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Matthias Weisser's alternative Medizin |
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1 Psyche
2 Statik
3 Ernährung
4 Gifte
5 Zahnherde
6 Störfelder
7 Parasiten 8 heilende Informationen 9 Selbstheilung 10 Diagnostik 11 Zusammenhänge Literatur |
"jede Krankheit läßt sich aufhalten.. die Regeneration des Körpers wird den Rest übernehmen.." Baklayan |
Literatur, Patente | |
müde, schlapp? der Arzt findet nichts? "Parasiten..
haben krankmachende Wirkung auf Psyche, Organe.. bei fast jedem Patienten eine parasitäre Belastung.." Baklayan |
Smith, Penna, Paoliello: "Yellow fever vaccination with cultured virus (17D) without immune serum" Am J Trop Med 18 437-468 1938 Gelbfieber-Impfung.. | |
Takahashi: "" J Med Sci 12 50 1938 Vitamin C gg. Ruhr-Toxin.. | |
Levaditi, Lépine: "Les ultravirus des maladies humaines" Librairie Maloine, Paris 1938 Ultraviren.. auch Poliovirus.. | |
Büller-Souto, Lima: "Action of vitamin C on the toxins of gas gangrene and others" Memorias do Institute Butantan 12 265-296 1938 Entgiftung.. | |
Büller-Souto, Lima: "Action de la vitamine C sur la toxine du vibrion-septique" C R Soc Biol 129 79-82 1938 Entgiftung.. | |
Büller-Souto, Lima: "Action de la vitamine C sur la toxine du Bacillus oedematiens" C R Soc Biol 129 763-766 1938 Entgiftung.. | |
Büller-Souto, Lima: "Action de la vitamine C sur la toxine du Bacillus histolyticus" C R Soc Biol 129 767-769 1938 Entgiftung.. | |
Gordon, Hagan: "The classification of acid-fast bacteria. II" J Bacteriol 36,1 39-46 7.1938 | |
Fothergill, Dingle, Farber, Connerley: "Human encephalitis caused by the virus of the eastern variety of equine encephalomyelitis" N Engl J Med 219 411 22.9.1938 | |
Maberly: "The Health of the Nation and Deficiency Diseases" Balliere, Tindall & Cox 1938 4 geheilte Poliofälle durch Jod.. | |
Ahlström: "Virus tumours in mammals" Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand 38 37-46 Suppl.-Bd. 1938 maligne Tumoren durch subkutane oder intramuskuläre Teerinjektion vor Ansteckung mit Fibromavirus.. | |
Doerr: "Die Entwicklung der Virusforschung und ihre Problematik" Doerr, Hallauer: "Handbuch der Virusforschung" 1-125 Springer, Wien 1938 | |
Möller: "Vitamin B6 (Adermin) als Wuchsstoff für Milchsäurebakterien" Z physiol Chem 254 285-286 1938 | |
von Borries, Ruska, Ruska: "Bakterien und Virus in übermikroskopischer Aufnahme" Klin Wochenschr 17 921-925 1938 Elektronenmikroskop.. | |
Kimball: "The growth of yeast in a magnetic field" J Bacteriology 35,2 109-122 1938 20-30% Wachstumshemmung von Hefezellen durch schwaches inhomogenes Magnetfeld.. Feldgradient entscheidend.. Expositionszeiten und Zeitpunkt entscheidend.. Moleküle in der Zelle verschoben -> Prozesse gehemmt.. | |
Cecil, Angevine: "Clinical and experimental observations on focal infection, with an analysis of 200 cases of rheumatoid arthritis" Ann Int Med 12,5 577-584 1.11.1938 | |
Beinhauer, Mellon: "Pathogenesis of noncaseating epitheloid tuberculosis of hypoderm and lymph glands" Arch Dermatol Syph 37 451-460 1938 | |
Elford: "The sizes of viruses and bacteriophages, and methods of their determination" Handbuch der Virusforschung. Doerr und Hallauer Wien: Julius Springer 126-231 1938 | |
Claude: "A fraction from normal chick embryo similar to the tumor producing fraction of chicken tumor. I" Exp Biol Med 39,2 398-403 11.1938 kleinste aufleuchtende Körnchen gleichen Typs, gleicher Farbe, Leuchtkraft, Größe, Dichte und Form bei Rous-Sarkom und normalen Embryonalgewebe.. Rous-Agenskörperchen wie Mitochondrien.. | |
Kidd, Rous: "The carcinogenic effect of a papilloma virus on the tarred skin of rabbits. II. Major factors determining the phenomenon: the manifold effects of tarring" J Exp Med 68 529-562 1938 Kaninchenohr 3-4 Monate mit Teer bepinselt.. Papillomvirus intravenös eingespritzt.. rasches Wachstum, maligner Charakter.. | |
Seiffert: "Virus und Viruskrankheiten bei Menschen, Tieren und Pflanzen. Biologische Einführung in die allgemeinen Forschungsergebnisse, praktischen Anwendungen und Arbeitsmethoden" Wissenschaftliche Forschungsberichte. Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe 46 Liesegang. Dresden - Leipzig: Steinkopff 1938 Fuchs berichtet in London 1936: aus zellfreiem Kaninchenkarzinom-Extrakt kristalline Substanz -> gleichartige Tumoren bei Kaninchen.. | |
Beard, Wyckoff: "The ph stability of the papilloma virus protein" J Biol Chem 123 461-470 1938 | |
Neumann: "Zum Nachweis und zur Morphologie des von O. und W. Schmidt, F. Gerlach und anderen Autoren beschriebenen filtrierbaren Mikroorganismus" Klin Wochenschr Wien 51 283 1938 | |
Goldschmidt: "The theory of the gene" Scientific Monthly (New York) 46 271 1938 | |
McBeath, Zucker: "The role of vitamin D in the control of dental caries in children" J Nutr 15,6 547-564 1.6.1938 | |
Glover, Engle: "Studies in Malignancy: Production of metastasizing tumors in guinea pigs and albino rats following the inoculation of a bacterial suspension containing a microorganism obtained from human cancer" Murdock Foundation New York 1938.. 69 Seiten.. über die Entdeckungen Glovers.. erstaunliches Wissen.. | |
Klieneberger: "Pleuropneumonia-like organisms of diverse provenance: Some results of an enquiry into methods of differentiation" J Hyg 38 458-476 1938 | |
Landon: "" New York State J Med 38 1-6 1.1.1938 filtrierbarer Virus bei Polio.. | |
Heaslip: "" Australian J Exp Biol Med Sc 16 287 1938 Polio und Vitamin C-Ausscheidung.. | |
Chase: "A microorganism decomposing group-specific A substances" J Bacteriol 36,4 383-390 10.1938 | |
Reich: "Die Bione. Zur Entstehung des vegetativen Lebens"
Anhang - Roger Du Teil: "Leben und Materie. Drei Versuchsreihen" S.117-135 - Arthur Hahn: "Die Geschichte der Auffassungen über den Ursprung des organischen Lebens seit dem 17. Jahrhundert" 137-205 Sexpol-Verlag, Oslo 1938 |
Doenges: "Spirochaetes in gastric glands of Macacus rhesus and humans without definite history of related disease" Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 38 536-538 1938 Spirochäten beim Magen.. | |
Doenges: "Spirochaetes in the gastric glands of the Macaus Rhesus and human without definite history of related disease" Arch Pathology 27 469-4771939 Spirochäten beim Magen.. | |
Reich: "Bion experiments on the cancer problem (with 38 micro-photos)" Anhang: Drei Versuche am statischen Elektroskop. Sexpol-Verlag 1939 |
Rosenow: "Experimental and clinical studies on relation of Streptococci to various diseases" Illinois Med J 75 28-38 1.1939 | |
Rosenow: "Early diagnosis and treatment of poliomyelitis with poliomyelitis antistreptococcic serum" Illinois Med J 76 144-149 8.1939 | |
McCormick: "Vitamin B therapy in inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the nervous system" Med Record 150 303-307 343-345 1939 | |
Robertson, Tisdall: "Diet and nutrition: nutrition and resistance to disease" Can Med Assoc J 40,3 282-284 3.1939 starker Einfluss der Ernährung auf Widerstandsfähigkeit gg. Infektionen.. | |
Beers: "Treatment of herpes zoster" JAMA 112,24 2552 17.6.1939 drastische Besserung von Herpes Zoster mit Natrium-Jodid i.V.. | |
Stanley: "The isolation and properties of tobacco ring spot virus" J Biol Chem 129 405-428 1939 kristallines Protein mit Eigenschaften des Tabakmosaikvirus 1935 isoliert durch Zentrifugation erkrankter Pflanzen.. Isolation von anderen bestätigt.. Inaktivierung bei 64°C oder pH<6 bzw. pH>9.. sphärische Größe 19nm.. | |
Stanley: "Isolation of virus from plants recovered from the tobacco ring spot disease" J Biol Chem 129 429-436 1939 manche Pflanzen erholen sich von diesem Virus.. Virus verbleibt jedoch in der dann gesund aussehenden Pflanze.. Bilder von Blättern.. | |
1939: René Dubos: erstes Antibiotikum entdeckt, das von Bakterium produziert wird.. | |
Wyckoff: "The ultracentrifugal analysis of the latent mosaic virus protein" J Biol Chem 128 729-733 1939 Mosaik-Virus bei Kartoffeln.. | |
Kodama, Kojima: "Studies of the staphylococcal toxin, toxoid and antitoxin. Effect of ascorbic acid on staphylococcal lysins and organisms" Kitasato Arch Exp Med 16 36-55 1939 Vitamin C gg. Staphylokokken-Toxin.. | |
Kojima, Kodama: "Studies of staphylococcal toxin, toxoid and antitoxin. IV. Correlation of sheep cells plate hemolysis with test tube hemolysis" Kitasato Arch Exp Med 16 197-217 1939 | |
Kojima, Kodama: "Studies of staphylococcal toxin, toxoid and antitoxin. V. Further studies of staphylococcal exotoxins and enterotoxin" Kitasato Arch Exp Med 16 197-217 1939 | |
Kojima, Kodama: "Studies of staphylococcal toxin, toxoid and antitoxin. VI. Comparison of our alpha2-toxin and Morgan and Graydon's alpha2-toxin" Kitasato Arch Exp Med 16 197-217 1939 | |
Kojima, Kodama: "Studies of staphylococcal toxin, toxoid and antitoxin. VII. Correlation of serological classification with pathogenicity of staphylococci" Kitasato Arch Exp Med 16 197-217 1939 | |
Jungeblut: "A further contribution to vitamin C therapy in experimental poliomyelitis" J Exp Med 70 315-332 9.1939 Vitamin C, H2O2, UV-Licht gg. Poliovirus, Tabakmosaikvirus, Diphtherietoxin, Tetanustoxin etc.. | |
Kausche, Pfankuch, Ruska: "Die Sichtbarmachung von pflanzlichem Virus im Übermikroskop" Naturwissenschaften 27,18 292-299 5.1939 Elektronenmikroskop.. | |
Jordan: "Die Stellung der Quantenphysik zu den aktuellen Problemen der Biologie" Archiv für die gesamte Virusforschung. Doerr. Julius Springer, Wien 1,1 1-20 1939 | |
US-Patent 2223813: elektrische HF-Insektenvernichtung, Pflanzenwachstumsanregung. Brown. 21.2.1938 -> 3.12.1940 GHz und 30-40MHz.. | |
Geitler: "Chromosomenbau: Protoplasma" Monographie 14 Borntraeger, Berlin 1939 | |
Andrewes: "Latent virus infections and their possible relevance to the cancer problem" Proc R Soc Med 33,2 75-86 12.1939 Krebs.. | |
Hitchins, Leikind: "The introduction of Agar-Agar into bacteriology" J Bacteriol 37,5 485-493 5.1939 vgl. Angelina Fannie, Walther Hesse 1882.. | |
Crofton: "Cure of acute and chronic infections by active immunization" John Bale Med Publications Ltd. London 1939 | |
Goerner, Goerner: "Vitamin A and liver cell tumors" J Biol Chem 128 559-565 1939 | |
Druckrey, Altmann, Schmähl: "Der Gewebsstoffwechsel als innere Krankheitsursache für die Krebsentstehung" Z Krebsforschung (Berlin) 56,6 601-614 1939 | |
Barnard: "Towards the smallest living things" J Royal Microscopical Society 59,1 1-10 3.1939 | |
