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Matthias Weisser's alternative Medizin |
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1 Psyche
2 Statik
3 Ernährung
4 Gifte
5 Zahnherde
6 Störfelder
7 Parasiten 8 heilende Informationen 9 Selbstheilung 10 Diagnostik 11 Zusammenhänge Literatur |
"Vitamine zerstört durch Agrargifte, Lagerung, Kochen,
Mikrowelle, Medikamente.."
"die Tatsache, daß 80% an Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen und Krebs
sterben, nimmst Du als gegeben hin..
daß diese Krankheiten die Folge von Vitaminmangel sind, hat Dir niemand
vermittelt.." Rath
"die Produktion des Stresshormons Adrenalin verbraucht Vitamin
körperlicher/seelischer Stress erschöpft
die Vitamin C-Reserven.." Rath:
'Warum..' S.23
"Vitamin C verlängert das Leben.. Chancen
bei guter Gesundheit zu
bleiben umso höher, je mehr Vitamin C im Blut.. Universität Cambridge.."
Lancet 357 657-663 3.3.2001
"unter dem Einfluß der Sonnenstrahlen bilden
sich in der Haut Vitamine.." Schatalova
"Wer heilt, hat recht"
Literatur, Patente | |
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Altschul, Hoffer, Stephen: "Influence of nicotinic acid on serum cholesterol in man" Arch Biochem Biophys 54,2 558-559 2.1955 Niacin senkt Cholesterin bis 22%.. | |
Minkh: "The effect of ionized air on work capacity and vitamin metabolism" J Acad Med Sci USSR, translated by US Dept. of Commerce Washington 1961 | |
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Sokoloff, Hori, Saelhof, McConnell, Imai: "Effect of ascorbic on certain blood fat metabolism factors in animals and man" J Nutr 91 107-118 1967 viel weniger Cholesterin und Triglyceride durch 150mg/kg Vitamin C.. | |
Sokoloff, Hori, Saelhof, McConnell, Imai: "Effect of ascorbic acid on certain blood fat metabolism factors in animals and man" J Nutr 91,1 107-118 1.1.1967 | |
Ginter, Babala, Cerven: "The effect of chronic hypovitaminosis C on the metabolism of cholesterol and atherogenisis in guinea pigs" J Atheroscler Res 10,3 341-352 1969 Cholesterin.. | |
Ginter, Ondreicka, Bobek, Simko: "The influence of chronic vitamin C deficiency on fatty acid composition of blood serum, liver triglycerides and cholesterol esters in guinea pigs" J Nutr 99,3 261-266 1.11.1969 | |
Ginter, Kajaba, Nizner: "The effect of ascorbic acid on cholesterolemia in healthy subjects with seasonal deficit of vitamin C" Nutr Metab 12,2 76-86 1970 Cholesterin.. | |
Briggs, Briggs: "Vitamin C requirements and oral contraceptives" Nature 238,5362 277 4.8.1972 Pille verbraucht Vitamin C.. | |
Dice, Daniel: "The hypoglycemic effect of ascorbic acid in a juvenile-onset diabetic" IRCS Internat Res Commun System 1 41 3.1973 Diabetes.. | |
Cameron, Pauling: "The orthomolecular treatment of cancer. I. The role of ascorbic acid in host resistance" Chem Biol Interact 9,4 273-283 10.1974 | |
Cameron, Campbell: "The orthomolecular treatment of cancer. II. Clinical trial of high-dose ascorbic acid supplements in advanced human cancer" Chem BioI Interact 9,4 285-315 10.1974 | |
Rivers: "Oral contraceptives and ascorbic acid" Am J Clin Nutr 28,5 550-554 5.1975 Pille verbraucht Vitamin C.. | |
Mann, Newton: "The membrane transport of ascorbic acid" Ann NY Acad Sci 258 243-252 30.9.1975 | |
Cameron, Pauling: "Supplemental ascorbate in the supportive treatment of cancer: Prolongation of survival times in terminal human cancer" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 73,10 3685-3689 10.1976 berühmtes paper Lebensverlängerung bei Krebs.. siehe auch 1978.. 10g 10 Tage parenteral, dann bis zum Lebensende peroral.. Folgestudien nutzten nur oral.. | |
Cheraskin, Ringsdorf, Medford: "The 'ideal' daily lysine intake" J Int Res Communications (IRCS) J Med Sci 5 390 1977 je mehr Lysin umso gesünder.. | |
