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Matthias Weisser's alternative Medizin |
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1 Psyche
2 Statik
3 Ernährung
4 Gifte
5 Zahnherde
6 Störfelder
7 Parasiten 8 heilende Informationen 9 Selbstheilung 10 Diagnostik 11 Zusammenhänge Literatur |
Aminosäuren - Literatur |
Teil 1: Zusammenhänge Symptome Zusammenhänge, Diagnose Therapieansätze Erfolgsberichte bei Symptomen A-Z Teil 2: Literaturhinweise zum Anklicken Teil 3: Literaturhinweise Wissenschaft |
siehe auch: Enzyme Regulat EM/EM-X Energie |
"Aminosäuren für die Herstellung von Proteinen, Hormonen,
für Denken, Erinnern, Atmen und Muskeltätigkeit.." Bragg
"die Samen des indischen Hanfs enthalten alle essentiellen
Amino- und Fettsäuren, die wir
für ein gesundes Leben brauchen.. keine andere Pflanze enthält
derartig leicht verdauliche Eiweiße
und lebensnotwendige Fette in einer solchen Ausgewogenheit.." Herer/Bröckers
"Alexander Ugolev: essentielle Aminosäuren durch Mikroorganismen
im Dickdarm hergestellt..
wenn wir diese über die Nahrung zu uns nehmen degenerieren wir Dickdarm,
weil er Fähigkeiten zur Herstellung dieser Aminosäuren nicht mehr
nutzen kann.." Schatalova S.44f
"Stimulation mit 50-1000uA -> Aminosäurentransport durch
Zellmembran/Protein-Synthese +40%..
Stimulation mit >1000uA -> weniger Aminosäurentransport
bei der Ratte.. Cheng et al 1982.."
"Wer heilt, hat recht"
Literatur, Patente | |
1901: Frederick Gowland Hopkins, Sidney W. Cole: Entdeckung, Isolation Tryptophan.. wichtig für Wachstum.. | |
Hopkins, Cole: "On the proteid reaction of Adamkiewicz, with contributions to the chemistry of glyoxylic acid" Proc R Soc London 68 21-33 1901 | |
Hopkins, Cole: "A contribution to the chemistry of proteids. Part 1. A preliminary study of a hitherto undescribed product of tryptic digestion" J Physiol 27 418-428 1901 Tryptophan.. | |
1910: Nobelpreis A. Kossel für Forschungen über Albumine, Nukleine.. Protein der Nukleoproteide, Phosphorproteine im Zellkern isolierbar.. | |
1921: Frederick Gowland Hopkins: Entdeckung, Isolation Glutathion.. | |
Klein, Ziese: "Arginase und Arginin im Stoffwechsel der Tumoren" Z Krebsforschung 37,1 323-346 12.1931 | |
Hammett: "The influence of L-proline on the growth of spontaneous tumors in the mouse" Growth 6 69-83 1941 | |
Howard Beard: "The effect of parenteral injection of synthetic amino acids upon the appearance, growth and disappearance of the Emge sarcoma in rats" Arch Biochem 1 177-186 1942 vgl. Tallberg.. | |
Howard Beard: "Effect of subcutaneous injection of individual amino acids upon the appearance, growth and disappearance of the Emge sarcoma in rats" Exp Med Surg 1 123-135 1943 vgl. Tallberg.. | |
Beard, Givens: "Further observations upon the effect of subcutaneous injection of amino acids and creatine upon the appearance, growth and regression of the Emge sarcoma in rats" Exp Med Surg 2 125-128 1944 | |
Rordam: "Experimental studies on the significance of glutamic acid for the growth of malignant tumor" Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand 21 480-498 1944 siehe Cancer Res 6,6 330 6.1946 Glutaminsäure gg. Sarkom 180.. | |
White, Mider, Heston: "Effect of amino acids on the induction of leukemia in mice" J Natl Cancer Inst 4,4 409-411 1944 Aminosäuren und Leukämie.. | |
