and insomnia" Biol Psychiatry 10,1 59-63 2.1975 | |
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Dymond, Coger, Serafetinides: "Intracerebral current levels in man during electrosleep therapy" Biol Psychiatry 10,1 101-104 2.1975 | |
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Cox, Heath: "Neurotone therapy: a preliminary report of its effect on electrical activity of forebrain structures" Dis Nerv Syst 36,5 245-247 5.1975 | |
Cartwright, Weiss: "The effects of electrosleep on insomnia revisited" J Nerv Ment Dis 161,2 134-137 8.1975 24 Behandlungen scheinen Schlaflosigkeit zu bessern.. | |
Levitt, James, Flavell: "A clinical trial of electrosleep therapy with a psychiatric inpatient sample" Aust N Z J Psychiatry 9,4 287-290 12.1975 | |
McKenzie, Costello, Buck: "Electrosleep (electrical transcranial stimulation) in the treatment of anxiety, depression and sleep disturbance in chronic alcoholics" J Altered States of Consciousness 2,2 185-195 1975-1976 | |
Passini, Watson, Herder: "The effects of cerebral electric therapy (electrosleep) on anxiety, depression, and hostility in psychiatric patients" J Nerv Ment Dis 163,4 263-266 10.1976 | |
Barabasz: "Treatment of insomnia in depressed patients by hypnosis and cerebral electrotherapy" Am J Clin Hypn 19,2 120-122 10.1976 | |
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Coursey, Frankel, Gaarder: "EMG biofeedback and autogenic training as relaxation techniques for chronic sleep onset insomnia" Biofeedback and Self Regulation 1 353-354 9.1976 | |
Ryan, Souheaver: "Effects of transcerebral electrotherapy (electrosleep) on state anxiety according to suggestibility levels" Biol Psychiatry 11 233-237 1976 | |
Scallet, Cloninger, Othmer: "The management of chronic hysteria: a review and double blind trial of electrosleep and other relaxation methods" Dis Nerv Syst 37,6 347-353 6.1976 | |
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Nuccitelli, Jaffe: "Current pulses involving Cl- and K+ efflux relieve excess pressure in Pelvetia embryos" Planta 131 315-320 1976 | |
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Wilson, Jagadeesh: "Experimental regeneration in peripheral nerves and the spinal cord in laboratory animals exposed to a pulsed electromagnetic field" Paraplegia 14,1 12-20 5.1976 Diapulse 65us, 80-600 Pulse/s, raschere Nervenregeneration.. | |
US-Patent 4042325: Abtöten von Mikroorganismen durch lasererzeugtes magnetfeldunterstütztes Plasma 1ms-1s. Plasma desinfiziert. Tensmeyer 21.6.1976 -> 16.8.1977 | |
Bassett, Pilla, Pawluk: "A non-operative salvage of surgically-resistant pseudarthroses and non-unions by pulsing electromagnetic fields. A preliminary report" Clin Orthop Relat Res 124 128-143 5.1977 | |
Bassett, Mitchell, Norton, Pilla: "Repair of non-unions by pulsing electromagnetic fields" Acta Orthop Belg 44,5 706-724 1978 | |
Hinsenkamp, Chiabrera, Ryaby, Pilla, Bassett: "Cell behaviour and DNA modification in pulsing electromagnetic fields" Acta Orthop Belg 44,5 636-650 1978 | |
Kinosita, Tsong: "Formation and resealing of pores of controlled sizes in human erythrocyte membrane" Nature 268,5619 438-441 4.8.1977 elektrische us-Pulse kV/cm erhöhen Membranpotential.. Leck oberhalb bei 1V = Feld 2.2kV/cm.. Schwellung, Auflösung der roten Blutkörperchen.. | |
Kelley, Kelley, Kaiman: "Cerebral electric stimulation with thermal biomedical feedback" Nebr Med J 62,9 322-327 9.1977 | |
Smith, Day: "The effects of cerebral electrotherapy on short-term memory impairment in alcoholic patients" Int J Addictions 12,4 575-582 1977 | |
Ryan, Souheaver: "The role of sleep in electrosleep therapy for anxiety" Dis Nerv Syst 38,7 515-517 7.1977 | |
US-Patent 4105017: Wachstum und Reparatur durch Strompulse. Ryaby, Pilla 17.11.1976 -> 8.8.1978 | |
US-Patent 4266532: Wachstum und Reparatur durch Strompulse. Ryaby, Pilla 17.3.1978 -> 12.5.1981 | |
Patterson: "The significance of current frequency in neuro electric therapy (NET) for drug and alcohol addictions" in Wageneder: "Electrotherapeutic Sleep and Electroanesthesia" 5 5. Int Symposium in Graz, Austria 1978 | |
Schechter: "Electrical treatment of electrocution" Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 1,1 114-116 1.1978 Defibrillator bei Stromunfällen.. | |
Gomez, Mikhail: "Treatment of methadone withdrawal with cerebral electrotherapy (electrosleep)" Br J Psychiatry 134 111-113 1.1979 | |
Von Richthofen, Mellor: "Cerebral electrotherapy: methodological problems in assessing its therapeutic effectiveness" Psychol Bull 86,6 1264-1271 11.1979 | |
Warnke, Altmann: "Die Infrarotstrahlung des Menschen als physiologischer Wirkungsindikator des niederfrequent gepulsten schwachen Magnetfeldes" Z für phys Medizin 3,8 166-174 1979 | |
Constantinescu, Nasse, Pacifici, Sugowara, Baron: "Statokinesimetrische Veränderungen, hervorgerufen durch die Reizung niederfrequenter elektromagnetischer Pulsationen" 5. Int. Symposium für Posturographie Amsterdam 18.-23.6.1979 | |
Süsskind: "The 'story' of nonionizing radiation research" Bull N Y Acad Med 55,11 1152-1163 12.1979 Brodeur.. Mikrowellen gg. US-Botschaft in Moskau.. d'Arsonval, Tesla, Paul Oudin.. Autoconduction.. Spule um Körper herum.. Oudin-Resonantor.. Ekzeme, Akne, Lupus, Neuralgie, Ischias, Hexenschuss, oberflächennahe Tumoren.. elektrische Narkose Zähne.. 1894-1895 75 Patienten in Spule 15-20min/Tag, 2500 Behandlungen.. Arthritis, Rheuma, Gicht.. besserer Schlaf, Appetit, Energie.. verbesserter Stoffwechsel, weniger Gelenkschmerzen.. 350-450mA 6min.. unklarer Effekt auf Bakterien.. Tod Tuberkulose-Bazillus durch HF-Ströme? Elektrochirurgie.. Bilder Ganzkörperüberwärmung in Arch Phys Med, X-Ray, Radium 1932.. Hyperthermie mit Mikrowellen.. Ozonerzeugung.. | |
Benz, Beckers, Zimmerman: "Reversible electrical breakdown in lipid bilayer membranes: A charge-pulse relaxation study" J Membrane Biol 48 181-204 1979 | |
Benz, Zimmermann: "Pulse-length dependence of the electrical breakdown in lipid bilayer membranes" Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 597 637-642 1980 | |
de Haas, Watson, Morrison: "Non-invasive treatment of ununited fractures of the tibia using electrical stimulation" J Bone Joint Surg Br 62-B 4 465-470 11.1980 15 von 17 Patienten nach 4-10 Monaten geheilt.. | |
Wikswo, Barach, Freeman: "Magnetic field of a nerve impulse. First measurement" Science 208 53 1980 | |
Hülsheger, Niemann: "Lethal effects of high-voltage pulses on E. coli K12" Radiat Environ Biophys 18,4 281-288 1980 | |
Kiwerski, Chrostowska, Weiss: "Clinical trials of the application of pulsating electromagnetic energy in the treatment of spinal cord lesions" Narz Ortop Pol 45,3 273-277 1980 Diapulse.. | |
Von Richthofen, Mellor: "Electrosleep, therapy: a controlled study of its effects in anxiety neurosis" Can J Psychiatry 25,3 213-219 4.1980 | |
Baumer, Eichmeier: "Relationship between the pulse rate of atmospherics and the diffusion time of ions in gelatin films" Int J Biometeorology 24,3 271-276 1980 | |
Baumer, Eichmeier: "Eine Anlage zur Registrierung der Atmospherics bei 10 und 27 kHz" Archiv für Meteorologie, Geophysik und Bioklimatologie, Ser A 29,1-2 143-155 1980 | |
Coursey, Frankel, Gaarder, Mott: "A comparison of relaxation techniques with electrosleep therapy for chronic, sleep-onset insomnia a sleep-EEG study" Biofeedback Self Regul 5,1 57-73 3.1980 EEG-Biofeedback/autogenes Training war bei Schlaflosigkeit wirksam, Elektroschlaf nicht.. | |
Baumer, Eichmeier: "Relationship between the atmospherics pulse rate in the 10 and 27 kHz range, air mass movements and the diffusion time of ions in gelatin films" Int J Biometeorology 25,3 263-268 1981 | |
Oscar, Gruenau, Folker, Rapoport: "Local cerebral blood flow after microwave exposure" Brain Res 204,1 220-225 5.1.1981 deutliche Blutflußerhöhung im Rattengehirn durch schwache gepulste Mikrowellen.. | |
Modak, Stavinoha, Deam: "Effect of short electromagnetic pulses on brain acetylcholine content and spontaneous motor activity of mice" Bioelectromagnetics 2,1 89-92 1981 15ms 2450MHz erhöht um 2°C.. Mäuse bewegen sich kaum noch, erholen sich in 5min.. nach 25ms-Puls weniger Acetylcholin im Gehirn.. | |
Bassett, Caulo, Kort: "Congenital 'pseudarthroses' of the tibia: treatment with pulsing electromagnetic fields" Clin Orthop Relat Res 154 136-148 1981 | |
Bassett, Mitchell, Gaston: "Treatment of ununited tibial diaphyseal fractures with pulsing electromagnetic fields" J Bone Joint Surg Am 63,4 511-523 4.1981 Erfolgsquote 87%.. | |
Rhodes: "The adjunctive utilization of Diapulse therapy (pulse high peak power electromagnetic energy) in accelerating tissue healing in oral surgery" Q National Dental Association 39,4 166-175 7.1981 und 40,1 4-11 10.1981 | |
Hülsheger, Potel, Niemann: "Killing of bacteria with electric pulses of high field strength" Radiat Environ Biophys 20,1 53-65 1981 | |
Goldin, Broadbent, Nancarrow, Marshall: "The effects of Diapulse on the healing of wounds: a double-blind randomised controlled trial in man" Br J Plast Surg 34,3 267-270 7.1981 Diapulse Corporation of America.. Durchblutung, Wundheilung.. etwa doppelt soviele Patienten in 7 Tagen geheilt.. gute Literaturhinweise.. | |
Saha, Pal, Albright, Misra: "Accelerated growth of chick embryo stimulated by a pulsing electromagnetic field" Biol Repair Growth Soc 1 1981 | |
Saha, Pal, Reddy, Albright: "Growth of chick embryo modulated by pulsed electromagnetic stimulations" Biol Repair Growth Soc 2 1982 | |
Bassett, Mitchell, Gaston: "Pulsing electromagnetic field treatment in ununited fractures and failed arthrodeses" JAMA 247,5 623-628 5.2.1982 Erfolgsquote 81%.. international 79%.. | |
Silver: "Reduction of capsular contracture with two-stage augmentation mammaplasty and pulsed electromagnetic energy (Diapulse therapy)" Plast Reconstr Surg 69,5 802-808 5.1982 | |
Pilla: "Pulsatile electromagnetically induced currents synergize with polymerimmunomodulating drugs in the inhibition of growth of murine malignant melanoma" Trans 2. Ann Meeting Bioelectrical Repair Growth Society 2 1982 | |
Smith: "Confirming evidence of an effective treatment for brain dysfunction in alcoholic patients" J Nerv Ment Dis 170,5 275-278 5.1982 | |
Lunt: "Magnetic and electric fields produced during pulsed-magnetic-field therapy for non-union of the tibia" Med Biol Eng Comput 20,4 501-511 7.1982 | |
US-Patent 4428366: Absenken Blutzucker (Diabetes) durch gepulstes Magnetfeld. Findl, Milch 6.5.1981 -> 31.1.1984 | |
Dixey, Rein: "3H-noradrenaline release potentiated in a clonal nerve cell line by low-intensity pulsed magnetic fields" Nature 296 253-256 1982 | |
Chou, Guy, McDougall, Han: "Effects of continuous and pulsed chronic microwave exposure on rabbits" Radio Science 17 185-193 1982 | |