Küster: "Untersuchungen über den Nachweis von Virus in menschlichen Tumoren mit Hilfe der Fluoreszenzmikroskopie" Frankfurter Z Pathologie 53 374-389 1939 | |
McIntosh, Selbie: "Further observations on filterable tumours induced in fowls by injection of tar" Br J Exp Pathol 20,1 49-63 2.1939 Teerkrebs.. | |
Armstrong: "Successful transfer of the Lansing strain of poliomyelitis virus from the cotton rat to the white mouse" Public Health Rep 54,52 2302-2305 29.12.1939 Polio.. | |
East: "Mean annual hours of sunshine and the incidence of dental caries" Am J Public Health 29 777 1939 Zähne und Karies.. | |
Ellis, Delbrück: "The growth of bacteriophage" J Gen Physiol 22,3 365-384 1939 Ein-Schritt-Wachstumszyklus für Bakteriophagen gegen E. coli.. | |
McFarlane, McFarlane: "Effect of lipoid solvents on vaccinia virus" Nature 144,3643 376 1939 Kuhpockenvirus.. | |
Snell, Strong: "The effect of riboflavin and of certain synthetic flavins on the growth of lactic acid bacteria" Enzymologia 6 186-193 1939 | |
McElroy, Goss: "Report on four members of the vitamin B complex synthesized in the rumen of sheep" J Biol Chem 130,1 437-438 1939 Schaf erzeugt B-Vitamine.. Thiamin, Riboflavin, Pantothensäure, Vitamin B6 nachgewiesen.. | |
Kausche: "Viruskrankheiten bei Mensch, Tier und Pflanze" Wissenschaft und Praxis Bd. 2 Nicolaische Verlagsbuchhandlung, Berlin 1939 | |
Kausche: "Über aktuelle Fragen aus der experimentellen Virusforschung bei Pflanzen" Münchener Med Wochenschr 86,1 12-13 1939 | |
Bergey, Breed, Murray, Hitchens: "Bergey's Manual of determinative bacteriology" Fifth Edition Williams & Wilkins Co., Baltimore 1939 | |
Sokhey: "Experimental studies in plague. The solid medium of choice and optimal temperature of incubation for the growth of plague bacillus" Indian J Med Res 27 321-329 1939 Pest.. | |
Lopatin: "Influence of bacterial root canker on the development of the cherry tree in the orchard" Plant Prot 18 167-173 1939 Pflanzenkrebs.. | |
Ruska: "Übermikroskopische Untersuchungstechnik" Naturwissenschaften 27 287-292 1939 Elektronenmikroskop.. | |
1939: Nobelpreis Gerhard Domagk für Entdeckung Therapie mit Prontosil bei einigen Infektionen.. Sulfonamide gg. bakterielle Infektionen, ansteckende Krankheiten.. | |
Ruska: "Die Sichtbarmachung der Bakteriophagen Lyse im Übermikroskop" Naturwissenschaften 28 45-46 1940 Virus unter dem Elektronenmikroskop.. | |
Ruska, von Borries, Ruska: "Die Bedeutung der Übermikroskopie für die Virusforschung" Arch ges Virusforsch 1 155-169 1940 Elektronenmikroskop.. | |
Brüche, Haagen: "Ein neues, einfaches Übermikroskop und seine Anwendung in der Bakteriologie" Naturwissenschaften 28 113-127 1940 Elektronenmikroskop.. | |
Freedberg, Barron: "The presence of spirochetes in human gastric mucosa" Am J Dig Dis 7,10 443-445 1940 Spirochäten im Magen.. | |
Smadel, Lavin, Dubos: "Some constituents of elementary bodies of vaccinia virus" J Exp Med 71 373-389 1940 Kuhpockenvirus.. | |
McElroy, Goss: "A quantitative study of vitamins in the rumen contents of sheep and cows fed vitamin-low diets. I. Riboflavin and vitamin K" J Nutr 20,6 527-540 1940 Schafe und Kühe erzeugen B-Vitamine.. Kuh ohne Riboflavin-Zufuhr erzeugt weiterhin Milch mit normalem Riboflavin-Inhalt.. | |
Graffi: "Einige Betrachtungen zur Ätiologie der Geschwülste, speziell zur Natur des wirksamen Agens der zellfrei übertragbaren Hühnertumoren" Zeitschrift für Krebsforschung (Berlin) 50,6 501-551 1940 handelt es sich beim Rous-Erreger um bösartig abgewandelte granuläre Zellorganellen (Mitochondrien, Lipochondrien)?.. krebserzeugendes Benzpyren besonders von kleinen präformierten Granula aufgenommen.. Mitochondrien, Lipochondrien.. | |
Kausche: "Untersuchungen zum Problem der biologischen Charakterisierung phytopathogener Virusproteine" Archiv für die gesamte Virusforschung. Doerr. Julius Springer, Wien 1,3 362-372 1940 | |
Gard: "Method for detecting poliomyelitis virus in sewage and stools" J Exp Med 71 779 1940 | |
Grey: "" Vet J 96 28-34 1940 10% Kaliumjodid in destilliertem Wasser gg. Lähmung (Lymphomatose) bei Vögeln.. | |
Gruskin: "Chlorophyll - Its therapeutic place in acute and suppurative disease: Preliminary report of clinical use and rationale" Am J Surg 49,1 49-55 7.1940 in vitro Versuche zeigen bakteriostatische Eigenschaften -> gg. schädliche Bakterien.. Streptokokken-, Staphylokokken-Infektionen.. | |
Snell, Peterson: "Growth factors for bacteria. X. Additional factors required by certain lactic acid bacteria" J Bacteriol 39,3 273-285 3.1940 Milchsäurebakterien brauchen B-Vitamine.. Lactobacillus casei = Lactobacillus helveticus braucht Folsäure.. | |
Lenzi: "A report of a few recent experiments on the biologic effects of magnetic fields" Radiology 35,3 307-314 1940 Magnetfeld beeinflusst Wundheilung, anfangs verzögert, später rascher.. Impftumoren gehen langsamer an unter Magnetfeldeinfluss.. 42Hz wirken stärker als DC.. | |
Lenzi: "Biologische Wirkungen magnetischer Felder" Strahlentherapie 67,2 219-250 1940 | |
Arthur W. Yale: "Cancer" Pacific Coast J Homoeopathy 260-263 1940 | |
Wats, Pudaval: "A study of some virulent and avirulent strains of Pasteurella pestis" Indian J Med Res 27 823-831 1940 Pest.. | |
Bittner: "Further studies on active milk influence in breast cancer production in mice" Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 45,3 805-810 12.1940 | |
Chain, Florey, Gardner, Heatley, Jennings, Orr-Ewing, Sanders: "Penicillin as a chemotherapeutic agent" Lancet 2 226-228 1940 Herstellung Penicillin-Extrakt.. Nobelpreis 1945 | |
Abraham, Chain: "An enzyme from bacteria able to destroy penicillin" Nature 146 837 28.12.1940 Substanz aus E. coli deaktiviert Penicillin.. Antibiotikaresistenz.. | |
Waksman, Woodruff: "Bacteriostatic and bactericidal substances produced by soil Actinomyces" Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 45 609-614 1940 antibakterielle Erdbakterien.. Antibiotika Actinomycin aus Actinomyceten.. | |
Torrance: "Diphtherial intoxication and vitamin C content of the suprarenals of guinea pigs" J Biol Chem 132 575-584 1940 Diphtherie-Toxin.. Vitamin C-Gehalt der Nebennieren.. Grassaftfaktor Kohler.. | |
Barrett: "The irradiation of autotransfused blood by ultraviolet spectral energy: results of therapy in 110 cases" Med Clin N Amer 24 723 1940 | |
George Sheffield Oliver: "Friend Earthworm: Practical Application of a Lifetime Study of Habits of the Most Important Animal in the World" 1941 | |
Tenbroeck: "Cultivation of the hog cholera virus" J Exp Med 74,5 427-432 31.10.1941 Schweinecholera.. | |
Shope: "The swine lungworm as a reservoir and intermediate host for swine influenza virus. I. The presence of swine influenca virus in healthy and susceptible pigs" J Exp Med 74,1 41-47 30.6.1941 Schweinegrippe.. | |
Shope: "The swine lungworm as a reservoir and intermediate host for swine influenza virus. II. The transmission of swine influenza virus by the swine lungworm" J Exp Med 74,1 49-68 30.6.1941 Schweinegrippe.. | |
Hutchings, Bohonos, Peterson: "Growth factors for bacteria. XIII. Purification and properties of an elute factor required by certain lactic acid bacteria" J Biol Chem 141,2 521-528 1941 Folsäure für Milchsäurebakterien.. | |
McElroy, Goss: "A quantitative study of vitamins in the rumen content of sheep and cows fed vitamin-low diets. IV. Pantothenic acid" J Nutr 21,4 405-409 1.4.1941 Schafe und Kühe erzeugen B-Vitamine.. Pantothensäure.. | |
Moore: "The modern treatment of syphilis" 2. Auflage CC Thomas, Springfield IL 1941 | |
Anderson, Stanley: "A study by means of the electron microscope of the reaction between tobacco mosaic virus and its antiserum" J Biol Chem 139,1 339-344 1941 Elektronenmikroskop.. | |
Apperly: "The relation of solar radiation to cancer mortality in North America" Cancer Res 1,3 191-195 3.1941 mehr Sonnenlicht -> weniger Krebs.. | |
Gupta, Guha: "The effect of vitamin C and certain other substances on the growth of microorganisms" Ann Biochem Exp Med 1,1 14-26 1941 Wirkung Vitamin C auf Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus oryzae, Aspergillus flavus, Sacchromyces cerevisiae, Sacchromyces ellipsoideus, B. subtilis, B. typhosus, B. coli, B. diphtheria, Staph aureus, Streptococcus haemolyticus, Aerobacter aerogenes.. wenig Vitamin C stimuliert Wachstum, viel Vitamin C hemmt Wachstum.. zu stark verdünnt kein Effekt.. | |
Jordan: "Über die Spezifität von Antikörpern, Fermenten, Viren, Genen" Die Naturwissenschaften (Berlin) 29 89-100 1941 | |
White, Braun: "Crown gall production by bacteria-free tumor tissues" Science 94 239-241 1941 | |
Shulte, Thompson: "The importance of identifying urea-splitting bacteria" J Urology 45 733 1941 | |
Mazet: "Etude bacteriologique sur le maladie d'Hodgkin" Montpellier Medicalle Juli/Aug 1941 | |
Gregg: "Congenital cataract following German measles in the mother" Trans Ophthalmol Soc Aust 3 35-46 1941 grauer Star nach Röteln.. Viren verbrauchen Vitamin C.. | |
Beadle, Tatum: "Genetic control of biochemical reactions in Neurospora" Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 27 499-506 1941 Gene steuern Enzyme -> Herstellung Niacin.. Nobelpreis 1958 | |
Abraham, Chain, Fletcher, Gardner, Heatley, Jennings, Florey: "Further observations on penicillin" Lancet 2 177-188 1941 Penicillin ungiftig für Menschen mit Infektion.. | |
Hirst: "The agglutination of red blood cells by allantoic fluid chick embryos infected with influenza virus" Science 94 22-23 1941 Grippevirus verklebt rote Blutzellen.. rasche genaue Methode zur Zählung von Virusteilchen.. | |
Sandler: "The production of neuronal injury and necrosis with the virus of poliomyelitis in rabbits during insulin hypoglycemia" Am J Pathol 17,1 69-80 1.1941 Ansteckung mit Polio bei Absinken des Blutzuckers und Infektion.. zu wenig Oxidation.. (Ansteckung mit Polio nicht möglich, wenn man auf Fabrikzucker, Auszugsmehle verzichtet.. siehe dazu Sandler: 'Diet prevents Polio' oder die deutsche Übersetzung von Bruker) | |
Jungeblut: "Studies on the inactivation of diphtheria toxin by vitamin C (l-ascorbic acid)" J Infect Dis 69,1 70-80 1941 Vitamin C gg. Diphtherie-Toxin, Bakteriengifte, filterbare Viren, Tetanus, Staphylokokkus, Ruhr, Polio, Tollwut, Herpes, Maul- und Klauenseuche, Tabakmosaikvirus, Schlangengift.. gestörte Nebennierenfunktion.. | |
