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alternative Medizin
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Frequenzen - Ken Adachi Liste 1
Frequenzen - Zusammenhänge
Frequenzen finden Doug McLean
Frequenzen finden Michael Prescott
Frequenzen finden Wayne
Frequenzen aus Massen berechnen
Bruce Stenulson nützliche Frequenzen
interessante, nützliche, verrückte Frequenzen
Gehirn-Frequenzen Glossar
DNA-Frequenzen Charlene Böhm
Rife-Frequenz-Liste 1935
Frequenz-Liste CAFL 2007 englisch
Frequenz-Liste AFCAFL 2016 englisch
Frequenz-Liste ETDFL 2016 englisch
Frequenz-Liste ETDFL 2020 englisch
Frequenz-Liste ETDFL 2020 deutsch
Frequenz-Liste Bioelectric deutsch/englisch
Frequenz-Liste Silent Subs deutsch/englisch
Frequenz-Liste 1 Ken Adachi
Frequenz-Liste 2 Ken Adachi
Rife Tube Codes Bill Cheb
Fragen und Antworten zur Rife-Technologie
siehe auch: Elektromedizin

Bio-Energetic Frequency Charts

[Editor's Note: This is one of many possible frequency lists. How you get these waves into the body makes a difference as to how well they will work.

Audio waves aren't as effective as plasma or radio frequency radiations, but they do work.

Combining this sound therapy with light therapy will enhance its performance. The volume of the tones do not have to be loud; just enough to hear it.

The number(s) you see next to the condition is the frequency number you should set on the generator. Just place our cursor over the numbers shown on the NCH Generator and type in new ones].

Frequency Chart 1

(Please note that although most of the frequencies in this list are derived from homeopathic nosodes [vaccines], allergens, sarcodes [organ therapy preparations], or cell salts, some are direcly from the specified ailment or substance. However, this distinction appears inconsequential since bio-energetic frequencies should be effective in either case.)

Actinobacillus (potentially pathogenic bacteria normally found in mammals): 773

Actinomyces israelii (a bacterium normally found in the bowel and throat that causes deep, pus-filled holes in tissue): 222, 262, 2154

Adnexitis (swelling of the ovaries or Fallopian tubes): 440, 441, 522, 572, 3343, 3833, 5312

Adenoma, cervical (epithelial tumor of the cervix that can be either benign or malignant): 433

Adenovirus (a virus that causes infections in the lungs, stomach, and intestines): 333, 523, 788

Aflatoxin (a liver-damaging toxin produced by certain food molds): 344, 510, 943

AIDS: 1.2, 1550, 1500

Kaposi's sarcoma: 249, 418

Altenaria tenuis (a fungus associated with lung ailments): 853

Amoeba (a single-celled, sometimes-infectious microorganism): 310, 333,532,732, 827, 1522

Amoeba hepar abcess (liver abcess caused by amoebic infection): 344

Anthracinum (homeopathic anthrax nosode): 633

Aremes tennus: 667

Arnica (a healing herb): 1042

Arsenic alb. (homeopathic cell salt): 562

Aspergillus flavus (mold found on corn, peanuts, and grain that produces aflatoxin): 1823

Aspergillus glaucus (blue mold occurring in some human infectious processes): 524

Aspergillus niger (common mold that may produce severe and persistent infection): 374

Aspergillus terreus (mold occasionally associated with infection of the bronchi and lungs): 743

Asthma: 1233, 1283

Astrocytoma (common tumor of brain and central nervous system): 857

Bacillus subtilis (homeopathic nosode from a bacterium that can cause conjunctivitus: 432, 722, 822, 1246

Bacillinum (homeopathic nosode): 132, 423 ,432, 785, 853, 854, 921 ,1027, 1042, 1932

Bacterium lactis nosode (homeopathic): 512, 526, 798, 951, 5412

Bacterium coli (a type of E. coil normally found in the intestines, water, milk, and soil that is the most frequent cause of urinary-tract infections and a common cause of wound infection): 642

