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Matthias Weisser's alternative Medizin |
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1 Psyche
2 Statik
3 Ernährung
4 Gifte
5 Zahnherde
6 Störfelder
7 Parasiten 8 heilende Informationen 9 Selbstheilung 10 Diagnostik 11 Zusammenhänge Literatur |
Chelattherapie - zur Entgiftung - Literatur |
Teil 1: Zusammenhänge Symptome Zusammenhänge Therapieansätze Erfolgsberichte bei Symptomen A-Z Teil 2: Literaturhinweise zum Anklicken Teil 3: Literaturhinweise Wissenschaft |
siehe auch: Gifte/Entgiftung Klinghardt
Detox Reinigung
Clark-Tests Wasser Fette/Öle Vitamin C Aminosäuren Koriander Licht Atmung Zetapotential |
"1948 nutzen Detroiter Ärzte EDTA gegen Bleivergiftung..
Nebenwirkung besseres Seh- und Hörvermögen, weniger Anginaschmerzen
(Angina pectoris),
können weitere Strecken laufen, weniger Krämpfe.. weniger Arteriosklerose.."
"ab 1958 zeigt die Studie von Dr. Walter Blumer und Elmer M. Cranton,
nahe einer Autostraße 90% weniger Patienten an Krebs sterben,
wenn mit EDTA entgiftet wird.." S.195-201 Cranton: 'A Textbook of EDTA
Chelation Therapy'
"Dr. T.C. McDaniel: spezielle Infusionen verändern elektrische
-> Blockaden und Mineralbeläge abbauen.. exzellente Resulate: keine
amputierte Gliedmaßen.."
"Wer heilt, hat recht"
Literatur, Patente | |
1905: Alfred Einhorn: Kokain-ähnliches nebenwirkungsfreies Narkosemittel Novocain=Procain | |
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US-Patent 3351658: Chelatbildner. Bersworth 6.4.1965 -> 7.11.1967 | |
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Olwin, Koppel: "Reduction of elevated plasma lipid levels in atherosclerosis following EDTA therapy" Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 128 1137-1140 1968 | |
Riddick: "Control of Colloid Stability through Zeta Potential. With a closing chapter on its relationship to cardiovascular disease" 1968.. Krankheiten durch Zerstören des Zetapotentials.. Herzprobleme, Durchblutungsstörungen heilbar durch spezielle Elektrolyte auf Basis von destilliertem Wasser.. | |
Riddick: "Control of colloid stability through zeta potential" Library of Congress Catalogue Number 67-18001 1968 | |
Roosels: "An atomic absorption determination of lead in urine after extraction with dither" Atom Abscam Newsweek 7 9-10 1968 | |
Morrison: "Treatment of coronary arteriosclerotic heart disease with chondroitin sulfate-A: preliminary report" J Am Geriatr Soc 16,7 779-785 7.1968 Chondroitin-Sulfat gegen Arteriosklerose.. | |
Morrison, Rucker, Ershoff: "Prolongation of thrombus-formation time in rabbits given chondroitin sulfate A" J Atheroscler Res 8,2 319-327 1968 Chondroitin-Sulfat reduziert Thrombus-Bildung.. | |
Izuka, Murata, Nakazawa, Okubo, Oshima: "Effects of chondroitin sulfates on serum lipids and hexosamines in atherosclerotic patients: with special reference to thrombus formation time" Jpn Heart J 9,5 453-460 9.1968 Chondroitin-Sulfat reduziert Thrombus-Bildung.. | |
Nakazawa, Murata, Izuka, Oshima: "The short-term effects of chondroitin sulfates A and C on coronary atherosclerotic subjects: With reference to its anti-thrombogenic activities" Jpn Heart J 10,4 289-296 7.1969 Chondroitin-Sulfat reduziert Thrombus-Bildung.. | |
Morrison, Branwood, Ershoff, Murata, Quilligan, Schjeide, Patek, Bernick, Freeman, Dunn, Rucker: "The prevention of coronary arteriosclerotic heart disease with chondroitin sulfate A: preliminary report" Exp Med Surg 27,3 278-289 1969 Chondroitin-Sulfat verhindert Arteriosklerose.. | |