Baumer, Eichmeier: "The biophysically active waveforms of atmospherics incident on gelatin films" Int J Biometeorology 26,1 85-90 1982 | |
Eichmeier, Baumer: "Das natürliche elektromagnetische Impulsfrequenzspektrum der Atmosphäre" Arch Met Geophys Bioclim, Ser A 31,3 249-261 1982 | |
Raji, Bowden: "Effects of high peak pulsed electromagnetic fields on degeneration and regeneration of the common peroneal nerve in rate" Lancet 2,8295 444-445 21.8.1982 Diapulse.. | |
Bassett: "Pulsing electromagnetic fields: a new method to modify cell behavior in calcified and noncalcified tissues" Calcif Tissue Int 34,1 1-8 1.1982 | |
Bassett: "Pulsing electromagnetic fields: a nonoperative method to produce bony union" Instr Course Lect 31 88-94 1982 | |
Bassett, Mitchell, Gaston: "Pulsing electromagnetic field treatment in ununited fractures and failed arthrodeses" JAMA 247,5 623-628 5.2.1982 | |
Kort, Schink, Mitchell, Bassett: "Congenital pseudoarthrosis of the tibia: treatment with pulsing electromagnetic fields" Clin Orthop Relat Res 165 124-137 5.1982 | |
Bassett, Valdes, Hernandez: "Modification of fracture repair with selected pulsing electromagnetic fields" J Bone Joint Surg Am 64,6 888-895 7.1982 | |
Bassett, Mitchell, Schink: "Treatment of therapeutically resistant non-unions with bone grafts and pulsing electromagnetic fields" J Bone Joint Surg Am 64,8 1214-1220 10.1982 87% Heilungsquote.. nur 1.5% Versager nach 2 Versuchen.. | |
Baumer, Eichmeier: "Die verschiedenen Atmospherics-Impulsformen und ihre Ausbreitungsbedingungen" Arch Met Geophys Bioclim, Ser A 33,1-2 155-164 1983 | |
Barclay, Collier, Jones: "Treatment of various hand injuries by pulsed electromagnetic energy (Diapulse)" Physiotherapy 69,6 186-188 10.6.1983 | |
Watson, Downes: "Light-weight battery-operable orthopaedic stimulator for the treatment of long-bone nonunions using pulsed magnetic fields" Med Biol Eng Comput 21,4 509-510 7.1983 | |
Goodman, Bassett, Henderson: "Pulsing electromagnetic fields induce cellular transcription" Science 220 1283-1285 1983 | |
Eftekhar, Schink-Ascani, Mitchell, Bassett: "Osteonecrosis of the femoral head treated by pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs): a preliminary report" Hip 306-330 1983 | |
"Ein deutscher Forscher entwickelte Zauberkasten der Schwerkranken hilft" TV-Magazin Auf einen Blick 31.3.-6.4.1983 Megawave-Gerät.. Dr. Busari.. | |
"70 Testpersonen (Asthma bronchiale) schwören auf das neue Wundermittel" TV-Magazin Auf einen Blick 31.3.-6.4.1983 Megawave-Gerät.. Dr. Busari.. | |
Cruess, Kan, Bassett: "The effect of pulsing electromagnetic fields on bone metabolism in experimental disuse osteoporosis" Clin Orthop Relat Res 173 245-250 3.1983 | |
Goodman, Bassett, Henderson: "Pulsing electromagnetic fields include cellular transcription" Science 220 1283-1285 1983 | |
Eftekhar, Schink-Ascani, Mitchell, Bassett: "Osteonecrosis of the femoral head treated by pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs): a preliminary report" Hip 306-330 1983 Schmerzlinderung.. | |
Ubeda, Leal, Trillo, Jimenez, Delgado: "Pulse shape of magnetic fields influences chick embryogenesis" J Anat 137,Pt3 513-536 10.1983 100Hz 0.4-104uT.. 100us Anstiegszeit bei 1 und 13.9uT ungünstig.. 2 und 42us Anstiegszeit bei 0.4 und 1uT noch ungünstiger.. am schlechtesten 1uT 42us Anstieg.. Fenstereffekt.. | |
Raji, Bowden: "Effects of high-peak pulsed electromagnetic field on the degeneration and regeneration of the common peroneal nerve in rats" J Bone Joint Surg Br 65,4 478-492 8.1983 15min Diapulse beschleunigt Effekte.. | |
Ito, Bassett: "Effect of weak, pulsing electromagnetic fields on neural regeneration in the rat" Clin Orthop Relat Res 181 283-290 12.1983 2-fach beschleunigte Nervenregeneration durch gepulste Magnetfelder.. | |
Wu: "Electric fish and the discovery of animal electricity" Am Scientist 72 598 1984 | |
Barker, Dixon, Sharrard, Sutcliffe: "Pulsed magnetic field therapy for tibial non-union. Interim results of a double-blind trial" Lancet 1,8384 994-996 5.5.1984 | |
Ruhenstroth-Bauer, Baumer, Kugler, Spatz, Sönning, Filipiak: "Epilepsy and weather: A significant correlation between the onset of epileptic seizures and specific atmospherics - a pilot study" Int J Biometeorology 28,4 333-340 1984 | |
Schmitt, Capo, Frazier, Boren: "Cranial electrotherapy stimulation treatment of cognitive brain dysfunction in chemical dependence" J Clin Psychiatry 45,2 60-63 2.1984 | |
Korenstein, Somjen, Fischler, Binderman: "Capacitive pulsed electric stimulation of bone cells. Induction of cyclic-AMP changes and DNA synthesis" Biochim Biophys Acta 803,4 302-307 16.4.1984 DNA-Synthese angeregt.. | |
Sharrard: "Treatment of congenital and infantile pseudarthrosis of the tibia with pulsing electromagnetic fields" Orthop Clin North Am 15,1 143-162 1.1984 Chance des Zusammenheilens durch gepulste Magnetfelder >20% höher.. | |
Ionescu: "Study of efficiency of Diapulse therapy on the dynamics of enzymes in burned wound" Bull Clin Rev Burn Injuries 1,2 25-26 4.1984 Enzyme.. | |
Young: "Pulsed electromagnetic fields alter calcium in spinal cord injury" The Society of Neurological Surgeons 25-28.4.1984 Diapulse.. | |
Binder, Parr, Hazleman, Fitton-Jackson: "Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy of persistent rotator cuff tendinitis. A double-blind controlled assessment" Lancet 1,8379 695-698 31.3.1984 73Hz, 2.7mT, 5-9h/Tag, weniger Schmerzen, mehr Aktionsradius.. | |
Raji: "An experimental study of the effects of pulsed electromagnetic field (Diapulse) on nerve repair" J Hand Surg Br 9,2 105-112 6.1984 400 Pulse/s, 15min/Tag, verbesserte Nervenregeneration bei Ratten.. | |
Goodman, Greenebaum, Marron, Carrick: "Effects of intermittent electromagnetic fields on mitosis and respiration" J Bio Electricity 3 57-66 1984 | |
Ludwig: "Grundlagen einer Magnetfeld-Therapie mit Breitband-Mikro-Impulsen" Kongressband der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Magnetfeld-Medizin e. V. Mainz 1984 | |
Feola, Smith: "Interaction of pulsing magnetic fields and whole-body gamma irradiation in mice" Biol Repair Growth Soc 4 1984 | |
Bassett: "The development and application of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) for ununited fractures and arthrodeses" Orthop Clin North Am 15,1 61-87 1.1984, Clin Plast Surg 12,2 259-277 4.1985 gepulste Felder >90% erfolgreich.. geeignete Impulsform.. | |
Kaneko, Takahashi, Date, Takamatsu, Sasabe, Fukuda: "Optimal condition of pulsed electromagnetic fields for the enhancement of cell growth in culture" Biol Repair Growth Soc 4 1984 | |
Akamine, Sakou, Muramatsu, Ogata, Muramatsu: "Effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on growth and differentiation of embryonal carcinoma cells" Biol Repair Growth Soc 4 1984 | |
Harrison, Bassett: "Use of pulsed electromagnetic fields in Perthes disease: report of a pilot study" J Pediatr Orthop 4,5 579-584 9.1984 kürzere Heilungszeiten durch Magnetfelder.. | |
Ottani, Monti, Morocutti, Ferri, Strocchi, Ruggeri, Barbiroli: "Influence of pulsed electromagnetic fields on regenerating rat liver after partial hepatectomy" J Anat 139,Pt 2 253-263 9.1984 beschleunigte Regeneration durch Felder.. | |
Marcer, Musatti, Bassett: "Results of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) in ununited fractures after external skeletal fixation" Clin Orthop Relat Res 190 260-265 11.1984 nichtheilende Brüche nach 3.3 OPs heilen zu 73% durch Magnetfelder.. | |
Smith: "Cranial electrotherapy stimulation" in MykIebust: "Neural Stimulation" Il chap 8 129-150 CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl 1985 | |
Jarzembski: "Electrical stimulation and substance abuse treatment" Neurobehav Toxicol Teratol 7,2 119-123 1985 | |
Ruhenstroth-Bauer, Baumer, Burkel, Sönning, Filipiak: "Myocardial infarction and the weather: a significant positive correlation between the onset of heart infarct and 28 KHz atmospherics - a pilot study" Clin Cardiol 8,3 149-151 3.1985 | |
Stith, Rundell, Erickson: "Pulsing electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) stimulate population growth in L5178Y and CHO-WB1 cells" Biol Repair Growth Soc 5 1985 | |
Fye: "Ventricular fibrillation and defibrillation: historical perspectives with emphasis on the contributions of John MacWilliam, Carl Wiggers, and William Kouwenhoven" Circulation 71,5 858-865 5.1985 sehr gutes Übersichtspapier zum Defibrillator.. | |
Bowman, Baker: "Effects of waveform parameters on comfort during transcutaneous neuromuscular electrical stimulation" Ann Biomed Eng 13,1 59-74 1985 50 und 300us Pulse, asymm und symm biphasische Wellenform, Konstantstrom und Konstantspannung.. 300us angenehmer.. symm biphasische Wellenform angenehmer.. | |
WO-Patent 1986003780: elektrische Unsterblichmachung Lymphoidzellen und Oncogene durch 0.1ns-10ms Pulse 1-40kV/cm. Lundak 19.12.1985 | |
US-Patent 4524079: Deaktivierung von Mikroorganismen in Lebensmitteln durch oszillierendes Magnetfeld. Haltbarmachung/Konservierung. 2-100T, 5-500kHz. Hofmann 10.11.1983 -> 18.6.1985 96-99% Reduktion von Bakterien.. 99.9% Reduzierung von Pilzen.. | |
EP-Patent 0136530: Gewebebestrahlung mit elektromagnetischen Wellen. Broers 27.8.1984 -> 1.6.1988 Megawave-Gerät 150MHz, 10Hz.. | |
Farndale, Murray: "Pulsed electromagnetic fields promote collagen production in bone marrow fibroblasts via athermal mechanisms" Calcif Tissue Int 37,2 178-182 3.1985 athermischer Effekt.. | |
Schmitt, Capo, Boyd: "Cranial electrotherapy stimulation as a treatment for anxiety in chemically dependent persons" Alcohol Clin Exp Res 10,2 158-160 1986 | |
Becke: "Akupunktur mit Hilfe modernster Technik" Presseorgan der CDU "Die Union" 11.4.1986 Reflexstimulator RS45 entwickelt.. kleinste elektrische Impulse an vorgegebenen Punkten.. ab Juni 1986 in Produktion.. | |
Guderian, Mackenzie, Williams: "High voltage shock treatment for snake bite" Lancet 2,8500 229 26.7.1986 Hochspannungsbehandlung bei Schlangenbiss.. | |
Altman: "The Doctor's World; New Shock Therapy for Snakebites" New York Times 5.8.1986 Hochspannungsbehandlung bei Schlangenbiss.. 4-5 schmerzhafte Elektroschocks im Abstand 5-10s.. | |
Kroegel, Meyer zum Büschenfelde: "Biological basis for high-voltage-shock treatment for snakebite" Lancet 2,8519 1335 5.12.1986 Schlangenbisse.. | |
Teissie: "Adenosine 5'-triphosphate synthesis in Escherichia coli submitted to a microsecond electric pulse" Biochemistry 25,2 368-373 28.1.1986 ATP-Bildung durch 1-6 kV/cm bei Abfall in 7-20us.. 12us lang 35-50mV Anstieg des Membranpotentials.. | |
Jones, Pedly, Ryaby: "The effects of pulsating electromagnetic fields on differentiation and growth in Cloudman S91 murine melanoma cells in vitro" J Bioelectricity 5 145-170 1986 | |
