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Matthias Weisser's alternative Medizin |
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1 Psyche
2 Statik
3 Ernährung
4 Gifte
5 Zahnherde
6 Störfelder
7 Parasiten 8 heilende Informationen 9 Selbstheilung 10 Diagnostik 11 Zusammenhänge Literatur |
Hyperthermie, Fieber - Literatur |
Teil 1: Zusammenhänge Symptome Zusammenhänge, Diagnose Therapieansätze Erfolgsberichte bei Symptomen A-Z Teil 2: Literaturhinweise zum Anklicken Teil 3: Literaturhinweise Wissenschaft |
siehe auch: Priessnitz Schroth IR-Licht Wärme/Kälte/Wasser Verspannungen/Blockaden |
"500 v.Chr. Parmenides: 'gib mir ein Mittel, Fieber zu erzeugen,
und ich heile jede Krankheit'.."
"1822 Prießnitz: erste Wasserheilanstalt der Welt.. Wärme
von innen.."
"1892 William Coley: Kombination aus Streptokokken + Bact. prodigiosum
zur Fiebererzeugung..
über 700 gut dokumentierte Krebsrückbildungen.. "
"Hyperthermie hilft Fehlregulation wieder zu korrigieren..
30-60min dann 60min Aufrechterhaltung durch Einwickeln in Rettungsfolie.."
"durch regelmäßige Tiefenwärmeanwendungen gestörte
Wärmeregulation reaktivieren..
Körper lernt wieder zu schwitzen und bei Infektion zu fiebern..
Martin Mittwede.."
"Fieber bringt Enzyme auf Volldampf..
Stoffwechsel beschleunigt,
Schadstoffe schneller abgebaut/ausgeschieden.." Cernaj:
'Umweltgifte' S.110ff
"Hyperthermie bei inoperablem Leberkrebs: HF-Thermotherapie/MRT
Universität Tübingen, bis 5cm restlos zerstört.." Magazin2000plus
"Wer heilt, hat recht"
Literatur, Patente | |
Deidier: "Deux dissertations medicinales et chirurgicales, l'une sur la maladie venerienne, l'autre sur la nature et la curation des tumeurs" Paris 1725 Patienten mit Syphilis entwickeln nur wenige bösartige Tumoren.. | |
"A discourse concerning fevers. In two letters to a young physician" London 1727 | |
Huxham: "An essay on fevers and their various kinds" 2. Auflage London 1750 | |
Thomas Glass: "Zwölf Abhandlungen über die Fieber nach Hippokrates Methode abgefasst" Neue Auflage aus dem Latein übers. von Heinrich Tabor. Verlag Pfähler, Heidelberg 1790 | |
Metzler: "On the advantages of fever in long standing diseases" Ulm 1790 Fieber durch Malaria hilfreich.. | |
Wilson: "A treatise on febrile diseases" Hartford 1809 | |
1829: Nobili: erfindet Thermosäule.. | |
Smith: "A treatise on fever" Philadelphia 1830 | |
Davidson, Hudson: "Essays on the sources and mode of action of fever" Philadelphia 1843 | |
Helmholtz: "Physiologische Wärmeerscheinungen" Fortschritte der Physik 1 346-355 1847 | |
1852: Melloni: verbesserte Thermosäule.. geschwärztes Metall.. | |
Laurence: "The diagnosis of surgical cancer (The Liston prize essay for 1854)" Churchill, London 56 1854 | |
Nasse: "Neue Beobachtungen über den Einfluss des Wechselfiebers auf das Irresein" Allg Z Psychiat 21 1-46 1864 | |
Busch: "Über den Einfluß, welche heftigere Erysipeln zuweilig auf organisierte Neubildungen ausüben" Verhandlungen des naturhistorischen Vereins der preußischen Rheinlande und Westfalens 23,1 28-30 1866 Fieber gg. Krebs.. | |
Busch: "Einfluß von Erysipel" Berliner Klin Wochenschr 3 245-246 1866 | |
Frese: "Experimentelle Beiträge zur Aetiologie des Fiebers" Universität zu Dorpat, 1866 vgl. Wood: "Studies on the cause of fever" New Eng J Med 258 1023 1958 | |
Busch: "Verhandlungen Ärzlicher Gesellschaften. Aus der Sitzung der medicinischen Section vom 13 November 1867" Berliner Klin Wochenschr 5 137-138 1868 | |
Hudson: "Lectures on the study of fever" Philadelphia 1869 | |
Wunderlich: "On the temperature in diseases: a manual of medical thermometry" 2. Auflage New Sydenham Society, London 1871 | |
Mauriac: "Etude clinique sur l'influence curative de l'erysipele dans la syphilis" Gaz Hop 39 305-307 1873 | |
De Morgan: "Observations on cancer" Lancet 1 323-329 1874 Infektionen und Krebs.. | |
Claude Bernard: "Lecons sur la Chaleur Animale" Paris, Bailliere 1876 | |
Meyer: "Die Behandlung der allgemeinen progressiven Paralyse (Dementia paralytica)" Berliner Klin Wochenschr 14,21 289-293 1877 Fieber gg. Lähmung.. | |
Oks: "Über die Wirkung fieberhafter Krankheiten auf Heilung von Psychosen" Arch Psychiatr 10 249-256 1880 vgl. Wagner-Jauregg.. | |
Fehleisen: "Über die Züchtung der Erysipelkokken auf künstlichem Nährboden und ihre Übertragbarkeit auf den Menschen" Dtsch Med Wochenschr 8 533-554 1882 | |
Fehleisen: "Die Aetiologie des Erysipels" Deutsche Z Chir 60 391-397 1882 | |
Friedrich Fehleisen: "Die Aetiologie des Erysipels" T. Fischer, Berlin 1883.. Streptococcus pyogenes als Ursache von Erysipelas.. erfolgreiche Behandlung von Krebspatienten mit lebenden Bakterienkulturen.. | |
Verneuil: "De l'inoculation de l'érysipèle comme moyen curatif" Union Med (Paris) 41,19 217-221 9.2.1886 | |
Wagner-Jauregg: "Über die Einwirkung fieberhafter Erkrankungen auf Psychosen" Jahrbücher Psychiat 7 94-131 1887 Fieber wirkt günstig auf Psychosen.. | |
Bruns: "Die Heilwirkung des Erysipels auf Geschwülste" Beitr Klin Chir 3 443-466 1888 | |
Mohr: "A case of carcinoma of the breast vs erysipelas and arsenic" North Am J Homeop 3 700-702 1888 | |
Welch: "The Cartwright lectures on the general pathology of fever" Med News (Philadelphia) 52 365, 393, 539, 565 1888 | |
Coley: "Contribution to the knowledge of sarcoma" Ann Surg 14,3 199-220 9.1891 Bessie Dashiells Sarkombildung nach Verletzung.. | |
Coley: "A preliminary note on the treatment of inoperable sarcoma by the toxic product of erysipelas" Post-graduate 8 278-286 1893 | |
Coley: "The treatment of malignant tumors by repeated inoculations of erysipelas: with a report of ten original cases" Am J Med Sci 105 487-511 5.1893 Clin Orthop Relat Res 262 3-11 1.1991 | |
Coley: "Treatment of inoperable malignant tumors with toxins of erysipelas and the bacillus prodigiosus" Trans Am Surg Assoc 12 183-212 1894 | |
Coley: "The treatment of inoperable malignant tumors with the toxins of erysipelas and the bacillus prodigiosus" Am J Med Sci 108 50-66 1894 | |
Willard: "Erysipelas: has the streptococcus erysipelatosus an antagonistic and curative effect on local tuberculosis?" Trans Am Surg Assoc 12 213-215 1894 | |
Wagner-Jauregg: "Psychiatrische Heilbestrebungen" Wiener Klin Wochenschr 8 155-159 1895 Heilung durch Infektion.. | |
Boeck: "Versuche über die Einwirkung künstlich erzeugten Fiebers bei Psychosen" Jahrbuch Psychiat Neurol 14 199-268 1895 Fieber gg. Psychosen.. | |
Richter: "Leukemia and Erysipel" Charite-annalens 21 299-309 1896 | |
Coley: "The therapeutic value of the mixed toxins of the streptococcus of erysipelas and bacillus prodigiosus in the treatment of inoperable malignant tumors. With a report of 160 cases" Am J Med Sci 112 251-281 1896 | |
Coley: "Further observations upon the treatment of malignant tumors with the toxins of erysipelas and bacillus prodigiosus with a report of 160 cases" Bull Johns Hopkins Hospital 65 157-161 8.1896 | |
Koch, Petruschky: "Beobachtungen über Erysipel-Impfungen am Menschen" Z Hyg 23 477-489 1896 | |
Eschweiler: "Die Erysipel-, Erysipeltoxin- und Serumtherapie der bösartigen Geschwülste" Naumann, Leipzig 1897 | |
Westermark: "Über die Behandlung des ulcerierenden Cervixcarcinoms mittels konstanter Wärme" Zentralblatt Gynäkol 22 1335-1337 1898 | |
Coley: "The treatment of inoperable sarcoma with the mixed toxins of erysipelas and bacillus prodigiosus - immediate and final results in one hundred and forty cases" JAMA 31 389-421 1898 | |
Moullin: "The treatment of sarcoma by the injection of mixed bacterial toxins (Coley's fluid)" Br Med J London 2 451 1898 | |
Wyeth: "Sarcoma cured by acute inflammation" Med Rec 57 125-126 1900 | |
Osler: "The medical aspects of carcinoma of the breast, with a note on the spontaneous disappearance of secondary growths" Am Med 1 17-19 63-66 1901 | |
Winberg: "Inoperable round-celled sarcoma of the upper jaw with metastases, successfully treated with the mixed toxins of erysipelas and bacillus prodigiosus" Med Rec 41 681-684 3.5.1902 | |
Watson: "A case of recurrent sarcoma with apparently spontaneous cure and gradual shrinking of the tumour" Lancet 1 300-301 1902 | |
Hart: "Chronic lymphatic leukemia complicated by pneumonia" New York State J Med 78 220-227 1903 | |
G. Dock: "The influence of complicating diseases upon leukemia" Am J Med Sci 127 563-592 1904 | |
Pilcz: "Über Heilversuche an Paralytikern" Jahrbuch Psychiat Neurol 25 141-167 1905 Tuberkulin bei gelähmten Geisteskranken.. | |
Coley: "Late results of the treatment of inoperable sarcoma by the mixed toxins of erysipelas and bacillus prodigiosus" Am J Med Sci 131 375-430 1906 | |
Coley: "Inoperable sarcoma: A further report of cases successfully treated with the mixed bacterial toxins of erysipelas and bacillus prodigiosus" Med Rec 72 129-137 1907 | |
Coley: "Sarcoma of long bones. The diagnosis, treatment and prognosis, with a report of sixty-nine cases" Ann Surg 45 356-382 1907 | |
Czerny: "Über unerwartete Krebsheilungen" Z Krebsforschung 5 27-35 1907 | |