Bacterium coil commune (E. coli) combination: 282, 333, 413, 957, 1320, 1722

Bakers' yeast (homeopathic preparation for an allergen): 775

Back pain 41.2

Banti's syndrome (A serious ailment in which blood vessels between the intestines and the liver become blocked, leading to congestion of the veins, an enlarged spleen, bleeding of the stomach and intestines, cirrhosis of the liver, and blood cell destruction.): 1778

Barley smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen): 377

Bermuda smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen): 971

Biliary cirrhosis (an inflammatory condition in which bile flow through the liver is obstructed): 381, 514, 677, 2271

Bilirubin (a bile pigment that may result in jaundice in high concentrations): 717, 726, 731, 863

Bladder TBC: 642, 771

Blastocystis hominus: 365, 595, 844, 848, 1201, 1243

Blue cohosh (a healing herb): 364

Borreliosis (Lyme disease, relapsing fever in humans and animals caused by parasitic spirochetes from ticks): 254, 345, 525, 605, 644, 673, 797, 884, 455

Botrytis cinereas (a homeopathic preparation from a fungal allergen): 1132

Botulinum (a bacillus that causes an often fatal form of food poisoning) 518, 533

Brain tumors:
1) Astrocytoma (common tumor of brain and central nervous system): 857
2) Gliomas (largest group of brain cancers): 543, 641

Branhamella (Moraxella) catarrhalis: 2013

Bronchial: 462, 852, 1582

Bronchiectasis (chronic dilatation of the bronchi): 342

Bronchopneumonia borinum (a form of bronchial pneumonia): 452, 1474

Brucella abortus (undulent fever or Bang's bacillus, found in cattle): 1423

Brucella melitensis (form of Brucella found in goats and sheep): 748

Campylobacter (bacteria causing sudden infectious diarrhea in newborns): 732, 1633, 1834, 2222

Cancer: 2008, 6.8, 440
1) Adenoma, cervical: 433
2) Astrocytoma (common tumor of brain and central nervous system): 857
3) Bronchial: 462, 852,1582
4) Colon: 656
5) Fibrosarcoma (develops rapidly from small bumps on the skin): 1744
6) Gliomas (largest group of brain cancers): 543, 641
7) Hodgkin's disease (a cancer of the lymphatic system that is both chronic and progressive): 552, 1522
8) Kaposi's sarcoma: 249, 418
9) Leukemia (starts with the bone marrow but eventually involves all body organs):
10) Feline Leukemia (cat): 424, 830, 901, 918
11) "Hairy cell" (typified by abnormal blood cells & shortage of others): 122, 622, 932, 5122
12) Lymphatic: 478, 833
13) Mycloid (characterized by rapid growth of incompletely-formed white blood cells): 422, 822
14) T-cell: 222, 262, 822, 3042, 3734
15) Mycosis fungoides (a form of skin cancer resembling eczema): 852
16) Plasmacytoma (plasmacell tumor): 475
17) Liver , fermentative: 214
18) Uterine , fermentative: 127

Candida (a genus of yeastlike fungi normal to the human body but capable of harmful overgrowth): 866

Tropicalis: 1403

Canine parvovirus: 185, 323, 562, 613, 622, 1000, 4027
mutant strain: 323, 514
type B: 323, 535, 613, 755

Carbo animalis (homeopathic remedy from animal-bone charcoal): 444

Carcinoma (any cancerous tumor starting with cells covering body organ surfaces that then invade both local and distant areas)
1) Colon: 656
2) Liver , fermentative: 214
3) Uterine , fermentative: 127

Carvularia spirafera: 879


Brunescent (brown opacity in later life): 2010, 1335, 1830 complicated (secondary type caused by disease, degeneration, or surgery): 496

Causticum (a homeopathic remedy): 540, 1013

Celia carroll: 576, 973

Cephaloshorium (fungi that are the source of some broad-spectrum antibiotics): 481, 3966

Cerumen (ear wax): 311, 320, 750, 984

Cervix adenoma (epithelial tumor of the cervix): 433

Chaetomiumglobosum: 221, 867

1) Methotrexate: 584
2) Green dye: 563, 2333

Chicken pox: 787, 3343

Chlamydia (a sexually-transmitted bacterial infection): 430, 620, 624, 840, 2213

Cholera (an extremely contagious and serious bacterial infection of the small intestines): 330, 843, 844, 1035