Glassman, McGrath, Bassett: "Effect of external pulsing electromagnetic fields on the healing of soft tissue" Ann Plast Surg 16,4 287-295 4.1986 leider kein Effekt.. | |
Jayakumar, Rajagoplan, Sambasivan, Bai: "Effect of pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) in cerebral oedema" Neurology India 34 241-247 1986 | |
Frykman, Taleisnik, Peters, Kaufman, Helal, Wood, Unsell: "Treatment of nonunited scaphoid fractures by pulsed electromagnetic field and cast" J Hand Surg Am 11,3 344-349 5.1986 viele Bruchheilungen nicht zusammenheilen wollender Brüche durch Magnetfelder.. | |
Conti, Gigante, Cifone, Alesse, Fieschi, Bologna, Angeletti: "Mitogen dose-dependent effect of weak pulsed electromagnetic field on lymphocyte blastogenesis" FEBS Lett 199,1 130-134 7.4.1986 Effekt auf DNA-Synthese im Blut.. 6h Feld nötig zur Beeinflussung irreversibler Änderung.. | |
Juutilainen, Harri, Saali, Lahtinen: "Effects of 100-Hz magnetic fields with various waveforms on the development of chick embryos" Radiat Environ Biophys 25,1 65-74 1986 bipolares Wechselfeld >1A/m schadet und unipolares Rechteck 0.1A/m.. | |
Bourguignon, Bourguignon: "Electric stimulation of protein and DNA synthesis in human fibroblasts" FASEB J 1,5 398-402 11.1987 Eiweiß- und DNA-Synthese durch Hochspannungspulse steigern.. Maximum bei 50/75V 100 Pulse/s Zellen nahe neg. Elektrode.. >250V hemmt.. | |
Okino, Mohri: "Effects of a high-voltage electrical impulse and an anticancer drug on in vivo growing tumors" Jpn J Cancer Res 78,12 1319-1321 12.1987 5kV/cm, 2msec Impuls + Chemo viel wirksamer als Chemo oder Impuls alleine.. | |
Owoeye, Spielholz, Fetto, Nelson: "Low-intensity pulsed galvanic current and the healing of tenotomized rat achilles tendons: preliminary report using load-to-breaking measurements" Arch Phys Med Rehabil 68,7 415-418 7.1987 gepulste 75uA 10Hz 15min/Tag 2 Wochen verheilen Achillessehne stabiler.. | |
Baumer: "Sferics. Die Entdeckung der Wetterstrahlung" 1987.. die Geschichte der Entdeckung der Wetterstrahlung.. Schumannwellen und höherfrequente Sferics.. | |
Malter, Schriever, Kühnlein, Süss: "Tumoricidal cells increased by pulsating magnetic Field" Anticancer Research 7 391-394 1987 | |
Ceccherelli, Torelli, Emilia, Cadossi: "Modulation of cell-cycle related genes by low frequency pulsing electromagnetic fields" Biol Repair Growth Soc 7 1987 | |
Falugi, Grattarola, Prestipino: "Effects of low-intensity pulsed EM fields on the early development of sea urchins" Biophys J 51 999-1003 1987 | |
Bassett: "Low energy pulsing electromagnetic fields modify biomedical processes" Bioessays 6,1 36-42 1.1987 interessanter Regelkreis.. | |
Ellis: "Pulsed subcutaneous electrical stimulation in spinal cord injury: preliminary results" Bioelectromagnetics 8,2 159-164 1987 | |
Gibson, O'Hair: "Cranial application of low-level trans cranial electrotherapy vs. relaxation instructions in anxious patients" Am J Electromedicine 4,1 18-21 1987 | |
Madden, Kirsch: "Low intensity transcranial electrostimulation improves human learning of a psychomotor task" Am J Electromedicine 2,2-3 41-45 Second Quarter 1987 | |
US-Patent 4665898: bösartige Zellen selektiv deaktivieren mit magnetischen Impulsen 1-100T, 5-1000kHz. Costa/Hofmann 23.5.1984 -> 19.5.1987 Heilung von Krebs | |
Prof. Pappas Theorie zu Krebs-Heilung durch Impulse ![]() |
US-Patent 4686605: Methode und Gerät zur Veränderung der Erdatmoshäre, Ionosphäre und Magnetosphäre. Wettermanipulation durch 20kHz-7.2MHz Zyklotronresonanz. Eastlund 10.1.1985 -> 11.8.1987 | |
US-Patent 4712155: Methode und Apparat zur Schaffung einer künstlichen, durch Elektronen-Zyklotronenresonanz erhitzten Region aus Plasma. Eastlund 28.1.1985 -> 8.12.1987 | |
US-Patent 4822470: Zellporation und Zellfusion durch RF-Impulse. Chang 9.10.1987 -> 18.4.1989 Fig. 2a-2e zeigen verschiedene Pulsformen.. | |
US-Patent 5074305: elektrische Giftneutralisation bei Schlangenbissen. Guderian 23.11.1988 -> 24.12.1991 | |
Baumer, Sönning, Eichmeier: "Correlation between the pulse rates of atmospherics and temperature variations of the atmosphere" Int J Biometeorology 32,4 271-274 1988 | |
Dart, Lindsey, Schulman: "Snakebites & shocks" Annals Emergency Med 17,11 1262 11.1988 Schlangenbisse.. | |
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Nordenström: "Electrical pulses appear in the inferior vena cava and abdominal aorta at contraction of leg muscles" Physiol Chem Phys Med NMR 24,2 147-152 1992 | |
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Kullnick: "Influence of weak non-thermic high-frequency electromagnetic fields on the membrane potential of nerve cells" J Electroanalytical Chemistry 342,3 293-304 6.1992 Broers Megawave-Gerät.. 159MHz, 8.3Hz, 124uT.. | |
Kullnick, Luethe, Saxel, Broers: "Nerve cell potentials were changed by weak HF electromagnetic fields (EMF) applied by a cavity resonator and by a medical transmitter for pain therapy (meeting abstract) " First World Congress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine Lake Buena Vista Florida 86 14.-19.6.1992 Megawave 150-Gerät.. | |
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Kennedy, Roberts, Zuege, Dicus: "Use of pulsed electromagnetic fields in treatment of loosened cemented hip prostheses. A double-blind trial" Clin Orthop Relat Res 286 198-205 1.1993 53% Erfolgsquote.. 60% Rückfall nach 14 Monaten.. | |
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Jorgensen, Frome, Wallach: "Electrochemical therapy of pelvic pain: effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) on tissue trauma" Eur J Surg Suppl 574 83-86 1994 bei 90% unerwartet deutliche Schmerzlinderung durch magnetische Pulse.. | |
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Lubicki, Cross, Jayaram, Mazurek, Staroniewicz: "Inactivation of Yersinia enterocolitica Gram-negative bacteria using high-voltage pulse technique" Industry Applications Conference, 1995. Thirtieth IAS Annual Meeting, IAS '95, Conference Record of the 1995 IEEE 2 1338-1344 8.-12.10.1995 5-75kV, 500-1300ns Anstiegszeit.. 1Hz.. | |
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Kullnick: "Do weak, low pulsed frequency, high-frequency electromagnetic or magnetic fields alter the basic bioelectrical parameters of nerve cells in vineyard snails (Helix pomatia L.)? I. Electromagnetic fields" Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics 37,1 39-45 5.1995 Broers Megawave-Gerät.. | |
Kullnick, Lüthe, Wolff: "Do weak, low pulsed frequency, high-frequency electromagnetic or magnetic fields alter the basic bioelectrical parameters of nerve cells in vineyard snails (Helix pomatia L.)? II. Magnetic fields" Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics 37,1 47-50 5.1995 Broers Megawave-Gerät.. | |
Kullnick, Saxel, Broers: "Weak high-frequency electromagnetic fields used for medical therapy alter basic bioelectrical parameters of nerve cells" Broers Megawave-Gerät.. Träger 150MHz, Modulation 8.3Hz mit 9us Nadelimpulsen.. 124uT in 2cm Abstand von der Spule.. Tests an Weinbergschnecke.. Video Broers.. | |
Pothakamury, Monsalve-Gonzalez, Barbosa-Canovas: "High voltage pulsed electric field inactivation of Bacillus subtilis and Lactobacillus delbrueckii" Spanish J Food Science Technology 101-107 1995 | |
Pothakamury, Monsalve-Gonzalez, Barbosa-Canovas: "Inactivation of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus in model foods by pulsed electric field technology" Food Res Int 167-171 1995 | |
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Dunn: "Pulsed light and pulsed electric field for foods and eggs" Poult Sci 75,9 1133-1136 9.1996 wenige kurze (paar 100us), intensive (20000x Sonnenlicht) Lichtpulse 1-10Hz weißes Vollspektrum-Licht (PureBright) wirksam gg. Mikroorganismen, Bakterien, Viren, Pilzsporen, Protozoen Zysten.. effektive Behandlung für Oberfläche Verpackungsmaterial, Geräte, Nahrungsmittel.. Salmonella enteritiditis bei Eiern.. mehrere kurze starke E-Feld-Pulse (CoolPure).. keine thermische Schädigung, keine Veränderung Geschmack, Farbe, Aussehen.. | |
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Bellossi, Rocher, Ruelloux: "Exposure of mice to pulsed magnetic fields: long term observations" In vivo 10 357-360 1996 | |
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Sik-hyun, Rae-joon, Hyuk-cheol: "Effect of high voltage pulsed galvanic current on wound healing in rabbits" KAUPT 3,3 67-81 1996 70 Pulse/s 170V beschleunigen Heilung.. | |
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US-Patent 5718246: Zelltod durch Impulse. Vona. 3.1.1996 | |
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US-Patent 5690978: Hochspannungspulse verlängern Haltbarkeit von Lebensmitteln. 30-40kV/cm.. 3.5ms.. Yin et al. 25.11.1997 | |
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Schoenbach, Peterkin, Alden, Beebe: "The effect of pulsed electric fields on biological cells: experiments and applications" IEEE Trans Plasma Sci 25,2 4.1997 100V/cm-100kV/cm untersucht, 60ns für Bakterien.. | |
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Reiter, Tan, Poeggeler et al: "Inconsistent suppression of nocturnal pineal melatonin synthesis and serum melatonin levels in rats exposed to pulsed DC magnetic fields" Bioelectromagnetics 19 318-329 1998 Epiphyse.. | |
Lerchl, Zachmann, Ali et al: "The effects of pulsing magnetic fields on pineal melatonin synthesis in a teleost fish (brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis)" Neurosci Lett 256 171-173 1998 Epiphyse.. | |
Jankauskiene, Paunksnis, Bluziene, Saulgozis: "The effect of pulsed electromagnetic field on patients with endocrine ophthalmopathy" Eur J Ophthalmol 8,4 253-357 1998 | |
Soriano, Rios: "Gallium Arsenide laser treatment of chronic low back pain: a double-blind study" Laser Ther 10,4 175-180 1998 bei >60 Jahren weniger chron. Rückenschmerzen durch GaAs-Diodenlaser, 904nm, 200ns Pulse, 10kHz, 20W peak power, 40mW Mittelleistung, Punktgröße 150cm2, Strahlwinkel 6°.. Wirkung bei 71% vs. 36.4% Plazebo.. Schmerzen weg bei 44.7% vs. 15.2% Plazebo.. keine Nebenwirkungen.. | |
Patiakina, Antonian, Zagorskaia: "Treatment of subjective noise in the ear by impulse low-frequency electromagnetic field" Vestn Otoronolarigol 7 59-60 1998 | |
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Sherman, Acosta, Robson: "Treatment of migraine with pulsing electromagnetic fields: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study" Headache 39,8 567-575 9.1999 Diapulse.. | |
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Borbely, Huber, Graf, Fuchs, Gallmann, Achermann: "Pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic field affects human sleep and sleep electroencephalogram" Neurosci Letters 275,3 207-210 19.11.1999 EEG-Veränderung.. | |