Herzberg: "Virusarten und Ansteckungsstoffe" Klin Wochenschr (Berlin) 20,36 897-902 1941 | |
Sabin, Ward: "The natural history of human poliomyelitis. I. Distribution of virus in nervous and non-nervous tissues" J Exp Med 73 771-793 1941 Polio.. | |
Rebbeck: "Ultraviolet irradiation of auto-transfused blood in the treatment of acute peritonitis, general" Hahnemann Monthly 76 288-302 4.1941 Bauchfellentzündung.. | |
Rebbeck: "Ultraviolet irradiation of auto-transfused blood in the treatment of puerperal sepsis" Am J Surg 54,3 691-700 1941 Wochenbettfieber.. | |
Rebbeck: "Ultraviolet irradiation of autotransfused blood in the treatment of postabortal sepsis" Am J Surg 55 476-486 1942 | |
Paulus: "Bactericidal radiation" J Applied Physics 13 5.1942 tödliche Wirkung von UV auf Bakterien durch photochemischen Einfluss.. 253.7nm töten Paramecia.. schwellen an, reißen, lösen sich auf.. UV tödlich für Schimmel, Bakterien -> Fleisch verdirbt nicht.. weniger Infektionen (0.24 statt 11.6%), Todesfälle (0 statt 0.34%) durch Sterilisierlampen im OP-Saal.. doppelt so rasche Heilung.. bestimmte Strahlung in Schulen, Büros verhindert Infektion, Epidemien.. 330- 400nm chemisch aktiv, beeinflusst Fotomaterial, lässt fluoreszierende/phoshoreszierende Materialien leuchten.. 285-330nm biologisch aktiv, Rötung, Bräunung, Vitamin D, gg. Rachitis.. 200-285nm gg. Bakterien.. unter 200nm Ozon in Luft erzeugt.. Lampen nutzen wie Sterilamps.. | |
Miley: "Ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy in acute pyogenic infections" Am J Surg 57 493 1942 Fieber.. | |
Miley: "The Knott technique of ultraviolet blood irradiation in acute pyogenic infections" New York State J Med 42,1 38-46 1.1.1942 Erfolge bei lebensbedrohenden Infektionen.. Blutvergiftung, Abort, Bauchfellentzündung, Lungenentzündung, Wundfieber.. | |
MacNeal, Frisbee, McRae: "Staphylococcemia 1931-1940. Five hundred patients" Am J Clin Pathol 12 281-294 1942 Bakteriophagen.. | |
Webster: "The chemical composition of atlas and dwarf yellow milo plants in relation to chinch bug resistance (Technical bulletin)" Widerstandsfähigkeit von Pflanzen abhängig von der chemischen Zusammensetzung.. 1942.. | |
1942: Behandlung 1. Patient mit Penizillin aus Schimmelpilzen.. | |
"The discovery and development of penicillin 1928-1945" The Alexander Fleming Laboratory Museum, London 19.11.1999 | |
1942: Organisationsstruktur von Bakteriophagen mit Elektronenmikroskop.. | |
Klieneberger: "Some new observations on the nature of the pleuropneumonia-like organism known as L1 associated with Streptobacillus moniliformis" J Hyg 42 485-497 1942 | |
Rosenow: "Microdiplococci in filtrates of natural and experimental poliomyelitic virus compared under the electron and light microscopes" Proc Staff Meetings Mayo Clinic 17,7 99-106 18.2.1942 viruskleine Formen.. | |
Rosenow: "Demonstration of the association of specifically different alpha streptococci with various diseases, and methods for preparation and use of specific antiserums and vaccines in diagnosis and treatment" Am J Clin Path 12,7 339-356 1.7.1942 | |
Tiselius, Gard: "Über mikroskopische Beobachtungen an Poliomyelitis-Viruspräparaten" Naturwissenschaften 80 728-731 1942 | |
Sobin, Stahly: "The isolation and absorption spectrum maxima of bacterial carotenoid pigments" J Bacteriol 44,3 265-276 9.1942 Spektrum Bakterien.. | |
Coons, Creech, Jones, Berliner: "Demonstration of pneumoccocal antigen in tissues by use of fluorescent antibody" J Immunol 45 159-170 1942 fluoreszierender Antikörper um Antigene von Pneumokokken im Gewebe zu finden.. | |
Luria, Anderson: "The identification and characterization of bacteriophages with the electron microscope" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 28 127-130 1942 Elektronenmikroskopbilder von Bakteriophagen.. E. coli T2-Phage hat Kopf und Schwanz.. | |
Freund, McDermott: "Sensitization to horse serum by means of adjuvants" Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 49 548-553 1942 Zusätze wie Paraffinöl verstärken Antikörperproduktion.. hitzeabgetötete Tuberkelbazillen in Wasser-Öl-Gemisch.. | |
Sandler, Berke: "Treatment of tuberculosis with a low carbohydrate diet" Am Rev Tuberculosis 46,3 238-261 9.1942 Heilung durch wenig Kohlehydrate.. kein Brot, Zucker.. Heilung Löcher, Verdauung, Herz, Atmung, Nervensystem.. | |
Bittner: "Possible relationship of the estrogenic hormones, genetic susceptibility and milk influence in the production of mammary cancer in mice" Cancer Res 2,10 710-721 1942 Bittner Milchfaktor.. | |
Bittner: "The milk-influence of breast tumors in mice" Science 95,2470 462-463 1.5.1942 Bittner Milchfaktor.. Mäuse mit 1-2% Krebsrate zeigen 67% Krebs durch Milchfaktor.. 41% bei gefiltertem Milchfaktor.. | |
Bryan, Kahler, Shimkin, Andervont: "Extraction and ultacentrifugation of mammary tumor inciter of mice" J Natl Cancer Inst 2,5 451-455 1.4.1942 Bittner Milchfaktor.. | |
Andervont, Shimkin, Bryan: "Technique suitable for quantitative studies on the mammary tumor inciter of mice" J Natl Cancer Inst 3,3 309-318 1942 Bittner Mausmilch-Virus.. | |
Gruner: "A study of the blood in cancer, with special reference to the needs of the tumour clinic" Renouf Publ Co, Montreal 1942 mikroskopische Blutanalyse von Blutelementen.. 83-97% genaue Krebsdiagnose.. | |
Bolen: "The blood pattern as a clue to the diagnosis of malignant disease" J Lab Clin Med 27 1522-1586 1942 Bolen-Test.. | |
Ruska: "Über das Virus der Varicellen und des Zoster" Klin Wochenschr 22 703-704 1942 | |
Schramm: "Neuere Ergebnisse und Probleme in der Untersuchung der Virusarten" Dtsch Med Wochenschr (Leipzig) 68,32 791-794 1942 | |
Smadel, Hoagland: "Elementary bodies of vaccinia virus" Bacteriol Rev 6 79-110 1942 Kuhpockenvirus.. | |
Schmidt-Lange: "Fortschritte der Virusforschung" Münchener Med Wochenschr 90,50-51 709-712 1943 | |
Drummond: "Recent advances in the treatment of enteric fever" Clin Proc (South Africa) 2 65-93 1943 Typhus-Fieber.. | |
Nebel: "Der Cyclus des Erregers des malignen Granuloms. Der Nachweis der Erregers durch die Haemokultur" Imprimeries A et W. Seiler, Neuchatel 1943 | |
Ruska, Kausche: "Über Form, Grössenverteilung und Struktur einiger Virus-Elementarkörper" Zbl Bakteriol Parasitenkd Infektionskr Hyg Abt 1 Orig 150 311-318 1943 Pockenvirus.. | |
Ruska: "Versuch zu einer Ordnung der Virusarten" Arch ges Virusforsch 2 480-498 1943 | |
Luria, Delbrück: "Mutations of bacteria from virus sensitivity to virus resistance" Genetics 28 491-511 1943 zufallsabhängige Resistenz.. Nobelpreis 1969 | |
Stokstad: "Some properties of a growth factor for Lactobacillus
casei" J Biol Chem 149,2 573-574 1.8.1943 Folsäure.. |
Jawetz, Meyer: "Avirulent strains of Pasteurella pestis" J Infect Dis 73 124-143 1943 Pest.. | |
Sokhey, Habbu: "Optimum and limiting temperature for the growth of the plague bacillus in broth" J Bacteriol 46 25-32 1943 Pest.. | |
Dubos, Straus, Pierce: "The multiplication of bacteriophage in vivo and its protective effects against an experimental infection with Shigella dysenteriae. J Exp Med 78 161-188 1943 Bakteriophagen.. | |
Hungate: "Further experiments on cellulose digestion by the protozoa in the rumen of cattle" Biol Bull 84 157-163 1943 zelluloseverdauendes Bakterium (ohne Sauerstoff) bei Vieh.. | |
Shope: "The swine lungworm as a reservoir and intermediate host for swine influenza virus. III. Factors influencing transmission of virus and the provocation of influenza" J Exp Med 77,2 111-126 1.2.1943 | |
Shope: "The swine lungworm as a reservoir and intermediate host for swine influenza virus. IV. The demonstration of masked swine influenza virus in lungworm larvae and swine under natural conditions" J Exp Med 77,2 127-138 1.2.1943 | |
Goldberg: "The use of water-soluble chlorophyll in oral sepsis: An experimental study of 300 cases" Am J Surg 62,1 117-123 10.1943 Chlorophyll bei Mundinfektionen, Vincent's Stomatitis, Parodontose.. stoppt Zahnfleischblutung, neues Gewebewachstum.. | |
Osborn: "On the occurrence of antibacterial substances in green plants" Br J Exp Pathol 24,6 227-231 12.1943 antibakterielle Substanzen in grünen Pflanzen.. | |
1943: Selman Abraham Waksman: leitet Forschungsteam an Rutgers Universität zur Isolation Streptomycin - das erste wirksame Antibiotikum gg. Tuberkulose (TB) bei Menschen.. Nobelpreis 1952 | |
Bogomoletz: "Antireticular cytotoxic serum" Br Med J 2,4310 203 14.8.1943 Abwehr vom Bindegewebe abhängig.. Bogomoletz-Serum 2500 Fälle: wirksam bei schlecht heilenden Knochenbrüchen, schlecht heilenden infizierten Verletzungen, Infektionskrankheiten, Meningitis, Neuritis, Psychosen, Schizophrenie, Blutvergiftung, Sepsis, Rheuma, Lungenentzündung, Tonsilitis, Tumoren, Geschwüre Magen, Darm, Ekzeme.. | |
Henle, Henle: "Interference of inactive virus with the propagation of virus of influenza" Science 98 87-89 1943 Interferenz von Viren.. | |
Rebbeck: "Ultraviolet irradiation of blood in the treatment of Escherichia coli septicemia" Arch Phys Ther 24 158-167 1943 6 von 8 Patienten überleben Sepsis.. | |
Miley, Rebbeck: "The Knott technique of ultraviolet blood irradiation as a control of infection in peritonitis" Review Gastroenterology 10 1-26 1943 Erfolg mit UV-Blutbestrahlung bei Bauchfellentzündung.. | |
Barrett: "Five years' experience with hemo-irradiation according to the Knott technique" Am J Surg 61 43 1943 | |
Miley: "Disappearance of hemolytic Staphylococcus aureus septicemia following ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy" Am J Surg 62 241-245 1943 Blutvergiftung.. | |
Miley: "Ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy (Knott technique) in non-healing wounds" Am J Surg 65 368-372 1944 | |
Miley: "The present status of ultraviolet blood irradiation" Arch Phys Ther 25 357 1944 | |
Rosenow: "Production of filtrable infectious agent from alpha streptococci" Am J Clin Path 14 150-167 3.1944 | |
Rosenow: "Poliomyelitis studies on inciting agent and specific serum treatment" Lancet 243,6294 491-493 15.4.1944 | |
Rosenow: "A filterable infectious agent obtained from alpha streptococci isolated in studies of a case of poliomyelitis" Am J Clin Path 14,10 519-533 10.1944 Bilder.. | |
Rosenow: "Infection in filed, vital, roentgenographically negative teeth" Cincinnati J Med 25 329-339 10.1944 Diagnoseproblem wenn nichts zu sehen.. | |