Beebe, Tracy: "The treatment of experimental tumors with bacterial toxins" JAMA 49,18 1493-1498 2.11.1907 | |
Lagueux: "Le sérum de Coley dans le cas de sarcome ou carcinome ou dans le cas de récedive après opération" Bull Med Quebec 10 469-470 1908 | |
von Zeynek, von Bemd, von Preysz: "Über Thermopenetration" Klin Wochenschr, Wien 1908 | |
Wagner-Jauregg: "Über die Behandlung der progressiven Paralyse" Wiener Med Wochenschr 59,37 2124-2127 1909 Tuberkulin, Quecksilber, Jod gg. Lähmung.. | |
Coley: "The treatment of inoperable sarcoma by bacterial toxins (the mixed toxins of the Streptococcus of erysipelas and the Bacillus prodigiosus)" Practitioner (London) 83 589-613 1909, Proc R Soc Med Surg 3 1-48 1909 nur 3 Tote bei 500 von Coleys Behandlungen.. Bilder.. | |
Loeb: "The treatment of inoperable sarcoma by erysipelas and prodigiosus toxins" JAMA 54 262-264 1910 | |
Daels: "Beitrag zum Studium des Antagonismus zwischen den Karzinom-, Spirillen- und Trypanosomeninfektionen" Arch Hyg 72 257-306 1910 | |
Doyen: "Traitement local des cancers accessibles par l'action de la chaleur au dessus de 55°" Revue Thérapeutique Médico-Chirurgicale 77 577 1910 | |
Schmidt: "Krebs und Infektionskrankheiten" Med Klinik 43 1690-1693 1910 Mangel an infektiösen Kinderkrankheiten begünstigt Krebs.. | |
Nagelschmidt: "The thermal effects produced by high-frequency currents, and the therapeutical uses of diathermic treatment" Proc R Soc Med 4 1-12 1911 | |
Coley: "A report of recent cases of inoperable sarcoma successfully treated with mixed toxins of erysipelas and bacillus prodigiosus" Surg Gyn Obstet 13 174-190 1911 | |
Coley: "The treatment of cancer" Guy's Hosp Gaz 26 7-14 1911 | |
Coley: "Disappearance of a recurrent carcinoma after injections of mixed toxins" Ann Surg 55 897-898 1912 | |
Meyer: "Zur Behandlung der progressiven Paralyse" Münchener Med Wochenschr 49 2704 1912 Tuberkulin, Antisyphilis gg. Lähmung.. | |
Wagner-Jauregg: "Zur Behandlung der progressiven Paralyse mit Bakterientoxinen" Wiener Klin Wochenschr 25,1 61-63 1912 Lähmung mit Tuberkulin, Quecksilber, Jod.. | |
Müller: "Therapeutische Erfahrungen an 100 mit Kombination von Röntgenstrahlen und Hochfrequenz, resp. Diathermie behandelten bösartigen Neubildungen" Münchener Med Wochenschr 28 1546-1549 1912 | |
Müller: "Die Krebskrankheit und ihre Behandlung mit Röntgenstrahlen und hochfrequenter Elektrizitat resp. Diathermie" Strahlentherapie 2 170 1913 | |
Nagelschmidt: "Lehrbuch der Diathermie" Springer, Berlin 1913 | |
Wagner-Jauregg: "Über Behandlung der progressiven Paralyse mit Staphylokokkenvakzine" Wiener Med Wochenschr 63,39 2556-2558 1913 Staphylokokken von 6 Kulturen gg. Lähmung.. | |
Coley: "Inoperable adenocarcinoma of the soft palate, rendered operable by use of the mixed toxins" Ann Surg 58 559-561 1913 | |
Coley: "Inoperable recurrent tumor of nasopharynx, involving ethmoid, sphenoid, frontal and superior maxillae bones (carcinoma); disappearance under six weeks' treatment with the mixed toxins" Ann Surg 62 353-358 1915 | |
Balfour: "The treatment by heat of advanced cancer of the cervix (Percy method)" Lancet 35 347-350 1915 | |
Percy: "Heat in the treatment of carcinomas of the uterus" Surg Gynecol Obstet 22 77-79 1916 | |
Rohdenburg: "Fluctuations in the growth energy of malignant tumors in man, with especial reference to spontaneous regression" J Cancer Res 3 193-225 1918 Analyse 192 Fälle von Spontanrückbildung.. | |
Wagner-Jauregg: "Über die Einwirkung der Malaria auf die progressive Paralyse" Psychiat Neurol Wochenschr 21 132-134 1918 Infektion mit Fieber heilt Erkrankung.. | |
Weichbrodt, Jahnel: "Einfluss hoher Körpertemperaturen auf die Spirochäten und Krankheitserscheinungen der Syphilis im Tierenexperiment" Dtsch Med Wochenschr 45,18 483-484 1919 | |
Mühlens, Weygandt, Kirschbaum: "Die Behandlung der Paralyse mit Malaria- und Rekurrensfieber" Münchener Med Wochenschr 67 831-833 1920 Lähmungen mit Malaria-Fieber.. | |
Gerstmann: "Über die Einwirkung der Malaria tertiana auf die progressive Paralyse" Z ges Neurol Psychiat 60,1 328-359 12.1920 Lähmungen mit Malaria-Fieber.. | |
Wagner-Jauregg: "Die Behandlung der progressiven Paralyse und Tabes" Wiener Med Wochenschr 71,25 1105-1109; 71,27 1209-1215 1921 Lähmungen mit Malaria-Fieber.. | |
Rohdenburg, Prime: "The effect of combined radiation and heat on neoplasms" Arch Surg 2,1 116-129 1.1921 kombiniert Wärme, Strahlung.. | |
Cumberbatch: "Diathermy - its production and use in medicine and surgery" Heinemann, London 1921 | |
Liebesny: "" Wiener Klin Wochenschr 34 117 1921 beseitigt Karzinome bei Mäusen durch Diathermie.. | |
Wolfenheim: "Über den heilenden Einfluß des Erysipels auf Gewebsneubildungen, insbesondere bösartige Tumoren" Z Klin Med 92 507-526 1921 | |
Wagner-Jauregg: "The treatment of general paresis by inoculation of malaria" J Nerv Ment Dis 55 369-375 1922 Lähmungen mit Malaria-Fieber.. | |
Gerstmann: "Über die Einwirkung der Malaria tertiana auf die progressive Paralyse" Z ges Neurol Psychiat 74,1 242-258 12.1922 Lähmungen mit Malaria-Fieber.. | |
Bachrach: "Über die endovesikale Behandlung von Blasentumoren mit Hochfrequenzströmen" Wiener Med Wochenschr 31 1922 | |
Klein: "The use of Coley's mixed toxins in the treatment of chronic arthritis" Trans Am Climatol Clin Assoc 39 67-73 1923 | |
Clark, Morgan, Asnia: "Electrothermic methods in the treatment of neoplasms and other lesions, with clinical and hisological observations" Radiology 2,4 233-246 4.1924 | |
"The malarial treatment of general paralysis" Nature 114 164-165 2.8.1924 Heilung Lähmung durch Malaria bei 50%.. | |
Yorke: "The malarial treatment of general paralysis" Nature 114 615-616 25.10.1924 Heilung Lähmung durch Malaria.. | |
McAlister: "The results of the treatment of general paralysis by malaria" J Ment Sci 71,293 236 1.4.1925 Heilung Lähmung.. | |
Gerstmann, Wagner-Jauregg: "Die Malariabehandlung der Progressiven Paralyse" Spinger 1925.. Lähmungen mit Malaria-Fieber ausheilen.. | |
Hoche: "Die Behandlung der progressiven Paralyse" Schweiz Med Wochenschr 6 133-135 1925 Heilung Lähmung durch Malaria.. | |
Coley: "The cancer symposium at lake mohonk" Am J Surg 1,4 222-225 10.1926 | |
Coley, Coley: "Primary malignant tumors of the long bones: End-results in one hundred and seventy operable cases, including small group of malignant central sarcoma" Arch Surg 13,6 779-836 1926 | |
Centanni, Rezzesi: "Etude experimentale sur l'antagonisme entre la tuberculose et le cancer" Neoplasmes 5 211-225 1926 | |
Schereschewsky: "The physiological effects of currents of very high frequency (135,000,000 to 8,300,000 cycles per second)" Public Health Reports 41,37 1939-1963 10.9.1926 | |
Coley, Coley: "Primary malignant tumors of the long bones: End-results in one hundred and seventy operable cases" Arch Surg 14,1 63-141 1.1927 | |
Westermark: "The effect of heat upon rat-tumors" Skand Arch Physiol 52,3 257-322 9.1927 | |
Morgan: "Electrothermic methods in neoplastic diseases" Amer J Med Sci 1927 | |
Binger, Christie: "An experimental study of diathermy: I. The measurement of lung temperature" J Exp Med 46,4 571-584 30.9.1927 Schaltplan Diathermiegerät.. Grafiken Temperaturanstieg.. | |
Binger, Christie: "An experimental study of diathermy: II. The conditions necessary for the production of local heat in the lungs" J Exp Med 46,4 585-594 30.9.1927 Grafiken Temperaturanstieg.. | |
Binger, Christie: "An experimental study of diathermy: III. The temperature of the circulating blood" J Exp Med 46,4 595-600 30.9.1927 Grafiken Temperaturanstieg.. | |
Christie, Binger: "An experimental study of diathermy: IV. Evidence for the penetration of high frequency currents through the living body" J Exp Med 46,5 715-734 31.10.1927 Aufheizkurven, Experimente.. | |
O'Leary: "Treatment of neurosyphilis by malaria: report of the three years observation of the first one hundred patients treated" JAMA 89,2 95-100 9.7.1927 Malaria-Fieber gg. Syphilis.. | |
1927: Nobelpreis J. Wagner-Jauregg für Entdeckung der therapeutischen Bedeutung der Malaria-Impfung bei progressiver Lähmung.. progressive Paralyse als Geisteskrankheit durch Syphilis.. erzeugt therapieresistente Blödheit oder Paralyse.. Besserung durch Malaria-Impfung.. auch Penicillin kann ggf. helfen.. | |
Schereschewsky: "The action of currents of very high frequency upon tissue cells: upon a transplantable mouse sarcoma" Public Health Reports 43,16 927-939 20.4.1928 | |
Schmidt: "Electrothermic methods in the treatment of inoperable cancer of the breast" Arch Phys Therapy X-ray Radium 9,1 13-17 1.1928 | |
Hosmer: "Heating effects observed in a high frequency static field" Science 68,1762 325-327 1928 | |
Christie, Ehrich, Binger: "An experimental study of diathermy: V. The elevation of temperature in the pneumonic lung" J Exp Med 47,5 741-755 30.4.1928 Grafiken Temperaturanstieg.. | |