Sersa, Cemazar, Parkins, Chaplin: "Tumour blood flow changes induced by application of electric pulses" Eur J Cancer 35 672-677 1999 | |
Oshitani, Uehara, Higashitani: "Magnetic effects on electrolyte solutions in pulse and alternating fields" J Colloid Interface Sci 209 374-379 1999 | |
Wouters, Dutreux, Smelt, Lelieveld: "Effects of pulsed electric fields on inactivation kinetics of Listeria innocua" Appl Environ Microbiol 65,12 5364-5371 12.1999 Feldstärke, Pulslänge, Pulsanzahl zur Deaktivierung entscheidend.. synergistischer Effekt Temperatur, Feld.. | |
Hofmann, Dev, Dimmer, Nanda: "Electroporation therapy: a new approach for the treatment of head and neck cancer" IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 46,6 752-759 6.1999 Behandlung mit MedPulser zur lokalen Elektroporationsbehandlung bei HNO-Patienten.. | |
Hofmann, Dev, Nanda, Rabussay: "Electroporation therapy of solid tumors" Crit Rev Ther Drug Carrier Syst 16,6 523-569 1999 elektrische Pulse für elektrisches Feld.. Kombination viel besser als Chemo alleine.. | |
Leuchtgens, Pelka et al: "Auswirkungen der Kneipp-Kur, einer standardisierten Komplextherapie, auf Schmerz, Lebensqualität und Medikamentenverbrauch: Kohortenstudie mit 1-Jahres-Follow-up" Forschende Komplementärmedizin 6 206-211 1999 | |
US-Patent 5907290: Mikrowellen-Fahrzeugstopper. EMP. Turner 25.5.1999 | |
US-Patent 5908444: gepulster elektromagnet. Generator. Azure 1.6.1999 | |
US-Patent 6083544: gepulste elektr. Felder deaktivieren Mikroorganismen und schädliche Enzyme in Fertiggerichten.. 20 Pulse je 150-200ms mit 20-45kV/cm.. Sterilisierung ohne hohe Temperaturen -> weniger Vitaminverlust.. Addeo 4.7.2000 | |
US-Patent 6086932: Pasteurisierung, Sterilisierung durch gepulstes elektr. Feld. Gupta 15.12.1998 -> 11.7.2000 | |
Lohmann, Schwartz, Liu, Guerkov, Dean, Simon, Boyan: "Pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation of MG63 osteoblast-like cells affects differentiation and local factor production" J Orthop Res 18,4 637-646 7.2000 20 Pulse 15Hz 8 Stunden/Tag.. Osteoblasten reagieren auf gepulste Felder.. | |
Aldinucci, Palmi, Sgaragli, Benocci, Meini, Pessina, Pessina: "The effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields on the physiologic behaviour of a human astrocytoma cell line" Biochim Biophys Acta 11 1499,1-2 101-108 2000 | |
Schoenbach, Joshi, Stark, Dobbs, Beebe: "Bacterial decontamination of liquids with pulsed electric fields" IEEE Trans Dielectrics Electrical Insulation 7 637-645 2000 | |
Joshi, Schoenbach: "Electroporation dynamics in biological cells subjected to ultrafast electrical pulses: A numerical simulation study" Physical Review E 62 1025-1033 2000 | |
Abou-Ghazala, Schoenbach: "Biofouling prevention with pulsed electric fields" IEEE Trans Plasma Sci 28 115-121 2000 | |
US-Patent 6214297: gepulstes el. Feld zur Haltbarmachung Lebensmittel.. 4-10kV 3us 15-20A.. wechselnde Polarität.. Zhang et al 10.4.2001 | |
US-Patent 6217604: gepulster elektromagnet. Generator. Azure 17.4.2001 | |
US-Patent 6331321: gezielte Reduzierung bestimmter Mikroorganismen durch gepulste Niederspannung. Spannung/Pulsfrequenz/Wellenform auf Erreger abgestimmt.. 60-180 Pulse/s.. 6-15kV.. überraschend wirksam.. Robbins 18.12.2001 | |
US-Patent 6393975: gepulstes el. Feld zur Haltbarmachung Lebensmittel. Morshuis et al 28.5.2002 | |
US-Patent 6447719: Niederfrequenz-Plasma 0-200kHz zur Sterilisierung. Agamohamadi et al 10.9.2002 | |
US-Patent 6458321: Niederfrequenz-Plasma 0-200kHz zur Sterilisierung. 700-900W. Platt et al 1.10.2002 | |
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Mankowski, Kristiansen: "A review of short pulse generator technology" IEEE Trans Plasma Sci 28 102-108 2000 >1kV <1ns.. Schaltungen.. | |
Waser: "Nikola Tesla's Sendeanlagen" 2000 interessant mit vielen wichtigen Literaturstellen.. | |
Guerkov, Lohmann, Liu, Dean, Simon, Heckman, Schwartz, Boyan: "Pulsed electromagnetic fields increase growth factor release by nonunion cells" Clin Orthop Relat Res 384 265-279 3.2001 20 4.5ms Bursts mit 15Hz Wiederholrate erzeugen Wachstumsfaktor.. | |
Schoenbach, Beebe, Buescher: "Intracellular effect of ultrashort electrical pulses" Bioelectromagnetics 22 440-448 2001 | |
Peters, Lavery, Armstrong, Fleischli: "Electric stimulation as an adjunct to heal diabetic foot ulcers: a randomized clinical trial" Arch Phys Med Rehabil 82,6 721-725 6.2001 gepulste galvanische Stimulation 8h nachts bei diabetischen Fußgeschwüren.. 65% Heilung vs. 35% Plazebo durch Hochspannungspulse.. | |
DE-Patent 10100385: Beeinflussungsvorrichtung zur therapeutischen Beeinflussung wenigstens von Teilbereichen eines Lebewesens. Broers 5.1.2001 Megawave-Gerät.. | |
WO-Patent 02/060530: Beeinflussungsvorrichtung zur therapeutischen Beeinflussung wenigstens von Teilbereichen eines Lebewesens. Broers 22.12.2001 -> 8.8.2002 Megawave-Gerät.. | |
Benjamin, Pelka et al: "Therapy on the cancer process with the Quantron Resonance System" in Fischer, Pelka: "QRS-Magnetfeld-Therapie Gegenwart und Zukunft" 2001 | |
Funk, Pelka: "Osteoporosebehandlung unter QRS: Ergebnisse einer Doppelblindstudie an der Universitätsklinik Frankfurt" in Fischer, Pelka: "QRS-Magnetfeld-Therapie Gegenwart und Zukunft" 2001 | |
Pelka, Fischer: "Gonarthrose unter QRS-Therapie: Ergebnisse einer Doppelblindstudie an der Universität Graz" in Fischer, Pelka: "QRS-Magnetfeld-Therapie Gegenwart und Zukunft" 2001 | |
Pelka: "Fitnesseffekte: Randomisierte Doppelblindstudie mit einmaliger QRS-Anwendung in Bad Neuenahr" in Fischer, Pelka: "QRS-Magnetfeld-Therapie Gegenwart und Zukunft" 2001 | |
Pelka, Jaenecke, Gruenwald: "Impulse magnetic-field therapy for migraine and other headaches: A double-blind, placebo-controlled study" Advances Therapy 18,3 101-109 2001 | |
Pelka, Jaenecke, Gruenwald: "Impulse magnetic-field therapy for insomnia: A double-blind, placebo-controlled study" Advances Therapy 18,4 174-180 2001 | |
Williams, Markov, Hardman, Cameron: "Therapeutic electromagnetic field effects on angiogenesis and tumor growth" Anticancer Res 21,6a 3887-3891 2001 10 mT, 15 mT oder 20 mT, 120 Pulse/s reduzieren Tumorwachstum.. | |
Lichtbroun, Raicer, Smith: "The treatment of fibromyalgia with cranial electrotherapy stimulation" J Clin Rheumatol 7,2 72-78 4.2001 28% bessere Tender points, 27% weniger Schmerz.. viel besserer Schlaf.. | |
Shandles, Pruchniewski, Reynolds: "Heel neuroma: the enigma of recalcitrant heel pain and an innovative approach highlighting sixty surgical cases and a review of two hundred and fifty-seven symptomatic but non-surgical cases" The Foot 12,1 10-20 3.2002 Diapulse.. | |
Pipitone, Scott: "Magnetic pulse treatment for knee osteoarthritis: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study" Curr Med Res Opin 17,3 190-196 2001 unipolares Medicur-Magnetfeldgerät reduziert nebenwirkungsarm Schmerzen und Behinderung bei Knie-Osteoarthritis.. | |
Pelka, Jaenecke, Gruenwald: "Impulse magnetic-field therapy for erectile dysfunction: A double-blind, placebo-controlled study" Advances Therapy 19,1 53-60 2002 | |
Pelka, Fischer: "Behandlungserfolge bei Gonarthrose mit schwachen pulsierenden Magnetfeldern Ergebnisse einer randomisierten, placebokontrollierten Doppelblindstudie" Wiener Med Wochenschr 2002 | |
Smith: "The use of cranial electrotherapy stimulation in the treatment of multiple sclerosis" The Original Internist 9,3 25-28 9.2002 | |
Cherry: "Schumann Resonances, a plausible biophysical mechanism for the human health effects of Solar" Natural Hazards 26,3 279-331 7.2002 sehr gute Grafiken zu magnetischer Schumannintensität, Sonnenflecken, Reaktionszeit, Selbstmorden.. viele wichtige Literaturstellen.. | |
Xu, Gao, Wang, Jin: "Study on the effect of electromagnetic impulse on neurotransmitter metabolism in nerve cells by high-performance liquid chromatography-electrochemical detection coupled with microdialysis" Analytical Biochemistry 307,1 33-39 1.8.2002 | |
Fioravanti, Nerucci, Collodel, Markoll, Marcolongo: "Biochemical and morphological study of human articular chondrocytes cultivated in the presence of pulsed signal therapy" Ann Rheum Dis 61,11 1032-1033 11.2002 veränderliche Rechteckimpulse <30Hz 67ms 15 Mikropulse.. | |
Van Nguyen, Marks: "Pulsed electromagnetic fields for treating osteoarthritis" Physiotherapy 88,8 458-470 2002 Erfolge gepulster Felder bei nicht heilenden Brüchen, Osteoporose etc.. | |
Baumer, Sönning: "Das natürliche Impuls-Frequenzspektrum der Atmosphäre (CD-Sferics a.t.B.) und seine biologische Wirksamkeit" 8.2002 Ergebnisprotokoll.. | |
Carey, Mayes, Electron, Austin: "Marx generator design and performance" Conference Record of the Twenty-Fifth International Power Modulator Symposium 2002 and 2002 High-Voltage Workshop 625-628 2002 | |
Beebe, Fox, Rec, Somers, Stark, Schoenbach: "Nanosecond pulsed electric field (nsPEF) effects on cells and tissues: apoptosis induction and tumor growth inhibition" IEEE Trans Plasma Sci 30 286-292 2002 | |
Zhang, Zhang, Zheng, Li, Zhang, Xiong: "Extremely low frequency (ELF) pulsed-gradient magnetic fields inhibit malignant tumour growth at different biological levels" Cell Biol Int 26,7 599-603 2002 gepulstes Feld 0.16-1.34Hz 0.6-2T 10-100T/m stoppt Tumorwachstum.. | |
Huber, Treyer, Borbely, Schuderer, Gottselig, Landolt, Werth, Berthold, Kuster, Buck, Achermann: "Electromagnetic fields, such as those from mobile phones, alter regional cerebral blood flow and sleep and waking EEG" J Sleep Res 11,4 289-295 12.2002 gepulste Modulation verändert Schlaf-EEG und weckt.. | |
US-Patent 6914435: Schaltung zur Elektrosmogmessung auf Stromnetz. Graham 1.10.2003 -> 5.7.2005 | |
Houghton, Kincaid, Lovell, Campbell, Keast, Woodbury, Harris: "Effect of electrical stimulation on chronic leg ulcer size and appearance" Phys Ther 83,1 17-28 1.2003 Hochspannungsimpulse 200us 150V 100Hz bei Geschwüren 2x besser.. | |
Elder, Chou: "Auditory response to pulsed radiofrequency energy" Bioelectromagnetics Supplement 6 S162-S173 2003 | |
Buescher, Schoenbach: "Effects of submicrosecond, high intensity pulsed electric fields on living cells-intracellular electromanipulation" IEEE Trans Dielect El In 10 788-794 2003 | |
Beebe, Fox, Rec, Willis, Schoenbach: "Nanosecond, high-intensity pulsed electric fields induce apoptosis in human cells" FASEB J 17 1493-1495 2003 | |
Beebe, White, Blackmore, Deng, Somers, Schoenbach: "Diverse effects of nanosecond pulsed electric fields on cells and tissues DNA" Cell Biol 22 785-796 2003 | |
Vernier, Sun, Marcu, Salemi, Craft, Gundersen: "Calcium bursts induced by nanosecond electric pulses" Biochem Biophys Res Commun 310 286-295 2003 | |
Ciombor, Aaron, Wang, Simon: "Modification of osteoarthritis by pulsed electromagnetic field - a morphological study" Osteoarthritis Cartilage 11,6 455-462 6.2003 Magnetfeld verzögert Krankheitsbild.. | |
