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Elektromedizin - Zapper Wayne
Elektromedizin: welche Geräte gibt es. Welches System kann was?
•  Zapper
•  Zapper diverse: Violet-Ray, EMEM, Beck, F-Scan (englisch)
•  Clark-Zapper, EMEM, Rife-Bare, Beck, Doug, Katze mit Tumor (engl.)
•  Zapper Wade 2127, Rifes Entdeckung BX/Bestätigung Naessens (engl.)
•  Zapper 727 und 2128
•  Zapper III
•  Zapper Wayne, Diagnose
•  Zapper Doug
•  Zapper Weeks-Parker
•  Zapper EMEM2, EMEM3
•  Zapper Veja
•  Zapper Beck Zapper Beck1
•  Zapper CES Beck Brain Tuner
•  Zapper Clark
•  Zapper Emor
•  Pulser Beck
•  Pulser Superthumpy
•  Pulser Haining
•  meine Medizingeräte
Frequenzen finden
•  Frequenzen finden Doug
•  Frequenzen finden Michael Prescott
•  Frequenz-Liste CAFL 2007 englisch
•  Frequenz-Liste AFCAFL 2016 englisch
•  Frequenz-Liste ETDFL 2016 englisch
•  Frequenz-Liste ETDFL 2020 englisch
•  Frequenz-Liste ETDFL 2020 deutsch
•  Entgiftungssymptome bei Rife/Bare-Gerät
siehe auch: Elektromedizin Rife ~1997 vgl. "Ray" device

Note: What you are about to read will seem bizarre. However, it was written by a skeptical reporter not some huckster selling "Snake Oil". I have used this machine in my practice for two years. Of one thing I am sure. It is NOT a magic bullet for every catastrophic disease. I have had many successes which can not be explained by alleopathic (conventional) medicine. I have also had failures dealing with what seemed to be a disease identical with a previous success.

Some of the apparant successes were surely the powerful "Placebo Effect" in action.
J.J. Brooks, M.D.
The Rev. Wayne, operating an outlaw machine in an obscure Lake Worth, Fl office, says he has cured arthritis, cancer, maybe even AIDS. His satisfied customers include the greatest golfer in history. What's the catch?

By DAVE ROSENBERGIN as excerpted from Tropic Magazine of The Miami Herald.. The names of the healers have been changed to protect their anonymity

It was back. The towering, majestic, left-to-right trajectory that bore off like a rocket from the face of his golf club and rose and rose until it stopped in midair and fell softly to the ground - the famous Nicklaus fade. It had returned on this Saturday evening on the driving range at the Tournament Players Club of Michigan, where Jack Nicklaus had played himself into contention for the Ford Senior Players Championship.

Swing after swing - the most famous swing in golf - the fade was there. And so was the feeling. He felt like the Nicklaus of old, the one who crafted the greatest golf career in history - not the 57-year old washed up leg end with the degenerative left hip, the one who had contemplated surgery and retirement just a few months earlier.

"I swear," he said following his transcendent practice session, "I hit the ball better than I've hit the ball in 15 years."

In the half-light of the driving range, Nicklaus came to a decision: He would play in the British Open the following week in Scotland.

This was no small decision. Golf has not mounted one of its major championships without Jack William Nicklaus in 36 years. But he always said he would never enter a major championship he didn't think he could win. That's why he had called this June's U.S. Open his last.

And that's why he figured all spring that this British Open would be the one - the tournament that would end his record streak of consecutive major championship appearance at 150, a nice, round, historic number.

But that was before he met Wayne. That was before a strange machine in a strange office sent the electricity into his body and, Nicklaus would swear, healed his ailing hip and his aging golf game.

A degenerative left hip had legendary golfer Jack Nicklaus thinking about quitting until he was treated by Wayne. Now, says a revitalized Nicklaus, "For the first time in years, I'm playing without pain."

The Witch Doctor

In a tiny, cramped, cluttered office at the end of a nondescript strip mall outside Lake Worth, Wayne instructs a man with cancer to sit in a chair and place his feet in a pair of rectangular metal pans filled with purified water. When he does, Wayne turns a dial on a contraption, sending electricity through a large black wire to a pair of pinchers connected to the metal pans.