Morrison: "Response of ischemic heart disease to chondroitin sulfate-A" J Am Geriatr Soc 17,10 913-923 10.1969 Chondroitin-Sulfat bei Herzkrankheit.. | |
Barth, Mikalis, Harris, Bruckner: "Evaluation of clays as binding agents for reduction of radionuclides in milk. Effect of Belle Fourche Betonite on excretion in lactating goats" J Agr Food Chem 17 1347-1349 1969 | |
Wobeser: "Apparent favorable response of lead poisoning in a duck to treatment with a chelating agent" Wildl Dis 5,2 120 4.1969 | |
Blumer: "Bleidepots bei Anwohnern einer Autostrasse" Med Neuheiten 75 3-8 6.1969 | |
Morrison, Bajwa, Ershoff: "Prolongation of the plasma thrombus formation time of dogs administered chondroitin sulfates A and C" Exp Med Surg 28,2 188-193 1970 Chondroitin-Sulfat reduziert Thrombus-Bildung.. | |
Blumer: "Nervöse Störungen durch Autoabgase" Praxis 59 1809-1816 1970 | |
Morrison: "Reduction of ischemic coronary heart disease by chondroitin sulfate A" Angiology 22,3 165-174 3.1971 Chondroitin-Sulfat bei koronarer Herzkrankheit.. | |
Blumer, Jaumann, Reich: "Motorisierung wichtigste Ursache für Krebsentstehung?" Praxis 61 514-518 1972 | |
Morrison, Bajwa, Alfin-Slater, Ershoff: "Prevention of vascular lesions by chondroitin sulfate A in the coronary artery and aorta of rats induced by a hypervitaminosis D, cholesterol-containing diet" Atherosclerosis 16,1 105-118 1972 Chondroitin-Sulfat verhindert Arteriosklerose.. | |
Morrison, Bajwa: "Absence of naturally occurring coronary atherosclerosis in squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciurea) treated with chondroitin sulfate A" Experientia 28,12 1410-1411 15.12.1972 Chondroitin-Sulfat verhindert Arteriosklerose.. | |
Morrison, Enrick: "Coronary heart disease: reduction of death rate by chondroitin sulfate A" Angiology 24,5 269-287 5.1973 Chondroitin-Sulfat reduziert Sterblichkeit.. | |
Apffel, Walker, Issarescu: "Tumor rejection in experimental animals treated with radioprotective thiols" Cancer Res 35 429-437 1975 | |
Kallistratos: "Verhinderung der 3,4-Benzopyren-Kanzerogenese durch natürliche und synthetische Verbindungen" Münchener Med Wochenschr 117 391-394 1975 | |
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Casdorph: "EDTA chelation therapy: efficacy in arteriosclerotic heart disease" J Hol Med 3 53-59 1981 Tabelle mit statistisch signifikanten Verbesserungen durch EDTA.. | |
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McDonagh, Rudolph, Cheraskin: "Serum cholesterol and the aging process" Med Hypotheses 7 685-694 1981 | |
McDonagh, Rudolph, Cheraskin: "The effect of intravenous disodium ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) upon blood cholesterol in a private practice environment" J Int Acad Prev Med 7 5-12 1982 | |
McDonagh, Rudolph, Cheraskin: "An oculocerebrovasculometric analysis of the improvement in arterial stenosis following EDTA chelation therapy" J Hol Med 4 21-23 1982 | |
McDonagh, Rudolph, Cheraskin: "The influence of EDTA salts plus multivitamin-trace mineral therapy upon total serum cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol" Med Hypotheses 9,6 643-646 12.1982 | |
McDonagh, Rudolph, Cheraskin: "The effect of EDTA chelation therapy plus supportive multivitamin trace mineral supplementation upon renal function: a study in serum creatinine" J Hol Med 4 146-151 1982 | |