Beebe, White, Blackmore, Deng, Somers, Schoenbach: "Diverse effects of nanosecond pulsed electric fields on cells and tissues" DNA and Cell Biology 22 785-796 2003 | |
Ojingwa, Isseroff: "Electrical stimulation of wound healing" J Invest Dermatol 121,1 1-12 7.2003 extrem kurze 100-500V-Pulse beschleunigen Wundheilung.. | |
Shupak, Prato, Thomas: "Therapeutic uses of pulsed magnetic-field exposure, a review" Radio Science Bulletin 307 9-32 12.2003 sehr gute Übersichtsarbeit.. | |
Chang, Chang: "Pulsed electromagnetic fields prevent osteoporosis in an ovariectomized female rat model: A prostaglandin E2-associated process" Bioelectromagnetics 24,3 189 2003 wirksam bei Osteoporose.. | |
Waser: "Zur Gravitation" 2003 Gravitation und Impulse.. interessant mit wichtigen Literaturstellen.. | |
Behrend, Kuthi, Gu, Vernier, Marcu, Craft, Gundersen: "Pulse generators for pulsed electric field exposure of biological cells and tissues" IEEE Trans Dielect Elect Ins 10 820-825 2003 | |
Vernier, Sun, Marcu, Craft, Gundersen: "Nanosecond pulsed electric fields perturb membrane phospholipids in T lymphoblasts" FEBS Lett 572 103-108 2004 | |
Rihova: "The effect of pulsed electromagnetic field (BEMER 3000) on the growth of experimental mouse T cell lymphoma EL4" Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 2004 | |
Beebe, Blackmore, White, Joshi, Schoenbach: "Nanosecond pulsed electric fields modulate cell function through intracellular signal transduction mechanisms" Physiol Meas 25 1077-1093 2004 | |
Schoenbach, Joshi, Kolb, Chen, Stacey, Blackmore, Buescher, Beebe: "Ultrashort electrical pulses open a new gateway into biological cells" Proc IEEE 92 1122-1137 2004 | |
Buescher, Smith, Schoenbach: "Submicrosecond intense pulsed electric field effects on intracellular free calcium: mechanisms and effects" IEEE Trans Plasma Sci 32 1563-1572 2004 | |
White, Blackmore, Schoenbach, Beebe: "Stimulation of capacitative calcium entry in HL-60 cells by nanosecond pulsed electric fields" J Biol Chem 279 22964-22972 2004 | |
Goldman, Rosen, Brewley, Golden: "Electrotherapy promotes healing and microcirculation of infrapopliteal ischemic wounds: a prospective pilot study" Adv Skin Wound Care 17,6 284-294 2004 Hochspannungspulse verbessern Wundheilung.. | |
Smith, Wong-Gibbons, Maultsby: "Microcirculatory effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields" J Orthop Res 22,1 80-84 1.2004 Magnetfeld weitet Gefäße +9% bei Ratten nach 2 min.. | |
Babincova, Sourivong, Leszczynskac, Babinec: "Effects of GSM microwaves, pulsed magnetic field, and temperature on fractal dimension of brain tumors" Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 20,5 1041-1045 6.2004 | |
Chen, Schoenbach, Kolb, James, Garner, Yang, Joshi, Beebe: "Leukemic cell intracellular responses to nanosecond electric fields" Biochem Biophys Res Commun 317 421-427 2004 | |
Havas, Stetzer: "Graham/Stetzer filters improve power quality in homes and schools, reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics, multiple sclerosis symptoms, and headaches" International Scientific Conference on Childhood Leukaemia, London, 6-10.9.2004 | |
Havas, Illiatovitch, Proctor: "Teacher and student response to the removal of dirty electricity by the Graham/Stetzer filter at Willow Wood school in Toronto, Canada" Presented at the 3rd International Workshop on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, Kos, Greece 4-8.10.2004 | |
Havas, Stetzer: "Dirty electricity and electrical hypersensitivity: Five case studies" World Health Organization Workshop on Electrical Hypersensitivity, Prag, Czech Republic 25-26.10.2004 | |
US-Patent 6787105: gezielte Reduzierung bestimmter Mikroorganismen durch gepulste Niederspannung. Spannung/Pulsfrequenz/Wellenform auf Erreger abgestimmt.. 60-180 Pulse/s.. 6-15kV.. überraschend wirksam.. Robbins 18.12.2001 -> 7.9.2004 | |
US-Patent 6841124: Niederfrequenz-Plasma unipolar/bipolar 1-100kHz zur Sterilisierung mit DSP-Leistungssteuerung. Chien et al 7.10.2002 -> 11.1.2005 | |
US-Patent 6852277: Niederfrequenz-Plasma unipolar/bipolar 1-100kHz zur Sterilisierung mit DSP-Leistungssteuerung. Platt et al 19.3.2001 -> 8.2.2005 | |
US-Patent 2005/0222646: Krebsbehandlung mit gepulsten Elektroden im Tumor. Kroll, Schroeppel 29.6.2004 -> 6.10.2005 | |
US-Patent 20050234525: elektrische Stimulation Neuropathie mit asymm biphas Signalen. Phillips 14.4.2004 -> 20.10.2005 2 Signalformen.. | |
Filingeri, Gravante, Cassisa: "Physics of radiofrequency in proctology" Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 9 349-354 2005 Bilder Oudin-Resonator.. | |
Mihajlovic-Madzarevic, Pappas: "Treatment of refractory seizures due to a benign mass present in the corpus callosum with an ion magnetic inductor: case report" Brain Tumor Pathol 22,2 93-95 2005 Frau, 39 mit Körpersteifheit, Lipom.. rasche Verschlechterung, therapieresistente zunehmende Krämpfe.. Besserung durch tägliche PAP-IMI-Behandlungen.. epileptischer Herd muss nicht genau gefunden werden.. | |
Mahmood, MacDonald, Law: "Treatment of patients with addiction problems by means of electrical stimulation: a review of the rationale and studies, for AWP Clinical & Practice Governance Effectiveness and Therapeutics Committee" AWP Trust Effectiveness & Therapeutics Committee 11.2005 sehr gute Übersichtsarbeit zu Sucht.. | |
Dinn: "Dielektrisch behinderte Barrierenentladungen für großflächige Plasmabehandlungen" Dissertation Bergische Universität Wuppertal 2005 Kaltplasma.. | |
Kuthi, Gabrielsson, Behrend, Vernier, Gundersen: "Nanosecond pulse generator using fast recovery diodes for cell electromanipulation" IEEE Trans Plasma Sci 33 1192-1197 2005 | |
Beebe: "Nanosecond pulsed electric fields: A new stimulus to activate intracellular signaling" J Biomedicine Biotechnology 297-300 2005 | |
Kolb, Frey, White, Price, Blackmore, Beebe, Joshi, Schoenbach: "Measurements of the transmembrane voltage in biological cells for nanosecond pulsed electric field exposures" 2005 IEEE Pulsed Power Conference 1286-1289 2005 | |
Fini, Giavaresi, Carpi, Nicolini, Setti, Giardino: "Effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on articular hyaline cartilage: review of experimental and clinical studies" Biomedicine Pharmacotherapy 59,7 388-394 8.2005 gut dokumentierte physiologische Effekte.. | |
Schütze, Walther, Kafka: "Einsatz extrem niederfrequent (BEMER-typisch) gepulster schwacher elektromagnetischer Felder im Bereich der Orthopädie" Orthopädische Praxis 41 1 2005 | |
Kumar, Kumar, Kalaivani, Gangadharan, Raju, Thejomoorthy, Manohar, Puvanakrishnan: "Optimization of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy for management of arthritis in rats" Bioelectromagnetics 26,6 431-439 9.2005 | |
Yamaguchi, Ogiue-Ikeda, Sekino, Ueno: "Effects of pulsed magnetic stimulation on tumor development and immune functions in mice" Bioelectromagnetics 27,1 64-72 1.2006 25 Pulse/s.. 1000/Tag.. 238us/Puls.. 0.25T.. 0.79-1.54A/qm induziert.. Maustumoren ~halb so schwer.. | |
Puacz, Elmborg: "Evaluation study on the effect of three electric currents on the candida albicans fungus cells" Polish J Environ Stud 15,2b 1514-1516 2006 Bilder die Effekt der Signalform zeigen.. | |
Puacz, Elmborg: "Studies on the effect of Medikzap and NE 555 devices used in natural medicine on the candida albicans fungus cells" Polish J Environ Stud 15,2b 1517-1519 2006 Bilder die Effekt der Signalform zeigen.. | |
EP-Patent 1791137: elektrophysikalische Beeinflussung kapillarer Fliessvorgänge. Schwille 23.11.2006 -> 29.7.2009 Aufbau Zetapotential unterbrochen durch 2MHz-Impulse mit 27kHz Wiederholrate.. trocknet Pflanzen aus, tötet Motten? | |
DE-Patent 102006041365: Magnetfeldgerät mit Modulation. Klopp, Gleim 28.8.2006 -> 2.9.2010 | |
Frey, White, Price, Blackmore, Joshi, Nuccitelli, Beebe, Schoenbach, Kolb: "Plasma membrane voltage changes during nanosecond pulsed electric field exposure" Biophysical J 90 3608-3615 2006 | |
Kolb, Kono, Schoenbach: "Nanosecond pulsed electric field generators for the study of subcellular effects" Bioelectromagnetics 2006 | |
Nuccitelli, Pliquett, Chen, Ford, Swanson, Beebe, Kolb, Schoenbach: "Nanosecond pulsed electric fields cause melanomas to self-destruct" Biochem Biophys Res Commun 343,2 351-360 5.5.2006 gepulste elektrische Felder >20kV/cm gg. Hauttumoren.. 30ns Anstieg, 300ns Dauer dringen in Tumorzellen ein, schrumpfen sie, stoppen Blutung.. Melanome schrumpfen 90% in 2 Wochen nach 120us.. vollständige Rückbildung durch 2. Behandlung.. 0.2J/Puls.. 100 Pulse erhöhen Temperatur nur um 3°C.. wirksamer als Hyperthermie.. | |
Sutbeyaz, Sezer, Koseoglu: "The effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields in the treatment of cervical osteoarthritis: a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled trial" Rheumatol Int 26,4 320-324 2.2006 34 Patienten mit Osteoarthritis.. 30min 2x/Tag 3Wo Magnetmatte -> weniger Schmerzen, mehr Beweglichkeit.. | |
Yamaguchi, Sato, Sekino, Abe, Ueno: "Combination effect of repetive pulse magnetic stimulation and Imatinib mesylate IM in resistant CML cells (Chronic Myelogeneous Leukemia)" 9. Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetic Society. Kanazawa 2007 1000 Pulse 250mT.. | |
"Food Preservation by Pulsed Electric Fields: From Research to Application" 2007.. Historie und Iststand elektromagnetischer Verfahren zur Haltbarmachung von Lebensmitteln.. | |
Athanasiou, Karkambounas, Batistatou, Lykoudis, Katsaraki, Kartsiouni, Papalois, Evangelou: "The effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields on secondary skin wound healing: an experimental study" Bioelectromagnetics 28,5 362-368 7.2007 20min Tag beschleunigen Wundheilung in ersten 9 Tagen.. | |
Hall, Schoenbach, Beebe: "Nanosecond pulsed electric fields induce apoptosis in p53-wildtype and p53-null HCT116 colon carcinoma cells" Apoptosis 12 1721-1731 2007 | |
De Mattei, Fini, Setti, Ongaro, Gemmati, Stabellini, Pellati, Caruso: "Proteoglycan synthesis in bovine articular cartilage explants exposed to different low-frequency low-energy pulsed electromagnetic fields" Osteoarthritis Cartilage 15,2 163-168 2.2007 wirksame Frequenzen und Amplituden.. 1.5mT 4h/Tag bauen 12% Knorpel auf.. | |
Markov: "Expanding use of pulsed electromagnetic field therapies" Electromagn Biol Med 26,3 257-274 2007 | |
Hertel, Gliga, Fähnle, Schneider: "Ultrafast nanomagnetic toggle switching of vortex cores" Phys Rev Lett 98,11 117201 16.3.2007 | |
Krishnaswamy, Kuthi, Vernier, Gundersen: "Compact subnanosecond pulse generator using avalanche transistors for cell electroperturbation" IEEE Trans Dielect Elec Ins 14 873-877 2007 | |