1) Acute (excruciating gallstone attack): 481, 743, 865, 928
2) Chronic (long-term inflammation of the gallbladder): 432

Cholesteatoma (benign tumor usually found in middle ear & mastoid region): 453, 618, 793

Cimicifuga (plant family including black snakeroot and black cohosh): 594

Cirrhosis, biliary (an inflammatory condition in which bile flow through the liver is obstructed): 381, 514, 677, 2271

Cladosporium fulvum (a pathogenic fungus): 438

Coelicia: 154, 594, 656

Condylomata (venereal warts caused by infectious papilloma virus): 466

Corn smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen): 546, 1642

Coxsackie virus (produces disease resembling non-paralytic polio): 136, 144, 232, 380, 422, 424, 435, 921, 923
1) type B1: 834
2) type B2: 705, 534
3) type B4: 421
4) type B5: 462, 1043, 1083
5) type B6: 736, 814

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) ( known as salivary gland virus or human herpes type 5): 126, 597, 1045, 2145

Crinis humansis: 646
1) Critter 1: 1033
2) Critter 2: 421, 1035, 1111

Crocus sotillus: 710

Cryptosporidium (parasitic protozoa infrequently causing diarrhea in humans): 482, 575, 4122

Cyst, ovarian: 982

Cystic fibrosis (Also called mucoviscidosis, this is an inherited disorder of the exocrine glands that causes them to release very thick mucus): 523

Cystitis, chronic (long-term inflammation of the urinary bladder and ureters): 246

Cystopyelo nephritis (inflammation from bladder to kidney): 1385

Dematium nigrum (soil fungi found in human lesions): 243

Dental: 635, 640, 1036, 1043, 1094

Diphtherinum (homeopathic nosode for diphtheria): 624

Distemper: 242, 254, 312, 442, 551, 573, 624, 671, 712, 940, 1269, 1950

Diverticulosis (characterized by tiny hernias of intestinal tissue protruding through the muscular wall of the colon): 154, 934

Droglioma (a brain tumor): 853

E. coli (Escherichia coli; a major cause of infections in wounds and the urinary tract): 282, 333, 413, 957, 1320, 1722

Ear wax: 311, 320, 750, 984

Echinococcinum (homeopathic remedy for tapeworms found in dogs, wolves, cats, & rodents that can infect man): 164, 453, 542, 623

Echo virus (causes a type of meningitis): 620

Encephalitis (inflammation of the tissues of the brain and spinal cord): 841

Endometriosis, chronic (growth of uterine tissue outside the uterus that may cause pain, infertility, & abnormal uterine bleeding): 246

Entamoeba histolytica (highly damaging protozoa causing dysentary and liver infection): 148, 166, 308

Enterohepatitis (inflammation of bowel & liver): 552, 932, 953

Enterobiasis (intestinal worms frequently found in children): 773, 827, 835, 4152

Enterococcinum (homeopathic nosode for Strep-family organisms found in the digestive and urinary tracts): 686

Epicoccum: 734

Epidermophyton floccinum (homeopathic remedy for fungus that attacks skin & nails, includes athlete's foot): 644, 766

Epstein-Barr virus (the herpes virus causing mononucleosis): 105, 172, 253, 660, 663, 669, 744, 825, 1032, 1920

Erysipelas (a human bacterial infection manifesting in the skin and possibly related to the swine form of the disease): 616, 845

Escherichia coli (E. coli; a major cause of infections in wounds and the urinary tract): 282, 333, 413, 957, 1320, 1722

Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke of herbivorous animals occasionally found in humans): 143, 275

Febris wolhynia (a Rickettsia illness, transmitted by lice, that is debilitating and conducive to relapse): 547

Feline (cat) leukemia: 424, 830, 901, 918

Fell: 435

Felis: 430, 834, 2232, 3233

Fel tauri (homeopathic preparation of ox bile): 672

Fibrosarcoma (malignancy containing connective tissue and developing rapidly from small bumps on the skin): 1744