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Rudolph, McDonagh: "The chelation carrier solution: an analysis of osmolarity and sodium content" J Int Acad of Prev Med 8,1 26-34 1983 weniger Stenosen nach Therapie.. | |
McDonagh, Rudolph, Cheraskin: "The nutrition-prevention connection" Osteopathic Annals 11,3 109-115 3.1983 weniger Stenosen nach Therapie.. | |
McDonagh, Rudolph, Cheraskin: "The effect of EDTA chelation therapy plus supportive multivitamin - trace mineral supplementation upon renal function: a study in blood urea nitrogen (BUN)" J Hol Med 5 163-171 1983 | |
McDonagh, Rudolph, Cheraskin: "The effect of intravenous disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) plus supportive multivitamin/trace mineral supplementation upon fasting serum calcium" Med Hypotheses 11,4 431-438 8.1983 | |
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Casdorph, Farr: "EDTA chelation therapy III: treatment of peripheral arterial occlusion: an alternative to amputation" J Hol Med 5 3-15 1983 | |
Cranton, Frackelton: "Free radical pathology in age-associated diseases: treatment with EDTA chelation, nutrition, and antioxidants" J Hol Med 6 6-37 1984 | |
McDonagh, Rudolph, Cheraskin, Wussow: "The effect of EDTA and supportive multivitamin/trace mineral supplementation with and without physical activity upon systolic blood pressure" J Orthomol Psychiat 13 1-9 1984 | |
McDonagh, Rudolph, Cheraskin: "The effect of EDTA chelation therapy with multivitamin/trace mineral supplementation upon reported fatigue" J Orthomol Psychiatry 13,4 277-279 1984 | |
Cheraskin, Wussow, McDonagh, Rudolph: "Effect of EDTA chelation and supportive multivitamin/trace mineral supplementation with and without physical activity on the heart rate" J Int Academy of Preventive Medicine 8,6 5-9 11.1984 | |
Sehnert, Clague, Cheraskin: "The improvement in renal function following EDTA chelation and multi-vitamin-trace mineral therapy: a study in creatinine clearance" Med Hypotheses 15,3 301-304 11.1984 | |
McDonagh, Rudolph, Cheraskin: "The clinical change in patients treated with EDTA chelation plus multivitamin/trace mineral supplementation" J Orthomol Psychiatry 14,1 61-65 1985 | |
McDonagh, Rudolph, Cheraskin: "The psychotherapeutic potential of EDTA chelation" J Orthomol Psychiatry 14,3 214-217 1985 | |
McDonagh, Rudolph, Cheraskin: "The effect of EDTA chelation therapy plus multivitamin/trace mineral supplementation upon vascular dynamics (ankle/brachial systolic blood pressure)" J Hol Med 7,1 16-22 1985 | |
McDonagh, Rudolph, Cheraskin: "The 'clinical change' in patients treated with EDTA chelation plus multivitamin/trace mineral supplementation" J Orthomol Psychiatry 14,1 61-65 1985 | |
Stevens, Beasley, Blumberg: "Iron binding proteins and risk of cancer in Taiwan" JNCI 76 605-610 1986 | |
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Stevens, Jones, Micozzi, Taylor: "Body iron stores and the risk of cancer" N Engl J Med 319,16 1047-1052 20.10.1988 mehr Eisen -> mehr Krebs.. | |
Olszewer, Carter: "EDTA chelation therapy in chronic degenerative disease" Med Hypotheses 27,1 41-49 9.1988 | |
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Blumer, Cranton: "Ninety percent reduction in cancer mortality after chelation therapy with EDTA" in "A textbook on EDTA chelation therapy" Chapter 12 195-201 1989 90% weniger Krebssterblichkeit durch Entgiftung.. | |