Garon, Sawcer, Vernier, Tang, Sun, Marcu, Gundersen, Koeffler: "In vitro and in vivo evaluation and a case report of intense nanosecond pulsed electric field as a local therapy for human malignancies" Int J Cancer 121 675-682 2007 | |
Elmnasser, Guillou, Leroi, Orange, Bakhrouf, Federighi: "Pulsed-light system as a novel food decontamination technology: a review" Can J Microbiol 53,7 813-821 7.2007 athermische Desinfektion.. gepulstes Licht deaktiviert pathogene Mikroorganismen rasch.. intensives, kurz gepulstes Breitspektrumlicht.. photochemische + photothermische Wirkung.. hoch intensive Lichtblitze rasch wirksam.. Eindringvermögen begrenzt.. | |
Tsen, Tsen, Chang, Hung, Wu, Kiang: "Inactivation of viruses by coherent excitations with a low power visible femtosecond laser" Virol J 4,50 1-5 5.6.2007 Viren ausschalten durch Laserlichtpulse 100fs, 425nm.. M13-Bakteriophagen.. weniger Verklumpungen durch Laser.. Grafik.. | |
Mosqueda-Melgar, Raybaudi-Massilia, Martín-Belloso: "Influence of treatment time and pulse frequency on Salmonella Enteritidis, Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes populations inoculated in melon and watermelon juices treated by pulsed electric fields" Int J Food Microbiol 117,2 192-200 30.6.2007 PEF-Behandlung 35kV/cm, 4us bipolar mode bei Salmonella Enteritidis, E. coli, L. monocytogenes.. Melonensaft <40°C.. 217Hz, 188Hz.. | |
Walker, Denegar, Preische: "Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound and pulsed electromagnetic field in the treatment of tibial fractures: a systematic review" J Athl Train 42,4 530-535 2007 Studienübersicht.. LIPUS kann Knochenbruchheilung beschleunigen.. | |
DE-Patent 102007030325: Impulsgerät Theracell 40-50kV mit Modulation, Behandlungsspule und Licht. Horkel 29.6.2007 -> 20.5.2009 | |
EP-Patent 2050481: Magnetfeldtherapie mit periodischem gepulsten Exponential-Signal. Kafka 17.10.2007 -> 15.6.2011 | |
US-Patent 20050326607: elektrische Stimulation Neuropathie mit 2 Kanälen. Castel, Palermo 30.6.2008 -> 31.12.2009 70us Pulse, 55mA, 20min.. | |
Callaghan, Chang, Seiser, Aarabi, Ghali, Kinnucan, Simon, Gurtner: "Pulsed electromagnetic fields accelerate normal and diabetic wound healing by increasing endogenous FGF-2 release" Plast Reconstr Surg 121,1 130-141 1.2008 Diabetes Wundheilung.. | |
Donthula: "Effects of nano-second pulsed electric fields (nsPEF) on human prostate cancer cell line - LNCaP" Dissertation University of Missouri - Columbia 2008 | |
Schönegg: "Impedanzunabhängige Defibrillation mit physiologischer Impulsform" Dissertation Universität Karlsruhe 2008 | |
Porreca, Giordano-Jablon: "Treatment of severe (Stage III and IV) chronic pressure ulcers using pulsed radio frequency energy in a quadriplegic patient" Eplasty 8:e49 14.10.2008 kleiner werdende Druckgeschwüre durch gepulste RF.. | |
Havas, Olstad: "Power quality affects teacher wellbeing and student behavior in three Minnesota Schools" Sci Total Environ 2008 | |
Havas: "Dirty electricity elevates blood sugar among electrically sensitive diabetics and may explain brittle Diabetes" Electromagn Biol Med 27,2 135-146 2008 impulsartige Störfelder auf Leitungen erhöhen Zucker bei Diabetes.. Bilder.. | |
Kirsch, Gilula: "CES in the treatment of pain-related disorders" Practical Pain Management 8,3 12-25 4.2008 Grafiken über die Wirkung des Alphastim bei Schmerzen, Schlaf, Depression, Muskelverspannungen, Müdigkeit, Sensorik, Sehvermögen, Spastizität bei stark vorbehandelten Patienten.. | |
Huang, He, He, Chen, Yang: "Clinical update of pulsed electromagnetic fields on osteoporosis" Chin Med J (Engl) 121,20 2095-2099 20.10.2008 gepulste Magnetfelder reduzieren Osteoporoseschmerz rasch/wirksam, unterstützen Knochenbildung.. | |
Milham, Morgan: "A new electromagnetic exposure metric: high frequency voltage transients associated with increased cancer incidence in teachers in a California school" Am J Ind Med 51,8 579-586 8.2008 2.8x größeres Krebsrisiko.. 9.8x größeres Melanomrisiko.. 13.3x größeres Schilddrüsenkrebsrisiko.. Hochfrequenzspannungstransienten auf Leitungen überlagert (Messung mit Graham/Stetzer-Instrument).. nach 1 Jahr Anstellung Krebsrisiko +21%.. | |
Karalis, Joannopoulos, Soljacic: "Efficient wireless non-radiative mid-range energy transfer" Ann Physics 323 34-48 2008 | |
Larsen, Overstreet: "Pulsed radio frequency energy in the treatment of complex diabetic foot wounds: two cases" J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs 35,5 523-527 2008 diabetische Fußwunde mit gepulster RF 27.12MHz über Pad.. Wundverschluß in 16 Wochen.. | |
Mosqueda-Melgar, Elez-Martínez, Raybaudi-Massilia, Martín-Belloso: "Effects of pulsed electric fields on pathogenic microorganisms of major concern in fluid foods: a review" Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 48,8 747-759 9.2008 pathogene Mikroorganismen wie E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella spp, Listeria monocytogenes, Bacillus cereus, Staph aureus, Yersinia enterocolitica, Campylobacter jejuni bei Nahrungsmittelvergiftung.. in Fruchtsaft, Milch, Molkereiprodukten.. gepulste E-Felder (PEF) können helfen.. Listeria innocua, E. coli, Salmonella Typhimurium, E. coli O157:H7, E. coli 8739.. | |
Liu, Gilmore, Moulton, Wallace: "Electrical stimulation promotes nerve cell differentiation on polypyrrole/poly (2-methoxy-5 aniline sulfonic acid) composites" J Neural Eng 6 065002 2009 250Hz biphasische Strom-Impulse.. | |
Farrell, Garvey, Rowan: "Studies on the inactivation of medically important Candida species on agar surfaces using pulsed light" FEMS Yeast Res 9,6 956-966 9.2009 Deaktivierung durch 0-90 Breitbandspektrum-Licht-Impulse.. | |
Frykberg, Tierney, Tallis, Klotzbach: "Cell proliferation induction: healing chronic wounds through low-energy pulsed radiofrequency" Int J Lower Extremity Wounds 8,1 45-51 2009 Wunden.. | |
Nuccitelli, Chen, Pakhomov, Baldwin, Sheikh, Pomicter, Ren, Osgood, Swanson, Kolb, Beebe, Schoenbach: "A new pulsed electric field therapy for melanoma disrupts the tumors blood supply and causes complete remission without recurrence" Int J Cancer 125,2 438-445 2009 | |
Jiang, Chen, Schaudinn, Gorur, Vernier, Costerton, Jaramillo, Sedghizadeh, Gundersen: "Pulsed atmospheric-pressure cold plasma for endodontic disinfection" IEEE Trans Plasma Sci 37 1190-1195 2009 Zähne.. | |
Vavken, Arrich, Schuhfried, Dorotka: "Effectiveness of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in the management of osteoarthritis of the knee: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials" J Rehabil Med 41,6 406-411 5.2009 | |
van Bergen, Blankevoort, de Haan, Sierevelt, Meuffels, d'Hooghe, Krips, van Damme, van Dijk: "Pulsed electromagnetic fields after arthroscopic treatment for osteochondral defects of the talus: double-blind randomized controlled multicenter trial" BMC Musculoskelet Disord 10 83 10.7.2009 | |
Ganesan, Gengadharan, Balachandran, Manohar, Puvanakrishnan: "Low frequency pulsed electromagnetic field - a viable alternative therapy for arthritis" Indian J Exp Biol 47,12 939-948 12.2009 Magnetfelder günstiger Frequenz, Intensität, Dauer, Wellenform gg. Schmerzen, Entzündung, Fehlfunktion bei rheumatoider Arthritis, Osteoarthritis.. | |
Tsai, Li, Tuan, Chang: "Modulation of osteogenesis in human mesenchymal stem cells by specific pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation" J Orthop Res 27,9 1169-1174 9.2009 | |
Romano, Romano, Logoluso: "Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound for the treatment of bone delayed union or nonunion: a review" Ultrasound Med Biol 35,4 529-536 4.2009 Stimulation Knochenreparatur durch low-intensity pulsed Ultraschall (LIPUS) bei verzögerter Heilung.. Knochenbruchheilung mit Heilrate 70%-93%.. weitere komplexe OPs ggf. vermeiden.. | |
Lupu, Georgescu, Calugaru, Cremer, Szegli, Kerek: "The effects of cold atmospheric plasma jets on B16 and COLO320 tumoral cells" Roum Arch Microbiol Immunol 68,3 136-144 2009 Kaltplasma gg. Krebs.. chemische Aktivierung durch Sauerstoff.. | |
Tang, Yao, Sun: "Apoptosis induction with electric pulses - A new approach to cancer therapy with drug free" Biochem Biophys Res Commun 390,4 1098-1101 25.12.2009 | |
Lee, Al-Waili, Stubbs, Wendell, Butler, Al-Waili, Al-Waili: "Ultra-low microcurrent in the management of diabetes mellitus, hypertension and chronic wounds: report of twelve cases and discussion of mechanism of action" Int J Med Sci 7,1 29-35 1.2010 Feinstrom wirkt antioxidativ.. beschleunigt Wundheilung.. EPRT-Gerät bei Diabetes, hohem Blutdruck, chronischen Wunden.. gepulst.. Gleichstrom 100nA-3mA 5-40V 11.5min.. dann Polaritätswechsel und wieder 11.5min.. 23min=0.000732Hz.. 3.5h/day/5 Tage/Woche.. 2-4 Monate.. weniger/keine Medikamente mehr.. | |
Matsuki, Takeda, Ishikawa, Kinjo, Hayasaka, Imai, Yamaguchi: "Activation of caspases and apoptosis in response to low-voltage electric pulses" Oncol Rep 23,5 1425-1433 5.2010 Niederspannungsimpuls-Behandlung stoppt Zellwachstum.. | |
Kim, Bahn, Lee, Kim, Jun, Lee, Baek: "Induction of cell growth arrest by atmospheric non-thermal plasma in colorectal cancer cells" J Biotechnol 150 530-538 2010 Kaltplasma gg. Krebszellen.. | |
Kim et al: "Effects of atmospheric nonthermal plasma on invasion of colorectal cancer cells" Appl Phys Lett 96 243701 2010 Kaltplasma gg. Krebszellen.. | |
Nuccitelli, Tran, Sheikh, Athos, Kreis, Nuccitelli: "Optimized nanosecond pulsed electric field therapy can cause murine malignant melanomas to self-destruct with a single treatment" Int J Cancer 127,7 1727-1736 1.10.2010 Entfernung 17 Melanome bei 4 Mäusen mit 1 Behandlung 2000 Pulse 100ns 30kV/cm (5-7 Pulse/s).. | |
Goudarzi, Hajizadeh, Salmani, Abrari: "Pulsed electromagnetic fields accelerate wound healing in the skin of diabetic rats" Bioelectromagnetics 31,4 318-323 5.2010 gepulstes ELF-Magnetfeld 20Hz, 4ms, 8mT 1h/Tag verbessert und beschleunigt Wundheilung.. mehr Zugfestigkeit.. | |
Al-Mandeel, Watson: "The thermal and nonthermal effects of high and low doses of pulsed short wave therapy (PSWT)" Physiotherapy Res Intl 15,4 199-211 12.2010 High PSWT (200µs, 800Hz, 24W, 10min.. Low PSWT (100µs, 200Hz, 3W, 10min, Placebo (20µs, 50Hz, 0.05W, 10min).. signifikanter Anstieg Hauttemperatur vs. Placebo.. | |
Watanabe, Matsushita, Bhandari, Zdero, Schemitsch: "Ultrasound for fracture healing: current evidence" J Orthop Trauma 24 Suppl 1 S56-S61 3.2010 Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultraschall (LIPUS) zur schnelleren Knochenheilung.. 1.5MHz, 200us Bursts, Wiederholrate 1kHz, 30mW/cm2.. 2 Doppelblindstudien 1994/1997 zeigen Nutzen.. LIPUS beschleunigt Heilung 24%-42%.. bei verzögerter Heilung Erfolgsrate LIPUS ~67% (humerus), 90% (radius/radius-ulna), 82% (femur), 87% (tibia/tibia-fibula).. | |