Two hundred twenty volts of electricity surge through the water and into the man's body.

The man's legs begin to tingle. But he is not electrocuted, or even discomforted. In fact, the man will tell you he lives because of this machine.

The medical establishment will tell you something else entirely different.

On another day, it might be Nicklaus in this chair, getting athletic tune-ups - Nicklaus and most of his family are regulars, and friend and fellow golfing great Arnold Palmer has called for a consultation on Nicklaus' recommendation. Wayne also said he has "experimented" with Dolphins quarterback Dan Marino, but Marino says he has never heard of.

But this story is bigger than a quarterback's bum foot or a golfer's ailing hip.

Wayne claims to have rid "between 75 and 80" women of breast cancer and dozens of men of prostate cancer, colon cancer, brain tumors and Hodgkin's disease. He says he has seen people with Lou Gehrig's disease - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - come in in a wheelchair and leave a couple of months later on their feet. He also claims to have cleansed HIV-positive people of the deadly virus.

Wayne is not a medical doctor, and his machine - which is of questionable safety and effectiveness - is unapproved by the FDA.

But he has a way of making believers, and not just among Hall of Fame golfers.

Dr. Steve N. Rosenberg, a Board Certified obstetrician/gynecologist with practices in Plantation and Margate, and a past president of the Fort Lauderdale OB/GYN Society, has been observing and the machine for the past four months. Rosenberg claims the machine can improve people's health. His evidence is not scientific, but anecdotal. It begins with his wife's severe headaches. They'd been coming like clockwork, monthly. After she began seeing , they disappeared.

And that's not all. In the time he has spent watching: "I have seen a number of people improve significantly in various areas with various problems through the use of the machine," says Rosenberg. But he admits his evidence is limited to casual observation - he has performed no medical tests on the clients - and he stops short of saying the machine can cure cancer. But not far short. "The word 'cure' means seeing results over a long period of time," he says. "We haven't seen the long-term results yet.

"But I have seen it eliminate the presence of cancer."

The Reverend Wayne Senior experiments with gout sufferer Jim Schneider. With Schneiders feet in water, 's HEC Rife machine sends a charge of electricity up his patient's legs.

So what is going on in this "Sanctuary of Healing," as calls his office - with family snapshots and a poster of Clint Eastwood on the walls and a coffee can labeled "Donations" on the desk?

Wayne says he's not offering sessions with the machine to make money. He does not charge for his services, though donations are accepted. That, he says, sets him apart from the medical establishment.

"They call me a witch doctor", Wayne chuckles. "Well, I may be a witch doctor, but at least I don't have a cash register for a brain."

The Body Electric

What is this mysterious machine that claims can make an aging golfer young again and heal a man of cancer in the same day?

"This," he says, gesturing to the small contraption on his desk, with a series of knobs and dials and a red digital frequency readout, "is the Rife Function Alternator."

The Rife machine - also known as the Rife Frequency Generator, the Rife Beam Ray or the Rife Resonator - is based on a prototype invented by a scientist named Dr. Royal Raymond Rife in San Diego in the 1930's.

He begins a demonstration - on an actual person - by explaining the machine works on the principle that the human body is "99.7 percent electrical.

"The only parts of your body that aren't electrical are the bones in your teeth, your fingernails and toenails," says, "When you die, your fingernails and toenails continue to grow because they don't need any electrical stimulation to grow. The rest of your body just falls apart."

Rife's theory took the electrical nature of the body a step further. He believed that the frequency of an electrical impulse - the wavelength of its energy pattern - had a profound effect on the body. According to Rife, who died in 1971, his machine can kill a bacterium or virus by generating the appropriate electrical frequency - the pathogen's "Mortal Oscillatory Rate " - and destroying it through resonance, in much the same way an opera" singer's high note can shatter a glass. Rife also believed stimulation of the body with electrical frequencies corresponding to the vibratory frequency of human tissue and organs could promote healing.