Feldman, Hinshaw: "Effects of streptomycin on experimental tuberculosis in guinea pigs. A preliminary report" Proc Staff Meeting Mayo Clin 19 593-599 24.12.1944 erfolgreiche Tuberkulosebehandlung mit Streptomycin.. | |
Henle, Henle: "Interference between inactive and active viruses of influenza. I. The incidental occurrence and artificial induction of the phenomenon" Am J Med Sci 207 705-717 1944 Interferenz zwischen Viren.. | |
Hutchings, Stokstad, Bohonos, Slobodkin: "Isolation of a new Lactobacillus casei factor" Science 99,2575 371 5.5.1944 Folsäure.. | |
Smith: "Chlorophyll: An experimental study of its water-soluble derivatives: I. Remarks upon the history, chemistry, toxicity and antibacterial properties of water-soluble chlorophyll derivatives as therapeutic agents" Am J Med Sci 207,5 647-654 5.1944 | |
Avery, MacLeod, McCarty: "Studies on the chemical nature of the substance inducing transformation by a desoxyribonucleic acid fraction isolated from pneumococcus Type III" J Exp Med (New York) 79 137-158 1944 | |
Fust: "Die unspezifische Provokation manifester Virusinfektionen" Handbuch der Virusforschung, 1.Ergänzungsband. Doerr, Hallauer. Julius Springer, Wien 195-218 1944 | |
Avery, Macleod, McCarty: "Studies on the chemical nature of the substance inducing transformation of pneumonococcal types. Induction of transformation by a deoxyribo-nucleic acid fraction isolated from pnuemococcus type III" J Exp Med 79 137-157 1944 Virulenz durch DNA-Transfer von toten zu lebenden Organismen.. | |
Schatz, Bugie, Waksman: "Streptomycin, a substance exhibiting antibiotic activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria" Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 55 66-69 1944 Entdeckung von Streptomycin gegen Tuberkulose.. wirkt antibiotisch gegen gram-negative Mikroorganisms wie Penicillin gegen gram-positive.. Nobelpreis 1952 | |
Butenandt: "Die moderne Virusforschung in ihrer Bedeutung für Chemie, Biologie und Medizin" Dtsch Med Wochenschr 70,27-28 379-384 1944 | |
Ziegler, Lavin, Horsfall: "Interference between the influenza viruses. II. The effect of virus rendered non-infective by ultraviolet radiation upon the multiplication of influenza viruses in the chick embryo" J Exptl Med 79 379-400 1944 Grippevirus und UV-Licht.. | |
Gard: "Über mikroskopische Beobachtungen an gereinigten Poliomyelitispräparaten. III. Ein Vergleich mit den physikalisch-chemischen Versuchsergebnissen" Arch Virology 3,1-4 1-17 1.1944 | |
Alexander-Jackson: "A differential triple stain for demonstrating and studying non-acid-fast forms of the tubercle bacillus in sputum, tissue and body fluids" Science 99,2572 307-308 14.4.1944 | |
Hollaender, Oliphant: "The inactivating effect of monochromatic ultraviolet radiation on influenza virus" J Bact 48 447 1944 Grippe.. | |
Miley: "Efficacy of ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy in the control of staphylococcemias" Am J Surg 64,3 313-322 1944 | |
Miley: "Ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy in acute poliomyelitis" Arch Phys Ther 25 651-656 6.1944 | |
Andervont, Bryan: "Properties of the mouse mammary tumor agent" J Natl Cancer Inst 5 143-149 1944 Bittner Mausmilch-Virus.. | |
Binkley, Bird, Bloom, Brown, Calkins, Campbell, Emmett, Pfiffner: "On the vitamin Bc conjugate in yeast" Science 100,2585 36-37 14.7.1944 Folsäure.. | |
Angier, Boothe, Hutchings, Mowat, Semb, Stokstad, Subbarow, Waller, Cosulich, Fahrenbach, Hultquist, Kuh, Northey, Seeger, Sickels, Smith: "Synthesis of a compound identical with the L. casei factor isolated from liver" Science 102,2644 227-228 31.8.1945 Synthese Wills-Faktor Vitamin B9 Folsäure isoliert aus Leber.. | |
Burnet: "Haemagglutinination by mumps virus: relationship to Newcastle disease and mumps viruses" Aust J Sci 8 81-83 1945 Mumpsvirus.. | |
Burnet: "An unexpected relationship between the viruses of vaccinia and infectious ectromelia of mice" Nature 155 543 1945 Pocken Kühe und Mäuse.. | |
Bach: "A.C.B. Serum of Prof. Bogomoletz in the treatment of rheumatism" Ann Rheum Dis 4,3 62-64 3.1945 Besserung Rheuma, rheumatoide Arthritis in 14 von 48 Fällen.. Stimulation Bindegewebe, Aktivierung Mesenchym.. Serum durch Immunisierung Pferde mit Zellen aus Milz, Knochenmark von plötzlich verstorbenen Menschen.. | |
Silverberg: "Sedimentation of poliomyelitis virus by centrifugation" Science 102,2650 380-382 12.10.1945 | |
Wheeler, Ingraham, Hollaender, Lill, Gershon-Cohen, Brown: "Ultra-violet light control of airborne infections in a naval training center. Preliminary report" Am J Public Health 35 457-468 5.1945 | |
Wood, Rusoff: "The protective action of trypan red against infection by a neurotropic virus" J Exp Med 82,5 297-309 31.10.1945 roter Farbstoff gg. Virus.. | |
Demerec: "Production of staphylococcus strains resistant to various concentrations of penicillin" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 31,1 16-24 1.1945 | |
Levens, Enders: "The hemoagglutinative properties of amniotic fluid from embryonated eggs infected with mumps virus" Science 102,2640 117-120 1945 Mumps.. | |
Alexander-Jackson: "Non acid-fast forms of the mycobacterium of human leprosy" Science 101,2631 563-564 1.6.1945 Lepra.. | |
Alexander-Jackson: "A hitherto undemonstrated zoogleal form of mycobacterium tuberculosis" Ann NY Acad Sci 46 127-151 29.6.1945 | |
Morton, Perez-Otero: "The increase of bacteriophage in vivo during experimental infections with Shigella paradysenteria, Flexner, in mice" J Bacteriol 49 237-244 1945 Bakteriophagen.. | |
Luria: "Mutation of bacterial viruses affecting their host range" Genetics 30 84-99 1945 Bakteriophagen mutieren.. Nobelpreis 1969 | |
MacLeod, Hodges, Heidelberger, Bernhard: "Prevention of pneumococcal pneumonia by immunization with specific capsular polysaccharides" J Exp Med 82 445-465 1945 isolierte Polysaccharide immunisieren gegen Nesseria meningtitis.. Impfstoff 1977.. | |
1945: Nobelpreis Alexander Fleming, E.B. Chain, H.W. Florey für Entdeckung Penicillin und Therapie damit.. Streptokokken-Kolonien sterben/verschwinden um Schimmelpilze.. Penicillin konzentrieren, rein herstellen, Heileigenschaft nachweisen.. | |
Angier, Boothe, Hutchings, Mowat, Semb, Stokstad, Subbarow, Waller, Cosulich, Fahrenbach, Hultquist, Kuh, Northey, Seeger, Sickels, Smith: "The structure and synthesis of the liver L. casei factor" Science 103,2683 667-669 31.5.1946 Synthese Wills-Faktor Vitamin B9 Folsäure isoliert aus Leber.. | |
Levenson, Green, Taylor, Robinson, Page, Johnson, Lund: "Ascorbic acid, riboflavin, thiamin, and nicotinic acid in relation to severe injury, hemorrhage, and infection in the human" Ann Surg 124,5 840-856 11.1946 Zusammenhang Operation, Vitamin C, Vitamin K.. Vitamin C für Nebennierenhormone -> Reaktion Stress, Verletzung, Infektion.. rascher Abfall Vitamin C bei Schock.. Anstieg danach.. bei 6 Patienten mit schwerer Verletzung, Blutung, Infektion Stoffwechselstörung von Vitamin C, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Nicotinamid.. Grafiken.. | |
Scobey: "Food poisoning as the etiological factor in poliomyelitis" Arch Pediatr 63,7 322-354 7.1946 Jod gegen Polio.. | |
Horstmann, Melnick, Wenner: "The isolation of poliomyelitis virus from human extra-neural sources; comparison of virus content of pharyngeal swabs, oropharyngeal washings, and stools of patients" J Clin Invest 25 270-274 1946 | |
Melnick, Horstmann, Ward: "The isolation of poliomyelitis virus from human extra-neural sources; comparison of virus content of blood, oropharyngeal washings, and stools of contacts" J Clin Invest 25 275-277 1946 | |
Horstmann, Ward, Melnick: "The isolation of poliomyelitis virus from human extra-neural sources; persistence of virus in stools after acute infection" J Clin Invest 25 278-283 1946 | |
Ward, Horstmann, Melnick: "The isolation of poliomyelitis virus from human extra-neural sources; search for virus in the blood of patients" J Clin Invest 25 284-286 1946 | |
Radeleff: "" J Am Vet M A 109 129-132 8.1946 Natriumjodid bei Gehirnhautentzündung Pferde.. weniger als 10% Sterblichkeit.. normalerweise 40-50%.. | |
Holtman: "" Science 104 50-51 7.1946 Zusammenhang Schilddrüsenhormon und Empfindlichkeit Polio, Hirnhautentzündung.. bei warmem Wetter weniger Schilddrüsenhormon.. | |
Peacock: "The etiology of fowl tumors" Cancer Res 6,6 311-328 1946 Rous-Sarkom-Virus durch Bestrahlung nicht deaktiviert.. | |
Miley: "Recovery from botulism coma following ultraviolet blood irradiation (Knott technique)" Rev Gastroenterol 13 17 1946 Botulismusvergiftung in 48h geheilt.. kann wieder schlucken und sehen.. | |
Miley, Seidel, Christensen: "Ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy of apparently intractable asthma" Arch Phys Med 27 24-29 1.1946 | |
Gerlach: "Obligater Pilzparasitismus bei Krebs" Der Krebsarzt 3 1946 | |
Gerlach: "Krebsproblem und Virusforschung" Der Krebsarzt 11 1946 | |
Boehme: "The treatment of chronic leg ulcers with special reference to ointment containing water-soluble chlorophyll" Lahey Clin Bull 4,8 242-245 4.1946 | |
Demerec: "Induced mutations and possible mechanisms of transmission of heredity in Escherichia coli" Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 32 36-46 1946 | |
Parsons, McCollum, Frobisher: "The effect of dietary carbohydrates on the dental flora of the rat" Am J Hyg 44,2 249-256 9.1946 | |
Diller, Shear: "Cytological effects of Serratia marcescens polysaccharide on tumors" Cancer Res 6 488-489 1946 | |
Knouf, Ward, Reichle, Bower, Hamilton: "Treatment of typhoid fever with type specific bacteriophage" J Am Med Assoc 132 134-138 1946 Bakteriophagen.. | |
Lederberg, Tatum: "Gene recombination in Escherichia coli" Nature 58 558 1946 geschlechtliche Fortpflanzung bei Bakterien wie bei Pilzen.. | |
1946: Nobelpreis W.M. Stanley für virenartige Proteine.. aus Tabakblättern mit Befall Tabakmosaikvirus kristalline Substanz herausgelöst als Krankheitserreger.. | |
Stanley: "The isolation and properties of crystalline tobacco mosaic virus" Nobel Lecture 12.12.1946 | |
Diller: "Degenerative changes in tumor cells induced by bacterial polysaccharides" Trans Stud Coll Physicians Phila 15,1 41 4.1947 Polysaccharide gg. Krebs.. | |
Diller: "Degenerative changes induced in tumor cells by Serratia marcescens polysaccharide" Cancer Res 7,10 605-626 10.1947 Bilder.. | |
Tatum, Lederberg: "Gene recombination in the bacterium Escherichia coli" J Bact 53,6 673-684 1947 geschlechtliche Fortpflanzung bei Bakterien.. | |