Fibroadenoma mamanae (non-cancerous, fibrous nodules in the breasts): 1384

Filariose: (thread-like worms that invade body tissues and cavities): 112, 120

Fischpyrogen: 832

Fistula Dentalis: 550, 727, 844, 1122

FIV: 262, 323, 372, 404, 567, 712, 742, 760, 773, 916, 1103, 1132, 3701

1) '78: 844
2) '79: 123
3) '83: 730, 734
4) '89: 216, 322
5) '93: 254, 522, 615, 850
6) Triple nosode: 421, 632, 1242, 1422, 1922, 3122
7) Virus "A": 332
8) Virus "A, Port Chalmers": 332
9) Virus "B": 530, 532, 536, 537
10) Virus "B, Hong Kong": 555
11) Virus "British": 932
12) "Spanish": 462
13) "Swine": 413, 432, 663, 839, 995

Flukeworm (parasitic flatworms, including tapeworms, that invade many body areas): 524, 854

Fluor Alb (homeopathic cell salt): 110, 420, 423, 424, 502, 2222

Follicular mange (contagious dermatitis found in many animals that is caused by mites and in which the principle activity is at the hair follicles): 253, 693

Foot & mouth syndrome (a mild viral infection found in young children): 232, 237, 1214, 1243, 1244, 1271, 5411

Fungus flora: 632

Fusarium oxysporum (a fungus causing inflammation of the cornea of the eye): 102, 705

Gallbladder inflammation (chronic): 432

Gallstone attack: 481, 743, 865, 928

Ganglionitis, acute posterior (commonly known as shingles or herpes zoster): 574, 1557

Gardnerella (bacteria that often infect and inflame the vaginal mucosa): 320, 782

Geotrichum candidum (fungus found in feces and dairy products whose manifestations resemble those of candida): 412, 543

German measles (rubella or 3-day measles): 510, 517

Giardia (an intestinal parasite, also known as lamblia, spread by contaminated food and water and by human-to-human contact): 334

Gliocladium (brain fungus): 855

Gliomas (largest group of brain cancers): 543, 641

Grippe (influenza): 343, 500, 512, 541, 862, 1000, 1192, 3012, 3423, 10223
1) '86 tri: 532
2) '87: 332, 953
3) '88: 2050
4) '89: 353
5) '90: 656

Haemophilia (hereditary bleeding disorders in which the blood does not readily clot): 845

Haemophilus influenzae: 542
1) type B: 652, 942

Hair, human: 646

Hand, foot, & mouth syndrome (a mild viral infection found in young children): 232, 237, 1214, 1243, 1244, 1271, 5411

Heartworm: 543, 2322

Helminthosporium (the reproductive element of parasitic worms): 793, 969

Hemobartinella felis: 603, 957

Hemorrhoid: 447

Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver): 224, 317, 1351
1) Type A: 321, 3220
2) Type B: 433 new numbers: 477, 922
3) Type C (also known as "non-A, non-B"): 166

1) Simplex (primarily non-genital): 322, 343, 476, 822, 843, 1043, 1614, 2062
2) Simplex II (primarily genital): 556, 832
3) Simplex IU .2: 808
4) Type 2A: 532
5) Type C: 395, 424, 460, 533, 554, 701, 745, 2450
6) Type 5: 126, 597, 1045, 2145
7) Zoster (shingles): 574, 1557

Hirudo medicinalis (a homeopathic remedy prepared from a leech used for therapeutic purposes): 128

HIV: 683, 714, 3554

Hodgkin's disease (a form of malignancy characterized by enlargement of the lymph nodes, spleen, and lymph tissue and often includes weight loss, fever, night sweats, and anemia): 552, 1522

Hormodendrum (a genus of fungi that includes human pathogens): 695

Household insect mix: 723

Icterus, haemolytic (a chronic form of jaundice involving anemia): 243

Influencinum Berlin '55: 430, 720, 733

InfluencinumVesic: 203, 292, 612, 975

InfluencinumVesic NW: 364, 519, 590

InfluencinumVesic SW: 433

Influenzum, Bach poly flu (homeopathic): 122, 350, 487, 634, 823

Influenzum toxicum (homeopathic): 854

1) Triple nosode: 421, 632, 1242, 1422, 1922, 3122
2) Virus "A": 332
3) Virus "A, Port Chalmers ": 332
4) Virus "B": 530, 532, 536, 537
5) Virus "B, Hong Kong": 555
6) Virus "British": 932
7) "Spanish": 462
8) "Swine": 413, 432, 663, 839, 995