Basic science says that all molecules vibrate. But that property is not believed to apply to entire organisms or organs. If Rife's science was obscure, his therapeutic claims were not. "We do not wish at this time to claim that we have 'cured' cancer," Dr. Rife said in a May 11, 1938, article in the San Diego Evening Tribune. "But we can say that these...frequencies...have been shown to possess the power of killing disease organisms when tuned to an exact wavelength."

Rife based this claim, in part, on a 1934 clinical study he said he conducted under the auspices of a "Special Medical Research Committee" at the University of Southern California, in which Rife claimed 16 out of 16 patients were successfully cured of cancer.

No such committee currently exists at the USC, and a reference librarian at the USC Medical School could not locate any mention of Royal Rife.

In a 1987 book about Rife, The Cancer Cure That Worked: Fifty Years of Suppression, author Barry Lynes claims that the records of Rife's clinical studies "mysteriously disappeared" from the university in the 1940's, one part of what he portrays as a massive conspiracy against Rife by the medical establishment.

Hot blood

According to and Dr. Rosenberg, Rife's wondrous machine can diagnose as well as cure. "You send the signal in (in the form of an electrical frequency), and if it holds steady, everything is fine," Rosenberg says. "If (the frequency) jumps around, something is wrong. Something is blocking the signal...I've seen it match the diagnoses people had gotten from their doctors."

According to, the reason people aren't fried like a catfish while hooked up to the machine is that the electricity is converted, from 110 volts AC and six amps to 220 volts DC with no amps, which removes the current before it reaches the water in the containers - and the client's feet - leaving only the vibratory energy of the frequency.

The machine is safe, said, because "all we're doing is duplicating the same electricity that's in the body."

>According to, the human body has 122 frequencies, each corresponding to a specific body part.

Wayne also uses his machine on a people with gout, chronic fatigue syndrome and circulation problems, as well as aching hips, backs, legs, arms. Name an ailment - has probably turned his machine on it.

"A woman has running through her breasts three major frequencies," says. He knows the frequencies because they are listed in a catalog that came with the machine. "If one of those three frequencies breaks down, for whatever reason - there's a million reasons why they malfunction - she's going to get a tumor in her breast. If two of them break down, that tumor is going to turn malignant. If three of them break down, she's going to have tumors all over the place."

It is wonderful, says Wayne : "A doctor is going to charge you about $12,000 to $15,000 to remove that breast and put a new one in there and sew it back up. He'll give you about $4,000 to $5,000 worth of chemotherapy, and you're still not well,"

"This machine will shrink that tumor until it's gone - kill the malignancy out of your body - and the woman's going to spend less than $200 to $300 making normal donations here."

"Money," he says softly. "That's why they don't like me doing this."

The Making of a Miracle

Wayne believes his machine has proven itself cure by cure. He offers this case in point:

Abel Triberg, 70, of Bonaventure, has a cancerous tumor in his colon. Unlike many of Wayne's clients, he had not had any chemotherapy or radiation. According to , that was significant: The only way he could have possibly gotten well, says , was from the machine.

On June 13, Triberg was wheeled into an operating room at Holy cross Hospital in Fort Lauderdale to have the tumor removed. It had been discovered during an exploratory surgery in March, according to Triberg. He was told he would likely have to have colostomy and wear a colostomy bag - to collect feces - the rest of his life.

Unknown to his HMO or his principal surgeon at Holy Cross, Dr. Michael J. Raybeck, Triberg had been visiting Wayne at the urging of his wife.

Abel Triberg called his wife "crazy" when she suggested Wayne. But desperate to avoid the dreaded bag, he agreed to try the machine. treated Triberg approximately 11 times. At the end of the last treatment, the frequency readout on the machine was steady, which indicated to the cancer was gone. He gave the Tribergs the good news.

"Of course, we were skeptical. We wanted to believe him in the worst possible way," said Judy Triberg, "but we couldn't."

When the Tribergs arrived at Holy Cross for the surgery, which was to be performed by Raybeck and Dr. Vincent A. DeGennaro, they were told the procedure would take four hours. But 1-1/2 hours into the surgery, Drs. Raybeck and DeGennaro came into the waiting room where Judy Triberg sat.

"They looked pale," Judy Triberg said. "I got petrified. I started to cry. I thought they had opened him up and saw it was too far gone, and closed him back up."