Staudinger: "Zum Stand der Virusforschung" Universitas. Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Literatur (Stuttgart) 2,9 1069-1076 1947 | |
Braun: "Thermal studies on the factors responsible for tumour initiation in crown gall" Am J Botany 34 234-240 1947 Agrobacterium tumefaciens wandelt Pflanzenzellen in Krebszellen um.. | |
von Brehmer: "Siphonospora polymorpha v. Br. in ihrer Bedeutung für Blut- und Geschwulstkrankheiten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Krebs" Linck 1947.. Krebs durch Blutparasiten.. | |
Miley, Christensen: "Ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy: further studies in acute infections" Am J Surg 73 486-493 1947 UV-Blutbestrahlung bei 445 Patienten mit lebensbedrohenden Infektionen.. alle frühen, 98% der mittleren und 45% der moribunden Patienten erholen sich.. | |
McCormick: "The changing incidence and mortality of infectious disease in relation to changed trends in nutrition" Med Record 9.1947 bessere Ernährung verringert Infektionskrankheiten.. Tuberkulosetote in Ipswich 1850 393 -> 1940 69.. Lungenentzündungstote USA 1900 202 -> 1944 48.6.. Diphtherietote Toronto 1886 132 -> 1945 0.3.. USA 1900 40 -> 1944 0.9.. Keuchhustentote Montreal 1895 32.4 -> 1945 4.2 Rheumatote New York 1900 8.2 -> 1945 1.3.. Typhustote Toronto 1895 54.4 -> 1945 0.1.. Kindersterblichkeit Montreal 1900 275 -> 1945 61.. Grafiken.. | |
Algire, Legallais, Park: "Vascular reactions of normal and malignant tissues in vivo. II. The vascular reaction of normal and neoplastic tissues of mice to a bacterial polysaccharide from Serratia marcescens (Bacillus prodigiosus) culture filtrates" J Natl Cancer Inst 8,2 53-62 1947 Bilder der Reaktion auf Bakterien-Injektion.. | |
Alexander-Jackson: "Nonbacillary forms of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae" J Bact 54 64-65 1947 Formenwandel.. | |
Klieneberger-Nobel: "Isolation and maintenance of an L1-like culture from Fusiformis necrophorus (Syn. Bact. funduliforme, Bacteroides funduliformis)" J Hyg 45,4 407-409 12.1947 | |
Wuerthele-Caspe (Livingston), Brodkin, Mermod: "Etiology of scleroderma: A preliminary report" J Med Soc New Jersey 44 256 7.1947 | |
Graff, Moore, Stanley, Randall, Haagensen: "The milk agent" 4. Intl Cancer Res Congress St. Louis 144 1947 Bittner Milchfaktor.. | |
Braun: "Thermal studies on the factors responsible for tumor initiation in crown-gall" Am J Bot 34,4 234-240 4.1947 crown gall.. | |
Cunningham, Stuart: "Cultivation of the virus of infectious bronchitis of chickens in embryonated eggs" Am J Vet Research 7 209-212 1947 Coronaviren.. infektiöse Bronchitis.. | |
"Homologous serum hepatitis" Lancet 250,6480 691-692 1947 Hepatitis B.. | |
George Sheffield Oliver: "My Grandfather's Earthworm Farm" 1947 | |
Schrödinger: "What is Life?" Cambridge University Press 1947 | |
Rosenow: "Bacteriologic, etiologic, and serologic studies in epilepsy and schizophrenia" Postgrad Med 2 346-357 11.1947 Epilepsie, Schizophrenie.. | |
Rosenow: "Bacteriologic, etiologic, and serologic studies in epilepsy and schizophrenia; effects in animals following inoculation of alpha streptococci" Postgrad Med 124-136 2.1948 Epilepsie, Schizophrenie.. | |
Rosenow: "Bacteriologic, etiologic, and serologic studies in epilepsy and schizophrenia; cutaneous reactions to intradermal injection of streptococcal antibody and antigen" Postgrad Med 3 367-376 5.1948 Epilepsie, Schizophrenie.. | |
Cunnigham, El Dardiry: "Distribution of the virus of infectious bronchitis of chickens in embryonated chicken eggs" Cornell Vet 38 381-388 1948 Coronaviren.. infektiöse Bronchitis.. | |
Jungherr, Terrell: "Naturally acquired immunity to infectious bronchitis in chicks" Am J Vet Research 9 201-205 1948 natürlich erworbene Immunität bei infektiöser Bronchitis.. | |
Bittner: "Some enigmas associated with the genesis of mammary cancer in mice" Cancer Res 8,12 625-639 12.1948 Bitter Mausmilchvirus.. Milchfaktor.. extreme Abhängigkeit von Mutter.. Tabellen.. | |
Scobey: "Porphyria and poliomyelitis" Arch Pediatr 65,3 131-166 3.1948 Jod, Vitamin C und Kalzium gegen Polio.. | |
Shorb: "Activity of vitamin B12 for the growth of Lactobacillus lactis" Science 107 397 1948 Lactobacillus lactis zur Reinigung und Kristallisation von Vitamin B12 aus Streptomyces griseus.. | |
Creech, Hamilton, Diller: "Comparative studies of the immunological, toxic and tumor-necrotizing properties of polysaccharides from Serratia marcescens (Bacillus prodigiosus)" Cancer Res 8,7 318-329 1.7.1948 | |
Diller, Beck, Blauch: "Effect of adrenal cortical extract on the growth of certain mouse tumors" Cancer Res 8,11 581-589 1.11.1948 Bilder.. | |
Diller, Blauch, Beck: "Histological changes in adrenal glands of tumor-bearing mice injected with Serratia marcescens polysaccharide alone and in combination with adrenal cortical extract" Cancer Res 8,11 591-605 1.11.1948 Bilder.. | |
Knott: "Development of ultraviolet blood irradiation" Am J Surgery 76,2 165-171 1948 Apparat, der 5% des Bluts (~300ccm) entnimmt, Anti-coaguliert, UVB und UVC durch dünnes Quarzglas aussetzt, zurückpumpt.. je nach Schwere der Erkrankung mehrfach wiederholen.. | |
Miley, Christensen: "Ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy in acute virus and virus-like infections" Rev Gastroenterol 15,4 271-283 4.1948 sehr gute Erfolge bei viraler Lungenentzündung und Grippe.. ein paar Tage nach Behandlung verschwinden Fieber und Symptome.. | |
Edward: "" Can Med Assoc J 58,210 2.1948 Experimente mit Jod bei Menschen und Tieren.. | |
Demerec: "Mutations induced by carcinogens" Br J Cancer 2 114-117 1948 | |
Reich: "The Cancer Biopathy" Orgone Press NY 1948.. 496 Seiten.. "Der Krebs" 1974 | |
Lee, Bender, Friedgood: "Heterologous tumor transplantation by intravenous inoculation of the chick embryo" Science 107,2780 374 1948 | |
Dalldorf, Sickles: "An unidentified, filtrable agent isolated from the feces of children with paralysis" Science 108,2794 61-62 16.7.1948 Polio.. | |
Braun, Mandle: "Studies on the inactivation of the tumor-inducing principle in crown gall" Growth 12 255-269 1948 | |
Gerlach: "Krebs und obligater Pilzparasitismus" 1948.. in seiner Aussage auch heute hochaktuell.. spontane und chemisch induzierte Tumoren beinhalten Pilzparasitismus.. eingehend untersucht und beschrieben.. eröffnet neue Wege der Diagnostik und Therapie von Krebserkrankungen.. | |
Wuerthele-Caspe (Livingston): "The presence of consistently recurring invasive mycobacterial forms in tumor cells" NY Microsc Soc Bull 2 5-18 8.1948 | |
Allen: "The microscopy of microorganisms associated with neoplasms (cancer)" NY Microsc Soc Bull 2 19-26 8.1948 | |
Wuerthele-Caspe (Livingston), Allen: "Microorganisms associated with neoplasms (cancer)" NY Microsc Soc Bull 2 2-31 8.1948 | |
Porter, Thompson: "A particulate body associated with epithelial cells cultured from mammary carcinomas of mice of a milkfactor strain" J Exp Med 88,1 15-24 7.1948 dichtes Zentrum 75nm gross.. vgl. Bittner.. | |
Rosenow: "Bacteriologic studies of multiple sclerosis" Ann Allergy 6,3 271-292 1948 | |
Wilhelm Roloff: "Die Lungentuberkulose" Springer Berlin/Göttingen/Heidelberg 1948 | |
Chiba, Yamada: "About the calcification of the pineal gland in the Japanese" Folia Psychiat Neurol Jap 2 301 1948 Epiphyse.. | |
Nebel: "Zur Methodik des Nachweises des Agens in den malignen Tumoren" Der Krebsarzt 3 376-377 1948 | |
Klenner: "Virus pneumonia and its treatment with vitamin C" South Med Surg 110,2 36-38,46 2.1948 | |
1948: Nobelpreis Paul Müller für Entdeckung DDT als wirkungsvolles Insektengift.. | |
Holzberg, Alessi: " " J Consult Psychol 13 288 1949 Depressions-Skala.. vgl. Milner 1963 | |
Desranleau: "Progress in the treatment of typhoid fever with Vi bacteriophages" Can J Public Health 40 473-478 1949 Bakteriophagen.. | |
Groupe: "Demonstration of an interference phenomenon associated with infectious bronchitis virus of chickens" J Bacteriol 58,1 23-32 7.1949 Coronavirus.. | |
Woodhall et al: "UV radiation as an adjunct in control of postop neurosurgery infections" Ann Surg 129 820 1949 Licht.. | |
Miley, Dunning: "Ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy (Knott technic) in thrombophlebitis" Am J Surg 78,6 892 12.1949 Licht.. | |
Lechner: "Die Ergebnisse der Sulfonamidbehandlung bei Erysipel" Dissertation LMU München 1949 | |
Enders, Weller, Robbins: "Cultivation of the Lansing strain of poliomyelitis virus in cultures of various human embryonic tissues" Science 109,2822 85-87 28.1.1949 Zuchttechnik für Polioviren in Teströhrchen.. Nobelpreis 1954 | |
Fenner: "Mousepox (infectious ectromelia of mice): a review" J Immunol 63 341-373 1949 | |
Emmons: "Isolation of Histoplasma capsulatum from soil" U.S. Pub Health Rep 64 892-896 1949 | |
Klieneberger-Nobel: "Origin, development and significance of L-forms in bacterial cultures" J Gen Microbiol 3,3 434-443 9.1949 Bilder.. | |
Klieneberger-Nobel: "On Streptobacillus moniliformis and the filtrability of its L-form" J Hyg 47,4 393-395 12.1949 Bilder.. | |
Klenner: "The treatment of poliomyelitis and other virus diseases with vitamin C" South Med Surg 111,7 209-214 7.1949 Viruserkrankungen, Diphtherie, Ruhr.. 60 von 60 Poliofälle geheilt.. | |
Beamer, Bloch et al: "Sludged blood in three young pigs experimentally infected with hog cholera" Am J Vet Res 10,35 111-114 4.1949 | |
Gerlach: "Methoden zur Sichtbarmachung der bei bösartigen Geschwülsten aufgefundenen Mikromyzeten. Mikroskopische und chemische Beiträge zum Krebsproblem" Sonderband von 'Mikroskopie' Verlag G.Fromme & Co., Wien 1949 | |
Gerlach: "Zur Frage der Pathogenität des in bösartigen Geschwülsten aufgefundenen Mikromyzeten" Der Krebsarzt 6 1949 | |
Enderlein: "Über die potenzierte Vaccinebehandlung der Tuberkulose" Immunobiologica 1,2 33-36 1949 | |
Hein, Shafer: "Chlorophyll as a potential caries-preventive agent" Penn Dent J (Phila) 16,6 221-225 6.1949 | |
Carpenter: "Clinical experiences with chlorophyll preparations with particular reference to chronic osteomyelitis and chronic ulcers" Am J Surg 77,2 167-171 2.1949 | |
Biskind, Bieber: "DDT poisoning; a new syndrome with neuropsychiatric manifestations" Am J Psychother 3,2 261-270 4.1949 Psyche durch Gifte.. Gift als Ursache für Polio.. | |
Stauffer: "Homöotherapie" Hippokrates-Verlag Marquardt & Cie. Stuttgart 4. Auflage 1950 S.118ff über Antoine Nebel.. | |