Intestinal inflammation: 105, 791

JGE: 322, 1000

Kaposi's sarcoma: 249, 418

Kidney papilloma (small, supposedly-benign growth on a kidney): 110, 767, 917

Kieferosteitis (a type of bone inflammation marked by enlargement and pain): 432, 516

Klebsiella pneumoniae (the bacterium causing acute, bacterial neumonia): 412, 766

Lac Deflorat: 230, 371

Lamblia (an intestinal parasite, also known as Giardia, spread by contaminated food and water and by human-to-human contact): 334

Lateral sclerose (degeneration of spinal cord leading to spastic paraplegia): 254

Legionella ( homeopathic remedy for Legionnaires' disease, a gram-negative bacteria associated with condensed or treated water that migrate to lung tissue and stimulate severe respiratory manifestations): 723

Leishman Donovan bodies (a type of pathogenic, human parasite found worldwide): 525

Leptospirosis P. C. (a disease that is spread to humans through animal urine or things contaminated by it and that can cause meningitis, jaundice, anemia, miscarriage, and death): 612

Leukoencephalitis (a serious, progressive brain disease): 324, 572, 932, 1035, 1079, 1111, 1160, 1333, 1630

Leukemia (cancer involving the blood-forming tissues in bone marrow)
1) feline (cat): 424, 830, 901, 918
2) "Hairy cell" (characterized by abnormal blood cells & shortage of others): 122, 622, 932, 5122
3) Lymphatic: 478, 833
4) Mycloid: 422, 8225) T-cell: 222, 262, 822, 3042, 3734

Leukoencephalitis (inflammation of brain's white matter, usually in infants and children, but also found in horses as a result of forage poisoning): 324, 572, 932, 1035, 1079, 1111, 1160, 1333, 1630

Leukose (proliferation of tissues that form white blood cells; considered to be foundational stage of leukemia): 612, 633, 653, 3722, 41224

Lipoma (benign, soft tumor of fatty tissue): 47

Listeriose (a serious disease causing miscarriage, meningitis, and endocarditis in humans; known as "circling disease in ruminants and causes liver necrosis in animals with single stomachs): 471, 774, 2162

Living sinus bacteria: 548

Luesinum/Syphilinum (a homeopathic remedy for syphilis): 177

Lupus (localized degeneration of skin by various diseases; vulgaris is a common form of this ailment that is actually a rare form of tuberculosis that manifests with disfigurement and destruction of the skin and cartilage of the face): 205, 243, 244, 352, 386, 633, 921, 942, 993, 1333, 1464

Lyme disease (also known as borreliosis; relapsing fever in humans and animals caused by parasitic spirochetes from ticks): 254, 345, 525, 605, 644, 673, 797, 884, 1455

Lymphangitis (lymphatic vessel inflammation of humans and horses most commonly caused by strep but also by other bacteria, yeast fungus, and cancer): 574, 1120

Lymphogranuloma (Hodgkin's disease; a form of malignant lymphoma): 552, 1522

Lyssinum (a homeopathic nosode for rabies): 547, 793

Malaria (an infectious disease, originating in tropical areas, that is transmitted by a mosquito bite and characterized by fever, anemia, and spleen enlargement): 222, 550, 713, 930, 1032, 1433

Mallei: 1273

Mamma fibromatosis (formation of fibroid tumors of the breasts): 267

Mannan: 961

Mange, follicular (contagious dermatitis found in many animals that is caused by mites and in which the principle activity is at the hair follicles): 253, 693

Marsh elder: 474

Mastitis (an inflamed breast usually caused by bacterial infection): 654

Mastoiditis (inflammation of the bony structure of the head in the region of the ears below the eyes): 287

1) Rubella (German or 3-day measles): 431, 510
2) Rubella vaccine: 459
3) Rubeola (9-day measles): 342, 467, 520, 1489
4) Rubeola vaccine: 962

Medorrhinum (homeopathic nosode for urethral discharge): 230, 442, 554, 843, 854, 1700, 1,2222

Melanoma metastasis: 979

Meningococcus virus (a virus infecting the membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cord): 720