McNair, Christiansen, Madsbad, Lauritzen, Faber, Binder, Transbøl: "Hypomagnesemia, a risk factor in diabetic retinopathy" Diabetes 27,11 1075-1077 11.1978 weniger Magnesium bei Diabetes.. Grafik.. | |
Cameron, Pauling: "Supplemental ascorbate in the supportive treatment of cancer: Reevaluation of prolongation of survival times in terminal human cancer" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 75,9 4538-4542 9.1978 mit Vitamin C 300 Tage mehr Überlebenszeit.. beeindruckende Grafiken.. | |
Cameron, Pauling, Leibovitz: "Ascorbic acid and cancer: a review" Cancer Res 39,3 663-681 3.1979 weniger Vitamin C im Blut.. Morishige/Murata: erfolgreiche Vermeidung und Behandlung von Masern, Mumps, virale Hodenentzündung, viraler Lungenentzündung, Herpes zoster, virale Hirnhautentzündung.. viele Literaturhinweise.. | |
Mather, Nisbet, Burton, Poston, Bland, Bailey, Pilkington: "Hypomagnesaemia in diabetes" Clin Chim Acta 95,2 235-242 16.7.1979 zu wenig Magnesium bei Diabetes.. | |
Hermann, Ward, Faucett: "The effect of tocopherol on high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. A clinical observation" Am J Clin Pathol 72,5 848-852 11.1979 Anheben HDL, Absenken VLDL, Triglyceride mit Vitamin E.. | |
Opie: "Role of carnitine in fatty acid metabolism of normal and ischemic myocardium" Am Heart J 97,3 375-388 3.1979 | |
Turlapaty, Altura: "Magnesium deficiency produces spasms of coronary arteries: relationship to etiology of sudden death ischemic heart disease" Science 208,4440 198-200 11.4.1980 | |
Som, Basu, Mukherjee, Deb, Choudhury, Mukherjee, Chatterjee, Chatterjee: "Ascorbic acid metabolism in diabetes mellitus" Metabolism 30,6 572-577 6.1981 Diabetes.. | |
Riales, Albrink: "Effect of chromium chloride supplementation on glucose tolerance and serum lipids including high-density lipoprotein of adult men" Am J Clin Nutr 34,12 2670-2678 12.1981 Chrom bei Diabetes.. | |
Liu, Abernathy: "Chromium and insulin in young subjects with normal glucose tolerance" Am J Clin Nutr 35,4 661-667 4.1982 Diabetes.. | |
Avogaro, Bon, Fusello: "Effect of pantethine on lipids, lipoproteins and apolipoproteins in man" Curr Ther Res Clin Exp 33 488-493 1.1983 | |
Blumberg, Hanck, Sander: "Vitamin nutrition in patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)" Clin Nephrol 20,5 244-250 11.1983 Verarmung an Vitaminen durch Dialyse.. | |
Gaddi, Descovich, Noseda, Fragiacomo, Colombo, Craveri, Montanari, Sirtori: "Controlled evaluation of pantethine, a natural hypolipidemic compound, in patients with different forms of hyperlipoproteinemia" Atherosclerosis 50,1 73-83 1.1984 | |
Stankova, Riddle, Larned, Burry, Menashe, Hart, Bigley: "Plasma ascorbate concentrations and blood cell dehydroascorbate transport in patients with diabetes mellitus" Metabolism 33,4 347-353 4.1984 weniger Vitamin C bei Diabetes.. | |
Iseri, French: "Magnesium: nature's physiologic calcium blocker" Am Heart J 108,1 188-193 7.1984 | |
Ferrari, Cucchini, Visioli: "The metabolical effects of L-carnitine in angina pectoris" Int J Cardiol 5,2 213-216 2.1984 | |
Mortensen, Vadhanavikit, Folkers: "Deficiency of coenzyme Q10 in myocardial failure" Drugs Exptl Clin Res X,7 497-502 1984 | |
Langsjoen, Vadhanavikit, Folkers: "Effective treatment with coenzyme Q10 of patients with chronic myocardial disease" Drugs Exp Clin Res 11,8 577-579 1985 | |
Folkers, Vadhanavikit, Mortensen: "Biochemical rationale and myocardial tissue data on the effective therapy of cardiomyopathy with coenzyme Q10" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 82,3 901-904 2.1985 bei Herzproblemen weniger Q10 im Herz.. | |