Irons: "Arginine-arginase relationship in regeneration, repair and development of neoplasms" J Dent Res 25,6 497-499 12.1946 Wesley G. Irons, Universität Kalifornien.. Arginase=Hepasyn-Leberextrakt für Abbau Arginin zu Harnstoff und Ornithin.. | |
White, White, Mider: "Effect of diets deficient in certain amino acids on the induction of leukemia in dba mice" J Natl Cancer Inst 7,4 199-202 2.1947 Mangel an Aminosäuren und Leukämie.. | |
Waterman, Berkhout, Bos: "Investigations into the biological significance of amino acids on malignancy" Enzymologia 12,3 206-220 1947 | |
Bach, Lasnitzki: "Some aspects of the role of arginine and arginase in mouse carcinoma 63" Enzymologia 12,3 198-205 1947 | |
Lazarow, Patterson, Levey: "The mechanism of cysteine and glutathione protection against alloxan diabetes" Science 108,2803 308-309 17.9.1948 | |
Grunert, Phillips: "Sodium and its relation to alloxan diabetes and glutathione" J Biol Chem 181 821-827 1949 | |
Dunn, Feaver, Murphy: "The amino acid composition of a fibrosarcoma and its normal homologous tissue in the rat" Cancer Res 9 306-313 1949 Aminosäuren im Gewebe bei Sarkom.. mehr Arginin.. wertvolle Literaturangaben.. | |
Roberts, Frankel: "Free amino acids in normal and neoplastic tissues of mice as studied by paper chromatography" Cancer Res 9,11 645-648 11.1949 freie Aminosäuren bei Krebs vs. Normalgewebe.. Papierchromatografie.. | |
Vrat: "A preliminary report on the histological and histochemical changes in mammary carcinoma in mice after intraperitoneal injections of arginase" Permanente Found Med Bull 9,2-3 49-55 7.1951 | |
Vrat: "Inhibitory effects of arginase on mammary adenocarcinoma transplants in strain A mice" Permanente Found Med Bull 9,2-3 56-59 7.1951 | |
Vrat: "Effects of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), cortisone, and arginase on growth of transplanted mammary adenocarcinoma in C3H mice" Permanente Found Med Bull 9,2-3 60-70 7.1951 | |
Vrat, Archuletta: "A manifestation of influence of arginine upon the resistance of the small intestine of rats to digestion by pepsin hydrochloric acid" Permanente Found Med Bull 9,2-3 71-74 7.1951 | |
Vrat: "Spectrophotometric determination of arginine and arginine-containing proteins in sera" Permanente Found Med Bull 10,1-4 177-182 1952 | |
Miller: "A production of amino acids under possible primitive earth conditions" Science 117,3046 528-529 15.5.1953 Aminosäuren durch Blitze.. | |
Jones: "Taurine in fresh and iced skeletal muscle of codling (Gadus callarias)" Biochem J 56,324th Meeting 22 12.12.1953 | |
Levy, Montanez, Feaver, Murphy, Dunn: "Effect of arginine on tumor growth in rats" Cancer Res 14,3 198-200 1954 | |
Roberts, Borges: "Tumors patterns of free amino acids in growing and regressing" Cancer Res 15 697-699 1955 Papierchromatografie.. wenig Glutamin in Krebsgewebe.. Bilder.. | |
Bhattacharya, Robson, Stewart: "The glutathione content of blood and tissues following alloxan and dehydroascorbic acid injections" Biochem J 62,1 12-21 1.1956 | |
Lee: "Slidelights on glucose" Let's Live 1958 Glukose beim Kochen zerstört Aminosäuren Tryptophan, Lysin, Threonin, Methionin.. stört Kalzium-Aufnahme.. | |
1958: Nobelpreis Frederick Sanger für Studien zur Struktur der Proteine.. insbesondere Insulin.. | |