Meningioma (a benign, slow-growing tumor of the membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cord): 535

Meningitis (inflammation of the membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cord): 322, 733, 822, 1044, 1422

Meningococcinum (homeopathic nosode for meningitis): 130, 517, 676, 677

Microsporum audouinii (a fungus commonly causing ringworm of the scalp): 422, 831, 1222

Canis (a fungus causing ringworm in cats, dogs, and children): 1644

Mold: 222, 242, 523, 565, 592, 623, 745, 933, 1130, 1155, 1333, 1833, 4442

A&C: 331, 732, 923, 982
1) Mix A: 594
2) Mix B: 158, 512, 623, 774, 1016, 1463
3) Mix C: 391, 1627
4) Vac II: 185, 257

Monilia (the former name for Candida): 866, 886

Monotospora languinosa (homeopathic remedy for fungal allergen): 788

Morbus Parkinson (Parkinson's disease; A slowly progressive, degenerative, neurologic disorder): 813

Morgan (bact): 778

Mucocutan Perniciosis: 833

Mucoviscidosis (Also called cystic fibrosis, this is an inherited disorder of the exocrine glands that causes them to release very thick mucus): 523

Mucor (a genus of fungi)
1) Mucedo (causes rot in fruit and baked goods & sometimes found on feet and skin): 612, 1000
2) Plumbeus: 361
3) Racemosis simus (grows on decaying vegetation and bread and causes ear infection): 310, 474

Mucormycosis (also called zygomycosis; a serious, fungal infection usually associated with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus or immunosuppressive drugs): 942

Mumps (acute viral inflammation of the saliva glands): 152, 190, 235, 242, 516, 642, 674, 922, 1243, 1660, 2630, 3142

Mumps vaccine: 273, 551, 711, 730, 1419

Muscular dystrophy (inherited disorders characterized by weakness and progressive wasting of skeletal muscles despite no concommitant wasting of nerve tissue): 153

Mycloid leukemia (characterized by rapid growth of incompletely-formed white blood cells): 422, 822

Mycogone spp (homeopathic allergenic preparation based on fungus): 371, 446, 1123

Mycosis fungoides (a form of skin cancer resembling eczema): 532, 662, 678, 852, 1444

Myocard-Nekrose (homeopathic remedy from heart cells that died as a result of inadequate blood flow to them): 706, 789

Myoma (a benign tumor on the uterus): 253, 420, 453, 832

Myositis (involves progressive muscle weakness): 120, 122, 125, 129, 1124, 1169

Mycoplasma pneumonia (a contagious, bacterial pneumonia of children and young adults): 688

1) Mykose (a disaccharide from which glucose can be hydrolized): 462, 654
2) Trichophytie (from a fungus): 133, 381, 812, 2422

Nasal polyp (benign growth inside the nasal passage): 542, 1436

Nasturtium (a healing herb): 143

Nematodes (roundworms): 771

Nephritis (kidney inflammation): 264

Neuralgia (a painful disorder of the nervous system): 833

Neurospora sitophila (homeopathic allergenic preparation): 705

Nigrospora spp (homeopathic allergenic preparation): 302

Nocardia asteroides (the microorganism causing Nocardiosis, an infectious pulmonary disease characterized by abscesses in the lungs): 237

Oligodena: 853

Ornithosis (or Psittacosis or Parrot Fever; an infectious pneumonia transmitted by certain birds): 331, 583, 1217

Osteitis (bone inflammation): 770

Osteomyelosclerosis (marrow replacement by bone in response to low-grade infection): 79, 330

Osteosinusitis max.: 243

Otitis medinum (a homeopathic remedy for otitis media, middle ear swelling and/or infection): 316

Ovarian cyst: 982

Ovum: 752

Ox bile (the homeopathic remedy derived from it): 672

Papilloma virus (causes benign tumors having a branch or stalk): 907

Paraceli: 232

Parodontose: 424, 1552

Parkinson's disease (a slowly progressive, degenerative, neurologic disorder): 813

Parrot Fever (or Ornithosis or Psittacosis; an infectious pneumonia transmitted by certain birds): 331, 583, 1217