Instead, she says they told her they had not operated. They couldn't find the tumor.
"I was in a state of shock," Judy Triberg said. "I opened my mouth and I couldn't breathe. But the first thing that came into my head was, 'Wayne'."

Judy Triberg said the doctors could offer no explanation for the tumor's disappearance. Judy didn't say anything to the doctors about - because had told her not to.

"Every time I think about this miracle," Judy Triberg says, "I want to cry."

But according to Dr. Raybeck, no miracle occurred. What happened was this: Another surgeon - Dr. Salvatore Triana of Plantation - had already cut away most of the visible tumor. The Tribergs are still under the impression Dr. Triana performed merely exploratory surgery.

A secretary for Dr. Triana said he would not give an interview for this story. But Dr. Raybeck said he was fully aware that Dr. Triana had already taken out much of the tumor.

"Yes, we were surprised when we didn't find anything," Dr. Raybeck said. "But at the time, we knew we were just missing something." He was right. A week later, when Triberg's biopsies came back from the lab, one of them showed part of the tumor still embedded in Abel Triberg's colon.

When the positive biopsy came back, the Triberg's were in New York, where they spend their summers. Raybeck tracked them down and recommended Abel Triberg see an oncologist in New York.

Instead, the Triberg's planned to fly to Florida to see Wayne.

"(Triberg) still needs the surgery," Dr. Raybeck said. "Everything that happened in this case is explainable by traditional medicine. The only miracles in this world come from God."

"I'm not going to argue," responds. "I'm not a doctor. All I know is that the tumor was there when I started, but wasn't there when I quit. Let them go and take it out. But there won't be anything to take out."

Conspiracy Theory

Since the 1930's, when Royal Rife claims to have proven his machine's effectiveness, there have been no significant professional papers published about the Rife machine and no significant controlled studies of it.

Little of Rife's own work remains for posterity. His discovery went virtually unnoticed for more than 50 years, until 1937, when Lynes' book about Rife and his machine was published.

The book alleges a great conspiracy has taken place - that Rife's research was systematically destroyed and sabotaged by the American Medical Association and pharmaceutical interests, and that to this day there is an effort by the federal government to suppress Rife technology, which, if accepted, might derail the multi billion-dollar chemotherapy industry.

The books' claim, dismissed by medical and government authorities, revived an underground interest in the machine, a cause that has been picked up on the Internet.

Rife machines or similar devices are offered over the Internet, with prices as high as $5,000. So why is the Rife machine still a mystery in the medical establishment? Dr. S. A. Williams, 77, a retired family practice MD in West Palm Beach and a client who suffers from prostate cancer, said it's simply because nobody has taken the time to study it.

"They don't bother to read about it - they call it hocus pocus," said Williams. "And they're making good money. Why do they have to bother with" anything else?"

Williams said his PSA count - the blood measurement that indicates the presence of colon cancer - has fallen from 40 to 25 since he began seeing.

"I'm not an electrical engineer," he said, "but this (machine) is working."

Jim Benson, former FDA deputy commissioner now with Health Industry Manufacturers Association, a trade association said the FDA is not trying to keep legitimate devices out of the public hands.

"If it's something that's truly a valued breakthrough product, I assure you that the (FDA) would not block approval," Benson said. "But it's possible they would have a tough time getting a clinical study going."

Dr. Rosenberg, who plans to study the Rife machine further, also does not believe there is a government conspiracy against the Rife machine, just a reluctance to accept anything out of the bounds of conventional medicine.

"People get comfortable with what they're used to," says Rosenberg, who is affiliated with Coral Springs Medical Center, Columbia Northwest Medical Center and Broward General Medical Center. "It's not so much a conspiracy as it is the natural difficulty in changing patterns of belief.

"There are a lot of charlatans out there," Rosenberg says. "Wayne is not a charlatan."

In a 1994 report, the American Cancer Society includes the Rife machine in a category of unapproved electronic medical devices called "radionics," which have no known medical benefits.

"The American Cancer Society strongly urges individuals with cancer not to seek treatment with such devices," the report says. "....Some promoters (of these devices) appear to have been well-meaning people fooled by the appearance of benefits that were really only the placebo effect."