Tsugita, Gish, Young, Fraenkel-Conrat, Knight, Stanley: "The complete amino acid sequence of the protein of tobacco mosaic virus" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 46,11 1463-1469 11.1960 | |
Broome: "Evidence that the L-asparaginase activity of guinea pig serum is responsible for its antilymphoma effects" Nature 191 1114-1115 9.9.1961 gg. Lymphome.. | |
Broome: "Evidence that the L-asparaginase of guinea pig serum is responsible for its antilymphoma effects. I. Properties of the L-asparaginase of guinea pig serum in relation to those of the antilymphoma substance" J Exp Med 118 99-120 7.1963 Asparaginase unterdrückt Lymphome.. Grafiken.. | |
Weisburger, Yamamoto, Glass, Frankel: "Prevention by arginine glutamate of the carcinogenicity of acetamide in rats" Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 14,1 163-175 1.1969 | |
Nakanishi: "Studies on tumor growth inhibition of arginine imbalanced diet" Osaka Univ Med J 21 193-204 1969 | |
Kojima, Shimada, Asano: "Effects of oral administration of arginine on the tumor bearing mice" Jikken Dobutsu 22,3 237-242 7.1973 Grafik.. | |
Hayes, Carey, Schmidt: "Retinal degeneration associated with taurine deficiency in the cat" Science 188,4191 949-951 1975 Taurin-Mangel.. | |
Takeda, Tominaga, Tei, Kitamura, Taga, Murase, Taguchi, Miwatani: "Inhibitory effect of l-arginine on growth of rat mammary tumors induced by 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene" Cancer Res 35 2390-2393 9.1975 Tiere mit 5% Arginin in der Nahrung weniger und gutartigere Tumoren.. Grafiken.. | |
Vinnars, Bergstöm, Fürst: "Influence of the postoperative state on the intracellular free amino acids in human muscle tissue" Ann Surg 182,6 665-671 12.1975 Verschiebungen bei Aminosäuren durch OP.. Aminosäuren im Blut anders als in Muskeln.. siehe auch Herzmuskel.. | |
Prescott, Park, Ballantyne, Adriaenssens, Proudfoot: "Treatment of paracetamol (acetaminophen) poisoning with N-acetylcysteine" Lancet 2,8035 432-434 27.8.1977 NAC gg. Überdosis Paracetamol.. | |
Takamura: "Inhibitory effect of arginine-supplemented diets on growth of Walker 256 carcinosarcoma" Kansai Ika Daigaku Zasshi 29,3 519 1977 | |
Critselis, Rettura, Barbul, Seifter: "Arginine inhibits a viral tumor" Fed Proc 36,3 1163 1977 Arginin stimuliert Thymusdrüse -> weniger Tumorwachstum.. stark verbesserte Wundheilung.. | |
Critselis, Rettura, Levenson, Seifter: "L-arginine increases resistance to tumors" Current Chemother 2 1122-1124 1978 | |
Pryme: "The effects of orally administered L-arginine HCl on the development of myeloma tumours in BABL/c mice following the injection of single cell suspensions, cell aggregates or tumor fragments; and on the growth of two ascites tumour cell lines" Cancer Lett 5,1 19-23 7.1978 Arginin zum Trinkwasser verhindert Tumorwachstum unter der Haut.. | |
Seifter, Rettura, Barbul, Levenson: "Arginine: an essential amino acid for injured rats" Surgery 84,2 224-230 8.1978 Arginin für Kollagensynthese bei Wundheilung.. | |
Milner, Stepanovich: "Inhibitory effect of dietary arginine on growth of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells in mice" J Nutr 109,3 489-494 3.1979 5% Arginin hinzu -> weniger Tumoren, langsamer wachsend, doppelt solange überleben im Vergleich zu unbehandelten Mäusen.. Grafik.. | |