Rudolph, McDonagh, Barber: "Effect of EDTA chelation and supportive multivitamin/trace mineral supplementation on chronic lung disorders: a study of FVC and FEV" J Adv Med 2,4 553-561 1989 | |
Olszewer, Carter: "EDTA chelation therapy: a retrospective study of 2870 patients" J Adv Med 2 197-211 1989 2870 Patienten mit Arteriosklerose etc. -> Disodium EDTA Chelation Therapie.. ischämische Herzkrankheit: deutlich verbessert 76.9%, gut verbessert 17%.. periphere Verschlusskrankheit: 91% und 8%.. Hirndurchblutung: 24% und 30%.. insgesamt hatten 89% einen Nutzen.. in "A Textbook on EDTA Chelation Therapy, Second Edition".. | |
Olszewer, Sabbag, Carter: "A pilot double-blind study of sodium-magnesium EDTA in peripheral vascular disease" J Natl Med Assoc 82,3 173-177 3.1990 | |
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Rudolph, McDonagh, Barber: "Effect of EDTA chelation on serum iron" J Adv Med 4,1 39-45 1991 | |
Rudolph, McDonagh, Barber: "A nonsurgical approach to obstructive carotid stenosis using EDTA chelation" J Adv Med 4,3 157-166 1991 | |
Sloth-Nielson, Guldager, Mouritzen, Mouritzen, Lund, Egeblad, Norregaard, Jorgensun, Jelnes: "Arteriographic findings in EDTA chelation therapy on peripheral arteriosclerosis" Am J Surg 162 122-125 1991 | |
McDonagh, Rudolph: "Effects of EDTA chelation on chronic degenerative diseases" J Neurol Orthop Med Surg 1992 | |
Guldager, Jelnes, Jorgensen et al: "EDTA treatment of intermittent claudication - a double blind, placebo-controlled study" J Intern Med 231 261-267 1992 | |
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Chisolm: "BAL, EDTA, DMSA and DMPS in the treatment of lead poisoning in children" J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 30,4 493-504 1992 | |
Hancke, Flytlie: "Benefit of EDTA chelation therapy in arteriosclerosis: A retrospective study of 470 patients" J Adv Med 6,3 161-171 1993 | |
Chappell, Stahl: "The correlation between EDTA chelation therapy and improvement in cardiovascular function: a meta-analysis" J Adv Med 6,3 139-160 1993 | |
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van Rij, Solomon, Packer, Hopkins: "Chelation therapy for intermittent claudication, a double blind, randomized, controlled trial" Circulation 90,3 1194-1199 1994 | |
Rudolph, Samuels, McDonagh: "Visual field evidence of macular degeneration reversal using a combination of EDTA chelation and multiple vitamin and trace mineral therapy" J Adv Med 7,4 203-212 1994 | |
Sorenson, Soderberg, Chang: "Radiation protection and radiation recovery with essential metalloelement chelates" Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 210,3 191-204 1995 | |
Pienta, Naik, Akhtar, Yamazaki, Replogle, Lehr, Donat, Tait, Hogan, Raz: "Inhibition of spontaneous metastasis in a rat prostate cancer model by oral administration of modified citrus pectin" J Natl Cancer Inst 87,5 348-353 1.3.1995 Metastasen hemmen durch modifiziertes Citrus-Pektin.. | |
Holliday: "Carotid restenosis: a case for EDTA chelation" J Adv Med 9,2 95-99 1996 | |
Chappell, Janson: "EDTA chelation therapy in the treatment of vascular disease" J Cardiovasc Nurs 10,3 78-86 4.1996 | |
Chappell: "Applications of EDTA chelation therapy" Alt Med Review 2 426-432 1997 | |
Rozema: "The protocol for the safe and effective administration of EDTA and other chelating agents for vascular disease, degenerative disease, and metal toxicity" J Adv Med 10,1 5-100 1997 | |