Christie: "An experimental study of diathermy: VI. Conduction of high frequency currents through the living cell" J Exp Med 48,2 235-246 31.7.1928 elektrisches Ersatzschaltbild für HF-Ströme.. Impedanzen.. | |
Coley: "End results in Hodgkin's disease and lymphosarcoma treated by the mixed toxins of erysipelas and bacillus prodigiosus, alone or combined with radiation" Ann Surg 88,4 641-667 10.1928 | |
Christie, Loomis: "The relation of frequency to the physiological effects of ultra-high frequency currents" J Exp Med 49,2 303-321 31.1.1929 Schaltplan Sender.. Einfluss der Frequenz.. | |
Braunstein: "Experimentelle und klinische Grundlagen die Malariabehandlung des Krebses" Zeitschrift für Krebsforschung 29,1-2 486-490 1929 Krebspatienten waren immer gesund, keine fieberhaften Krankheiten.. | |
Meagher, Bond: "General paralysis and its treatment by induced malaria" HM Stationery Office, London 1929 Lähmungen.. | |
Carpenter, Page: "The production of fever in man by short radio waves" Science 71,1844 450-452 2.5.1930 Fieber durch Kurzwellen.. | |
Mellon, Szymanowski, Hicks: "An effect of short electric waves on diphtheria toxin independent of the heat factor" Science 72,1859 174-175 15.8.1930 elektrischer Effekt Diphtherie.. Kurzwellen.. | |
Braunstein: "Über durch Malaria bei Krebskranken hervorgerufene Reaktionen und ihre Beziehungen zum reticuloendothelialen System (RES.) III. Mitteilung" J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 34,1 230-233 1931 weniger Krebs wo viel Malaria.. | |
Coley: "Endothelioma myeloma of tibia: Long-standing cure by toxin treatment" Ann Surg 94 447-452 1931 | |
Goetze, Schmidt: "Örtliche homogene Überwärmung gesunder und kranker Gliedmaßen" Deutsche Z Chirurgie 234,1 623-670 10.1931 | |
Krauss: "Analysis of reports of 8354 cases of Impf-malaria" South Med J 25,5 537-541 4.1932 | |
Reiter: "Tumorzerstörung durch Ultrakurzwellen" Dtsch Med Wochenschr 59,39 1497-1498 1933 | |
Editorial: "Erysipelas and prodigiosus toxins (Coley)" JAMA 103,14 1067-1069 6.10.1934 | |
Overgaard: "Über Wärmetherapie bösartiger Tumoren" Acta Radiol [Ther] (Stockholm) 15 89-99 1934 | |
Engel: "Über den Infektionsindex der Krebskranken" Wiener Klin Wochenschr 47 1118-1119 1934 | |
Flinn: "Acute lymphatic leukemia in a child of four years with a severe granulopenic phase preceding a remission" Ann Int Med 9 458 1935 | |
Rae: "Spontaneous regression of a hypernephroma" Am J Cancer 24 839-841 1935 | |
Codman: "Symposium on the treatment of primary malignant bone tumors. The Memorial Hospital conference on the treatment of bone sarcoma" Am J Surg 27 3-6 1935 Erfolg durch Coleys Toxin.. | |
Warren: "Preliminary study of effect of artificial fever upon hopeless tumor cases" Am J Roentgenol 33 75 1935 | |
Doub: "Artificial fever as a therapeutic agent" Radiology 25 360-361 1935 | |
Bishop, Lehman, Warren: "A comparison of three electrical methods of producing artificial hyperthermia" JAMA 104,11 910-915 16.3.1935 Hyperthermie mit heißen Bädern, Diathermie-Strömen 1MHz, Radiothermie 10MHz, Beutel mit Heizelementen, Chemikalien, Bakterien, Malaria.. | |
Shore: "Spontaneous cure of congenital recurring connective tissue tumor" Am J Cancer 27 736-739 1936 | |
Coley: "Diagnosis and treatment of bone sarcoma" Glasgow Med J 126 49-86 128-164 1936 | |
Kusch, Milam, Stratman-Thomas: "General paresis treated by mosquito-inoculated vivax (tertian) malaria" Am J Psychiat 93,3 619-624 11.1936 Heilung Lähmung durch Malaria.. | |
Wagner-Jauregg: "Fieber und Infektionstherapie" Weidmann, Wien 1936 | |
Rüdiger: "Heilwert des durch heiße Bäder und Packungen erzeugten künstlichen Fiebers" Naturärztliche Rundschau 4 106-111 4.1937 | |
Zook, Sharpless: "Vitamin C nutrition in artificial fever" Exp Biol Med 39,2 233-236 11.1938 Vitamin C bei künstlichem Fieber.. | |
Stafford: "Radio waves cause fever in patients to cure dreaded paresis" Science News 18,484 36-37,45 1939 Lähmungen.. | |
Johnson: "The action of short radiowave on tissues. III. A comparison of the thermal sensitivities of transplantable tumors in vivo and in vitro" Am J Cancer 38,4 533-550 1940 mehr Tumorzerstörung durch mehr Temperatur.. Grafik.. | |
Bierman: "The history of fever therapy in the treatment of disease" Bull N Y Acad Med 18,1 65-75 1.1942 Geschichte der Fiebertherapie.. Hippokrates, Ruphos of Ephesus, Homer.. Warmluftbehandlung, heißer Dampf, Warmwasser im Fass, heiße Quellen, heißes Sandbad.. Erfindung Thermometer.. Chinin zur Fiebersenkung bei Malaria.. dann Salicylsäure, Phenol, Antipyrin, Antifebrin, Amidopyrin gg. Typhus, Kindbettfieber, Tuberkulose.. Überwärmungstherapie durch Licht, Strom, Hochfrequenz, Diathermie.. Heilung Geisteskrankheiten durch Ansteckung mit Malaria.. Kurzwellen gg. Krebs.. 1. internationale Konferenz zu Fiebertherapien 1937 in New York.. | |
Rosenblum: "Relation of febrile diseases to the psychoses" Arch Derm Syph 48 52-58 1943 Heilung durch Fieber.. vgl. Wagner-Jauregg.. | |
Shear, Turner: "Chemical treatment of tumors. V. Isolation of the hemorrhage-producing fraction from Serratia marcescens (Bacillus prodigiosus) culture filtrate" J Natl Cancer Inst 4,1 81-97 1.8.1943 | |
Nauts, Swift, Coley: "The treatment of malignant tumors by bacterial toxins as developed by the late William B. Coley, M.D., reviewed in the light of modern research" Cancer Res 6 205-216 4.1946 484 Fälle.. | |
Henriques, Moritz: "Studies of thermal injury. I. The conduction of heat to and through skin and the temperatures attained therein. A theoretical and an experimental investigation" Am J Pathol 23,4 530-549 7.1947 | |
Shear, Hartwell, Peters, Dalton, Dunn, Hauschka, Diller, McConnell, Oakey, Reimann, Rees, Beck, Holloman: "Some aspects of a joint institutional research program on chemotherapy of cancer: current laboratory and clinical experiments with bacterial polysaccharide and with synthetic organic compounds" in Moulton: "Approaches to Tumor Chemotherapy" American Association Advancement Science 1947 S.236ff Nachweis der aktiven Substanz in Coleys Toxin.. | |
Creech, Hamilton, Diller: "Comparative studies of the immunological, toxic and tumor-necrotizing properties of polysaccharides from Serratia marcescens (Bacillus prodigiosus)" Cancer Res 8,7 318-329 1.7.1948 | |
Diller, Blauch, Beck: "Histological changes in adrenal glands of tumor-bearing mice injected with Serratia marcescens polysaccharide alone and in combination with adrenal cortical extract" Cancer Res 8,11 591-605 1.11.1948 Bilder.. | |
Dreyfus: "Les remissions de la leucemie aigue" Sangre 1 35-40 1948 | |
Birge, Jenks, Davis: "Spontaneous remission in acute leukemia" JAMA 140 589-592 1949 | |
Gessler, McCarty, Parkinson: "Eradication of spontaneous mouse tumors by high frequency radiation" Exp Med Surg 8 143 1950 Mikrowellen gg. Krebs.. | |
Diamond, Luhby: "The pattern of 'spontaneous' remissions in leukemia in childhood. A review of 26 remissions in 300 cases" Am J Med 10 236 1951 | |
Bassen, Kohn: "Multiple spontaneous remissions in a child with acute leukemia. The occurrence of agranulocytosis and aplastic anemia in acute leukemia and their relationship to remissions" Blood 7,1 37-46 1.1952 | |
Nauts, Fowler, Bogatko: "A review of the influence of bacterial infection and of bacterial products (Coley's toxins) on malignant tumors in man; a critical analysis of 30 inoperable cases treated by Coley's mixed toxins, in which diagnosis was confirmed by microscopic examination selected for special study" Acta Med Scand Suppl 276 1-103 1953 NY Cancer Res Institute Monograph #1 1953 | |
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Schwan, Piersol: "The absorption of electromagnetic energy in body tissues. a review and critical analysis, part II. Physiological and clinical aspects" Am J Phys Med 34,3 425-448 6.1955 | |
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Dobson, Dickey: "Spontaneous regression of malignant tumors; report of a twelve-year spontaneous complete regression of an extensive fibrosarcoma, with speculations about regression and dormancy" Am J Surg 92,2 162-173 8.1956 | |
Everson, Cole: "Spontaneous regression of cancer: Preliminary report" Ann Surg 144,3 366-380 9.1956 | |
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Pelner, Fowler, Nauts: "Effects of concurrent infections and their toxins on the course of leukemia" Acta Med Scand Suppl 338 1-47 1958 | |
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Donnelly, Havas, Groesbeck: "Mixed bacterial toxins in the treatment of tumors. II. Gross and microscopic changes produced in sarcoma 37 and in mouse tissues" Cancer Res 18,2 149-154 2.1958 | |
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Nauts, Pelner, Fowler: "Sarcoma of the soft tissues other than lymphosarcoma treated by toxin therapy. End results in 180 determinate cases with microscopic confirmation of diagnosis: 49 operable, 137 inoperable" NY Cancer Res Institute Monograph #3 1959 | |
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Havas, Donnelly, Levine: "Mixed bacterial toxins in the treatment of tumors. III. Effect of tumor removal on the toxicity and mortality rates in mice" Cancer Res 20 393-396 4.1960 | |