Schaur, Semmelrock, Schreibmayer, Tillian, Schauenstein: "Tumor host relations V. Nitrogen metabolism in Yoshida sarcoma-bearing rats. Reduction of growth rate and increase of survival time by administration of physiological doses of branched-chain amino acids" J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 97,3 285-293 1980 32% mehr Überlebenszeit durch Leucin, Isoleucin, Valin (Leu-Ile-Val).. 33% weniger Tumorgröße nach 3 Wochen.. | |
Cho-Chung, Clair, Bodwin, Hill: "Arrest of mammary tumor growth in vivo by L-arginine: stimulation of NAD-dependent activation of adenylate cyclase" Biochem Biophys Res Commun 95,3 1306-1313 14.8.1980 | |
Cho-Chung, Clair, Bodwin, Berghoffer: "Growth arrest and morphological change of human breast cancer cells by dibutyryl cyclic AMP and L-arginine" Science 214,4516 77-79 2.10.1981 L-Arginin hemmt Brustkrebs-Zelllinie MCF-7.. | |
Barbul, Sisto, Wasserkrug, Efron: "Arginine stimulates lymphocyte immune response in healthy human beings" Surgery 90,2 244-251 8.1981 Arginin stimuliert Lymphozyten Immunantwort bei 21 Gesunden.. | |
Burns, Milner: "Effect of arginine, ornithine and lysine on 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene mammary tumors" Fed Proc 40 948 1981 | |
Burns, Milner: "Effects of arginine on the carcinogenicity of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) and 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA)" Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 23 69 1982 | |
Cheng, Van Hoof, Bockx, Hoogmartens, Mulier, De Dijcker, Sansen, De Loecker: "The effects of electric currents on ATP generation, protein synthesis, and membrane transport of rat skin" Clin Orthop Relat Res 171 264-272 1982 mehr ATP und Aminosäuren durch 10-1000uA.. mehr Aminosäurentransport durch 100-750uA.. | |
Johnston, Hawkins, Weikel: "The toxicity of N-acetylcysteine in laboratory animals" Semin Oncol 10,1 Suppl 1 17-24 3.1983 Ungiftigkeit NAC.. | |
Burns, Milner: "Effect of arginine on the carcinogenicity of 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]-anthracene and N-methyl-N-nitrosourea" Carcinogenesis 5,12 1539-1542 12.1984 | |
Ferrari, Cucchini, Visioli: "The metabolical effects of L-carnitine in angina pectoris" Int J Cardiol 5,2 213-216 2.1984 | |
Mohandas, Marshall, Duggin, Horvath, Tiller: "Low activities of glutathione-related enzymes as factors in the genesis of urinary bladder cancer" Cancer Res 44,11 5086-5091 11.1984 Glutathion.. | |
Kawano, Nagao, Setoyama, Morioka: "Remarkable regression of hepatocellular carcinoma by reduced glutathion: A case report" Kanzo 25,11 1468-1473 1984 Leberkrebs inoperabel erfolgreich mit Glutathion behandelt.. nach 18 Monaten nur noch 5% der Leber befallen.. | |
Tachibana, Mukai, Hiraoka, Moriguchi, Takama, Kishino: "Evaluation of the effect of arginine-enriched amino acid solution on tumor growth" J Parenter Enteral Nutr 9,4 428-434 1985 | |
Newsholme, Crabtree, Ardawi: "Glutamine metabolism in lymphocytes: its biochemical, physiological and clinical importance" Q J Exp Physiol 70,4 473-489 10.1985 Verarmung an Glutamin durch Infektion kann zu Gesundheitsproblemen führen.. siehe Jopp.. | |