Ali, Ali, Fayemi, Juco, Grieder-Brandenburger: "Improved myocardial perfusion in patients with advanced ischemic heart disease with an integrative management program including EDTA chelation therapy" J Integrative Medicine 1,1 113-142 1997 61% sehr gut, 17% gut, 13% mittel, 9% schwach.. | |
Fisher, Le Couteur: "Lead poisoning from complementary and alternative medicine in multiple sclerosis" J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 69,5 687-689 11.2000 Verbesserung durch Chelat-Therapie.. | |
Hayashi, Gillen, Lott: "Effects of daily oral administration of quercetin chalcone and modified citrus pectin on implanted colon-25 tumor growth in Balb-c mice" Altern Med Rev 5,6 546-552 12.2000 Quercetin und modifiziertes Zitrus-Pektin gegen Darmkrebs.. | |
Authier, Cherin, Creange et al: "Central nervous system disease in patients with macrophagic myofasciitis" Brain 124,Pt 5 974-983 5.2001 Nervenerkrankung durch Aluminium in Impfstoffen.. | |
Cremin, Luck, Laughlin, Smith: "Oral succimer decreases the gastrointestinal absorption of lead in juvenile monkeys" Environ Health Perspect 109,6 613-619 6.2001 DMSA bei Bleivergiftung.. gute Literaturliste.. | |
Waters, Bryden, Patterson, Veillon, Anderson: "EDTA chelation effects on urinary losses of cadmium, calcium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, magnesium, and zinc" Biol Trace Elem Res 83,3 207-221 12.2001 | |
Shannon, Woolf, Binns: "Chelation therapy in children exposed to lead" N Engl J Med 345,16 1212-1213 18.10.2001 | |
Knudston, Wyse, Galbraith et al: "Chelation therapy for ischemic heart disease, a randomized controlled trial" JAMA 287,4 481-486 2002 | |
Nangia-Makker, Hogan, Honjo, Baccarini, Tait, Bresalier, Raz: "Inhibition of human cancer cell growth and metastasis in nude mice by oral intake of modified citrus pectin" J Natl Cancer Inst 94,24 1854-1862 18.12.2002 Hemmung Krebswachstum durch modifiziertes Zitrus-Pektin.. | |
Guess, Scholz, Strum, Lam, Johnson, Jennrich: "Modified citrus pectin (MCP) increases the prostate-specific antigen doubling time in men with prostate cancer: a phase II pilot study" Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis 6,4 301-304 2003 modifiziertes Zitrus-Pektin MCP gegen Prostatakrebs.. | |
Schober, Sinks, Jones, Bolger, McDowell, Osterloh, Garrett, Canady, Dillon, Sun, Joseph, Mahaffey: "Blood mercury levels in US children and women of childbearing age, 1999-2000" JAMA 289,13 1667-1674 2.4.2003 8% der Frauen hatten zu viel Quecksilber im Blut.. | |
Flora, Pande, Mehta: "Beneficial effect of combined administration of some naturally occurring antioxidants (vitamins) and thiol chelators in the treatment of chronic lead intoxication" Chem Biol Interact 145,3 267-280 15.6.2003 | |
Dietrich, Ware, Salganik, Radcliffe, Rogan, Rhoads, Fay, Davoli, Denckla, Bornschein, Schwarz, Dockery, Adubato, Jones: "Effect of chelation therapy on the neuropsychological and behavioral development of lead-exposed children after school entry" Pediatrics 114,1 19-26 7.2004 scheinbar kein Effekt bei weniger Blei im Blut.. | |
Eliaz, Hotchkiss, Fishman, Rode: "The effect of modified citrus pectin on urinary excretion of toxic elements" Phytother Res 20,10 859-864 10.2006 modifiziertes Zitrus-Pektin entgiftet.. Arsen, Cadmium, Blei.. | |
Gracia, Snodgrass: "Lead toxicity and chelation therapy" Am J Health Syst Pharm 64,1 45-53 1.1.2007 Entgiftung problematisch.. meistens mit Dimercaprol, edetate calcium disodium, succimer.. | |