Havas, Donnelly: "Mixed bacterial toxins in the treatment of tumors. IV. Response of methylcholanthrene-induced, spontaneous, and transplanted tumors in mice" Cancer Res 21 17-25 1.1961 | |
Ainsworth, Forbes: "The effect of Pseudomonas pyrogen on survival of irradiated mice" Rad Res 14 767-774 1961 | |
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Crile: "Selective destruction of cancers after exposure to heat" Ann Surg 156,3 404-407 9.1962 Serotoningabe macht Tumoren wärmeempfindlicher.. | |
Smithers: "Spontaneous regression of tumours" Clin Radiol 13 132-137 4.1962 | |
Vladimirskaia: "A case of prolonged spontaneous remission in a patient with chronic lymphatic leukemia" Problemy Gematologii I Perlevaniya Krovi 7 51-54 1962 | |
Johnston: "Clinical effects of Coley's toxin. I. A controlled study" Cancer Chemother Rep 21 19-41 8.1962 | |
Johnston, Novales: "Clinical effect of Coley's toxin. II. A seven-year study" Cancer Chemother Rep 21 43-68 8.1962 | |
Johnston, Novales, Gonzales, Mahood: "The cytotoxic effect of bacterial toxins on sarcoma 37 cells" Growth 26 147-160 9.1962 | |
Lehmann, Guy, Johnston, Brunner, Bell: "Comparison of relative heating patterns produced in tissues by exposure to microwave energy at frequencies of 2450 and 900 megacycles" Arch Phys Med 43 69-76 2.1962 | |
Lehmann, McMillan, Brunner, Guy: "A comparative evaluation of temperature distributions produced by microwaves at 2456 and 900 megacycles in geometrically complex specimens" Arch Phys Med 43 502-507 10.1962 | |
Lehmann, McMillan, Brunner, Johnston: "Heating patterns produced in specimens by microwaves of the frequency of 2456 megacycles when applied with the 'A,' 'B,' and 'C' directors" Arch Phys Med Rehab 43 538-546 1962 | |
Crile: "The effects of heat and radiation on cancers implanted on the feet of mice" Cancer Res 23,3 372-380 1963 Wärme reduziert Tumoren, aber Rezidiv innerhalb 2 Wochen.. mehr Füße gerettet durch Wärme alleine ohne Bestrahlung.. weniger Strahlung nötig durch Wärme.. | |
Fauvet, Roujeau, Piet: "Les guérisons et régressions spontanées des cancers" Rev Prat 14 2177-2180 1964 Fallsammlung 202 Fälle.. | |
Everson: "Spontaneous regression of cancer" Ann NY Acad Sci 114,2 721-735 2.4.1964 | |
Nauts, Swift, Coley: "The treatment of malignant tumors by bacterial toxins, as developed by the late William B. Coley, M.D., reviewed in the light of modern research" Cancer Research 6 205-216 1964 | |
Berner, Laub: "The spontaneous cure of massive fibrosarcoma" Plastic Reconstructive Surg 36 257-262 1965 | |
Lehmann, Johnston, McMillan, Silverman, Brunner, Rathbun: "Comparison of deep heating by microwaves at frequencies of 2456 and 900 megacycles" Arch Phys Med 46 307-314 4.1965 | |
von Ardenne, Reitnauer: "Über die Wirkung von Hyperthermie auf Ehrlich-Mäuse-Ascites-Krebszellen" Archiv f Geschwulstforschung 26,3 184-185 1965 on the effect of hyperthermia on Ehrlich mouse ascites cancer cells.. | |
Everson, Cole: "Spontaneous regression of cancer" spontane Krebsrückbildungen.. 560 Seiten.. W.B. Saunders, London, Philadelphia 7.1966.. | |
Everson, Cole: "Spontaneous regression of cancer. A study and abstract of reports in the world medical literature and personal communications concerning spontaneous regressions of malignant disease" W.B. Saunders, London, Philadelphia 1966 176 Fälle.. | |
Verhoeff: "Retinoblastoma undergoing spontaneous regression. Calcifying agent suggested in treatment of retinoblastoma" Am J Ophthalmol 62,3 573-574 9.1966 | |
Cerino, Ackerman, Janes: "Effects of heat and ultrasound on Vx-2 carcinoma in bones of rabbits: a preliminary report" J Acoustical Soc America 40,4 916-918 10.1966 | |
von Ardenne, Reitnauer: "Überadditive Verstärkung der selektiven Thermosensibilisierung von Krebszellen mit Vitamin K3 durch Methylenblau" Z Krebsforschung 70,2 165-171 1967 the superadditive potentation of the vitamin K-induced selective thermosensitization of cancer cells by methylene blue.. | |
Margolis, West: "Spontaneous regression of malignant disease: report of three cases" J Am Geriatr Soc 15,3 251-253 3.1967 | |
Everson: "Spontaneous regression of cancer" Prog Clin Cancer 3 79-95 1967 | |
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Fowler: "Testicular cancer treated by bacterial toxin therapy as a means of enhancing host resistance. End results in 63 determinate cases with microscopic confirmation of diagnosis - 20 operable (85% success), 26 inoperable (35% success), 17 terminal (6% success)" NY Cancer Res Institute Monograph #7 1968 | |
von Ardenne, Reitnauer: "Thermosensibilisierung von Ehrlich-Mäuse-Ascites-Krebszellen durch Atebrin" Deutsches Gesundheitswesen 23,6 258-261 8.2.1968 Thermosensitization of mouse Ehrlich ascites tumor cells using atebrin.. | |
von Ardenne, Krüger: "Zum Mechanismus der Thermosensibilisierung von Krebszellen mit Vitamin K3 durch intrazelluläre Bildung von H2O2 und Lipidperoxiden" Acta Biologica et Medica Germanica 21,4 549-561 1968 on the mechanism of thermosensitization of cancer cells with vitamin K3 by intracellular formation of H2O2 and lipid peroxides.. | |
von Ardenne, Chaplain, Reitnauer: "Selektive Krebszellenschädigung durch eine Attackenkombination mit Übersäuerung, Hyperthermie, Vitamin A, Dimethylsulfoxoid und weiteren die Freisetzung lysosomaler Enzyme fördernden Agenzien" Archiv für Geschwulstforschung 33,4 331-344 1969 selective injury to cancer cells by a combined attack with acidification, heat, vitamin A, dimethyl sulfoxide and other agents facilitating the release of lysosomal enzymes.. | |
Mondovi, Strom, Rotilio, Agro, Cavaliere, Fanelli: "The biochemical mechanism of selective heat sensitivity of cancer cells. I. Studies on cellular respiration" Eur J Cancer 5,2 129-136 5.1969 Hitzeempfindlichkeit.. | |
Mondovi, Agro, Rotilio, Strom, Moricca, Fanelli: "The biochemical mechanism of selective heat sensitivity of cancer cells. II. Studies on nucleic acids and protein synthesis" Eur J Cancer 5,2 137-146 1969 Hitzeempfindlichkeit.. | |
Stewart, Tolnai: "The regression of an inflammatory skin lesion by the induction of a delayed hypersensitivity reaction. A case report" Cancer 24,1 201-205 7.1969 strahlenresistenter Hautkrebs reduziert durch Streptokokken.. | |
Weintraub: "Lymphosarcoma. Remission associated with viral hepatitis" JAMA 210,8 1590-1591 24.11.1969 | |
Temesrekasi: "Complete regression of 2 non-operated hypopharyngeal carcinomas" Arch Klin Exp Ohren Nasen Kehlkopfheilkd 194,2 323-328 22.12.1969 deutsch.. | |
Schulz: "Verhütet Fieber Karzinome?" Münch Med Wschr 111 1051-1052 1969 bei Krebs-Patienten in 5 Jahren vor Symptomen keine Temperaturen über 38.5°C.. | |
Nauts, Fowler: "End results in lymphosarcoma treated by toxin therapy alone or combined with surgery and/or radiation (87 cases) or with concurrent bacterial infection (14 cases)" NY Cancer Res Institute Monograph #6 1969 | |
Fowler: "Enhancement of natural resistance to malignant melanoma with special reference to the beneficial effects of concurrent infections and bacterial toxin therapy" NY Cancer Res Institute Monograph #9 1969 | |
Fowler: "Beneficial effects of acute bacterial infections or bacterial toxin therapy on cancer of the colon or rectum" NY Cancer Res Institute Monograph #10 1969 | |
Fowler, Nauts: "The apparently beneficial effects of concurrent infections, inflammation or fever and of bacterial toxin therapy on neuroblastoma" NY Cancer Res Institute Monograph #11 1970 | |
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Muckle, Dickson: "The selective inhibitory effect of hyperthermia on the metabolism and growth of malignant cells" Br J Cancer 25,4 771-778 12.1971 | |
Henderson, Pettigrew: "Induction of controlled hyperthermia in treatment of cancer" Lancet 297,7712 1275-1277 19.6.1971 | |
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Miller, Nicholson: "End results in reticulum cell sarcoma of bone treated by bacterial toxin therapy alone or combined with surgery and/or radiotherapy (47 cases) or with concurrent infection (5 cases)" Cancer 27,3 524-548 3.1971 Immuntherapie.. 82 Quellenangaben.. | |
Schwartz, Zbar, Gibson, Chirigos: "Inhibition of murine sarcoma virus oncogenesis with living BCG" Int J Cancer 8,2 320-325 15.9.1971 | |
Stephenson, Delmez, Renden, Kimpton, Todd, Charron, Lindberg: "Host immunity and spontaneous regression of cancer evaluated by computerized data reduction study" Surg Gynecol Obstet 133,4 649-655 10.1971 224 Fälle.. | |
Ruckdeschel, Codish, Stranahan, McKneally: "Postoperative empyema improves survival in lung cancer. Documentation and analysis of a natural experiment" N Engl J Med 287,20 1013-1017 16.11.1972 | |