"Study of plant tumor growth wins top award" Life 20 9.1.1950 1000$-A.A.A.S-Preis für Arbeit von A.C. Braun mit Crown Gall-Pflanzentumor.. | |
"These A.A.A.S. speakers reported some of year's big discoveries" Life 21 9.1.1950 Irene Diller findet in jedem Maustumor einen speziellen Pilz.. Bild Diller.. | |
Diller, Fisher: "Isolation of fungi from transplanted, chemically induced and spontaneous tumors. I. General considerations" Cancer Res 10,10 595-603 1.10.1950 Bilder.. | |
Diller: "Isolation of fungi from transplanted, chemically-induced and spontaneous tumors. II. Cultural and microscopic observations, with particular reference to sarcoma 37 and mammary carcinoma of mice" Growth 14,2 167-185 1.6.1950 | |
Tasaki, Kamiya: "Electrical response of slime mold to mechanical and electrical stimuli" Protoplasma 39 333 1950 | |
Gerlach: "Intrauterine Mikromyzeteninfektion" Der Krebsarzt 5/6 1950 | |
Gerlach: "Die Mikromyzeteninfektion. Epikrisis der bisherigen Untersuchungsergebnisse" Der Krebsarzt 9/10 1950 | |
Gruner: "Guidebook for making the microscope study of the blood for the detection of cancer" Mitchell-Swift printing Ltd, Montreal 1950 | |
McCormick: "Poliomyelitis, infectious disease or metabolic disorder?" Union Med Can 79,7 739-749 7.1950 | |
Sandler: "Treatment of tuberculosis with a low carbohydrate high protein diet" Chest 17,4 398-422 4.1950 | |
Murray: "Joseph Edwin Barnard. 1870-1949" Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society 7,19 2-8 11.1950 verbesserte Mikroskopie | |
Mori: "Virus filtrabili e cancro secondo la mia ipotesi (1914) della loro natura micetica" Pregresso Medico 6 3 31 1950 Krebsvirus.. | |
Zureick: "Therapy of herpes and herpes zoster with intravenous vitamin C" J Prat Rev Gen Clin Ther 64,48 586 30.11.1950 327 erfolgreiche Fälle von Shingles=Gürtelrose.. Heilung in 72 Stunden.. 1g Na-Ascorbat pro Stunde intravenös.. 10g/Tag.. 100%-Heilung in 3 Tagen.. | |
Offenkrantz: "Water-soluble chlorophyll in the treatment of peptic ulcers of long duration" Rev Gastroenterol 17,5 359-367 5.1950 | |
Esten, Dannin: "Chlorophyll therapy and its relation to pathogenic bacteria" Butler University Botanical Studies 9 Article 21 1950 | |
Scobey: "Poisoning as the cause of poliomyelitis" Arch Pediatr 67,9 400-430 9.1950 Teil 1 | |
Scobey: "Poisoning as the cause of poliomyelitis" Arch Pediatr 67,10 462-482 10.1950 Teil 2 | |
Rosenow: "Seasonal changes of streptococci isolated in studies of poliomyelitis, encephalitis and respiratory infection" Postgrad Med 7,2 117-223 2.1950 | |
Rosenow: "Streptococci and diplostreptococci and the respective 'viruses' in the etiology and epidemiology of epidemic respiratory infections and infectious gastroenteritis" Am J Dig Dis 17,8 261-270 8.1950 | |
Rosenow: "Radiant energy as a probable cause of seasonal changes in specificity of nonhemolytic streptococci" Postgrad Med 8,4 290-292 10.1950 | |
Wischhusen, Gunderson: "The nutritional approach to the prevention of disease" The Science Counselor 9.1950 Krankheiten durch Fehlernährung.. Erreger als Ursache überschätzt -> Abwehr mit Pasteurisierung, Antibiotika, Impfungen wenig hilfreich da auch nützliche Bakterien stark betroffen.. Gesunde brauchen all das nicht.. Ernährungsfehler schwächen, machen anfällig.. bei kranken Kühen weniger Mangan, Kupfer, Kobalt, Zink.. dies zuführen, auch bei Wechselfieber.. gute Ernährung nötig im Mutterleib, nach der Geburt, als Kind, als Erwachsener.. nützliche Mikroorganismen stärken.. | |
Hungate: "The anaerobic mesophilic cellulolytic bacteria" Bact Rev 14 1-49 1950 Kulturtechnik für Anaerobier.. | |
Rebbeck: "Use of ultraviolet blood irradiation (Knott technic) in biliary tract surgery" Am J Surg 80,1 108-112 7.1950 | |
Gross: "Susceptibility of suckling-infant, and resistance of adult, mice of the C3H and of the C57 lines to inoculation with Ak leukemia" Cancer 3,6 1073-1087 11.1950 Leukämie.. | |
Rosenow: "Seasonal changes of streptococci isolated in studies of poliomyelitis, encephalitis and respiratory infection" Postgrad Med 7 117-123 2.1950 Polio.. | |
Rosenow: "Radiant energy as probable cause of seasonal changes in specificity of nonhemolytic streptococci" Postgrad Med 8 290-292 10.1950 Strahlungsenergie und Bakterien.. | |
Lwoff, Siminovitch, Kjeldgaard: "Induction of the production of bacteriophages in lysogenic bacteria" Ann Inst Pasteur (Paris) 79,6 815-859 12.1950 Bestrahlung mit UV-Licht beendet lysogenischen Zustand bei Bakterien, erlaubt Vermehrung von Bakteriophagen, die die Zelle auflösen.. Nobelpreis 1965 | |
Wuerthele-Caspe (Livingston), Alexander-Jackson, Anderson, Hillier, Allen, Smith: "Cultural properties and pathogenicity of certain microorganisms obtained from various proliferative and neoplastic diseases" Am J Med Sci 220,6 638-646 12.1950 Elektronenmikroskopbild der Krebsmikrobe, Fotografien der Krebsbakterien aus Blut/Knochenmark Krebskranker, Fotos kranker Lungen/Nieren von damit infizierten Versuchstieren.. | |
Pichat, Reveilleau: "Bactericidal action for Koch's bacilli of massive doses of vitamin C; comparison of its action on a certain number of other microbes" Ann Inst Pasteur (Paris) 79,3 342-344 9.1950 Vitamin C gg. Tuberkulose.. | |
Sigurdsson, Sigurjonsson, Sigurdsson, Thorkelsson, Gudmundsson: "A disease epidemic in Iceland simulating poliomyelitis" Am J Hyg 52,2 222-238 9.1950 | |
DeLamater, Newcomer et al: "Studies on the life cycles of spirochetes; the use of phase contrast microscopy" Am J Syph Gonorrhea Vener Dis 34,2 122-125 3.1950 | |
DeLamater, Wiggall, Haanes: "Studies on the life cycle of spirochetes; the life cycle of the Nichols pathogenic Treponema pallidum in the rabbit testis as visualized by means of stained smears" J Exp Med 92,3 247-252 9.1950 Syphilis.. | |
DeLamater, Haanes, Wiggall: "Studies on the life cycles of spirochetes. II. The development of a new stain" Am J Syph Gonorrhea Vener Dis 34,6 515-518 11.1950 | |
DeLamater, Wiggall, Haanes: "Studies on the life cycles of spirochetes. III. The life cycle of the Nichols pathogenic Treponema pallidum in the rabbit testis as seen by phase contrast microscopy" J Exp Med 92,3 239-246 1.9.1950 Syphilis.. | |
DeLamater, Wiggall, Haanes: "Studies on the life cycles of spirochetes. IV. The life cycle of the Nichols pathogenic Treponema pallidum in the rabbit testis as visualized by means of stained smears" J Exp Med 92,3 247-252 9.1950 viele Bilder der Spirochätenformen (Syphilis).. | |
DeLamater, Haanes, Wiggall: "Studies on the life cycles of spirochetes. V. The life cycle of the Nichols nonpathogenic Treponema pallidum in culture" Am J Syphilis Gonorrhea Vener Dis 35 164-179 1951 Syphilis.. | |
DeLamater, Haanes, Wiggall: "Studies on the life cycles of spirochetes. VI. The life cycle of the Nichols nonpathogenic Treponema pallidum in the embryonated hen's egg" Am J Syphilis Gonorrhea Vener Dis 35 1951 Syphilis.. | |
DeLamater, Haanes, Wiggall: "Studies on the life cycle of spirochetes. VII. The life cycle of the Kazan nonpathogenic Treponema pallidum in culture" Am J Syphilis Gonorrhea Vener Dis 35,3 216-224 5.1951 Syphilis.. | |
Pichat, Reveilleau: "Comparison between the in vivo and in vitro bactericidal action of vitamin C and its metabolite, and ascorbic acid level" Ann Inst Pasteur (Paris) 80,2 212-213 2.1951 | |
Scobey: "Is the public health law responsible for the poliomyelitis mystery?" Arch Pediatr 68,5 220-232 5.1951 | |
Scobey: "Iodine in the treatment of poliomyelitis and other paralytic diseases" Arch Pediatr 68,7 309-321 7.1951 medizinische Anwendung von Jod.. | |
Klenner: "Massive doses of vitamin C and the virus diseases" South Med Surg 103,4 101-107 4.1951 Vortrag auf 52. Jahrestagung der Tri-State-Medizingesellschaft 19./20.2.1951.. Viruserkrankungen.. Polio, Diabetes.. 250mg/kg.. McCormick fand keine Lähmungen bei braunem Brot -> Vitamin B1-Problem.. Vitamin C gg. Ödeme.. Nebenwirkungen Vitamin C i.V.. | |
Wittenborn: " " J Consult Psychol 15 290 1951 Wittenborn psychiatrische Bewertungs-Skala.. vgl. Milner 1963 | |
Rosenow: "Parallel production of altered infectivity of Streptococcus and related filtrable agents isolated from outdoor air" J Aviation Med 22 225-243 6.1951 veränderte Infektivität.. | |
Rebbeck: "Further studies with ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy (Knott technic) in septic abortions" Am J Surg 82,6 736-740 12.1951 | |
Neff, Anderson: "Use of ultraviolet blood irradiation in the treatment of bursitis and tendinitis calcarea" Am J Surg 81,6 622-628 6.1951 | |
Dienes, Weinberger: "The L-forms of bacteria" Bacteriol Rev 15,4 245-288 12.1951 Bilder.. | |
Alexander-Jackson: "The cultivation and morphological study of a pleomorphic organism from the blood of leprosy patients" Int J Leprosy 19,2 173-186 1951 | |
Smith, Wuerthele-Caspe (Livingston), Alexander-Jackson: "Pathologic changes induced experimentally in laboratory animals by microorganisms recovered from the blood and tumor tissues of human cases of malignant disease" Am J Pathol 27,4 736-738 1951 | |
Diller: "Isolation of fungi from malignant tissue" Acta Unio Int Contra Cancrum 7,2 226-229 1951 | |
Gross: "Spontaneous leukemia developing in C3H mice following inoculation in infancy, with AK-leukemia extracts, or AK-embryos" Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 76,1 27-32 1.1951 Leukämie.. | |
Gross: "Pathogenic properties, and 'vertical' transmission of the mouse leukemia agent" Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 78 342-348 1951 Leukämie-Virus.. | |
Klieneberger-Nobel: "The L-cycle: a process of regeneration in bacteria" J Gen Microbiol 5,3 525-530 8.1951 Bilder.. | |
Klieneberger-Nobel: "Filterable forms of bacteria" Bacteriol Rev 15,2 77-103 6.1951 sehr guter historischer Überblick mit Quellenangaben.. | |
Gerlach: "Über Auffindung, Benennung und Beurteilung von in malignen Tumoren enthaltenen Mikroorganismen" Der Krebsarzt 3/4 1951 | |
Melchers: "Einige Probleme der Virusforschung" Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft (Berlin) 50,LXIII Generalversammlungs-Heft 19-24 1951 Viren entstehen aus Mitochondrien.. Du Buy, Woods 1943, 1946 | |
Pappenheimer, Kunz, Richardson: "Passage of Coxsackie virus (Connecticut-5 strain) in adult mice with production of pancreatic disease" J Exp Med 94,1 45-64 1.7.1951 Coxsackie-Virus zerstört Bauchspeicheldrüse -> Diabetes.. Versuche Immunserum gg. Coxsackie herzustellen.. Bilder.. | |