Langsjoen, Vadhanavikit, Folkers: "Response of patients in classes III and IV of cardiomyopathy to therapy in a blind and crossover trial with coenzyme Q10" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 82,12 4240-4244 6.1985 | |
Mortensen, Vadhanavikit, Baandrup, Folkers: "Long-term coenzyme Q10 therapy: a major advance in the management of resistant myocardial failure" Drugs Exp Clin Res 11,8 581-593 1985 | |
Kamikawa, Kobayashi, Yamashita, Hayashi, Yamazaki: "Effects of coenzyme Q10 on exercise tolerance in chronic stable angina pectoris" Am J Cardiol 56,4 247-251 1.8.1985 | |
Cherchi, Lai, Angelino, Trucco, Caponetto, Mereto, Rosolen, Manzoli et al: "Effects of L-carnitine on exercise tolerance in chronic stable angina: a multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled crossover study" Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol 23,10 569-572 10.1985 | |
Gurakar, Hoeg, Kostner, Papadopoulos, Brewer: "Levels of lipoprotein Lp(a) decline with neomycin and niacin treatment" Atherosclerosis 57,2-3 293-301 11.1985 mit Neomycin -24% Lp(a) vs. Neomycin/Vitamin B3 -45%.. | |
Harwood, Greene, Stacpoole: "Inhibition of human leukocyte 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase activity by ascorbic acid. An effect mediated by the free radical monodehydroascorbate" J Biol Chem 261,16 7127-7135 5.6.1986 Vitamin C.. | |
Chow, Thacker, Changchit, Bridges, Rehm, Humble, Turbek: "Lower levels of vitamin C and carotenes in plasma of cigarette smokers" J Am Coll Nutr 5,3 305-312 1986 Rauchen.. | |
Iseri: "Magnesium and cardiac arrhythmias" Magnesium 5,3-4 111-126 1986 Herzarrhythmie.. | |
Langsjoen, Folkers, Lyson, Muratsu, Lyson, Langsjoen: "Effective and safe therapy with coenzyme Q10 for cardiomyopathy" Klin Wochenschr 66,13 583-590 1.7.1988 | |
US-Patent 4885167: Wiederherstellung Herzfunktion durch Q10-Therapie. Folkers, Wolaniuk 16.2.1988 -> 5.12.1989 | |
Ghidini, Azzurro, Vita, Sartori: "Evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy of L-carnitine in congestive heart failure" Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol 26,4 217-220 4.1988 | |
Rizzon, Biasco, Di Biase, Boscia, Rizzo, Minafra, Bortone, Siliprandi, Procopio, Bagiella et al: "High doses of L-carnitine in acute myocardial infarction: metabolic and antiarrhythmic effects" Eur Heart J 10,6 502-508 6.1989 | |
Carlson, Hamsten, Asplund: "Pronounced lowering of serum levels of lipoprotein Lp(a) in hyperlipidaemic subjects treated with nicotinic acid" J Intern Med 226,4 271-276 10.1989 Vitamin B3.. | |
Langsjoen, Langsjoen, Folkers: "Long-term efficacy and safety of coenzyme Q10 therapy for idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy" Am J Cardiol 65,7 521-523 15.2.1990 | |
Langsjoen, Folkers, Lyson, Muratsu, Lyson, Langsjoen: "Pronounced increase of survival of patients with cardiomyopathy when treated with coenzyme Q10 and conventional therapy" Int J Tissue React 12,3 163-168 1990 | |
Mortensen, Vadhanavikit, Muratsu, Folkers: "Coenzyme Q10: clinical benefits with biochemical correlates suggesting a scientific breakthrough in the management of chronic heart failure" Int J Tissue React 12,3 155-162 1990 | |
Langsjoen, Langsjoen, Folkers: "A six-year clinical study of therapy of cardiomyopathy with coenzyme Q10" Int J Tissue React 12,3 169-171 1.1.1990 | |
Zilliken: "Eine klinische Doppelblind-Studie mit CoEnzym Q10 und Vitamin E bei herzkranken Patienten" De Orthomoleculaire Koerier 5,24 4-11 1990 | |
Folkers, Langsjoen, Willis, Richardson, Xia,Ye, Tamagawa: "Lovastatin decreases coenzyme Q levels in humans" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 87,22 8931-8934 11.1990 Cholesterinsenker reduziert Q10.. | |
Rath, Pauling: "Hypothesis: lipoprotein(a) is a surrogate for ascorbate" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 87,16 6204-6207 8.1990 Ablagerungen bei Vitamin C-Mangel.. | |