Overgaard, Overgaard: "Investigations on the possibility of a thermic tumor therapy. I. Short-wave treatment of a transplanted isologous mouse mammary carcinoma" Eur J Cancer 8,1 65-78 2.1972 wertvoller Bericht.. Versuche an 1200 Mäusen.. dauerhafte Heilung durch 27.12MHz Kurzwellen.. spezielles nicht störendes Thermoelement zur Generatorregelung.. Temperatur auf 0.1°C genau.. Zusammenhang zwischen Temperatur 41.5-43.5°C und benötigter Zeit zur Heilung.. | |
Overgaard, Overgaard: "Investigations on the possibility of a thermic tumor therapy. II. Action of combined heat-roentgen treatment on a transplanted mouse mammary carcinoma" Eur J Cancer 8 573-575 1972 verstärkter Effekt durch Kombination Bestrahlung und Überwärmung.. | |
Seibert, Baker, Dierking, Abadal, Davis: "Decrease in spontaneous tumors by vaccinating C3H mice with an homologous bacterial vaccine" Int Res Commun Bull 3 1973 Impfstoff.. | |
Nauts: "Enhancement of natural resistance to renal cancer: Beneficial effects of concurrent infections and immunotherapy with bacterial vaccines" NY Cancer Res Institute Monograph #12 1973.. | |
Cole: "Spontaneous regression of cancer: The metabolic triumph of the host?" Ann NY Acad Sci 230 111-141 1974 | |
Mastrangelo, Kim, Bornstein, Chee, Sulit, Yarbro, Prehn: "Clinical and histologic correlation of melanoma regression after intralesional BCG therapy: a case report" J Natl Cancer Inst 52,1 19-24 1.1974 | |
Pettigrew, Galt, Ludgate, Smith: "Clinical effects of whole body hyperthermia in advanced malignancy" Br Med J 4,5946 679-682 1974 wirksam bei Magen-Darm, Sarkome.. | |
Nauts: "Ewing's sarcoma of bone: End results following immunotherapy (bacterial toxins) combined with surgery and/or radiation" NY Cancer Res Institute Monograph #14 1974.. | |
Nauts: "Multiple myeloma: Beneficial effects of acute infections or immunotherapy (bacterial vaccines)" NY Cancer Res Institute Monograph #13 1975.. | |
Nauts: "Osteogenic sarcoma: End results following immunotherapy with bacterial vaccines, 165 cases or following bacterial infections, inflammation or fever, 41 cases" NY Cancer Res Institute Monograph #15 1975.. | |
Nauts: "Beneficial effects of immunotherapy (bacterial toxins) on sarcoma of the soft tissues, other than lymphosarcoma. End results in 186 determinate cases with microscopic confirmation of diagnosis - 49 operable, 137 inoperable" NY Cancer Res Institute Monograph #16 1975.. | |
Nauts: "Giant cell tumor of bone: End results following immunotherapy (Coley toxins) alone or combined with surgery and/or radiation (66 cases), or with concurrent infection (4 cases)" NY Cancer Res Institute Monograph #4 1975 (1966).. | |
Callan, Wood, Linda: "Spontaneous resolution of an osteochondroma" J Bone Joint Surg Am 57,5 723 7.1975 | |
Kluger, Ringler, Anver: "Fever and survival" Science 188 166 1975 | |
Gunale, Tucker: "Regression of metastatic melanoma" Mich Med 74,32 697-698 11.1975 | |
Cole: "Relationship of causative factors in spontaneous regression of cancer to immunologic factors possibly effective in cancer" J Surg Oncol 8 391-411 1976 | |
Cole: "Spontaneous regression of cancer and the importance of finding its cause" Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 44 5-9 11.1976 | |
Remy, Stüttgen, Bockendahl, Gelderblom, Remy: "Remission of skin melanoma metastases following BCG injection" Dtsch Med Wochenschr 101,39 1435-1436 24.9.1976 deutsch.. | |
Bodurtha, Berkelhammer, Kim, Laucius, Mastrangelo: "A clinical, histologic, and immunologic study of a case of metastatic malignant melanoma undergoing spontaneous remission" Cancer 37 735-742 1976 | |
Sindelar: "Regression of cancer following surgery" Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 44 81-84 11.1976 | |
Ziegler: "Spontaneous remission in Burkitt's lymphoma" Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 44 61-65 11.1976 | |
Wiernik: "Spontaneous regression of hematologic cancers" Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 44 35-38 11.1976 | |
Selker, Wolfson: "Tumor eradication by radiofrequency therapy" JAMA 236,15 1690-1691 11.10.1976 | |
US-Patent 4106488: Krebsbehandlung durch induktive HF-Erwärmung (50kHz-10MHz) eingebrachter magnetischer Teilchen. Gordon 22.1.1976 -> 15.8.1978 8-10min 3MHz, 600 Oerstedt.. Spule um Körper.. | |
US-Patent 4119102: RF-Überwärmungstherapie gg. Tumoren. Harry H. LeVeen 11.11.1976 -> 10.10.1978 Behandlungsbeispiele.. | |
LeVeen, Wapnick, Piccone, Falk, Nafis: "Tumor eradication by radiofrequency therapy. Responses in 21 patients" JAMA 235,20 2198-2200 17.5.1976 Tumorgewebe viel schwächer durchblutet (nur 2-15% des Blutfluss der Umgebung).. bei Zufuhr von RF-Energie werden Tumoren weniger durch Blutfluss gekühlt -> Temperaturanstieg 5-9.5°C über gesundes Gewebe -> Tumorzerstörung ohne Schädigung des gesunden Gewebes.. Gewebenekrose oder starker Tumorrückgang bei 21 Patienten.. | |
Marmor, Hahn, Hahn: "Tumor cure and cell survial after localized radiofrequency heating" Cancer Res 37,3 879-883 1977 13.56MHz.. 43°,43.5°,44° für 5,10,20,30,40min.. 50% Heilung von EMT-6 Tumor durch 5min 44°C.. meiste KHJJ Karzinome bei >43.5°C geheilt.. | |
Coates, Peters: "Complete remission of metastatic malignant melanoma following immunotherapy with Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG): report of a case" Aust N Z J Surg 47,3 362-365 6.1977 | |
Nauts: "Bacterial vaccine therapy of cancer" Dev Biol Stand 38 487-494 4.1977 | |
Nauts: "Beneficial effects of acute concurrent infection, inflammation, fever or immunotherapy (bacterial toxins) on ovarian and uterine cancer" NY Cancer Res Institute Monograph #17 1977.. | |
Bernheim, Bodel, Askenase et al: "Effects of fever on host defence mechanisms after infection in the lizard Dipsosaurus dorsalis" Br J Exp Path 59 76 1978 | |
Kluger, Vaughn: "Fever and survival in rabbits infected with Pasteurella multocida" J Physiol 282 243 1978 | |
Preskorn, Edwards, Justesen: "Retarded tumor growth and greater longevity in mice after fetal irradiation by 2450-MHz microwaves" J Surg Oncol 10,6 483-492 1978 | |
Krutchik, Buzdar, Blumenschein, Lukeman: "Spontaneous regression of breast carcinoma" Arch Intern Med 138,11 1734-1735 11.1978 spontanes Verschwinden von Brustkrebs und Knochenmetastasen ohne Hormone/Chemo.. | |
Barton, Conrad: "Beneficial effects of hepatitis in patients with acute myelogenous leukemia" Ann Intern Med 90,2 188-190 2.1979 | |
Roberts: "Temperature and host defense" Microbiol Rev 43 241 1979 | |
von Ardenne, Lippmann, Reitnauer, Justus: "Histological proof for selective stop of microcirculation in tumor tissue at pH 6.1 and 41°C" Naturwissenschaften 66,1 59-60 1.1979 Stopp der Mikrozirkulation ab 41°C.. | |
Stehlin, Giovanella, de Ipolyi, Anderson: "Results of eleven years' experience with heated perfusion for melanoma of the extremities" Cancer Res 39,6 II 2255-2257 1979 stark verbessertes Überleben.. | |
US-Patent 4303636: Krebsbehandlung durch induktive HF-Erwärmung (50kHz-10MHz) eingebrachter magnetischer Teilchen. Gordon 12.5.1978 -> 1.12.1981 8-10min 3MHz, 600 Oerstedt.. Spule um Körper.. | |
Conrad, Barton: "Hepatitis and leukemia" Ann Intern Med 90,6 988 6.1979 | |
Süsskind: "The 'story' of nonionizing radiation research" Bull N Y Acad Med 55,11 1152-1163 12.1979 Brodeur.. Mikrowellen gg. US-Botschaft in Moskau.. d'Arsonval, Tesla, Paul Oudin.. Autoconduction.. Spule um Körper herum.. Oudin-Resonantor.. Ekzeme, Akne, Lupus, Neuralgie, Ischias, Hexenschuss, oberflächennahe Tumoren.. elektrische Narkose Zähne.. 1894-1895 75 Patienten in Spule 15-20min/Tag, 2500 Behandlungen.. Arthritis, Rheuma, Gicht.. besserer Schlaf, Appetit, Energie.. verbesserter Stoffwechsel, weniger Gelenkschmerzen.. 350-450mA 6min.. unklarer Effekt auf Bakterien.. Tod Tuberkulose-Bazillus durch HF-Ströme? Elektrochirurgie.. Bilder Ganzkörperüberwärmung in Arch Phys Med, X-Ray, Radium 1932.. Hyperthermie mit Mikrowellen.. Ozonerzeugung.. | |
Foon, Yale, Clodfelter, Gale: "Posttransfusion hepatitis in acute myelogenous leukemia. Effect on survival" JAMA 244,16 1806-1807 17.10.1980 Hepatitis verbessert Überleben.. | |
Nauts: "The beneficial effects of bacterial infections on host resistance to cancer. End results in 449 cases. A study and abstracts of reports in the world medical literature (1775-1980) and personal communications" NY Cancer Res Institute Monograph #8 1980.. 2. Auflage, 1032 Literaturhinweise.. 1.Auflage 1969.. | |
Gattiker, Wiltshaw, Galton: "Spontaneous regression in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma" Cancer 45,10 2627-2632 15.5.1980 komplett, teil- oder minimale Rückbildung bei 18 von 140 Fällen von nodular lymphoma.. | |
Vaughn, Veale, Cooper: "Antipyresis: its effect on mortality rate of bacterially infected rabbits" Brain Res Bull 5,1 69-73 1980 mit Bakterien infizierte Tiere sterben wenn Fieber gesenkt wird da mehr Bakterien sich dann ausbreiten.. | |
Vaughn, Veale, Cooper: "Effects of antipyresis on bacterial numbers in infected rabbits" Brain Res Bull 7,2 175-180 8.1981 mit Bakterien infizierte Tiere sterben wenn Fieber gesenkt wird da mehr Bakterien sich dann ausbreiten.. | |