Parvovirus, canine: 185, 323, 562, 613, 622, 1000, 4027
1) Mutant strain: 323, 514
2) Type B: 323, 535, 613, 755

Pasteurella combination (homeopathic nosode for bacterial diseases spread by animal bites): 913

Pemphigus (rare, autoimmune skin disorders characterized by blisters in the outer layer of skin and mucous membranes): 694, 893

1) Chyrosogenium: 344, 868, 1070, 2411
2) Notatum: 321, 555, 629, 825, 942
3) Rubrum: 332, 766, 1015

Pennyroyal (an herb): 772

Penqueculum: 746, 755, 1375, 6965

Pepto streptococcus: 201

Perniosis (a disorder of the blood vessels caused by prolonged exposure to cold and characterized by skin lesions on the lower legs, hands, toes, feet, ears and face): 232, 622, 822, 4211

Pertussis (whooping cough): 526, 765

Phoma destructiva (homeopathic): 163

Plague (Yersenia pestis; spread primarily by rats): 333

Plasmacytoma (a tumor with plasma cells that occurs in the bone marrow, as in multiple myeloma, or outside of the bone marrow, as in tumors of the inner organs and lining of the nose, mouth, and throat): 475

Pneumococcus (the most common cause of bacterial pneumonia): 683
mixed flora: 158, 174, 645, 801

Pneumocystis (A fungally-induced pneumonia usually developing in the immuno-suppressed presence of AIDS): 204, 340, 742

1) Klebsiella pneumoniae (the bacterium causing acute, bacterial pneumonia): 412, 766
2) Mycoplasma: 688

Polio (or poliomyelitis): 742, 1500, 2632

Polyp, uterine: 689

Porphyria (several rare disorders of the nervous system and skin): 698

Prostate adenominum (homeopathic remedy for prostate tumor): 442, 1875

Protozoa: 432, 753

Pseudomonas (bacteria often found in wounds, burns, and infections of the urinary tract that are not controlled by antibiotics): 174, 482, 5311

Psittacosis (or Ornithosis or Parrot Fever; an infectious pneumonia transmitted by certain birds): 583, 1217

Psorinum (homeopathic nosode for psoriasis): 786

Pullularia pullulans (a homeopathic allergenic remedy): 1364

Pyelitis/proteus (bacteria commonly found in hospital-borne conditions): 594

Pyocyaneus (homeopathic nosode for Pseudomonas pyocyanea): 437

Pyodermia (or Pyoderma Gangrenosum; a rare skin disorder of unknown cause. Small pustules develop into large ulcers at various sites on the body.): 123

Pyrogenium (homeopathic remedy for pus) (62): 429, 594, 622
mayo: 1625

Q Fever (an infectious disease caused by contact with animals with the parasitic Rickettsia bacteria, Coxiella burnetii whose symptoms may include headache, fever, chills, and sweats): 1357

Rabies (or hydrophobia): 547, 793

Reproductive: 622

Rhesus gravidatum: 684

Rheuma: 952

Rheumaticus: 333, 376

Rhinopneumonitis: 185, 367, 820

Rhizopus nigricans: 132

Rhodo torula: 833

Rhodococcus: 124, 835

Rickettsia (bacteria that are transmitted to man by lice, fleas, ticks, and mites): 129, 632, 943, 1062

Rocky mountain spotted fever: 375, 862, 943

Round worms: 240, 650, 688

Rubella (German or 3-day measles): 431, 510

Rubella vaccine: 459

Rubeola (9-day measles): 342, 467, 520, 1489

Rubeola vaccine: 962

Salivary gland virus (human herpes type 5): 126, 597, 1045, 2145

Salmonella: 1522
1) Type B: 546, 1634
2) Paratyphi B: 59, 92, 643, 707, 717, 972, 7771
3) Typhi: 420

Sanguis menst: 591

Sarcoma, Kaposi's: 249, 418

1) Haematobium: 847, 867
2) Mansoni: 329

Schuman B-cell: 322, 425, 428, 561, 600, 620, 623, 780, 781, 950, 952, 1023, 1524

Sclerosis, lateral (degeneration of spinal cord resulting in spastic paraplegia): 254

