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alternative Medizin
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Vitamine, Mineralstoffe
Vergleichsliste Mineralstoffe, Vitamine
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
siehe auch: Stockwell Wallach Rath Fason Homöopathie Vitalstoffe-Zip

Health is very much determined by the minor nutrients you happen to not eat.
Supplements - the First Essential Food Group - make up for natural deficiencies
& processing or refining losses and they can optimize health.

Omega-3: about 1 table spoon flax/lin or fish, or 2 table spoons canola oil.
Most people get enough or too much n-6.

True vitamins: needed for health and the only 2 oils the body cannot make.

Omega-3 type linolenic is getting scarce in the Western food supply but is key to heart and general health. Fish oil works like linolenic. See: [Good Food].

N-6 linoleic (corn, sun, saff, soy, cotton) is rarely lacking and is often too high in relation to n-3 linolenic. Quite possibly the most common "vitamin overdose" in Western societies.

Omega-3: about 1 table spoon flax/lin or fish, or 2 table spoons canola oil.

Most people get enough or too much n-6.True vitamins: needed for health and the only 2 oils the body cannot make.

Omega-3 type linolenic is getting scarce in the Western food supply but is key to heart and general health. Fish oil works like linolenic. See: [Good Food].

N-6 linoleic (corn, sun, saff, soy, cotton) is rarely lacking and is often too high in relation to n-3 linolenic. Quite possibly the most common "vitamin overdose" in Western societies.
Vitamin E

Three very large studies found 40% heart disease reduction with supplements.

Anti Alzheimer's & helps diabetes complications.
2-400 natural or 800 IU synthetic. Natural or "mixed" may be better. Antioxidant; protects blood fats; raises good (HDL) & lowers bad (LDL) cholesterol. Prevents blood sticking, clots and artery damage. Like vitamin C, keeps blood and cell fats non-toxic.

Very important. Take during highest fat meal. Natural (d) type doubly effective --also consider: mixed "tocopherols" and possibly "mixed tocotrienols". Consider starting with lower dose.

As with the heart-healthy omega-3 oils, E's cardio benefits increase with time.
Vitamin C

238 scientific ref's in Am J Cl Nutr; June '99; here's the abstract.
1/2 - 4 grams
At or above lower dose in health, higher in illness.

If prone to oxalate type kidney stones, stay below 1 g & drink plenty of fluids.
Antioxidant. Works with and recycles vitamin E; prevents artery infection; strengthens blood vessels; raises good & lowers Lp(a) cholesterol; speeds up bowel, removing excess cholesterol. Improves general health.

Anti-viral. At 4 ¢/g, best health bargain around. 99.9% of animals make their own in "mega" amounts, as do all plants. We do not. Apart from a rare type kidney stone, very high doses are remarkably safe. Very important. Nature's nitroglycerin, like vitamin E.
The B's

No reported toxicity in doses mentioned.

(B2), B6, B12 & folic acid lower artery toxic homocysteine.

Take as multi and not individually unless there is a good reason.
B1 20-100 mg
B2 20-100 mg
B3 100-600 mg
B6 25-100 mg
B12 100 mcg+

Folic acid 400 - 800 mcg

Pantothenic acid (B5) 20-200 mg
They help digest fats and sugars and lower homocysteine. Very high dose niacin (a form of B3) is by far the best & cheapest cholesterol lowering "drug", raising good, lowering bad & ultra bad Lp(a) cholesterol & triglycerides. B3 is also good for liver and brain.

The B's are needed for 100's of processes in the body. Ultra high doses of some have anti-Alzheimer's, schizophrenia & depression links.

The higher doses mentioned resemble Pauling's. Very important. Very high B6 may solve carpal tunnel problems.
Calcium (see minerals, below) + Vitamin D Calcium 1-2 gr. + Vitamin D 4- 800 IU (as per BMJ; Nov. 28 98) The higher dose will reverse bone loss at any age. Good for heart; good sources are: bone, shells of boiled eggs, oyster shell, Tums, dolomite, green leafy veggies*).
Magnesium & potassium** (see minerals, below) 1/2 - 1 gr. Essential for heart function; it, and potassium** regulate heartbeat. Mg is needed for dozens important reactions, including lowering toxic homocysteine. 90% of Mg is removed from refined grains and rice! Most people are low: Very important.
Selenium (see minerals, below) 200 mcg (max. 800 mcg) Antioxidant, works with vitamins E and C. A lack causes heart disease & cancer which are, in part, selenium deficiency diseases. Very important.
CoQ10 (CoenzymeQ10, or ubiquinone) 60 to 300 mg Essential for heart; larger dose for serious heart trouble or cancer; vital when taking "statin" drugs. Body makes less when older (using most B vitamins and magnesium). The only expensive supplement in this table. Doubly effective when chewed in oily food.
Vitamin F -with the F from Fat...
An old term that shouldn't be lost.