Beutler, Gelbart: "Plasma glutathione in health and in patients with malignant disease" J Lab Clin Med 105,5 581-584 5.1985 Glutathion (oxidiert + reduziert) im Plasma.. Glutathion verschwindet bei Gabe.. reduziertes Glutathion verschwindet rascher als oxidiertes.. bei Ratten 15x so viel Glutathion im Plasma.. bei Krebspatienten deutlich weniger Glutathion.. | |
Barbul: "Arginine: biochemistry, physiology, and therapeutic implications" J Parenter Enteral Nutr 10,2 227-238 3.1986 | |
Griffith, Walsh, Myrmel, Thompson, Behforooz: "Success of L-lysine therapy in frequently recurrent herpes simplex infection. Treatment and prophylaxis" Dermatologica 175,4 183-190 1987 | |
Smilkstein, Knapp, Kulig, Rumack: "Efficacy of oral N-acetylcysteine in the treatment of acetaminophen overdose. Analysis of the national multicenter study (1976 to 1985)" N Engl J Med 319,24 1557-1562 15.12.1988 NAC gg. Überdosis Paracetamol.. | |
Palmer, Ashton, Moncada: "Vascular endothelial cells synthesize nitric oxide from L arginine" Nature 333,6174 664-666 16.6.1988 NO aus L-Arginin.. | |
Reynolds, Daly, Zhang, Evantash, Shou, Sigal, Ziegler: "Immunomodulatory mechanisms of arginine" Surgery 104,2 142-151 8.1988 Arginin bei Mäusen verbessert T-Lymphozyten, NK-Zellaktivität, Immunsystem.. | |
Daly, Reynolds, Thom, Kinsley, Dietrick-Gallagher, Shou, Ruggieri: "Immune and metabolic effects of arginine in the surgical patient" Ann Surg 208,4 512-523 10.1988 Arginin nützlich für Immunsystem bei Krebspatienten.. | |
Reynolds, Thom, Zhang, Ziegler, Naji, Daly: "Arginine, protein malnutrition, and cancer" J Surg Res 45,6 513-522 12.1988 bei Mäusen mit Neuroblastoma verzögert Arginin Tumorwachstum.. | |
Ghidini, Azzurro, Vita, Sartori: "Evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy of L-carnitine in congestive heart failure" Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol 26,4 217-220 4.1988 | |
Rizzon, Biasco, Di Biase, Boscia, Rizzo, Minafra, Bortone, Siliprandi, Procopio, Bagiella et al: "High doses of L-carnitine in acute myocardial infarction: metabolic and antiarrhythmic effects" Eur Heart J 10,6 502-508 6.1989 | |
Burke, Alverdy, Aoys, Moss: "Glutamine-supplemented total parenteral nutrition improves gut immune function" Arch Surg 124,12 1396-1399 12.1989 | |
Newsholme, Parry-Billings: "Properties of glutamine release from muscle and its importance for the immune system" JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 14,4 Suppl 63S-67S 1990 | |
Miyazaki, Takaku, Umeda, Fujita, Huang, Kimura, Yamashita, Horio: "Potent growth inhibition of human tumor cells in culture by arginine deiminase purified from a culture medium of a Mycoplasma-infected cell line" Cancer Res 50,15 4522-4527 1.8.1990 Arginin Deiminase sehr wirksam.. Grafiken.. | |
Reynolds, Daly, Shou, Sigal, Ziegler, Naji: "Immunologic effects of arginine supplementation in tumor-bearing and non-tumor-bearing hosts" Ann Surg 211,2 202-210 2.1990 Arginin bei Krebsmäusen -> verbesserte T-Zellfunktion, verzögertes Tumorwachstum, verlängerte Überlebenszeit.. Grafiken.. | |
Barbul, Lazarou, Efron, Wasserkrug, Efron: "Arginine enhances wound healing and lymphocyte immune responses in humans" Surgery 108,2 331-336 8.1990 Arginin verbessert Wundheilung und Immunantwort beim Menschen.. | |
Park, Hayes, Eremin, Sewell, Park, Garlick: "Stimulation of lymphocyte natural cytotoxicity by L-arginine" Lancet 337,8742 645-646 16.3.1991 | |