Semperillium: 1140

Serum Schweinepest: 503

Shingles (Herpes zoster): 574, 1557

Sinusitis: 456
1) Frontalis: 952
2) Maxillars: 160

Smallpox (an extremely contagious viral disease marked by fever, prostration, and a rash of small blisters): 142, 476, 511, 876, 1644, 2132, 2544

Smegma: 180

Solitary cyst: 75, 543

Sorghum smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen): 294

Sporobolomyces: 753

Sporotrichum pruinosum: 755

Staphylococcus: 453, 550, 1109
1) Aureus: 424, 727, 786, 943, 1050
2) Coagulae positive: 643

Stemphylium: 461

1) Haemolytic: 134, 535, 542, 1415, 1522, 1902

2) Viridans: 425, 433, 445, 1010, 1060
3) Virus: 563, 611, 727

Streptomyces griseolus: 887

Strongyloides (genus of roundworms): 332, 422, 721, 942, 3212

1) Cystica: 5311
2) Nodosa: 105, 122, 321, 517, 532, 651
3) Parenchyme: 121

Sudor pedis: 148

Swine flu: 413, 432, 663, 839, 995

Syphilinum/luesinum ( a homeopathic remedy for syphilis): 177

T-cell leukemia: 222, 262, 822, 3042, 3734

Taenia: 187

Tape worms: 522, 562, 843, 1223, 3032, 5522

Tetanus: 352, 554, 1142

Tetanus anti-toxin: 363, 458

Tetragenus: 393, 2712

Thermi bacteria: 233, 441

Thread worms: 422, 423, 732, 4412

Tobacco mosaic (homeopathic preparation for an allergen): 233, 274, 543, 782, 1052

1) Nos: 1656
2) Pfropfe: 246

Tonsillitis: 144, 452

Torulopsosis (a common yeast causing disease for those in weakened condition or with suppressed immune function): 354, 522, 872, 2121

Toxoplasmosis (a serious, infectious disease that can be either acquired or present at birth and that is commonly contracted by handling contaminated cat litter): 434, 852

Trichinosis (the very serious parasitism resulting from eating pork or bear meat): 101, 541, 822, 1054, 1372

Trichodermia: 711

Trichomonas (a microorganism causing vaginal irritation with discharge and itching): 610, 692, 980

Trichophytie: 132, 812, 2422, 9493

1) Mentagrophytes: 311
2) Rubrum: 752, 923

Tonsuraus: 765

Trypanosoma gambiense: 255, 316

Tuberculinum: 522, 1085, 1099, 1700

1) Aviare: 303, 332, 342, 532, 3113
2) Bovine: 523, 3353
3) Klebs': 221, 1132, 1644, 2313, 6516

Tularemia (a serious infectious disease also called deerfly fever or rabbit fever): 324, 427, 823

Tumor, brain: 543, 641, 857

Ulcer, ventric: 232, 1000

Urea-plasma: 756

Uremia (also known as uremic poisoning; excessive amounts of nitrogenous waste products in the blood, as seen in kidneyl failure): 911

Uterine polyp: 689

Vaccininum (a homeopathic nosode): 476

Varicella (the herpes virus that causes chickenpox during childhood and shingles [herpes zoster] in adulthood): 345, 668, 716, 738

Variola (also known as smallpox, an extremely contagious viral disease marked by fever, prostration, and a rash of small blisters): 142, 476, 511, 876, 1644, 2132, 2544

Variolinum (homeopathic smallpox nosode): 542, 569, 832, 3222

Verruca (a rough-surfaced, supposedly-harmless, virus-caused skin wart): 644, 767, 953

Werlhof: 690

Wolhynia fever (a Rickettsia illness, transmitted by lice, that is debilitating and conducive to relapse): 547

Yeast, "ultimate": 72, 254, 422, 582, 787, 1016, 1134, 1153, 2222

Yellow fever (a severe, viral infection causing damage to the liver, kidneys, heart, and entire gastrointestinal tract): 142, 178, 232, 432, 734, 1187

Yersenia pestis (also called Pasteurella pestis: causes plague; spread primarily by rats): 333

Zygomycosis (also called mucormycosis; a serious fungal infection usually associated with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus or immunosuppressive drugs): 942

See Frequency List 2 for more specific conditions and associated frequencies.

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