Rath, Pauling: "Immunological evidence for the accumulation of lipoprotein(a) in the atherosclerotic lesion of the hypoascorbemic guinea pig" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 87,23 9388-9390 12.1990 Ablagerungen bei Vitamin C-Mangel.. | |
Rath, Pauling: "Solution of the puzzle of human cardiovascular disease: Its primary cause is ascorbate deficiency, leading to the deposition of lipoprotein(a) and fibrinogen / fibrin in the vascular wall" J Orthomol Med 6 125-134 1991 Herzerkrankung durch Lp(a) durch zu wenig Vitamin C.. chronischer Mangel führt zu Belägen an Lp(a) und Fibrinogen/Fibrin -> Arteriosklerose.. | |
Riemersma, Wood, Macintyre, Elton, Gey, Oliver: "Risk of angina pectoris and plasma concentrations of vitamins A, C and E and carotene" Lancet 337,8732 1-5 5.1.1991 Vitamin E besonders wichtig bei Angina pectoris.. OR=2.68.. Vitamin C verbraucht durch Rauchen.. | |
DeMaio, King, Lembo, Roubin, Hearn, Bhagavan, Sgoutas: "Vitamin E supplementation, plasma lipids and incidence of restenosis after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA)" J Am Coll Nutr 11,1 68-73 2.1992 durch Vitamin E 35.5% Restenose vs. 47.5%.. | |
Rath, Pauling: "A unified theory of human cardiovascular disease leading the way to abolition of this disease as a cause for human mortality" J Orthomol Med 7,5-15 1992 Herz-Kreislaufkrankheiten CVD durch Vitamin C-Mangel.. | |
Rath: "Lipoprotein(a) reduction by ascorbate" J Orthomol Med 7 81-82 1992 | |
Rath: "Reducing the risk for cardiovascular disease with nutritional supplements" J Orthomol Med 7 153-162 1992 | |
2.7.1992: Rath, Pauling: Aufruf zur Ausmerzung der Herzkrankheit.. Pressekonferenz im Marc Hopkins Hotel, San Francisco.. | |
Hemilä: "Vitamin C and plasma cholesterol" Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 32,1 33-57 1992 Studienübersicht zu Cholesterin.. Grafik Abfall durch Vitamin C.. 279 Literaturstellen.. | |
Lavie, Mailander, Milani: "Marked benefit with sustained-release niacin therapy in patients with 'isolated' very low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and coronary artery disease" Am J Cardiol 69,12 1083-1085 15.4.1992 Vitamin B3.. | |
Digiesi, Cantini, Bisi, Guarino, Oradei, Littarru: "Mechanism of action of Coenzyme Q10 in essential hypertension" Curr Ther Res Clin Exp 51 668-672 1992 Blutdruck.. | |
England, Gordon, Salem, Chernow: "Magnesium administration and dysrhythmias after cardiac surgery. A placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized trial" JAMA 268,17 2395-2402 4.11.1992 | |
Widman, Wester, Stegmayr, Wirell: "The dose-dependent reduction in blood pressure through administration of magnesium: A double-blind placebo controlled cross-over study" Am J Hypertens 6,1 41-45 1.1993 Blutdrucksenkung durch Mg 154/100 -> 146/92mm Hg.. | |
Korbut, Bieron, Gryglewski: "Effect of L-arginine on plasminogen-activator inhibitor in hypertensive patients with hypercholesterolemia" N Engl J Med 328,4 287-288 28.1.1993 Blutdrucksenkung durch Arginin.. | |
Beamish: "Vitamin E - then and now" Can J Cardiol 9,1 29-31 1993 | |
Paolisso, D'Amore, Giugliano, Ceriello, Varricchio, D'Onofrio: "Pharmacologic doses of vitamin E improve insulin action in healthy subjects and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients" Am J Clin Nutr 57,5 650-656 5.1993 Vitamin E bei Diabetes.. | |
Teo, Yusuf: "Role of magnesium in reducing mortality in acute myocardial infarction. A review of the evidence" Drugs 46,3 347-359 9.1993 Herzinfarktsterblichkeit.. | |
US-Patent 5278189: Ascorbat etc. gg. Verschlusskrankheiten. Rath, Pauling. 24.7.1990 -> 11.1.1994 | |
US-Patent 5650418: Ascorbat, Nicotinsäure, Lysin gg. Verschlusskrankheiten. Rath, Pauling. 24.3.1994 -> 22.7.1997 | |