Ionescu, Novotny, Stejskal, Lätsch, Blaurock-Busch, Eisenmann-Klein: "Übergangsmetalle in der Pathogenese des Mammakarzinoms" OM & Ernährung 121 2007 Schwermetalle als Faktor bei Brustkrebs.. | |
Eliaz, Weil, Wilk: "Integrative medicine and the role of modified citrus pectin/alginates in heavy metal chelation and detoxification - five case reports" Forsch Komplementmed 14,6 358-364 12.2007 modifiziertes Zitrus-Pektin entgiftet.. im Mittel 74% Schwermetallreduzierung ohne Nebenwirkungen.. MCP verhindert Tumorzellembolie, Metastasen, reduziert Tumorwachstum, verlangsamt Prostatakrebs, unterstützt das Immunsystem.. bindet Schwermetalle wie Quecksilber und leitet aus ohne wichtige Mineralstoffe anzugreifen.. 35 Jahre Alginate zur Entgiftung und gg. Strahlenschäden, zur Wasser- und Ölreinigung.. 5 Fallberichte.. | |
Modi, Flora: "Combined administration of iron and monoisoamyl-DMSA in the treatment of chronic arsenic intoxication in mice" Cell Biol Toxicol 23,6 429-443 11.2007 | |
Zhao, Liang, Fan, Yu, Hotchkiss, Wilk, Eliaz: "The role of modified citrus pectin as an effective chelator of lead in children hospitalized with toxic lead levels" Altern Ther Health Med 14,4 34-38 2008 modifiziertes Zitrus-Pektin entgiftet wirksam Blei.. | |
Atwood, Woeckner, Baratz, Sampson: "Why the NIH Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT) should be abandoned" Medscape J Med 10,5 115 13.5.2008 harte Kritik an Chelattherapie.. als krimineller Unsinn abgetan.. interessant aufgrund der vielen wertvollen Quellenangaben.. | |
Vogt: "Lead for car batteries poisons an african town" Hindustan Times, Mumbai 5.1.2009 Bleivergiftung durch Bleibatterien in Tyiaroye Sur Mer, Senegal.. | |
Glinsky, Raz: "Modified citrus pectin anti-metastatic properties: one bullet, multiple targets" Carbohydr Res 344,14 1788-1791 28.9.2009 modifiziertes Zitrus-Pektin MCP gegen Metastasen.. | |
Bradberry, Vale: "A comparison of sodium calcium edetate (edetate calcium disodium) and succimer (DMSA) in the treatment of inorganic lead poisoning" Clin Toxicol 47,9 841-858 11.2009 | |
Loeprich: "Mit EDTA-Chelat-Therapie der Krebsentstehung vorbeugen" CoMed 10.2009 Studie Blumer&Cranton zeigt Krebssterblichkeit -90% durch EDTA-Behandlung.. | |
Yan, Katz: "PectaSol-C modified citrus pectin induces apoptosis and inhibition of proliferation in human and mouse androgen-dependent and -independent prostate cancer cells" Integr Cancer Ther 9,2 197-203 6.2010 | |
Blaurock-Busch, Amin, Rabah: "Heavy metals and trace elements in hair and urine of a sample of arab children with autistic spectrum disorder" Maedica 6,4 247-257 2011 | |
Fulgenzi, Zanella, Mariani, Vietti, Ferrero: "A case of multiple sclerosis improvement following removal of heavy metal intoxication: lessons learnt from Matteo's case" Biometals 25,3 569-576 6.2012 EDTA setzt verstärkt Aluminium, Blei, Quecksilber im Urin frei.. verbesserte Symptome.. | |
Jacobi-Gresser, Huesker, Schütt: "Genetic and immunological markers predict titanium implant failure: a retrospective study" Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 24.8.2012 Titan-Implantate können Probleme verursachen.. | |
Löprich: "Die Chelat-Therapie. Ein Lesebuch für alle" Noel-Verlag 2020 Umweltbelastung verursacht Krankheiten.. Therapie mit metallbindenden Komplexen, Chelatoren.. MgEDTA.. Metalle entfernen.. diabetische Gefäßschäden, Durchblutungsstörungen (Thermographie), Raynaud, Nierenschäden, Herzinfarkt, chronische Müdigkeit, Parkinson.. |
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