Yeatman, Risley, Brunson: "Depletion of dietary arginine inhibits growth of metastatic tumor" Arch Surg 126,11 1376-1382 1991 weniger Arginin -> weniger Metastasen.. | |
Fabris, Mocchegiani: "Arginine-containing compounds and thymic endocrine activity" Thymus 19,Suppl 1 S21-30 1992 Arginin verbessert Immunfunktion - auch bei Alter, Trauma, Stress, Krebs.. | |
Klimberg, Nwokedi, Hutchins, Pappas, Lang, Broadwater, Read, Westbrook: "Glutamine facilitates chemotherapy while reducing toxicity" JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 16,6 Suppl 83S-87S 1992 Glutamin verbessert Antitumorwirkung, reduziert Schäden, Sterblichkeit.. | |
Wallace, Keast: "Glutamine and macrophage function" Metabolism 41,9 1016-1020 9.1992 mind. 0.125mmol/L Glutamin nötig.. Reduzierung durch Verbrennungen, Blutvergiftung, Traumata, Operation -> Schwächung Immunfunktion.. | |
Sturman: "Taurine in development" Physiol Rev 73,1 119-147 1.1993 | |
Korbut, Bieron, Gryglewski: "Effect of L-arginine on plasminogen-activator inhibitor in hypertensive patients with hypercholesterolemia" N Engl J Med 328,4 287-288 28.1.1993 Blutdrucksenkung durch Arginin.. | |
Okuno, Tuchiya, Ano, Shoda: "Effect of super high magnetic field on the growth of escherichia coli under various medium compositions and temperatures" J Ferment Bioeng 75,2 103-106 1993 Wachstum E.coli unter 11.7 Tesla in komplexem Medium angeregt.. in synthetischem Medium weniger Wachstum.. manche Aminosäuren verursachen beschleunigtes oder normales Wachstum.. kritische Konzentration Glutaminsäure 0.01-0.1mg/l.. bei weniger Temperatur als optimal verstärken 11.7 T das Wachstum egal welches Medium.. bei höheren Temperaturen reduziertes Wachstum.. | |
Johnston, Meyer, Srilakshmi: "Vitamin C elevates red blood cell glutathione in healthy adults" Am J Clin Nutr 58 103-105 1993 | |
Kirk, Hurson, Regan, Holt, Wasserkrug, Barbul: "Arginine stimulates wound healing and immune function in elderly human beings" Surgery 114,2 155-159 8.1993 Arginin verbessert Wundheilung und Immunantwort beim Menschen.. | |
Brittenden, Park, Heys, Ross, Ashby, Ah-See, Eremin: "L-arginine stimulates host defenses in patients with breast cancer" Surgery 115,2 205-212 2.1994 Arginin 30g/Tag verbessert Immunantwort.. auch bei Brustkrebs.. | |
Brittenden, Heys, Ross, Park, Eremin: "Nutritional pharmacology: effects of L-arginine on host defences, response to trauma and tumour growth" Clin Sci (Lond) 86,2 123-132 2.1994 Arginin verbessert Immunantwort.. Trauma, Krebs.. | |
Brittenden, Heys, Eremin: "L-arginine and malignant disease: a potential therapeutic role?" Eur J Surg Oncol 20,2 189-192 4.1994 Arginin wirkt günstig auf NO, Wundheilung, Immunabwehr.. auch Krebs.. | |
Van Der Hulst, Deutz, Von Meyenfeldt, Elbers, Stockbrügger, Soeters: "Decrease of mucosal glutamine concentration in the nutritionally depleted patient" Clin Nutr 13,4 228-233 8.1994 zu wenig Glutamin verursacht Komplikationen nach OP.. | |
O'Riordain, Fearon, Ross, Rogers, Falconer, Bartolo, Garden, Carter: "Glutamine-supplemented total parenteral nutrition enhances T-lymphocyte response in surgical patients undergoing colorectal resection" Ann Surg 220,2 212-221 8.1994 Glutamin verbessert T-Zell-Funktion.. | |