Kempin, Cirrincione, Straus et al: "Improved remission rate and duration in nodular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) with the use of mixed bacterial vaccines (MBV)" Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol 22 514 1981 | |
Cole: "Efforts to explain spontaneous regression of cancer" J Surg Oncol 17,3 201-209 1981 40% der Spontanrückbildungen hatten operatives Trauma.. | |
Stuchly, Athey, Stuchly, Samaras, Taylor: "Dielectric properties of animal tissues in vivo at frequencies 10MHz-1GHz" Bioelectromagnetics 2,2 93-103 1981 | |
Raines: "Electromagnetic field interactions with the human body: observed effects and theories" NASA CR 166661 NASA Purchase Order No. S-75151B 9.4.1981 ungünstige, nützliche Wirkungen.. 45 Bilder, 31 Tabellen.. natürliches elektrisches Feld vs. EEG.. Atmospherics Tag/Nacht vs. RF.. Mikrowellenstrahlung durch Satelliten.. Grenzwerte 10MHz-300GHz 2.5uW/qcm-10mW/qcm.. 1V/m-300V/m.. 0.03mA/qcm-10mA/qcm.. Überlagerung natürliches E-Feld.. Wirkung auf Fühlen, Hören (Mikrowellenhören), Sehen (Phosphene), Geschmack (Geschmacksverlust), Durchbutung, Verdauung, Nervensystem, Muskulatur, Reaktionszeit (3Hz), Hautwiderstand, Circadian-Rhythmus.. ggf. Alterung, Kopfschmerzen, Krankheit, Müdigkeit, Schlafstörungen, Tagesmüdigkeit, nervöse Anspannung, Reizbarkeit, Ängste, Depression, Gedächtnisstörung, Haarausfall, Muskelscherzen, Herzschmerzen, Atemnot, Schwitzen, grauer Star, Hormonstörungen, Mikrowellenkrankheit, erhöhter Blutzucker, erhöhtes Cholesterin, Butdruckentgleisungen, pH-Entgleisung, Versagen der Thermoregulation, EEG-Störung, EKG-Veränderung, erhöhte Lichtempfindlichkeit, Eiweiß im Blut, Abnahme Hämoglobin, Abnahme Leukozyten, Unfruchtbarkeit, Chromosomenveränderungen, Geschwüre, Krebs, Kinderkrebs, Tod, Herzkammerflimmern (50/60Hz), plötzlicher Kindstod.. magnetische Stürme und Sterblichkeit in Kopenhagen/Frankfurt.. nützliche Wirkung Diathermie d'Arsonval 1892, Mikrostrom 10-20uA zur Knochenheilung Brighton/Friedenberg, Bassett, Kleinstein/Dyner 1980.. Hyperthermie Ganzkörper, regional, lokal: kapazitiv RF, induktiv RF, Ultraschall, Mikrowellen.. thermische und athermische Effekte.. Perlenkettenbildung durch E-Feld (Polarisierung Teilchen).. Stromdichte >1mA/qcm stimuliert Nerven-/Muskelzellen.. elektrische Ströme öffnen Blut-/Gehirnschranke.. 45A dünne Zellmembran ähnlich PN-Übergang, 1uF/qcm, 100mV, 2.2E7 V/m.. Ersatzschaltbilder Zelle.. Doppelschicht aus Lipiden, wasserabstoßend, nichtlinear -> Mischfrequenzen, Resonanz (Rife).. Proteine (50000 verschiedene Typen) als Ketten von Aminosäuren aus Thymin, Cytosin, Adenin, Guanin.. 434MHz bei Krebsarten Holt/Nelson.. 27.12MHz zur Heilung Geschwüre, Krampfadern, Arthritis, Knochenbrüche Debelle/Lortiour.. Radar zur Heilung Unfruchtbarkeit Dikova.. Mikrowellen zur Besserung Bauchspeicheldrüsenprobleme Nikoruikina.. elektromagnetische Signatur von Brustkrebsgewebe.. Mikrowellen-Thermografie, Mikrowellenscanning -> hochauflösende Bildgebung wie Röntgen.. Barret/Myers 1979.. negative Luftionen nützlich, positive Luftionen schädlich.. | |
Storm, Elliott, Harrison, Kaiser, Morton: "Radio frequency hyperthermia of advanced human sarcomas" J Surg Oncol 17,2 91-98 1981 | |
Mikkelsen, Koch: "Thermosensitivity of the membrane potential of normal and simian virus 40-transformed hamster lymphocytes" Cancer Res 41 209-215 1981 Temperaturabhängigkeit des Zellmembranpotentials.. | |
Atkins: "Fever: its history, cause, and function" Yale J Biol Med 55,3-4 283-289 1982 | |
Katz, Schapira: "Spontaneous regression of genitourinary cancer - an update" J Urol 128,1 1-4 7.1982 | |
Scheiblich, Petrowicz: "Radiofrequency-induced hyperthermia in the prostate" J Microw Power 17 203-209 1982 | |
Nauts: "Bacterial products in the treatment of cancer: past, present and future" International Colloqium on Bacteriology and Cancer. Köln 16-18.3.1982 | |
Nauts: "Bacterial pyrogens: beneficial effects on cancer patients" Prog Clin Biol Res 107 687-696 1982 | |
Paliwal, Gibbs, Wiley: "Heating patterns induced by a 13.56 MHz radiofrequency generator in large phantoms and pig abdomen and thorax" Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 8 857-864 1982 | |
Farrell: "Hyperthermia for malignant disease - a history of medicine note - the work of Georges Lakhovsky" Adv Exp Med Biol 157 9-10 1982 | |
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Falk, Issels: "Hyperthermia in oncology" Int J Hyperthermia 17,1 1-18 2001 Krebs.. | |
Kleef, Jonas, Knogler, Stenzinger: "Fever, cancer incidence and spontaneous remissions" Neuroimmunomodulation 9,2 55-64 2001 je mehr fiebrige Infektionen um so mehr Krebsrückbildungen.. | |
Printz: "Spontaneous regression of melanoma may offer insight into cancer immunology" J Natl Cancer Inst 93,14 1047-1048 2001 10-20% vollständige Spontanrückbildungen bei Melanomen.. | |
Tzankov, Ludescher, Duba, Steinlechner, Knapp, Schmid, Grünewald, Gastl, Stauder: "Spontaneous remission in a secondary acute myelogenous leukaemia following invasive pulmonary aspergillosis" Ann Hematol 80,7 423-425 7.2001 spontane Rückbildung von Leukämie 3 Monate lang.. | |
Szasz, Szasz, Szasz: "Electro-hyperthermia: a new paradigm in cancer therapy" Deutsche Zeitschrift Onkologie 35 140-154 2001 | |
Roghmann, Warner, Mackowiak: "The relationship between age and fever magnitude" Am J Med Sci 322,2 68-70 8.2001 Infektionen riskant für ältere Menschen.. je älter um so weniger Fieber.. +10 Jahre -> -0.15°C.. | |
Paroni, Salonia, Lev, Da Pozzo, Cighetti, Montorsi, Rigatti, Colombo: "Effect of local hyperthermia of the bladder on mitomycin C pharmacokinetics during intravesical chemotherapy for the treatment of superficial transitional cell carcinoma" Br J Clin Pharmacol 52,3 273-278 9.2001 | |
Song, Park, Griffin: "Improvement of tumor oxygenation by mild hyperthermia" Radiation Res 155,4 515-528 2001 durch Überwärmung auf 39-42°C mehr Sauerstoff bis 1-2 Tage danach.. mehr Durchblutung, weniger Sauerstoffverbrauch.. Hyperthermie effektiver als Nicotinamid.. Kombination damit.. | |
Bickels, Kollender, Merinsky, Meller: "Coley's toxin: historical perspective" Isr Med Assoc J 4,6 471-472 6.2002 | |
Pfahlberg, Botev, Kölmel, Gefeller: "Vaccination and melanoma risk" Int J Cancer 102,1 96-97 1.11.2002 | |
Kleef: "Moderate Ganzkörperhyperthermie in der Onkologie" Biologische Medizin 3 7.2002 | |
Grange, Stanford, Stanford, Kölmel: "Vaccination strategies to reduce the risk of leukaemia and melanoma" J R Soc Med 96,8 389-392 8.2003 | |
Krone, Kölmel, Grange, Mastrangelo, Henz, Botev, Niin, Seebacher, Lambert, Shafir, Kokoschka, Kleeberg, Gefeller, Pfahlberg: "Impact of vaccinations and infectious diseases on the risk of melanoma - evaluation of an EORTC case-control study" Eur J Cancer 39,16 2372-2378 11.2003 | |
Ishii, Kawakami, Gursel, Conover, Joshi, Klinman, Puri: "Antitumor therapy with bacterial DNA and toxin: Complete regression of established tumor induced by liposomal CpG oligodeoxynucleotides plus interleukin-13 cytotoxin" Clinical Cancer Res 9 6516-6522 15.12.2003 | |
Koga, Kusukawa, Hayabuchi: "Spontaneous regression of extranodal malignant lymphoma occurred in the gingiva" Oral Oncol 39,3 323-324 4.2003 | |
Kienle, Kiene: "Die Coley'sche Fiebertherapie der Krebserkrankung - historischer Markstein oder heute noch Vorbild?" Der Merkurstab 56,6 355-364 2003 | |
Hoption Cann, van Netten, van Netten: "Dr William Coley and tumour regression: a place in history or in the future" Postgrad Med J 79,938 672-680 12.2003 Fieber wichtig für Tumorrückbildung.. bakterieller Impfstoff vor 1900.. Sarkom nach Verletzung.. viele Literaturhinweise.. | |
Colombo, Da Pozzo, Salonia, Rigatti, Leib, Baniel, Caldarera, Pavone-Macaluso: "Multicentric study comparing intravesical chemotherapy alone and with local microwave hyperthermia for prophylaxis of recurrence of superficial transitional cell carcinoma" J Clin Oncol 21 4270-4276 2003 Thermochemotherapie deutlich besser als Standard-Chemo bei Blasentumoren.. viel weniger Rückfälle 57 -> 17%.. | |
Szasz, Szasz, Szasz: "Hyperthermie in der Onkologie mit einem historischen Überblick" Deutsche Zeitschrift Onkologie 35 140-154 2003 | |
Szasz, Vincze, Szasz, Szasz: "An energy analysis of extracellular hyperthermia" Electromagnetic Biol and Med 22,2-3 103-115 2003 | |
Hager, Dziambor, App, Popa, Popa, Hertlein: "The treatment of patients with high-grade malignant gliomas with RF-hyperthermia" Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol 22 abstr 470 2003.. 2003 ASCO Annual Meeting Abstract No 470 | |
Szasz, Szasz, Szasz: "Hyperthermie in der Onkologie: eine aktuell beforschte Behandlungsmethode" 19-27 1.2004 | |
Szasz, Szasz, Szasz: "Oncothermia: new results, new hopes" Indian Assoc for Hyp Oncology & Med Newsletter 2,1 6.2004 | |
Szasz, Sahinbas, Dani: "Electro-hyperthermia for anaplastic astrocytoma and glioblastoma multiforme" ICACT 2004 Paris 9-12.2.2004 | |
