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 Matthias Weisser Logo Matthias Weisser's
alternative Medizin
Hilfe 1 Psyche 2 Statik 3 Ernährung 4 Gifte 5 Zahnherde 6 Störfelder 7 Parasiten
8 heilende Informationen 9 Selbstheilung 10 Diagnostik 11 Zusammenhänge Literatur

Frequenzen - Resonanz finden Michael Prescott
Frequenzen - Zusammenhänge
Frequenzen finden Doug McLean
Frequenzen finden Michael Prescott
Frequenzen finden Wayne
Frequenzen aus Massen berechnen
Bruce Stenulson nützliche Frequenzen
interessante, nützliche, verrückte Frequenzen
Gehirn-Frequenzen Glossar
DNA-Frequenzen Charlene Böhm
Rife-Frequenz-Liste 1935
Frequenz-Liste CAFL 2007 englisch
Frequenz-Liste AFCAFL 2016 englisch
Frequenz-Liste ETDFL 2016 englisch
Frequenz-Liste ETDFL 2020 englisch
Frequenz-Liste ETDFL 2020 deutsch
Frequenz-Liste Bioelectric deutsch/englisch
Frequenz-Liste Silent Subs deutsch/englisch
Frequenz-Liste 1 Ken Adachi
Frequenz-Liste 2 Ken Adachi
Rife Tube Codes Bill Cheb
Fragen und Antworten zur Rife-Technologie
siehe auch: Elektromedizin Rife Updated 01/01/98 Michael Prescott

A Suggestive Inquiry

The purpose of this page is to disclose some preliminary findings which seem to corroborate specific biophysical reactions to externally applied Electric, Magnetic,and RF/Plasma fields,
in which specific biologic specimens are shown to be devitalized by specific signals, applied
by various modes (E-Field, B-Field, RF).

Equipment consisted of: Equipment setup: The essential limitation in producing movies this way is that the VCR will stop tape play after five minutes of non-fullspeed play operation. Within the limit of SNAPPY's ability to grab and process a video frame (roughly 10seconds), the amount of actual realtime image that can be captured is roughly 7 seconds at 5 fps within the five minute VCR timeout interval.

The other caveat is that digital multimedia produced this way can never do justice to what the eye can see directly through the microscope or from VCR tape.


Blepharisma 3120hz Mortality 
(AVI: 270k
405.6khz Hulda Clark's 
Frequency Confirmed
(No longer planned) (No longer planned)
4500hz Confirmed 
(Required 12v from BK4011)
(No longer planned) (No longer planeed)
Euglena 3225hz Confirmed 
(AVI: 986k
Before and After JPEG
3225hz Mortality confirmed. 
10% mortality in a 3 gauss field after 30 minute exposure. 
(Note, spec'd device indicates 
a 'real' device should employ 
a minimum of 100 gauss)
3225hz Mortality Confirmed 
Notes: To activate AVI movies in your browser, you will need an AVI helper-application.
Netscape requires you to click on the first frame of the AVI movie once loaded to activate the movie.

A very strong correlation was made between the waveform (Triangle, Square, Sine and Duty Cycle) and the effective amount of time to produce the same amount of mortality in a sample.The 10% duty cycle square wave seemed to be most effective, and wherever a 'time-to-mortality' effect is mentioned, you should assume that a 10% duty cycle square wave was used, unless otherwise indicated.

Notes on movie sequences: The Blepharisma showed mortality behavior within 20 seconds of applying signal frequency.

Two observations were made of the Euglena sample, one focused on the samples present on the surface of the water bubble, and one which focused on the samples present near the slide (which is viewable in the movie file above). To find the mortal frequency for the Euglena specimen, a simple FOR-LOOP in BASIC was written to dwell at each frequency, starting at 4500hz and descending, while the audio output from the SOUND command was used to charge the microscope slide. Output was recorded on VCR as well as viewed live. Dwell times were initially 1 second, but increased to 5 and then 10 seconds over regions which showed promise as mortal frequencies.

Each of the specimens observed exhibited the same biophysical response when their mortal frequency was hit, a kind of a twitch or shimmy which developes within 15 seconds of the signal being applied. Nominal Waveforms for Euglena experiment: Variables and conditions for further consideration and study: Current Findings are here.
See also Rife Wave comparisons.
Additional information is available on Magnetic Sensor Field readings.

A tremendous amount of background material, as well as the scope and history of the topic is available from the following exceptional sites:

In summary, this page confirms evidence of single celled organism mortality at specific listed frequencies. It is offered to those who would wish to reproduce these findings and go further.

If you have comments or suggestions, the best place to discuss them is on the discussion list available through Gary Hawkin's Rife Page.

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