US-Patent 5576351: Arginin als Immunstimulator. Yoshimura, Barbul, Tao, Storm, Kelley, Reis 16.11.1994 -> 19.11.1996 | |
Boushey, Beresford, Omenn, Motulsky: "A quantitative assessment of plasma homocysteine as a risk factor for vascular disease. Probable benefits of increasing folic acid intakes" JAMA 274,13 1049-1057 4.10.1995 durch +5-mumol/L Homocystein +60% Sterblichkeit an koronarer Herzkrankheit Männer, +80% bei Frauen.. 10% des Risikos durch Homocystein.. 50% mehr cerebrovasculare Erkrankung.. auch periphere arterielle Erkrankung.. mehr Folsäure bessert.. 200ug/d senkt Homocystein um 4mumol/L.. | |
Klimberg, McClellan: "Claude H. Organ, Jr. Honorary Lectureship. Glutamine, cancer, and its therapy" Am J Surg 172,5 418-424 11.1996 Tumoren können an Glutamin verarmen.. Glutamin für Immunsystem.. Glutamin schützt bei Bestrahlung, Chemotherapie.. | |
Newsholme: "The possible role of glutamine in some cells of the immune system and the possible consequence for the whole animal" Experientia 52,5 455-459 5.1996 | |
Newsholme, Calder: "The proposed role of glutamine in some cells of the immune system and speculative consequences for the whole animal" Nutrition 13,7-8 728-730 1997 | |
Dröge, Gross, Hack, Kinscherf, Schykowski, Bockstette, Mihm, Galter: "Role of cysteine and glutathione in HIV infection and cancer cachexia: therapeutic intervention with N-acetylcysteine" Adv Pharmacol 38 581-600 1997 | |
Griffiths, Jones, Palmer: "Six-month outcome of critically ill patients given glutamine-supplemented parenteral nutrition" Nutrition 13,4 295-302 4.1997 kritisch Kranke brauchen mehr Glutamin.. durch Glutamingabe besseres Überleben und 50% niedrigere Krankenhauskosten.. | |
Wernerman: "Glutamine-containing TPN: a question of life and death for intensive care unit-patients?" Clin Nutr 17,1 3-6 2.1998 30-80% Sterblichkeit auf Intensivstation.. meist Multiorganversagen.. oft Tod durch Sekundärinfektion.. Ursache Nährstoffmangel.. Organfunktion nährstoffabhängig.. Glutamin als Schlüsselnährstoff.. | |
Tripaldi, Martillotti, Terramoccia: "Content of taurine and other free amino acids in milk of goats bred in Italy" Small Rumin Res 30,2 127-136 9.1998 Taurin in Ziegenmilch.. | |
Calder, Yaqoob: "Glutamine and the immune system" Amino Acids 17,3 227-241 1999 Immunsystem benötigt viel Glutamin.. Zufuhr von Glutamin verbessert Überleben bei Infektion.. | |
Gong, Zölzer, von Recklinghausen, Havers, Schweigerer: "Arginine deiminase inhibits proliferation of human leukemia cells more potently than asparaginase by inducing cell cycle arrest and apoptosis" Leukemia 14,5 826-829 5.2000 Enzym Arginin-Deiminase wirksam gg. Leukämie.. Grafiken.. | |
Babizhayev, Deyev, Yermakova, Semiletov, Davydova, Doroshenko, Zhukotskii, Goldman: "Efficacy of N-acetylcarnosine in the treatment of cataracts" Drugs R D 3,2 87-103 2002 Auftragen von N-Acetyl-Carnosin NAC wirksam zur Prävention/Behandlung grauer Star.. | |
Tallberg: "Entwicklung einer kombinierten biologisch-immunologischen Krebstherapie. Eine Übersicht zur Bio-Immuntherapie" Deutsche Z Onkologie 35 78-99 2003 Metallsalze und Aminosäuren gg. Leukämie bei Ratten.. | |
Hulsewe, van der Hulst, van Acker, von Meyenfeldt, Soeters: "Inflammation rather than nutritional depletion determines glutamine concentrations and intestinal permeability" Clin Nutr 23,5 1209-1216 10.2004 Entzündung reduziert Glutamin.. | |