(The placebo effect refers to the power of human belief to heal the body. The effect has proven very powerful. Research has proven that a large number of severely ill patients will substantially improve if they believe they are trying an experimental treatment, even if it actually consists of nothing more than a sugar pill - or flipping a switch connected to nothing.)

The United States Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, which is enforced by the FDA, allows for experimental research into the value of "preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures."

But proponents must apply for an Investigational Device Exemption and satisfy the FDA's requirement of "reasonable evidence of safety and potential for effectiveness." And patients who "volunteer" for study must be fully informed about the unproven nature of the procedure.

Wayne is careful never to use the words "treat" (he says "experiment") or "cure." And he says he informs clients of the "experimental nature" of the Rife machine.

"I don't treat people. I don't cure them. I don't guarantee anything," he says. "If they get well, that's their business."

He also admits the machine doesn't work on everybody. "If someone comes in with cancer in their lungs, for example, the chances of experimenting with them strongly enough to get rid of that cancer is next to impossible," says, "because there are 26 different frequencies in your lungs, and unless we know exactly where that cancer is, it's difficult to locate it.

"But brain tumors? Sure. There are 12 frequencies in there that control the entire movement. We can get to them. And if you have a tumor in your brain, 75 percent of the time it will shrink up and go away."

But has never applied for the FDA's Investigational Device Exemption. To do so, he says, would be to become a part of the system, which he believes is motivated by greed.

"I'd rather people call me a witch doctor," he says, "than to think I'm part of that (medical) profession."

Wayne smokes cigarettes, and he suffers from diabetes and Parkinson's disease. He claims the Rife machine keeps him alive, but it hasn't been able to cure him of those diseases or fix a nagging ulcerated infection in his foot.

Wayne says he has survived three bouts with cancer. The first two were treated conventionally; the disease went away but came back. After it struck the third time, he discovered the machine.

"The word "cancer" scares me, I hate it," says. "Ten years ago, I had cancer in my bladder like you wouldn't believe. I had a jerk doctor who tried to bill me twice and then tell me I'd be in a wheelchair in 30 days and dead within a year."

The patient in the hospital bed next to him was a German man - says the man is dead, and won't reveal his name - who invited to his house in West Palm Beach to see a miraculous machine that the man had acquired in Germany.

"The gentleman sent the machine home with me," Wayne said, "and I started treating myself on it. And I started studying about it. I read everything I could get my hands on. The guy gave me a huge catalog that had all the frequencies for everything you could think of - how to do them, when to do them, how to diagnose people."

Within six months, says, he had gotten the cancer out of his body and experimented successfully on someone else. Then someone else. He worked out of his house for six years.

Ephesus Inc, was registered with the State of Florida as a for-profit corporation. No complaint has been filed against or Ephesus with the Better Business Bureau or the State of Florida.

The Electric Bear

It's hard to picture the greatest golfer in history sitting in this cramped waiting room, with cheap oil paintings on the wall, a faint incense-like smell in the air and a tinted window that looks out on the small parking lot off a blighted stretch of 10th Avenue.

Nicklaus has access to the most expensive medical care in the world. But he chooses .

And perhaps Palmer will, too. Nicklaus told Palmer about Wayne when both were playing in the U.S. Senior Open the last week in June outside Chicago. Palmer, 67, had surgery for prostate cancer in January, but he says he has made a full recovery.

Palmer was not available to comment, but his longtime spokesperson, Doc Griffin, confirmed that Palmer and Wayne spoke by phone. However, Giffin said Palmer has no plans to see Wayne in the near future.

All told, Wayne says, "about a dozen" well-know athletes are among his past or present clients.

Nicklaus, 57, began seeing in April, when his hip was threatening to derail his golf career. He declined Tropic's interview requests for this story, but perhaps his turnaround speaks for itself.

Back in April, Nicklaus was depressed. He was playing more like a grandfather of eight - which he is - than like the greatest golfer of all time, which he also is.

He hadn't been competitive for years on the regular PGA Tour, but now he couldn't even win on the 50-and-over Senior Tour.