Digiesi, Cantini, Oradei, Bisi, Guarino, Brocchi, Bellandi, Mancini, Littarru: "Coenzyme Q10 in essential hypertension" Mol Aspects Med 15 Suppl s257-s263 1994 Blutdruck.. | |
Lehr, Frei, Arfors: "Vitamin C prevents cigarette smoke-induced leukocyte aggregation and adhesion to endothelium in vivo" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 91,16 7688-7692 2.8.1994 Vitamin C verhindert Blut-Verklumpungen bei Rauchern.. gute Bilder.. | |
Nunes, Sgoutas, Redden, Sigman, Gravanis, King, Berk: "Combination of vitamins C and E alters the response to coronary balloon injury in the pig" Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 15,1 156-165 1.1995 Vitamin C und Vitamin E gg. Wiederverschluß Arterie.. | |
Shimon, Almog, Vered, Seligmann, Shefi, Peleg, Rosenthal, Motro, Halkin, Ezra: "Improved left ventricular function after thiamine supplementation in patients with congestive heart failure receiving long-term furosemide therapy" Am J Med 98,5 485-490 5.1995 Vitamin B1.. | |
Levine, Conry-Cantilena, Wang, Welch, Washko, Dhariwal, Park, Lazarev, Graumlich, King, Cantilena: "Vitamin C pharmacokinetics in healthy volunteers: evidence for a recommended dietary allowance" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 93,8 3704-3709 16.4.1996 Tests zum Vitamin C-Bedarf.. 7 Dosen von 30mg-2.5g.. Grafiken.. | |
Rath, Niedzwiecky: "Nutritional supplement program halts progression of early coronary atherosclerosis documented by ultrafast computed tomography" J Appl Nutr 48 68-78 1996 Nährstoffe gg. Arteriosklerose.. Vitamine, Aminosäuren, Mineralien, Spurenelemente für Prävention, Rückbildung Herzkreislauferkrankungen.. | |
Curhan, Willett, Rimm, Stampfer: "A prospective study of the intake of vitamin C and B6, and the risk of kidney stones in men" J Urol 155,6 1847-1851 6.1996 keine Nierensteine durch Vitamin C oder B6.. | |
Rath, Niedzwiecki: "Nutritional supplement program halts progression of early coronary atherosclerosis documented by ultrafast computed tomography" J Appl Nutr 48,3 68-78 1.1996 Vitamintherapie stoppt Koronarsklerose bereits im Frühstadium.. | |
1997: Rath: Chemnitzer Programm.. Forderung gesetzliches Verbot weltweites Betrugsgeschäft mit der Krankheit.. | |
Ivanov, Ivanova, Niedzwiecki: "Ascorbate affects proliferation of guinea-pig vascular smooth muscle cells by direct and extracellular matrix-mediated effects" J Mol Cell Cardiol 29,12 3293-3303 12.1997 weniger Zellwucherung durch Vitamin C.. | |
Lazarou, Pomeranz, Corey: "Incidence of adverse drug reactions in hospitalized patients: a metaanalysis of prospective studies" JAMA 279,15 1200-1205 15.4.1998 korrekt verschriebene Medikamente auf Platz 4 der Todesursachen.. 6.7% ernsthafte und 0.32% tödliche Medikamentennebenwirkung im Krankenhaus.. 1994 gab es 2.216 Mio ernsthafte und 106000 tödliche Medikamentennebenwirkung.. | |
Curhan, Willett, Speizer, Stampfer: "Intake of vitamins B6 and C and the risk of kidney stones in women" J Am Soc Nephrol 10,4 840-845 4.1999 keine Nierensteine durch Megadosen an Vitamin C.. viel B6 kann Nierensteine verhindern.. | |
Moore, O'Keeffe: "Drug-induced cognitive impairment in the elderly" Drugs Aging 15,1 15-28 7.1999 Wahrnehmungsstörungen durch Medikamente.. Veränderung der Gehirnchemie.. Delirium, Demenz, Alzheimer durch Medikamente, Antidepressiva, Polypharmazie.. | |
"Multimorbidität und Polypharmazie als Ursache von Verwirrtheitszuständen" Münchener Med Wochenschr 25.2.1999 | |
Füeßl, von Hayek: "Multimorbidität und Polypharmazie als Ursache von Verwirrtheitszuständen" Geriatriepraxis Schweiz 4 32-38 2000 Verwirrtheitszustände durch zu viele Medikamente.. | |