Hoption Cann, Gunn, van Netten, van Netten: "Spontaneous regression of pancreatic cancer" Case Rep Clin Prac Rev 5 293-296 2004 | |
Franz, Bailey: "Geographical variations in heart deaths and diabetes: effect of climate and a possible relationship to magnesium" J Am Coll Nutr 23,5 521S-524S 10.2004 Herztod und Diabetes klimaabhängig.. mehr Schwitzen bei höherer Temperatur -> mehr Magnesiumverlust.. | |
Hobohm: "Fever therapy revisited" Br J Cancer 92,3 421-425 14.2.2005 | |
Gilham, Peto, Simpson, Roman, Eden, Greaves, Alexander: "Day care in infancy and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: findings from UK case-control study" BMJ 330 1294 2005 weniger Infektionen in den ersten Lebensmonaten -> mehr Leukämierisiko.. | |
Ma, Buffler, Wiemels, Selvin, Metayer, Loh, Does, Wiencke: "Ethnic difference in daycare attendance, early infections, and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia" Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 14,8 1928-1934 8.2005 mehr Infektionen -> weniger ALL-Leukämie.. | |
Montella, Maso, Crispo, Talamini, Bidoli, Grimaldi, Giudice, Pinto, Franceschi: "Do childhood diseases affect NHL and HL risk? A case-control study from northern and southern Italy" Leuk Res 30,8 917-922 8.2006 Kinderkrankheiten schützen vor Lymphomen.. | |
Kleef, Hager: "Fever, pyrogens and cancer" Kapitel 21 276-337 in Baronzio, Hager: "Hyperthermia in Cancer Treatment: A Primer" 2006 sehr guter Artikel.. auch zu Spontanheilungen.. | |
McCarthy: "The toxins of William B. Coley and the treatment of bone and soft-tissue sarcomas" Iowa Orthop J 26 154-158 2006 Bessie Dashiell 1890.. Bilder.. | |
Hoption Cann, van Netten, van Netten: "Acute infections as a means of cancer prevention: opposing effects to chronic infections?" Cancer Detect Prev 30,1 83-93 2006 chronische Infektionen als Krebsauslöser, akute Infektionen drängen Krebs zurück.. | |
Hartel, Hoffmann, Wente, Martignoni, Büchler, Friess: "Randomized clinical trial of the influence of local water-filtered infrared A irradiation on wound healing after abdominal surgery" Br J Surg 93,8 952-960 8.2006 raschere Wundheilung, weniger postoperative Schmerzen, mehr Sauerstoffpartialdruck, höhere Hauttemperatur 38.9 statt 36.4°C aufgrund der besseren Durchblutung.. | |
Szasz, Vincze: "Dose concept of oncological hyperthermia: Heat-equation considering the cell destruction" J Cancer Res Ther 2,4 171-181 12.2006 | |
Fiorentini, Szasz: "Hyperthermia today: Electric energy, a new opportunity in cancer treatment" J Cancer Res Ther 2,2 41-46 6.2006 | |
Fiorentini, Giovanis, Rossi, Dentico, Paola, Turrisi, Bernardeschi: "A phase II clinical study on relapsed malignant gliomas treated with electro-hyperthermia" In Vivo 20,6A 721-724 2006 13.56MHz 40-150W <40°C Ansprechrate 25%.. | |
Szasz: "Hyperthermia, a modality in the wings" J Cancer Res Ther 3,1 56-66 3.2007 | |
Sahinbas, Grönemeyer, Böcher, Szasz: "Retrospective clinical study of adjuvant electro-hyperthermia treatment for advanced brain-gliomas" Deutsche Z Onkologie 39 154-160 2007 | |
Hernández-Bule, Trillo, Cid, Leal, Ubeda: "In vitro exposure to 0.57-MHz electric currents exerts cytostatic effects in HepG2 human hepatocarcinoma cells" Int J Oncol 30,3 583-592 3.2007 nichtinvasive Hyperthermie mit RF-Strömen 0.45-0.6MHz hemmt menschliche Zell-Linien Hepatocarcinom (HepG2).. 0.57MHz.. | |
Horsman, Overgaard: "Hyperthermia: a potent enhancer of radiotherapy" Clin Oncol 19,6 418-426 8.2007 Hyperthermie hat Zukunft.. mehr Tumorkontrolle, besseres Überleben.. | |
Pakhmode: "Understanding the possible mechanisms of spontaneous regression of oral cancer" J Oral Maxillofac Pathol 11,1 2-4 2007 Spontanrückbildung.. | |
Abdelrazeq: "Spontaneous regression of colorectal cancer: a review of cases from 1900 to 2005" Int J Colorectal Dis 22,7 727-736 7.2007 spontane Rückbildungen.. | |
Keilholz: "Disappearing cancer" Int J Colorectal Dis 22,7 737-738 7.2007 spontane Rückbildungen.. | |
Green, Hoption Cann: "Bacterial anti-cancer vaccines: a science frozen in time" Microbiologist 8,4 29-33 12.2007 wichtige Grafiken zum Erfolg von Immuntherapie.. | |
Dussan, Zubor, Fernandez, Yabar, Szunyogh, Visnovsky: "Spontaneous regression of a breast carcinoma: a case report" Gynecol Obstet Invest 65,3 206-211 2008 | |
Franckena, Stalpers, Koper, Wiggenraad, Hoogenraad, van Dijk, Warlam-Rodenhuis, Jobsen, van Rhoon, van der Zee: "Long-term improvement in treatment outcome after radiotherapy and hyperthermia in locoregionally advanced cervix cancer: an update of the Dutch Deep Hyperthermia Trial" Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 70,4 1176-1182 15.3.2008 Überleben 37% (RT+HT) statt nur 20% (RT) nach 12 Jahren.. | |
Andocs, Renner, Balogh, Fonyad, Jakab, Szasz: "Strong synergy of heat and modulated electromagnetic field in tumor cell killing" Strahlenther Onkol 2 120-126 2009 thermischer Verstärkungsfaktor TER bei 42°C 2.9.. Feldverstärkungsfaktor FER bei 42°C 3.2.. Kombination Faktor 9.4 effizienter.. | |
Andocs, Szasz, Szasz: "Oncothermia treatment of cancer: from the laboratory to clinic" Electromagn Biol Med 28,2 148-165 2009 | |
Franckena, Lutgens, Koper, Kleynen, van der Steen-Banasik, Jobsen, Leer, Creutzberg, Dielwart, van Norden, Canters, van Rhoon, van der Zee: "Radiotherapy and hyperthermia for treatment of primary locally advanced cervix cancer: results in 378 patients" Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 73,1 242-250 1.1.2009 | |
Douwes: "Hyperthermie - eine wirksame Therapie gegen Krebs" Raum&Zeit 161 10-14 2009 | |
Thaller: "Fieber gegen Krebs" Raum&Zeit 161 15-19 2009 interessante Quellen.. | |
Decker, Safdar: "Bioimmunoadjuvants for the treatment of neoplastic and infectious disease: Coley's legacy revisited" Cytokine Growth Factor Rev 20,4 271-281 2009 | |
Wittlinger, Rödel, Weiss, Krause, Kühn, Fietkau, Sauer, Ott: "Quadrimodal treatment of high-risk T1 and T2 bladder cancer: Transurethral tumor resection followed by concurrent radiochemotherapy and regional deep hyperthermia" Radiotherapy and Oncology 93,2 358-363 11.2009 5-Jahr-Überleben 67 -> 80%.. Tumorkontrolle 63 -> 81%.. 96% Blasenerhalt nach 3 Jahren.. | |
Ohguri, Imada, Yahara, Morioka, Nakano, Terashima, Korogi: "Radiotherapy with 8-MHz radiofrequency-capacitive regional hyperthermia for stage III non-small-cell lung cancer" Int J Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 73,1 128-135 2009 | |
Guy: "Biological effects of electromagnetic radiation" 2009 Effekte mit niedrigen Frequenzen bis hin zu Mikrowellen.. d'Arsonval, Tesla, Schliephake, Riviere, de Keating-Hart, Pflomm, Reiter, Gessler, McCarty, Parkinson.. | |
Urayama, Buffler, Gallagher, Ayoob, Ma: "A meta-analysis of the association between day-care attendance and childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia" Int J Epidemiol 39,3 718-732 6.2010 Infektionen schützen vor ALL-Leukämie.. | |
van Der Zee, de Bruijne, Mens, Ameziane, Broekmeyer-Reurink, Drizdal, Linthorst, van Rhoon: "Reirradiation combined with hyperthermia in breast cancer recurrences: Overview of experience in Erasmus MC" Intl J Hyperthermia 26,7 638-648 2010 433MHz.. faseroptische Temperaturmessung.. CR bei 74% mit rezidiv. Brustkrebs.. 8x 4Gy in 4Wo kombiniert mit 4-8 Überwärmungen.. doppelt soviel Erfolg wie mit Bestrahlung alleine.. CR bei 30mm 80-90%, bei größeren Tumoren 65%.. | |
Kraemer, Vogt, Knobloch: "Microcirculatory effects of acupuncture and hyperthermia on Achilles tendon microcirculation" Eur J Appl Physiol 109,5 1007-1008 7.2010 | |
Cramer, Vitonis, Pinheiro, McKolanis, Fichorova, Brown, Hatchette, Finn: "Mumps and ovarian cancer: modern interpretation of an historic association" Cancer Causes Control 21,8 1193-1201 8.2010 Mumps-Infektion schützt vor Eierstockkrebs.. gute Grafik.. | |
Hernández-Bule, Cid, Trillo, Leal, Ubeda: "Cytostatic response of HepG2 to 0.57 MHz electric currents mediated by changes in cell cycle control proteins" Int J Oncol 37,6 1399-1405 12.2010 nichtinvasive Hyperthermie mit RF-Strömen 0.45-0.6MHz hemmt menschliche Zell-Linien Hepatocarcinom (HepG2), Neuroblastom (NB69).. 0.57MHz.. | |
Urayama, Ma, Selvin, Metayer, Chokkalingam, Wiemels, Does, Chang, Wong, Trachtenberg, Buffler: "Early life exposure to infections and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia" Int J Cancer 128,7 1632-1643 1.4.2011 Infektionen schützen vor ALL-Leukämie.. | |
Jessy: "Immunity over inability: The spontaneous regression of cancer" J Nat Sci Biol Med 2,1 43-49 2011 Spontanrückbildung bei Krebs.. Immunsystem, Coley.. | |
Hernández-Bule, Roldán, Matilla, Trillo, Ubeda: "Radiofrequency currents exert cytotoxic effects in NB69 human neuroblastoma cells but not in peripheral blood mononuclear cells" Int J Oncol 41,4 1251-1259 10.2012 Hyperthermie mit RF-Strömen 0.45-0.6MHz.. 0.57MHz wirken zytotoxisch auf NB69-Zellen.. | |
Sahinbas: "Retrospective clinical study for advanced brain gliomas by adjuvant electro-hyperthermia treatment" Cancer Therapy 8 139-149 2012 | |