Pellew: "A clinical description of a disease resembling poliomyelitis, seen in Adelaide, 1949-1951" Med J Aust 1,26 944-946 30.6.1951 | |
Epstein, Cook: "The effects of microwaves on the Rous No. 1 fowl sarcoma virus" Br J Cancer 5 244-251 6.1951 Mikrowellen.. | |
McCormick: "Vitamin C in the prophylaxis and therapy of infectious diseases" Arch Pediat 68,1 1-9 1.1951 | |
Rosenow: "Streptococci from outdoor air in relation to the seasonal occurrence of infections involving the respiratory tract and nervous system respectively" J Aviat Med 22,3 235-243 6.1951 | |
Rosenow: "Influence of streptococcal infections on the compulsive behavior of criminals" Postgrad Med 10,5 423-432 11.1951 | |
Rosenow: "Nonhemolytic streptococci in relation to an epidemic of influenza; diagnostic cutaneous tests and specific treatment" AMA Arch Otolaryngol 54,6 609-619 12.1951 | |
1951: Nobelpreis Max Theiler für Entdeckungen zu Gelbfieber.. Erzeugung Antikörper für Gelbfiebervirus mit Hilfe weißer Mäuse.. | |
Scobey: "The poison cause of poliomyelitis and obstructions to its investgation" Arch Pediatr 69,4 172-193 4.1952 | |
Tamm, Horsfall: "A mucoprotein derived from human urine which reacts with influenza, mumps, and Newcastle disease viruses" J Exp Med 95,1 71-97 1.1952 antigene Flüssigkeit aus Urin.. Bild UV-Absorption.. fadenähnliche Moleküle.. | |
DeLamater: "A study of the life cycle of spirochetes and other micro-organisms by means of phase contrast and routine microscopy" Trans N Y Acad Sci 14,5 199-201 3.1952 | |
Zinder, Lederberg: "Genetic exchange in Salmonella" J Bact 64 679-699 1952 Übertragung genetischer Information durch Viren.. Phage von Salmonella typhimurium trägt DNA von einer Bakterie zur nächsten.. | |
McCormick: "Ascorbic acid as a chemotherapeutic agent" Arch Pediatr 69,4 151-155 4.1952 bei Skorbut Kind 25-50mg Vitamin C, Erwachsener 75-150mg.. für Stabilität Bindegewebe, Muskeln, Gefäße, Knochen.. bessere Wundheilung, gegen Blutungen, Geweberisse, Infektionen.. Entgiftung.. Klapperschlangenbisse, Skorpionstich.. Bleivergiftung.. 1 Zigarette neutralisiert ~25mg Vitamin C -> mehr Lungenentzündung bei Rauchern.. 20% Tod durch Lungenentzündung nach OP verhindert durch viel Vitamin C vor/nach OP (Slotkin/Fletcher).. Chemotherapie mit hohen wiederholten Dosen i.V.. dann ggf. kleinere Dosen um Rückfälle zu vermeiden.. Wirkung wie Sulfonamide, Antibiotika ohne toxische/allergische Reaktionen.. unterdrückt toxische Reaktionen von Medikamenten.. spektakuläre Erfolge bei Tuberkulose, Scharlach, Bauchfellinfektion, Blutvergiftung.. Klenners Erfolge bei Polio, Gehirnhautentzündung, Masern, Herpes zoster, Lungenentzündung.. Testreagenz Dichlorphenol-Indophenol entfärbt durch Vitamin C.. Reduzierung Leukozyten.. im Alter zu viel Süßigkeiten, Softdrinks, Tee, Kaffee, Tabak, Alkohol, Fehlernährung.. | |
Horstmann: "Poliomyelitis virus in blood of orally infected monkeys and chimpanzees" Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 79,3 417-419 1952 | |
1952: Polio tötet ~4.5% der Opfer.. Klenner 1952 | |
Klenner: "The vitamin and massage treatment for acute poliomyelitis" South Med Surg 114,8 194-197 8.1952 Vitamin- und Massagebehandlung.. viel mehr Verkrüppelungen durch rheumatisches Fieber als durch Polio.. geschädigter Herzmuskel, Herzklappen.. 4 Funktionen von Vitamin C.. Schmerzen, Virus, Ödeme.. 65-250mg/kg Vitamin C.. über 6 Tage regelmäßige Gaben.. Vitamin B1 gg. Nervenschäden, Müdigkeit.. Vortrag Ann Penn Memorial Hospital Reidsville 2.1952 | |
Nigrelli: "Virus and tumors in fishes" Ann NY Acad Sci 54,6 1076-1092 10.7.1952 | |
Dulbecco: "Production of plaques in monolayer tissue cultures by single particles of an animal virus" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 38 747-752 1952 einzelne Partikel eines Tiervirus erzeugen Verklumpungen.. Nobelpreis 1975 | |
Bryant: "The isolation and characteristics of a spirochete from the bovine rumen" J Bacteriol 64 325-335 1952 | |
Horvath, Jungeblut: "Studies on hemagglutination by Columbia-SK virus" J Immunol 68,6 627-643 1.6.1952 Verklumpung durch Virus.. Salz verhindert Verklumpung.. | |
"Reaction to a universal remedy. Medical society asks doctor to resign, a US senator defends him" Life 44 17.3.1952 Dr. Robert Lincoln Cancer Story.. Fotos von Ralph Morse.. Bakteriophagen gegen Krebs etc.. Lincoln Bacteriophage Lysate, Staphylococcus Phage Lysate SPL, Staphage Lysate.. | |
Winrod: "New Cures for Old Ailments: a Symposium" 1952.. über die Methode von William Frederick Koch, Robert Lincoln und Harry Hoxsey.. 128 Seiten.. | |
Hershey, Chase: "Independent functions of viral protein and nucleic acid in growth of bacteriophage" J Gen Physiol 36 39-56 1952 nur DNA nötig für virale Vermehrung.. | |
Lederberg, Cavalli, Lederberg: "Sex compatibility in Escherichia coli" Genetics 37 720-730 1952 | |
Steiner: "Acute plaques in multiple sclerosis, their pathogenic significance and the role of spirochaetes as etiological factor" J Neuropathology 11 343-372 1952 | |
Hayes: "Recombination in Bact.coli. K-12: unidirectional transfer of genetic material" Nature 169 118-119 1952 bakterielle Fortpflanzung durch unidirektionalen Gentransfer von Spender zu Zielzelle.. Fruchtbarkeitsfaktor nur in Spenderzellen.. | |
Gerlach: "Erörterung des Krebsproblems vom Standpunkt der Bakteriologie" Mikroskopie 1/2 1952 | |
John Edward Gregory: "Pathogenesis of cancer" virusgroße Krebsmikrobe isoliert, Koch-Postulate erfüllt.. 202 Seiten.. Fremont Foundation 1952.. | |
John Edward Gregory: "Pathogenesis of cancer" virusgroße Krebsmikrobe isoliert, Koch-Postulate erfüllt.. 352 Seiten.. Fremont Foundation 1955.. | |
Paloscia, Pallotta: "Chlorophyll in the treatment of tuberculous empyema" Lotta Tuberc 22,9-10 738-740 1952 | |
Mossberg: "Vitamin K in the treatment of acute hepatitis" Br Med J 1,4773 1382-1384 28.6.1952 | |
Villequez: "Isolement de micro-organismes des tissues hyperplastiques et du sang des cancereux" Concours Med 74 661-664 1952 | |
Diller: "Studies of the cytological relationships between microorganisms isolated from tumor tissue and from normal and malignant cells of the host" Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 1,1 12 1952 | |
Diller: "Cytological studies of relationships between microorganisms isolated from tumor tissue and normal and malignant cells of host" Cancer Res 12 257 4.1952 | |
Andrewes: "Classi¢cation and nomenclature of viruses" Annu Rev Microbiol 6 119-138 1952 Viren.. | |
Glynn, Holborow: "The production of complete antigens from polysaccharide haptenes by streptococci and other organisms" J Pathol Bacteriol 64,4 775-783 10.1952 Antigene.. | |
Rosenow: "Relation of a Streptococcus to epidemic poliomyelitis. Studies in etiology, diagnosis and specific treatment" Calif Med 76,6 396-401 6.1952 Polio durch Streptokokken.. Heilung durch Serum.. | |
Rosenow: "Bacteriological studies in idiopathic epilepsy and schizophrenia" South Dakota J Med Pharm 5,9 243-248, 262, 272 9.1952 Epilepsie, Schizophrenie.. | |
Dick et al: "Zika virus (I). Isolations and serological specificity" Transactions Royal Society Tropical Medicine Hygiene 46,5 509-520 1952 | |
Dick: "Zika virus (II). Pathogenicity and physical properties" Transactions Royal Society Tropical Medicine Hygiene 46,5 521-534 1952 | |
Gross: "Delayed effects of inoculation of Ak-leukemic cells in mice of the C3H line; a working hypothesis on the etiology of mouse leukemia" Cancer 5,3 620-624 5.1952 Leukämie-Virus.. | |
1952: Nobelpreis S. Waksman für Entdeckung Streptomycin, Antibiotikum zur wirksamen Bekämpfung von Tuberkulose.. | |
Horstmann, McCollum: "Poliomyelitis virus in human blood during the minor illness and the asymptomatic infection" Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 82,3 434-437 1953 | |
Magath: "Spirochetes in the blood" Am J Clin Pathol 23,7 691-693 7.1953 | |
Gross: "A filterable agent, recovered from Ak leukemic extracts, causing salivary gland carcinomas in C3H mice" Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 83,2 414-421 6.1953 Leukämie-Virus.. | |
Gross: "Neck tumors, or leukemia, developing in adult C3H mice following inoculation, in early infancy, with filtered (Berkefeld N), or centrifugated (144,000 X g), Ak-leukemic extracts" Cancer 6,5 948-958 9.1953 Leukämie-Virus.. | |
Bierman, Crile, Dod, Kelly, Petrakis, White, Shimkin: "Remissions in leukemia of childhood following acute infectious disease. Staphylococcus and streptococcus, varicella and feline panleukopenia" Cancer 6,3 591-605 5.1953 Spontanrückbildung Leukämie nach Infektion.. Grafiken.. | |
Watson, Crick: "Molecular structure of nucleic acids: a structure for desoxyribonucleic acid" Nature 171 737-738 1953 Beschreibung der DNA-Doppel-Helix-Struktur.. Nobelpreis 1962 | |
Sugiyama: "Electric energy as a lethal lytic and antigen-extractive agent for bacterial cell. II. The antigen-extractive action, with special reference to the possibility of differentiating the vegetative and the spore antigens in Bacillus anthracis" Kitasato Arch Exp Med 26,2-3 177-183 11.1953 elektrische Energie gg. Bakterien.. | |
Klenner: "The use of vitamin C as an antibiotic" J Appl Nutr 6 274-278 1953 Vitamin C als Antibiotikum: Lungenentzündung, Masern, Hirnhautentzündung, Windpocken, Nasenbluten, Fieber, Zahnbelag.. größerer oraler Effekt durch Zugabe von Rutin.. | |
Biskind: "Public health aspects of the new insecticides" Am J Dig Dis 20,11 331-341 11.1953 Polio durch Insektizide.. | |
Salk: "Studies in human subjects on active immunization against poliomyelitis. I. A preliminary report of experiments in progress" JAMA 151,13 1081-1098 28.3.1953 Tests von Polio-Impfstoff aus 3 Typen abgetöteter Viren.. | |
Cox: "Viral vaccines and human welfare" Lancet 265,6775 1-5 4.7.1953 Zucht von Polioviren auf Affennieren birgt Gefahr anderer Viren.. | |
Marmion, Curtain, Pye: "The effect of human bronchial secretions (sputum) on the haemagglutinin and infectivity of influenza virus" Austral J Exp Biol Med Sci 31 505-518 1953 Diagnose durch Elektrophorese.. | |
Bloch: "The in vivo microscopic intravascular and vascular reactions in acute poliomyelitis" Am J Med Sci 226,1 24-37 7.1953 | |
Hazen, Brown, Mason: "Protective action of fungicidin (nystatin) in mice against virulence enhancing activity of oxytetracycline on Candida albicans" Antibiot Chemother 3,11 1125-1128 11.1953 erstes nützliches Antibiotikum gegen Pilze Nystatin.. | |