Linolenic; n-3 = omega 3 type oil

Linoleic; n-6 = omega 6 type oil

Mineral needs are complicated because each person's situation is unique.

Where and how your food is grown (mineral-poor soils; high-yield farming), and how refined, boiled or processed your food is affect its mineral content.

Your doctor, dietitian or you yourself can never know:
1. what was in the soil where your food was grown;
2. which minerals were absorbed from the environment and:
3. by how much processing and cooking lowered the mineral - and vitamin - content.

Each nutrient is important and wise supplementation for some minerals is a practical way to insure that you get the minimum amounts.

*Minerals are complicated because there are so many and, although rare, it is possible to overdose. Research is limited and one's intake depends on the degree of food processing and on amounts in the soil. Plants make vitamins but must mine their minerals. Here's some basic information:

Selenium (also, see above) NE N-Am. & NW Europe: 50mcg/day often insufficient 200-800mcg.
Do not over dose
Cancer, heart function, others. Very important. Some whole grains, fish, brazil nuts, supplements.
Silicon 20-50mg (not well absorbed) 5-10mg or higher Bones, joints, heart, skin, poor (weak) collagen Unrefined plants and greens, whole grain, horsetail plant. Dietary fiber (oats, barley, and rice) and wine.
Chromium 30mcg (US) often insufficient 200-400mcg
with selenium
Diabetes; helps insulin, cholesterol, acne Liver, grains, root veggies, green pepper.
Vanadium 10-60mg often insufficient 100mcg+ Diabetes; higher doses replace insulin Shell fish, parsley, some processed foods, grains, beans.
1.5mg often insufficient 3-9mg Bone health, diabetes, infection, arthritis Water, fruits, veggies.
Manganese 2.5-4mg often insufficient 5-15mg Bone, cartilage, heart, epilepsy, diabetes, cataracts Unrefined vegetarian; not in animal products.
0.7-1.5mg often insufficient 1-2mg (1/10th of your zinc intake)

Like selenium & iron, don't over dose on copper
Heart, arthritis, hair color, artery bursts (aneurysm, stroke), bad collagen, high LDL, poor clotting, Parkinson's Water piping, nuts, grains, bracelets, supplements.
Zinc 7-14mg often insufficient 10-30mg Part of 200 important enzymes; arthritis, skin, infection, bad collagen, vision, prostate, diabetes, etc. Shell fish, nuts, grains, beans, potatoes, fish and meat.
Molybdenum 75-250mcg or less ? 75-250mcg Organs, enzymes, cancer Whole grains, beans, liver.
Potassium (Kalium)** varies; often insufficient --in relation to sodium i.e. kitchen salt; removed in processing. 2-6g**

Try to get it from your food

Heart, stroke, hypertension, cell function, sweating, diuretics, irregular heart beat**, muscle, fatigue, nerves Bananas, celery, fruits and veggies, meat, fish, salt substitutes.

Zero in: white flour, sugar & fats.

Sodium (salt)
often high or excessive) 1/10th of potassium Cell function; always sufficient Processed and salted foods; contains added iodine.
16mg (Sweden) 10-15 mg Blood; premeno- pausal women only; some elderly Liver, nuts, grains & greens; vitamin C increases absorption
Magnesium (also, see above) Mg has it's own health website here! 300mg (Sweden)
often insufficient; very important
500-1000 mg (at least half of calcium intake) Heart, heart failure, irregular heart beat, bone, PMS, cramps, fatigue, diabetes, stroke, diuretic, etc. Whole grains, nuts, soy, greens, root veggies & supplements.
Calcium (also, see above) 500mg (Belgium)
often insufficient
1000-2000 mg Bone, heart, general, blood pressure Bone, greens, grains, nuts & milk. Not in meats.

** "It now appears quite possible that a lack of potassium in the coronary muscles may be the major cause of death from heart disease in humans". 95% of potassium is inside your cells, as opposed to sodium --and magnesium keeps it there. Because natural plant-based diets are so high in potassium & low in sodium, well functioning kidneys remove potassium faster than sodium. Disposal of vegetable cook-water, high salt or low magnesium diets, sweating and most diuretics can cause fatal depletions of potassium and/or magnesium. [Here's a 1999 low-potassium / high- irregular heart beat reference: JAMA 281,23 2203-2210 16.6.1999 & here's one about potassium lowering blood pressure: JAMA 277,20 1624-1632 28.5.1997]

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