Meggyeshazi, Andocs, Spisak, Krenacs: "Early changes in protein expression releated to modulated electro-hyperthermia" Oncothermia J 7 21-22 2013 | |
Bicher: "Hyperfractionated thermoradiotherapy (HTRT) is more effective and less invasive than radiation or chemoradiation in heatable cancers - a meta analysis" Oncothermia J 7 102-107 2013 gute Grafiken.. | |
Wehner: "Whole body hyperthermia in water bath: technical-physical aspects and clinical experiences" Oncothermia J 7 109-109 2013 weniger Viren durch 42.5°C.. Suvernev et al.. | |
Roussakow: "The history of hyperthermia rise and decline" Hindawi Pub Co Conference Papers in Med Article ID 428027 2013 guter Übersichtsartikel mit vielen Quellenangaben.. | |
Zais, Szasz: "Lyme disease and oncothermia" Oncothermia J 7 178-180 2013 Besserung durch Wärme, Modulation, Vitamin C, B12, Glutathion, Pilze etc.. | |
Adam, Eltayeb: "Spontaneous remission in acute myeloid leukemia: a case report" Gulf J Oncolog 1,15 84-86 1.2014 Rückbildung nach Fieber.. | |
Meggyeshazi, Andocs, Balogh, Balla, Kiszner, Teleki, Jeney, Krenacs: "DNA fragmentation and caspase-independent programmed cell death by modulated electrohyperthermia" Strahlenther Onkol 190,9 815-822 9.2014 Darmkrebs bei Balb/c-Mäusen mit 30min modulierte 13.56MHz RF-Elektrohyperthermie (mEHT).. | |
Lee, Park, Jung, Byun, Haam, Lee: "The outcome of the chemotherapy and oncothermia for far advanced adenocarcinoma of the lung: Case reports of four patients" Advances Lung Cancer 4 1-7 2015 | |
Ren, Huo, Qi, Hu, Gao: "Intensive local thermotherapy cleared extensive viral warts in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus" Int J Hyperthermia 31,1 5-7 2015 Hyperthermie gg. virale Warzen.. | |
Meggyeshazi: "Studies on modulated electrohyperthermia induced tumor cell death in a colorectal carcinoma model" Dissertation Pathological Sciences Doctoral School, Semmelweis Universität Budapest 2015 modulierte Elektrohyperthermie gg. Darmkrebs.. | |
Szasz, Szasz: "Heating, efficacy and dose of local hyperthermia" Open J Biophys 6 10-18 2016 | |
Yang, Huang, Chi, Chiang, Wang, Andocs et al: "In vitro comparison of conventional hyperthermia and modulated electro-hyperthermia" Oncotarget 7,51 84082-84092 2016 Unterschied normale Hyperthermie und modulierte Elektro-Hyperthermie.. | |
Andocs, Rehman, Zhao, Tabuchi, Kanamori, Kondo: "Comparison of biological effects of modulated electro-hyperthermia and conventional heat treatment in human lymphoma U937 cell" Cell Death Discovery 2:16039 2016 modulierte Elektro-Hyperthermie bei Krebs.. | |
Vancsik, Kovago, Kiss, Papp, Forika, Benyo et al: "Modulated electro-hyperthermia induced loco-regional and systemic tumor destruction in colorectal cancer allografts" J Cancer 9,1 41-53 2018 modulierte Elektro-Hyperthernie gg. Krebs.. | |
Maruyama, Kimura, Liu, Ohtsuki, Miyake, Isogai: "Influenza virus replication raises the temperature of cells" Virus Res 257 94-101 2018 Virus erhöht Zelltemperatur.. | |
Minnaar, Kotzen, Ayeni, Naidoo, Tunmer, Sharma, Vangu, Baeyens: "The effect of modulated electro-hyperthermia on local disease control in HIV-positive and -negative cervical cancer women in South Africa: Early results from a phase III randomised controlled trial" PLoS One 14,6 e0217894 2019 mEHT verbessert Tumorkontrolle bei HIV.. weniger Müdigkeit, Schmerzen.. | |
Wust, Kortüm, Strauss, Nadobny, Zschaeck, Beck, Stein, Ghadjar: "Non-thermal effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields" Scientific Reports 10:13488 2020 nichtthermische Wirkung von RF-Hyperthermie.. RF-Hyperthermie verdoppelt Antikrebswirkung bei Darmkrebs.. Graphiken.. | |
Thomas, Major, Benedek, Horvath, Mathe, Bergmann, Szasz, Krenács, Benyo: "Suppression of metastatic melanoma growth in lung by modulated electro-hyperthermia monitored by a minimally invasive heat stress testing approach in mice" Cancers 12 3872 2020 modulierte Elektro-Hyperthermie gg. metastasierendes Melanom.. Bilder.. | |
Masaud, Szasz, Szasz, Ejaz, Anwar, Szasz: "A potential bioelectromagnetic method to slow down the progression and prevent the development of ultimate pulmonary fibrosis by COVID-19" Front Immunol 11 556335 4.12.2020 30 anerkannte Coronaviren.. Symptome SARS-CoV-2 wie Grippe, laufende Nase, Geruchsverlust, Müdigkeit, Erbrechen, Durchfall, Bauchschmerzen, Muskelschmerzen, Ausschlag, Organschäden, Herzversagen, Nierenschaden, Leberschaden, Lungenentzündung, Atemnot, Nierenversagen.. infizierte Zellen mit mehr Stoffwechsel, mehr elektrische Leitfähigkeit -> mehr Stromfluss in diese Zellen.. modulierte Elektro-Hyperthermie bei COVID-19.. Feldwirkung, Wärmewirkung.. | |
Alshaibi, Al-shehri, Hassan, Al-zahrani, Assiss: "Modulated Electrohyperthermia: A new hope for cancer patients" BioMed Research International 2020 ID 8814878 2020 | |
Kuo, Lee, Wang, Chiang, Huang, Hsieh, Han, Ke, Liao, Lin: "Potential enhancement of host immunity and anti-tumor efficacy of nanoscale curcumin and resveratrol in colorectal cancers by modulated electro- hyperthermia" BMC Cancer 20 603 29.6.2020 Curcumin + Resveratrol ähnlich wirksam wie mEHT.. | |
You, Kim: "Feasibility of modulated electro-hyperthermia in preoperative treatment for locally advanced rectal cancer: Early phase 2 clinical results" Neoplasma 67,3 677-683 5.2020 Kombination 40Gy Bestrahlung (2Gy/Tag), mEHT 13.56MHz 2x/Wo, Chemo i.V., OP 6-8Wo nach Bestrahlung.. Tumorrückbildung bei 33.3%.. thermischer Schaden bei 26.7%.. | |
Kim, Lee, Cha, You: "Beneficial effects of modulated electro-hyperthermia during neoadjuvant treatment for locally advanced rectal cancer" Int J Hyperthermia 38,1 144-151 2021 50.4Gy Bestrahlung + Chemo vs. 40Gy Bestrahlung + Chemo + mEHT.. bessere Wirkung mit mEHT 80.7% vs. 67.2%.. weniger toxische Wirkung 64.5% vs. 87.9%.. mehr krankheitsfreies Überleben 2 Jahre 96% vs. 79%.. Kurven Fig.3.. | |
Vancsik, Máthé, Horváth, Várallyaly, Benedek, Bergmann, Krenács, Benyó, Balogh: "Modulated electro-hyperthermia facilitates NK-cell infiltration and growth arrest of human A2058 melanoma in a xenograft model" Front Oncol 11 590764 25.2.2021 modulierte Elektrohyperthermie stoppt Tumorwachstum.. | |
Schvarcz, Danics, Krenács, Viana, Béres, Vancsik, Nagy, Gyenesei, Kun, Fonovic, Vidmar, Benyó, Kaucsár, Hamar: "Modulated electro-hyperthermia induces a prominent local stress response and growth inhibition in mouse breast cancer isografts" Cancers (Basel) 13,7 1744 4.2021 Elektrohyperthermie gg. aggressiven Brustkrebs.. | |
Nagata, Kanamori, Sekine, Arai, Moriyama, Fujii: "Clinical study of modulated electro-hyperthermia for advanced metastatic breast cancer" Mol Clin Oncol 14,5 103 5.2021 mEHT-Behandlung gg. Brustkrebs.. | |
Kanamori, Sato, Shima, Saitoh, Andocs, Kondo: "Oncothermia (Modulated electro-hyperthermia) - Present status and future development" Thermal Med 37,1 1-14 2021 | |
Fiorentini, Sarti, Ranieri, Gadaleta, Fiorentini, Milandri, Mambrini, Guadagni: "Modulated electro-hyperthermia in stage III and IV pancreatic cancer: Results of an observational study on 158 patients" World J Clin Oncol 12,11 1064-1071 2021 bei Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs mehr Überleben (19.5 vs. 11 Monate) durch Chemo/Hyperthermie/mEHT vs. Chemo/Hyperthermie.. progressionsfrei 12 vs. 3 Monate.. | |
Solodkiy, Panshin, Izmailov, Shevchenko: "The first experience of application of remote radiotherapy in combination with hyperthermia (oncothermia) in the treatment of patients with primary gliomas of the brain of a high degree of malignancy" 2021 Gliome mit 2-Jahresüberlebensrate 8-12%.. Oncothermie verursacht keine Hirnödeme, verschlechtert Lebensqualität nicht.. | |
Deniz, Can, Tansan: "Chemotherapy and radiofrequency hyperthermia in advanced ovarian cancer" J Clin Oncol 40,16suppl e17550 2022 RF-Hyperthermie.. | |
Wust, Veltsista, Oberacker, Yavvari, Walther, Bengtsson, Sterner-Kock, Weinhart, Heyd, Grabowski, Stintzing, Heinrich, Stein, Ghadjar: "Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields cause non-temperature-induced physical and biological effects in cancer cells" Cancers 14,21 5349 30.10.2022 mehr Antikrebswirkung durch RF, AMRF.. Gerät LabEHY-200 mit neuartigem Applikator.. Leistungsdeposition bei 5 Krebszelllinien.. Apoptose, Tumorhemmung im Vergleich zu Wasserbadheizung.. Nicht-Temperatur-Effekt.. | |
Lee, Lee, Cho: "Modulated electrohyperthermia in locally advanced cervical cancer. Results of an observational study of 95 patients" Medicine (Baltimore) 102,3 e32727 20.1.2023 viele Rückschläge bei Chemotherapie, schlechte Prognose.. bessere Prognose durch Kombination mit mEHT (13.56 MHz + AM) -> Remission 45% -> 71%.. | |
Szasz, Alvarez, Fiorentini, Herold, Herold, Sarti, Dank: "Meta-analysis of modulated electro-hyperthermia and tumor treating fields in the treatment of glioblastomas" Cancers 15,3 880 1.2023 1-Jahres-Überleben Glioblastom mEHT 21-76% (42%), TTF 14-100% (67%).. 5-Jahres-Überleben 1-5%.. |
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