Schuller-Levis, Park: "Taurine and its chloramine: modulators of immunity" Neurochem Res 29 117-126 2004 Taurinmangel stört Immunsystem.. | |
Lind: "Arginine and cancer" J Nutr 134,10 2837S-2841S 1.10.2004 Lind: "Arginine and cancer" J Nutr 134,10 2837S-2841S 1.10.2004 mehr Tumorgröße durch Arginin? | |
Vissers, Dejong, Luiking, Fearon, von Meyenfeldt, Deutz: "Plasma arginine concentrations are reduced in cancer patients: evidence for arginine deficiency?" Am J Clin Nutr 81,5 1142-1146 5.2005 Mangel an Arginin bei Krebs (Brustkrebs 80 vs. 103, Darmkrebs 80 vs. 96, Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs 76 vs. 99) -> NO-System arbeitet nicht ! | |
Ma, Wang, Gao, Ma, Song: "L-arginine reduces cell proliferation and ornithine decarboxylase activity in patients with colorectal adenoma and adenocarcinoma" Clin Cancer Res 13,24 7407-7412 15.12.2007 | |
Lüsebrink: "Taurinmangel und Mitochondrienfunktion" Dissertation Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf 2007 krank durch Mangel an Aminosäure Taurin.. degenerative Prozesse, Degeneration Retina, verminderte Leistungsfähigkeit, verfrühte Altersschwerhörigkeit, chronische Lebererkrankungen.. | |
Hedberg, Dierenfeld, Rogers: "Taurine and zoo felids: considerations of dietary and biological tissue concentrations" Zoo Biol 26,6 517-531 11.2007 | |
Fishbane: "N-Acetylcysteine in the prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy" Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 3,1 281-287 1.2008 NAC gg. Kontrastmittelschäden.. | |
Amara: "Oral glutamine for the prevention of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy" Ann Pharmacother 42,10 1481-1485 10.2008 Glutamin gg. Chemoschäden.. | |
Chesney, Hedberg, Rogers, Dierenfeld, Hollis, Derocher, Andersen: "Does taurine deficiency cause metabolic bone disease and rickets in polar bear cubs raised in captivity?" Adv Exp Med Biol 643 325-331 2009 Rachitis.. | |
Seixas et al: "Heme oxygenase-1 affords protection against noncerebral forms of severe malaria" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106,37 15837-15842 15.9.2009 Überleben bei Malaria bei Mäusen 100% statt 20% durch NAC.. Fig.7.. | |
Chesney, Hedberg: "Metabolic bone disease in lion cubs at the London Zoo in 1889: the original animal model of rickets" J Biomed Sci 17,Suppl 1 S36 2010 Junglöwen mit Rachitis.. 20 Würfe sterben.. Heilung durch Zugabe Ziegenfleisch, Ziegenknochen, Lebertran.. Vitamin D als antirachitischer Faktor zusammen mit Ca, Ph.. fettlösliche Vitamine im richtigen Verhältnis nötig.. bei Mangel an Vitamin A Durchfall, Blindheit, neurologische Probleme.. in Lebertran 4000-5000 IU Vitamin A + 400-500 IU Vitamin D pro Teelöffel (5ml).. zur Aufnahme Gallensalze nötig.. Gallensäure, Gallensalze im Lebertran.. Taurin nötig.. | |
Delage, Fennell, Nicholson, McNeish, Lemoine, Crook, Szlosarek: "Arginine deprivation and argininosuccinate synthetase expression in the treatment of cancer" Int J Cancer 126,12 2762-2772 15.6.2010 Arginin als Teil Tumorstoffwechsel.. NO-Synthese, Erzeugung Polyamine, Nucleotide, Prolin, Glutamat.. Arginin reduzieren als Tumortherapie.. | |
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