Netke, Ivanov , Roomi, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "Inhibitory effects of ascorbic acid, proline and lysine supplementation on matrigel invasion by human breast cancer cells, MDA-MB231" Conference Proc 19th Annual Miami Breast Cancer Conference, Miami Beach, Florida 27.2.-3.3.2002 | |
Roomi, Bogale, Ivanov, Netke, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "Metastatic and cytotoxic effects of ascorbigen and iso-ascorbigen in human cancer cell lines" J Am Coll Nutr 21 54 2002 | |
Rath: "Die Skorbut-Herzinfarkt-Verbindung: die Lösung des Rätsels der Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankung" Vortrag Stanford-Universität 4.5.2002 S.285f Rath: 'Warum..' | |
Netke, Roomi, Ivanov, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "Eine spezifische Kombination aus Ascorbinsäure, Lysin, Prolin und Epigallocatechin-Gallat hemmt die Ausbreitung und die Invasion der extrazellulären Matrix verschiedener Krebszelllinien beim Menschen" Emerging Drugs II 37-50 2003 Lysin, Prolin, Vitamin C, Grüntee-Extrakt gg. Krebs.. | |
Roomi, Ivanov, Netke, Rath, Niedzwiecki: "Inhibitory effect of a natural anti-cancer formula - a specific formulation of nutrients containing lysine, proline, ascorbic acid and epigallocatechin gallate on the matrix metalloproteinases activities and invasion of human fibrosarcoma HT-1080 cells" FASEB J 8452 2003 Lysin, Prolin, Vitamin C, Grüntee-Extrakt gg. Krebs.. | |
Roomi, Ivanov, Kalinovsky, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "In vivo antitumor effect of ascorbic acid, lysine, proline and green tea extract on human prostate cancer PC-3 xenografts in nude mice: evaluation of tumor growth and immunohistochemistry" In Vivo 19 179-184 2005 Lysin, Prolin, Vitamin C, Grüntee-Extrakt gg. Krebs.. | |
Roomi, Ivanov, Netke, Kalinovsky, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "In vivo and in vitro antitumor effect of ascorbic acid, lysine, proline and green tea extract on human melanoma cell line A2058" In Vivo 20 25-32 2006 Lysin, Prolin, Vitamin C, Grüntee-Extrakt gg. Krebs.. gute Bilder.. | |
Steinman, Landefeld, Rosenthal, Berthenthal, Sen, Kaboli: "Polypharmacy and prescribing quality in older people" J Am Geriatr Soc 54,10 1516-1523 10.2006 im Alter um 74.6 Jahre ~8.1 Medikamente.. nur 13% der Patienten korrekt versorgt.. | |
Jariwalla, Roomi, Gangapurkar, Kalinovsky, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "Suppression of influenza A virus nuclear antigen production and neuraminidase activity by a nutrient mixture containing ascorbic acid, green tea extract and amino acids" Biofactors 31,1 1-15 2007 Mixtur mit Lysin, Prolin, Vitamin C, grüner Tee-Extrakt, N-acetyl cystein NAC, Selen gg. Vogelgrippe.. | |
Deryabin, Lvov, Botikov, Ivanov, Kalinovsky, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "Effects of a nutrient mixture on infectious properties of the highly pathogenic strain of avian influenza virus A/H5N1" Biofactors 33,2 85-97 2008 Mixtur mit Lysin, Prolin, Vitamin C, grüner Tee-Extrakt, N-acetyl cystein NAC, Selen gg. Vogelgrippe.. | |
Siegmund-Schultze: "Polypharmakotherapie im Alter: Weniger Medikamente sind oft mehr" Dtsch Ärztebl 109,9 A418-A420 2.3.2012 Polypharmazie = regelmäßige tägliche Einnahme ab 5 Medikamente.. Wirkung nicht vorhersehbar.. über 80 durchschnittlich 9.3 Tabletten.. Zahl der Arzneien pro Patient in 4 Jahren verdoppelt.. je älter die Patienten und je mehr Medikamente desto größer Risiko für stationäre Notfalleinweisungen.. Prävention vor zu viel Medikamenten.. | |
Cha, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "Hypoascorbemia induces atherosclerosis and vascular deposition of lipoprotein(a) in transgenic mice" Am J Cardiovasc Dis 5,1 53-62 2015 Vitamin C.. | |