Hierneise: "The 3E-programme in combination with Papimi instead of palliative intervention" 2010 vom 30.6.2008-30.3.2009 3E-Programm mit 73 Krebspatienten.. 67 Patienten mit Krebsdiagnose, 19 davon inoperabel.. 32 Patienten mit OP, Chemo und/oder Strahlen und Rückfall/Metastasen.. am 30.3.2010 noch 53% am Leben -> verdreifachte Überlebensrate.. 7 Patienten mit Metastasen, einer mit inoperablem Glioblastom tumorfrei.. 15 Patienten stabil.. nur 3 Patienten verschlechtert.. | |
Mert, Gunay, Ocal: "Neurobiological effects of pulsed magnetic field on diabetes-induced neuropathy" Bioelectromagnetics 31,1 39-47 1.2010 Magnetfeld senkt Blutzucker, bessert Blutfluss.. | |
Farrell, Garvey, Cormican, Laffey, Rowan: "Investigation of critical inter-related factors affecting the efficacy of pulsed light for inactivating clinically relevant bacterial pathogens" J Appl Microbiol 108,5 1494-1508 5.2010 Gram-positive/Gram-negative Bakterien auf Agar mit 0-60 Xenon-Lichtblitzen (3.2-20 J/Pulse) Vollspektrumlicht, 8-20cm Abstand.. Gram-positiv resistenter.. Temperaturanstieg <4.2°C.. | |
Ignatov: "Water for the origin of life and informationability of water. Kirlian (electric) images of different types of water" Euromedica, Hannover 2011 | |
Kriegseis: "Performance characterization and quantification of dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators" Dissertation TU Darmstadt 2011 | |
de Albornoz, Khanna, Longo, Forriol, Maffulli: "The evidence of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound for in vitro, animal and human fracture healing" Br Med Bull 100 39-57 2011 low-intensity pulsed Ultraschall (LIPUS) beeinflusst Knochen, beschleunigt Heilung, verbessert Knochenfestigkeit.. | |
Yamazaki, Ohshima, Tsubota, Yamaguchi, Jayawardena, Nishimura: "Microbicidal activities of low frequency atmospheric pressure plasma jets on oral pathogens" Dent Mater J 30 384-391 2011 Plasma gg. Pathogene.. | |
Keidar, Walk, Shashurin, Srinivasan, Sandler, Dasgupta, Ravi, Guerrero-Preston, Trink: "Cold plasma selectivity and the possibility of a paradigm shift in cancer therapy" Br J Cancer 105,9 1295-1301 25.10.2011 Kaltplasma bei Krebs.. Verkleinerung Tumoren, selektive Zerstörung.. | |
Guo, Kubat, Nelson, Isenberg: "Meta-analysis of clinical efficacy of pulsed radio frequency energy treatment" Ann Surg 255,3 457-467 3.2012 Nutzen gepulster RF-Felder gg. Schmerzen, Ödeme, bei Wundheilung stark statistisch erwiesen.. | |
Pei, Lu, Liu, Liu, Yang, Ostrikov, Chu, Pan: "Inactivation of a 25.5 µm Enterococcus faecalis biofilm by a room-temperature, battery-operated, handheld air plasma jet" J Phys D Appl Phys 45 165205 2012 Bakterien ausschalten durch Batterie-Plasmagerät.. Stromimpulse ~100ns, Spitzenstrom ~6mA, Wiederholrate ~20kHz.. | |
Daeschlein, Scholz, Ahmed, von Woedtke, Haase, Niggemeier, Kindel, Brandenburg, Weltmann, Juenger: "Skin decontamination by low-temperature atmospheric pressure plasma jet and dielectric barrier discharge plasma" J Hosp Infect 81,3 177-183 7.2012 Kaltplasma anti-entzündlich, antimikrobiell, antineoplastisch.. zur Hautdesinfektion.. dauert noch zu lange.. | |
Isbary, Heinlin, Shimizu, Zimmermann, Morfill, Schmidt, Monetti, Steffes, Bunk, Li, Klaempfl, Karrer, Landthaler, Stolz: "Successful and safe use of 2 min cold atmospheric argon plasma in chronic wounds: results of a randomized controlled trial" Br J Dermatol 167,2 404-410 8.2012 Kaltplasma reduziert bakterielle Last.. | |
Maisch, Shimizu, Li, Heinlin, Karrer, Morfill, Zimmermann: "Decolonisation of MRSA, S. aureus and E. coli by cold-atmospheric plasma using a porcine skin model in vitro" PLoS One 7,4 e34610 2012 Kaltplasma gg. Erreger.. Gram-positive Methicillin-resistente Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Methicillin-empfindliche Staphylococcus aureus, Gram-negative E. coli.. Bilder.. | |
Rawe, Lowenstein, Barcelo, Genecov: "Control of postoperative pain with a wearable continuously operating pulsed radiofrequency energy device: a preliminary study" Aesthetic Plast Surg 36,2 458-463 4.2012 gepulste RF gg. Schmerzen nach OP.. nach 7 Tagen 7.9% statt 38% Plazebo.. weniger Schmerzmittel.. | |
Vincenzi, Targa, Corciulo, Gessi, Merighi, Setti, Cadossi, Borea, Varani: "The anti-tumor effect of A3 adenosine receptors is potentiated by pulsed electromagnetic fields in cultured neural cancer cells" PLoS One 7,6 e39317 2012 gepulstes Magnetfeld vergrößert Antitumorwirkung.. | |
Nuccitelli, Tran, Athos, Kreis, Nuccitelli, Chang, Epstein, Tang: "Nanoelectroablation therapy for murine basal cell carcinoma" Biochem Biophys Res Commun 424,3 446-450 3.8.2012 Tumoren schrumpfen 76% in 2 Wo.. nach 4 Wo 99.8% weg wenn Elektrodengröße passt.. | |
Nuccitelli, Huynh, Lui, Wood, Kreis, Athos, Nuccitelli: "Nanoelectroablation of human pancreatic carcinoma in a murine xenograft model without recurrence" Int J Cancer 132,8 1933-1939 15.4.2013 Erfolg mit 100ns-Pulsen 30kV/cm bei Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs.. mind. 250-500 Pulse nötig.. mit 500-1000 Pulsen vollständige Rückbildung 17/19 Tumoren ohne Rückfall.. Grafiken.. | |
Chen, Chen, Beebe: "Nanosecond pulsed electric field (nsPEF) ablation as an alternative or adjunct to surgery for treatment of cancer" Surgery Curr Res S12:005 doi:10.4172/2161-1076.S12-005 2013 verschiedene Methoden statt OP: Radiofrequenz RF, Mikrowellen, Kälte, Ethanol, HF-Ultraschall, elektrische Felder, Elektroporation, gepulste elektrische Felder.. Tumoren schrumpfen in 8 Tagen 75% nach Behandlung 100 Pulse 300ns, 20kV/cm, 0.5Hz.. | |
Browne, Foley, Babck, Olshefsky, Holland, Ahern: "Non-thermal inhibition of antibiotic resistant bacteria by oscillating pulsed electric fields (OPEF)" 5.2013 Rife-Bare-Plasma-Gerät gg. MRSA, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.. | |
Walk, Snyder, Srinivasan, Kirsch, Diaz, Blanco, Shashurin, Keidar, Sandler: "Cold atmospheric plasma for the ablative treatment of neuroblastoma" J Pediatr Surg 48,1 67-73 1.2013 Kaltplasma gg. Krebs.. Überleben bei Mäusen 15 -> 28 Tage.. | |
Schmidt, Wende, Bekeschus, Bundscherer, Barton, Ottmüller, Weltmann, Masur: "Non-thermal plasma treatment is associated with changes in transcriptome of human epithelial skin cells" Free Radic Res 47,8 577-592 8.2013 Kaltplasma verändert Gene.. | |
Heinlin, Zimmermann, Zeman, Bunk, Isbary, Landthaler, Maisch, Monetti, Morfill, Shimizu, Steinbauer, Stolz, Karrer: "Randomized placebo-controlled human pilot study of cold atmospheric argon plasma on skin graft donor sites" Wound Repair Regen 21,6 800-807 2013 Kaltplasma für bessere Wundheilung.. | |
Nelson, Zvirbulis, Pilla: "Non-invasive electromagnetic
field therapy produces rapid and substantial pain reduction in early
knee osteoarthritis: a randomized double-blind pilot study" Rheumatol Int 33,8 2169-2173 8.2013 nichtthermische gepulste Magnetfelder reduziert Schmerz rasch.. |
Ke, Chang, Chen, Li, Jang: "Influence of electromagnetic signal of antibiotics excited by low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields on growth of Escherichia coli" Cell Biochem Biophys 67,3 1229-1237 2013 Wachstumsverzögerung E. coli.. | |
Dubost, Bare, Holland, Bellossi: "Destructive effects of pulsed electric fields on cancer cells: The microtubules mechanical resonance clue" BioEM 2013 Rife-Bare-Gerät.. | |
Dubost, Bare, Bellossi: "Straight astral microtubule mechanical longitudinal resonance disrupt the mitotic spindle of hepatocellular and breast adenocarcinoma cells in vitro" BioEM 2014 Rife-Bare-Gerät.. | |
Le Chapellier, Matta: "Is victory over pancreatic cancer possible, with the help of tuned non-invasive physiotherapy? A case study says yes" J Cancer Therapy 5,5 460-477 2014 Erfolg mit Rife-Bare-Gerät.. | |
Tsen, Kingsley, Poweleit, Achilefu, Soroka, Wu, Tsen: "Studies of inactivation mechanism of non-enveloped icosahedral virus by a visible ultrashort pulsed laser" Virol J 11 20 5.2.2014 Viren ausschalten durch Lichtpulse.. 100fs, 80MHz Wiederholrate, 120mWs, 425nm, IR.. Raman scattering.. Eiweißverklumpung.. HIV, Cytomegalovirus, hüllenlose M13 Bakteriophagen.. Bilder Maus-Norovirus 36nm -> in 13-16nm-Teile aufgebrochen.. | |
Sharma, Bremer, Oey, Everett: "Bacterial inactivation in whole milk using pulsed electric field processing" Intl Dairy J 35,1 49-56 3.2014 Deaktivierung Bakterien in Milch mit 18-28 kV/cm 17-235µs 24s.. | |
Moody, Marx, Swanson, Bermúdez-Aguirre: "A comprehensive study on the inactivation of Escherichia coli under nonthermal technologies: High hydrostatic pressure, pulsed electric fields and ultrasound" Food Control 37 305-314 3.2014 Hochdruck wirksamer als Feld.. | |
Sesal, Kekec: "Effects of pulsed ultrasound on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus" Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 108,6 348-353 6.2014 Ultraschall 30kHz 100W reduziert E. coli, jedoch nicht S. aureus -> dies wächst weiter.. | |
Sesal, Kekec: "Inactivation of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus by ultrasound" J Ultrasound Med 33,9 1663-1668 9.2014 Ultraschall 30kHz, 100 W reduziert E. coli ATCC 25922 jedoch nicht Staph aureus ATCC 25923.. | |
Bonetta, Bonetta, Bellero, Pizzichemi, Carraro: "Inactivation of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus by pulsed electric fields increases with higher bacterial population and with agitation of liquid medium" J Food Prot 77,7 1219-1223 7.2014 gepulste E-Felder PEF gg. E. coli O157:H7, Staph aureus.. mit/ohne Medienbewegung.. 25kV/cm, 30kV/cm.. 1µs Pulsbreite, 1Hz Pulswiederholrate, 20-350 Pulse.. mehr Effekt bei Bewegung.. | |
Fox, Buckner, Liu, Chakravarty, Lozano, Pascual-Leone: "Resting-state networks link invasive and noninvasive brain stimulation across diverse psychiatric and neurological diseases" PNAS 111,41 E4367-E4375 14.10.2014 Gehirnstimulation durch Ströme (deep brain stimulation DBS, transcranial direct current stimulation tDCS), pulsierende Magnetfelder (transcranial magnetic stimulation TMS).. 1-2mA Ströme.. 120-160Hz bei DBS.. Zittern, Parkinson.. 200 Literaturhinweise.. | |
von Klitzing: "Einfluss elektromagnetischer Felder auf kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen" Umwelt-Medizin-Gesellschaft 27,1 17-21 2014 Glühlampe und gepulstes Stroboskop mit gleichem Mittelwert 20W.. GSM 217Hz-Pulse, DECT 100Hz-Pulse, WLAN 10Hz-Pulse.. Mikrozirkulation mit Laser-Doppler, HRV.. | |
Schmidt, Dietrich, Steuer, Weltman, von Woedtke, Masur, Wende: "Non-thermal plasma activates human keratinocytes by stimulation of antioxidant and phase II pathways" J Biol Chem 290,11 6731-6750 13.3.2015 Kaltplasma bei Wundheilung, Krebs, Entzündungskrankheiten.. | |