His arthritic hip was the problem. His lack of agility was causing him to hit smother-hooks - hard right-to-left shots that went nowhere. The Nicklaus fade was a memory.

Then he went to see Wayne. His friends and associates said the years seemed to melt away. Nicklaus' pronounced limp was gone. His famous fade started to come back. He finished in the top-10 in four straight Senior Tour events. Several members of Nicklaus' family began seeing , including son-in-law William O'Leary, a former University of Georgia football player.

After four to five treatments, Nicklaus was convinced that Wayne was helping him.

"For the first time in years," Nicklaus gushed at the U.S. Open, where he made the cut and even chased the leaders for a couple of days, "I'm playing without pain."

Wayne knew that by cooperating for this story, breaking nine years of silence, he risked drawing some unwanted attention from the FDA and/or AMA.

"They can kick me out of this building," says, "but I'll do it out of the back of my van if I have to. I'm not going to let them shut me down."

He says he is dedicated to his clients: He has seen around 1,250 clients in his nine years operating the Rife machine and figures he has a "couple hundred " regulars."

Some swear by him

Since being diagnosed with kidney cancer that metastasized in his lungs, Sal Aiello, 71, of Hollywood, has been treated with chemotherapy and radiation, as well as alternative treatments such as shark cartilage. He has lived long past his doctor's prognosis.

Nearly eight months after first coming to Wayne, Aiello looks and feels great. He comes to Wayne now only for "maintenance."

"I have a very good doctor, a kidney specialist, and he says it's a miracle that I'm alive," Aiello said.

Aiello asked his doctor if he would speak to a reporter about Aiello's case. The doctor declined, and Aiello withheld the doctor's name.

But Dr. Alvin Smith, the Daytona Beach oncologist, said cancer - like arthritic pain - has been known to come and go for no apparent medical reason, which can explain why a machine like Wayne's can appear to have a beneficial affect.

"These people pick on people with arthritis and cancer - chronic diseases that come and go," Smith said. "There is some evidence to show that electricity has some salutary effect. (Regular electrical stimulation has been found to help speed healing of broken bones, for example). However, it has not been thoroughly tested."

About a year and a half ago, Wayne O'Connor, then 19, had been diagnosed with inoperable Hodgkin's disease - cancer of the lymph nodes. He had a giant tumor in his chest cavity that stretched from his diaphragm, around his heart and lungs and up against his throat. The tumor was discovered After O'Connor lost his voice.

After three rounds of chemotherapy, the tumor's growth had not slowed. In fact, the tumor had begun to protrude from his side.

Eva Greenberg, O'Connor's mother, took him to Wayne, who immediately began treatments. O'Connor, now 20, has been in remission for more than a year. The tumor is gone, according to Greenberg.

Although O'Connor continued to receive chemotherapy while seeing Wayne - "We were too afraid to quit standard treatments," Greenberg said - they believe it was Wayne and his machine that cured him.

O'Connor's oncologist, Dr. Wayne Jacobson, said O'Connor received sufficient chemotherapy to account for the recovery.

"He did get considerable chemotherapy, and probably had 70 or 80 percent of the dosage that would typically show this kind of response. In this type of disease, you need longer-term follow-up. We need to see if it stays in remission for up to five years.

"But I'm delighted to hear he's doing so well."


In mid-July, callers to Wayne's office were told it was temporarily closed. Wayne was laid up at the Columbia J.F.K. Medical Center in West Palm Beach where he went when an abscess in his right foot began "to affect my entire body." As this story went to press, he was awaiting surgery. There was a possibility his foot would be amputated. Before "it took a nose dive," had been treating his foot on his machine. "The machine kept me walking for eight years," said from his hospital bed. "But there are some things it can't do."

Wayne has been in considerable pain, and he is wondering if his career as a healer/experimenter is coming to an end. "I doubt if I'll be able to what I've been doing when I get out," he says. "I'm getting tired."

Dave Rosenbergin is The Herald's golf writer. Herald Staff Writer Stephen Smith, Herald Sports Writer Armando Salguero and Herald Researcher Elizabeth Donovan contributed to this report.

Machines of the type mentioned above sell for hundreds or thousands of dollars.

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