Wong, Kalinovsky, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "Efficacy of nutritional treatment in patients with psoriasis: A case report" Exp Ther Med 10 1071-1073 2015 Psoriasis, Schuppenflechte.. | |
Goc, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "In vitro evaluation of antibacterial activity of phytochemicals and micronutrients against Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia garinii" J Appl Microbiol 119 1561-1572 2015 Borreliose.. | |
Cha, Roomi, Kalinovsky, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "Lipoprotein(a) and vitamin C impair development of breast cancer tumors in Lp(a)+; Gulo-/- mice" Int J Oncol 7.2016 Brustkrebs.. | |
Roomi, Kalinovsky, Rath, Niedzwiecki: "A nutrient mixture modulates ovarian ES-2 cancer progression by inhibiting xenograft tumor growth and cellular MMP secretion, migration and invasion" Int J Clin Exp Med 9,2 814-822 2016 Ovarialkrebs.. | |
Roomi, Kalinovsky, Rath, Niedzwiecki: "A specific mixture of nutrients suppresses ovarian cancer A-2780 tumor incidence, growth, and metastasis to lungs" Nutrients 9 303 2017 Ovarialkrebs.. | |
Guida, Niedzwiecki: "Diabetes in children and the role of micronutrients" J Cellular Med Natural Health 2017 Anstieg Diabetes Finnland, Schweden, Colorado, Deutschland.. | |
Roomi, Bhanap, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "Progress of tumor growth and metastasis after inoculation of B16FO melanoma cells in kidney of female nude mice is inhibited by a novel nutrient mixture" Integrative Cancer Therapies 18 1-8 2019 Melanom.. | |
Goc, Sumera, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "10-undecynoic acid is a new anti-adherent agent killing biofilm of oral Streptococcus spp." PLos ONE 14,4 e0214763 2019 Streptococcus.. | |
Goc, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "Anti-borreliae efficacy of selected organic oils and fatty acids" BMC Complementary Alternative Med 19,40 2019 Borrelien.. | |
Shi, Niedzwiecki, Ivanov, Rath: "Cardiovascular effects of cyclical dietary vitamin C withdrawal in mice deficient in internal synthesis vitamin C and producing human lipoprotein (a): Gulo(-/-); Lp(a)+" Int J Cardiovasc Res 8,1 1.2019 | |
Ivanov, Ivanova, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "Vitamin D enhances anticancer effects of EGCG and a specific micronutrient combination in breast cancer cells" J Cellular Med Natural Health 2019 Vitamin D und Nährstoffe bremsen Krebszellwachstum.. Grafiken.. | |
US-Patent 10568866 Nährstoffe für Immunsystem. Niedziecki, Rath, Goc, Sumera 5.10.2018 -> 25.2.2020 Vitamin C, Vitamin B-Komplex, Vitamin E, Aronia-Extrakt, Ingwerextrakt, Zink, Selen, Alpha-Liponsäure.. | |
Chang et al: "Polypharmacy and potentially inappropriate medications among hospitalized older adults with COVID-19 in Malaysian tertiary hospitals" J Pharm Policy Pract 16,1 2 12.1.2023 bei 32.7% der Patienten mind. 1 ungünstige Medikation.. zu oft Protonenpumpeninhibitoren.. Gefahr niedriger Blutdruck.. Krankenhaus wg. Medikamentenfehlern -> bei 50.6% Polypharmazie (> 5 Medikamente), bei Entlassung 62.5%.. ca. 5% Hyperpolypharmazie (>10 Medikamente) -> mehr Risiko für Schäden, mehr Krankenhaus, mehr Kosten.. | |
Sumera, Goc, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "L-lysine and vitamin C work better in synergy against Escherichia coli and Acinetobacter baumannii" J Cellular Med Natural Health 22.6.2023 Lysin+Vitamin C gg. E. coli, Acinetobacter.. | |
Goc, Sumera, Rath, Niedzwiecki: "Inhibitory effect of theaflavin-3,3-digallate can involve its binding to the 'stem' domain of alpha-hemolysin of Staphylococcus aureus" Eur J Microbiol Immunol 26.9.2023 Infektion durch Staphylococcus aureus.. alpha-Toxin.. Theaflavin gg. MRSA.. |
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