Hattori, Yamada, Torii, Takeda, Nakamura, Tanaka, Kajiyama, Kanda, Fujii, Nakayama, Sugimoto, Koike, Nomoto, Fujiwara, Miouno, Hori, Kodera: "Effectiveness of plasma treatment on pancreatic cancer cells" Int J Oncol 47,5 1655-1662 11.2015 Plasma ~4h tötet Krebszellen bei Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs.. Antikrebswirkung verhindert mit NAC.. | |
Torii, Yamada, Nakamura, Tanaka, Kajiyama, Tanahashi, Iwata, Kanda, Kobayashi, Tanaka et al: "Effectiveness of plasma treatment on gastric cancer cells" Gastric Cancer 18 635-643 2015 Plasma gg. Magenkrebs.. | |
Babington, Rajjoub, Canady, Siu, Keidar, Sherman: "Use of cold atmospheric plasma in the treatment of cancer" Biointerphases 10,2 029403 19.6.2015 Kaltplasma gg. Krebs.. bei Maus-Glioblastom Tumorvolumen -56%, Lebensdauer +60%.. | |
Ahmed, Istivan, Pirogova: "Irradiation of Escherichia coli by extremely-low frequency (ELF) pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF): evaluation of bacterial survival" J Electromagnetic Waves Applications 29,1 26-37 2015 Wirkung bei 3Hz, 0.5mT und 500Hz, 2.5mT.. | |
Vimont, Fliss, Jean: "Efficacy and mechanisms of murine norovirus inhibition by pulsed-light technology" Appl Environ Microbiol 81,8 2950-2957 4.2015 gepulstes energiereiches (0.67J/qcm pro Puls) Breitband-Licht 200-1000nm) gg. murine Norovirus 1 (MNV-1).. 5 Pulse 3.45J/qcmin 3s.. 11 Pulse 7.6J/qcm 6s.. | |
Yu, Muenster, Blaesi, Bloch, Zapol: "Producing nitric oxide by pulsed electrical discharge in air for portable inhalation therapy" Sci Transl Med 7,294 294ra107 1.7.2015 Impulse erzeugen Plasma und NO.. 5 Tage NO kosten sonst 14000$.. | |
Guerriero, Botarelli, Mele, Polo, Zoncu, Renati, Sgarlata, Rollone, Ricevuti, Maurizi, Francis, Rondanelli, Perna, Guido, Mannu: "Effectiveness of an innovative pulsed electromagnetic fields stimulation in healing of untreatable skin ulcers in the frail elderly: two case reports" Case Rep Dermatol Med 2015 576580 2015 chronische Hautgeschwüre schneller heilen.. Bilder.. | |
Holland: "Cell fragmentation and inhibition of proliferation of human leukemia cells in vitro by frequency-specific amplitude modulated RF pulsed plasmas" BioEM 2015 Rife-Bare-Gerät.. | |
Dubost, Bare, Bellossi: "At polar and kinetochore microtubule resonance frequencies (MRF) phanotron antenna radiation induces a notable cell surface tension (CST) in the actomyosin cortical layer of mitotic cells" BioEM 2015 Rife-Bare-Gerät.. | |
Yan, Talbot, Nourmohammadi, Cheng, Canady, Sherman, Keidar: "Principles of using cold atmospheric plasma stimulated media for cancer treatment" Sci Rep 5 18339 17.12.2015 Kaltplasma gg. Krebs.. | |
plasma Medical Systems: "plasma ONE. Schnell! Effektiv! Delegierbar!" 2016 Keimreduktion, Geschwüre, Wundinfektion, Dekubitus, Gonarthrose.. | |
Bellossi, Dubost, Holland, Bare: "Pulsed electric field anti-proliferation effects at tumor specific frequencies: Experimental data and modelling approach" BioEM 2016 Rife-Bare-Gerät.. | |
Dubost, Bare, Bellossi, Holland: "Large Band Antenna Radiation (LBAR) induces inner cumulative pressure and membrane surface tension on cancer cells" BioEM 2016 Rife-Bare-Gerät.. | |
Mirpour, Piroozmand, Soleimani, Faharani, Ghomi, Eskandari, Sharifi, Mirpour, Eftekhari, Nikkhahb: "Utilizing the micron sized non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma inside the animal body for the tumor treatment application" Sci Rep 6: 29048 2016 Kaltplasma 4kV, 6kHz 3min gg. Krebszellen.. Bilder.. Plasma besser als Medikamente.. | |
Hirst, Frame, Arya, Maitland, O'Connell: "Low temperature plasmas as emerging cancer therapeutics: the state of play and thoughts for the future" Tumour Biol 37,6 7021-7031 6.2016 Kaltplasma gg. Krebs.. | |
Vadalà, Morales-Medina, Vallelunga, Palmieri, Laurino, Iannitti: "Mechanisms and therapeutic effectiveness of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in oncology" Cancer Med 5,11 3128-3139 11.2016 Krebsbehandlungen nebenwirkungsreich, nur wenige komplette Rückbildungen -> Suche nach Alternativen.. PEMF nichtinvasiv, sicher, ungiftig, kombinierbar mit anderen Therapien.. PEMF-Stimulation bei Hautkrebs, Brustkrebs, Prostatakrebs, Leberkrebs, Lungenkrebs, Ovarialkrebs, Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs, Blasenkrebs, Schilddrüsenkrebs, Darmkrebs.. | |
Reif-Acherman: "Jacques Arsene dArsonval: His life and contributions to electrical instrumentation in physics and medicine. Part III: High-frequency experiences and the beginnings of diathermy" Proc IEEE 105,2 394-404 2.2017 Geschichte früher Elektromedizin, Diathermie.. Bilder.. Leydener Flasche, Muskelstimulation, Narkose.. Wellenform des Stroms entscheidend, Rhumkorff-Spule, Sinusströme, Sinusgenerator mit Stromumkehr, Gramme-Generator, sinusoidal voltaization, Autoconduction (Spule um Körper).. Jean Jallabert, Benjamin Franklin, Jan Ingenhousz, Luigi Galvani, Giovanni Aldini, Gaston Plante, Thomas Green, Arsene d'Arsonval, Helmholtz, Heinrich Hertz, Elihu Thomson, Nikola Tesla, Paul Oudin.. | |
Yan, Sherman, Keidar: "Cold atmospheric plasma, a novel promising anti-cancer treatment modality" Oncotarget 8,9 15977-15995 28.2.2017 Kaltplasma gg. Krebs.. Bilder 2 Plasmasysteme.. | |
Yan, Cui, Zhu, Nourmohammadi, Milberg, Zhang, Sherman, Keidar: "The specific vulnerabilities of cancer cells to the cold atmospheric plasma-stimulated solutions" Sci Rep 7,1 4479 30.6.2017 Kaltplasma gg. Krebs.. | |
Leighton, Watson, Giannoudis, Papakostidis, Harrison, Steen: "Healing of fracture nonunions treated with low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS): A systematic review and meta-analysis" Injury 48,7 1339-1347 7.2017 LIPUS-Behandlung bei nicht heilenden Knochenbrüchen.. Heilungsrate 82%.. besseres Ergebnis wenn keine OP bis 6 Monate davor.. | |
Choi, Cheing, Ng, Cheing: "Effects of pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) on the tensile biomechanical properties of diabetic wounds at different phases of healing" PLoS One 13,1 e0191074 11.1.2018 2mT, 10mT 25Hz.. | |
Gaynor, Hagberg, Gurfein: "Veterinary applications of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy" Res Vet Sci 119 1-8 8.2018 über Induktiv-Spulen nichtinvasiv mit elektrisch/magnetischen Felder behandeln.. PEMF-Behandlung von Knochen, Wunden, Osteoarthritis, Entzündung, post-operative Schmerzen, Ödeme.. auch im Veterinärbereich.. PEMF sicher.. | |
Tobler: "Die Heilkraft des Blitzes. Der Lakhovsky Multiwellenoszillator" Raum & Zeit 214 64-69 2018 Erfolgsberichte Speiseröhrenkrebs, Prostatavergrößerung, Colitis ulcerosa, Reizdarm, grauer Star, Basaliom Nase, Psoriasis, Blasensenkung Inkontinenz, Tinnitus, Durchfälle, Herzrhythmusstörungen, Schlafstörungen, ALS.. | |
Bernhardt, Semmler, Schäfer, Bekeschus, Emmert, Boeckmann: "Plasma medicine: Applications of cold atmospheric pressure plasma in dermatology" Oxid Med Cell Longev 2019 3873928 3.9.2019 Kaltplasma bei Hautkrankheiten.. Plasma bedeutet geladene Teilchen, elektr. Strom, UV-Licht, ROS, Synergie.. Anti-Jucken, antimikrobiell, Desinfektion, anti-entzündlich, Gewebestimulation, Wundheilung, Hauttumoren, mehr Blutfluss.. keine Resistenzen.. Plasma indirekt (plasma jet) und direkt (dielectric barrier discharge DBD).. Leibnitz-Professur für Plasmabiotechnologie.. CE-zugelassene Geräte.. Bilder.. | |
Khalili, Daniels, Lin, Krebs, Snook, Bekeschus, Bowne, Miller: "Non-thermal plasma-induced immunogenic cell death in cancer: A topical review" J Phys D Appl Phys 52,42 423001 22.10.2019 Kaltplasma bei Krebs.. | |
Boeckmann, Bernhardt, Schäfer, Semmler, Kordt, Waldner, Wendt, Sagwal, Bekeschus, Berner, Kwiatek, Frey, Fischer, Emmert: "Aktuelle Indikationen der Plasmatherapie in der Dermatologie" Hautarzt 71,2 109-113 2.2020 Kaltplasma antimikrobiell, Desinfektion, stimuliert Gewebe, Blutfluss, Geschwüre, Tumoren, Narben, Ekzeme, Schmerzen, Jucken.. | |
Mirpour, Fathollah, Mansouri, Larijani, Ghoranneviss, Tehrani, Amini: "Cold atmospheric plasma as an effective method to treat diabetic foot ulcers: A randomized clinical trial" Sci Rep 10,1 10440 26.6.2020 Kaltplasma bei Diabetes-Fussgeschwür.. | |
Yan, Wang, Malyavko, Zolotukhin, Adhikari, Sherman, Keidar: "The anti-glioblastoma effect of cold atmospheric plasma treatment: physical pathway v.s. chemical pathway" Sci Rep 10,1 11788 16.7.2020 Kaltplasma gg. Gehirnkrebs.. | |
Stratmann, Costea, Nolte, Hiller, Schmidt, Reindel, Masur, Motz, Timm, Kerner, Tschoepe: "Effect of cold atmospheric plasma therapy vs standard therapy placebo on wound healing in patients with diabetic foot ulcers: A randomized clinical trial" JAMA Netw Open 3,7 e2010411 1.7.2020 Kaltplasma zur Wundheilung.. | |
Amini, Hosseini, Fatollah, Mirpour, Ghoranneviss, Larijani, Mohajeri-Tehrani, Khorramizadeh: "Beneficial effects of cold atmospheric plasma on inflammatory phase of diabetic foot ulcers; a randomized clinical trial" J Diabetes Metab Disord 19,2 895-905 14.7.2020 Kaltplasma gg. Entzündung diabet. Fußgeschwür.. weniger Bakterien, raschere Heilung.. | |
Zubor, Wang, Liskova, Samec, Koklesova, Dankova, Dørum, Kajo, Dvorska, Lucansky, Malicherova, Kasubova, Bujnak, Mlyncek, Dussan, Kubatka, Büsselberg, Golubnitschaja: "Cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAP) as a new tool for the management of vulva cancer and vulvar premalignant lesions in gynaecological oncology" Int J Mol Sci 21,21 7988 27.10.2020 Kaltplasma gg. Krebs.. | |
Persson: "Electro-pulse-enhanced cancer therapy" 10.2020 30 Jahre Erfahrung mit Elektropulstherapie EECT bei Tumoren.. vorklinische, klinische Studien.. | |
Tavares-da-Silva, Pereira, Pires, Neves, Braz-Guilherme, Marques, Abrantes, Gonçalves, Caramelo, Silva-Teixeira, Mendes, Figueiredo, Botelho: "Cold atmospheric plasma, a novel approach against bladder cancer, with higher sensitivity for the high-grade cell line" Biology (Basel) 10,1 41 9.1.2021 Kaltplasma gg. Krebs.. | |
Boekema, Stoop, Vlig, van Liempt, Sobota, Ulrich, Middelkoop: "Antibacterial and safety tests of a flexible cold atmospheric plasma device for the stimulation of wound healing" Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 15.2.2021 Kaltplasma gg. Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.. | |
Holland, Bare: "Destructive cancer resonant frequency formant (DCRFF) inhibits proliferation of acute lymphocytic leukemia cells destructive effects of pulsed electric fields on cancer cells: The microtubules mechanical resonance clue" 2023 Rife-Bare-Gerät pulst 27.12MHz-Träger mit 156-162kHz.. Phanotron-Röhre.. | |
Holland, Bare: "Inhibition of proliferation of acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) by frequency-specific oscillating pulsed electric fields (OPEF) broadcast by an enclosed gas plasma antenna" bioRxiv preprint 7.5.2023 Rife-Bare-Gerät 27.12MHz-Träger 300W mit 160kHz Rechteck, Übermodulation.. Phanotron-Röhre.. Wachstumshemmung ALL-Leukämie.. |
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