Huppert, MacPherson, Cazin: "Pathogenesis of candida albicans infection following antibiotic therapy I. The effect of antibiotics on the growth of Candida albicans" J Bacteriol 65,2 171-176 2.1953 | |
Beckman: "" Pharmacology in Clinical Practice 257 1953 2g Natrium-Jodid in 30ccm Wasser i.V alle 2 Tage gg. Herpes Zoster | |
Delmotte, Van der Meiren: "Researches bacteriologiques et histologiques concernant la sclerodermie" Dermatologica 107,3 117-182 1953 | |
Wuerthele-Caspe (Livingston), Alexander-Jackson, Smith: "Some aspects of the microbiology of cancer" J Am Med Womens Assoc 8,1 7-12 1.1953 | |
Wuerthele-Caspe (Livingston): "Microbiology of cancer, neoplastic infection in man and animals" Proc 6. Int Kongress für Mikrobiologie Rom 6,17 3-9 9.1953 | |
White: "Report of 100 pathologically proven cases of malignancy treated by a specific antiserum" Proc 6. Int Kongress für Mikrobiologie Rom 9.1953 Glover-Virus.. | |
Clark: "Successful culturing of Glover's organism and development of metastasizing tumors in animals, produced by cultures from human malignancy" Proc 6. Int Kongress für Mikrobiologie Rom 3,XVII-A 15 9.1953 8 Jahre Arbeit am Glover-Virus.. | |
Alexander-Jackson: "A specific type of microorganism isolated from animal and human cancer: Bacteriology of the organism" Proc 6. Int Kongress für Mikrobiologie Rom 3,17-A 9.1953 | |
Nauts, Fowler, Bogatko: "A review of the influence of bacterial infection and of bacterial products (Coley's toxins) on malignant tumors in man; a critical analysis of 30 inoperable cases treated by Coley's mixed toxins, in which diagnosis was confirmed by microscopic examination selected for special study" Acta Med Scand Suppl 276 1-103 1953 NY Cancer Res Institute Monograph #1 1953 | |
Andrewes: "Introduction: viruses yesterday, today and tomorrow" Br med Bull (London) 9 169-171 1953 Viren.. | |
Rosenow: "Streptococci in the etiology of diverse diseases, including diseases of the nervous system" J Nerv Ment Dis 117,5 415-428 5.1953 | |
Rife: "History of the development of a successful treatment for cancer and other virus, bacteria and fungi" Allied Industries Report DEV-1042 1.12.1953 | |
Huppert, Cazin: "Pathogenesis of candida albicans infection following antibiotic therapy II. Further studies of the effect of antibiotics on the in vitro growth of Candida albicans" J Bacteriol 70,4 435-439 10.1953 | |
Cavanaugh, Quan: "Rapid identification of P. pestis using specific bacteriophage lyophilized on strips of filter paper" Am J Clin Pathol 23 619-620 1953 Diagnose Pest.. | |
Scobey: "Is the cause of poliomyelitis always the same?" Arch Pediatr 70,6 185-202 6.1953 | |
Salk, Bazeley, Bennett, Krech, Lewis, Ward, Youngner: "Studies in human subjects on active immunization against poliomyelitis II. A practical means for inducing and maintaining antibody formation" Am J Public Health Nations Health 44,8 994-1009 8.1954 | |
Scobey: "Is human poliomyelitis caused by an exogenous virus?" Arch Pediatr 71,4 111-123 4.1954 Polio durch belastete Milch, Früchte, Gifte.. Koch-Postulate.. Virus alleine unwahrscheinlich.. Virus durch Gifte im Körper gebildet bzw. aktiviert.. Aktivierung durch Früchte, Gemüse, Milch, Wasser.. Störung des Stoffwechsels.. lokale Einflüsse, saisonale Einflüsse.. gleichzeitig mehrere Fälle in einem Haushalt.. | |
Scobey: "Is human poliomyelitis caused by an exogenous virus?" Arch Pediatr 71,5 139-150 5.1954 Teil 2 | |
Macnamara: "Zika virus: A report on three cases of human infection during an epidemic of jaundice in Nigeria" Transactions Royal Society Tropical Medicine Hygiene 48,2 139-145 1954 | |
Sabin: "Noncytopathogenic variants of poliomyelitis viruses and resistance to superinfection in tissue culture" Science 120 357 1954 Polio.. | |
Enders, Peebles: "Propagation in tissue cultures of cytopathogenic agents from patients with measles" Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 86,2 277-286 6.1954 Masern-Virus.. | |
Klenner: "The history of lockjaw" Tri-State Med J 6.1954 Tetanus.. | |
Klenner: "Recent discoveries in the treatment of lockjaw with vitamin C and tolserol" Tri-State Med J 2,5 7-11 7.1954 Tetanus.. | |
Schultz: "Use of the Knott technic of blood irradiation therapy in cases of threatened and inevitable abortion" Am J Surg 88,3 421-424 9.1954 | |
Edward: "Iodine: its use in the treatment and prevention of poliomyelitis and allied diseases" Manitoba Med Rev 34,6 337-339 1954 historische Erfolge gg. Polio mit Jod.. | |
Gerlach: "Experimenteller Beitrag zur Kachexie bei Krebskranken" Der Krebsarzt 5 1954 | |
Gregory: "Pathogenesis of cancer and applied therapy" Quarterly Review Biology 29,4 404 12.1954 | |
Shibata, Benson, Calvin: "The absorption spectra of suspensions of living micro-organisms" Radiation Laboratory, University of California UCRL-2635 1.6.1954 Spektrometer-Messungen.. | |
MacRae, Galpine: "An illness resembling poliomyelitis observed in nurses" Lancet 267,6834 350-352 21.8.1954 | |
Steiner: "Morphology of spirocheta myelopthora in multiple sclerosis" J Neuropath Exp Neurology 13 221-229 1954 | |
White, Burtch: "Iceland disease: a new infection simulating acute anterior poliomyelitis" Neurology 4,7 506-516 7.1954 | |
Alexander-Jackson: "A specific type of microorganism isolated from animal and human cancer: Bacteriology of the organism" Growth 18,1 37-51 3.1954 | |
Alexander-Jackson: "Atypical forms of pathogenic mycobacteria" Int Rec Med Gen Pract Clin 167,7 389-397 7.1954 | |
Seibert, Soto-Figueroa, Miller, Seibert, Aptekman, Lewis: "Comparison of the chemical composition of alcoholic extracts of neoplastic tissues with similar extracts of normal muscle" Growth 18 1-12 1954 | |
Rosenow: "Further immunological and clinical studies on the importance of a neurotropic streptococcus in the etiology of epidemic poliomyelitis and its relation to the natural virus" J Nerv Ment Dis 120,3-4 196-206 1954 | |
Palmer: "Investigation of the gastric mucosa spirochetes of the human" Gastroenterology 27,2 218-220 1954 Spirochäten im Magen.. | |
Selby, Grey, Lichtenberg, Friend, Moore, Biesele, "Submicroscopic particles occasionally found in the Ehrlich mouse ascites tumor" Cancer Res 14 790-794 1954 Krebs.. Charlotte Friend.. | |
Neuwald, Hagenström: "Untersuchungen über die antibakterielle Wirkung von Hypericum perforatum L" Arch Pharm 287,8 439-441 1954 | |
1954: Nobelpreis John F. Enders, F.C. Robbins, T.H. Weller für Entdeckung mögliche Vermehrung Polio-Virus in Kulturen verschiedener Gewebe.. Kultivierung für Impfstoffe.. | |
Greer: "Vitamin C in acute poliomyelitis" Medical Times 83 1160-1161 11.1955 hohe Dosen an Vitamin C erfolgreich bei 5 Poliofällen.. | |
Bryan: "Biological studies on the Rous sarcoma virus. I. General introduction. II. Review of sources of experimental variation and of methods for their control" J Natl Cancer Inst 16,1 285-315 8.1955 | |
Bryan, Calnan, Moloney: "Biological studies on the Rous sarcoma virus. III. The recovery of virus from experimental tumors in relation to initiating dose" J Natl Cancer Inst 16,1 317-335 8.1955 | |
Burr: "Certain electrical properties of slime mold" J Exper Zool 129 327 1955 | |
Olney: "Treatment of viral hepatitis with the Knott technique of blood irradiation" Am J Surg 90,3 402-409 9.1955 | |
Umbarger, Brown: "Isoleucine and valine metabolism in Escherichia coli. Antagonism between isoleucine and valine" J Bact 70 241-248 1955 | |
Offenkrantz: "Complete healing of peptic ulcer with water soluble chlorophyll; report of a case" Am J Gastroenterol 24,2 182-185 8.1955 | |
Pardee: "Effect of energy supply on enzyme induction by pyramidine requiring mutants of Escherichia coli" J Bact 69 233-239 1955 | |
Miller: "Germs: Cause of disease?" Health Culture 6.1955 Bechamps Mikrozyme, Pasteur, Rosenows Experiment: unterschiedliche Keime werden zu einer Klasse, Rife, Formenwandel: aus Darmbazillus wird Typhus, aus Krebsvirus 4 Formen: größer, noch größer, Pilz, Bacillus coli.. gute Ernährung und Auscheidung als Schutz vor Infektionen.. | |
Klieneberger-Nobel, Cuckow: "A study of organisms of the pleuropneumonia group by electron microscopy" J Gen Microbiol 12,1 95-99 2.1955 Bilder.. | |
Koshimura, Murasawa, Nakagawa, Ueda, Bando, Hirata: "Experimental anticancer studies. III. On the influence of living hemolytic streptococci upon the invasion power of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma in mice" Jpn J Exp Med 25,3 93-102 6.1955 | |
Gerlach: "Zelleinschlüsse (inclusion bodies) bei Krebs" Krebsarzt 10,3 142 1955 | |
Warburg: "Über die Entstehung der Krebszellen" Naturwissenschaften 42,14 401-406 2.7.1955 Gärung der Krebszellen.. | |
Warburg: "Über die Entstehung der Krebszellen" Krebsforschung und Krebsbekämpfung. 4. Jahrestagung des Deutschen Zentralausschusses für Krebsbekämpfung und Krebsforschung in Stuttgart 24.-27.5.1955 Urban & Schwarzenberg, Berlin 3-13 1956 Gärung der Krebszellen.. | |
Rustigan, Johnston, Reihart: "Infection of monkey kidney tissue cultures with virus-like agents" Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 88,1 8-16 1.1955 virale Verunreinigung von Affennieren.. | |
Francis: "Evaluation of the 1954 poliomyelitis vaccine field trial; further studies of results determining the effectiveness of poliomyelitis vaccine (Salk) in preventing paralytic poliomyelitis" J Am Med Assoc 158,14 1266-1270 6.8.1955 | |
Paul, Horstmann: "A survey of poliomyelitis virus antibodies in French Morocco" Am J Trop Med Hyg 4,3 512-524 1955 meiste 2 Jahre alte Kinder in Marokko mit Polio-Antikörpern -> jahrzehntelanger Schutz vor späterer Erkrankung.. | |
J.W. Beard, Sharp, Eckert: "Tumor viruses" Advanced Virus Res 3 149-197 1955 | |
Carpenter, Nelson, Lehman, Howard, Primba: "Isolation of unidentified pleomorphic bacteria from the blood of patients with chronic illness" J Chronic Dis 2 156-161 1955 | |
Villequez: "Le parasitisme latent des cellules du sang chez l'homme" 88 Librairie Maloine Paris 1955 | |
Wuerthele-Caspe (Livingston): "Neoplastic infections of man and animals" J Am Med Womens Assoc 10,8 261-266 8.1955 | |
Rosenow: "Specific types of alpha streptococci in the etiology and streptococcal thermal antibody in diagnosis and treatment of diverse diseases" J Nerv Ment Dis 122,3 238-247 9.1955 | |
Rosenow: "Bacteriological studies on the etiology and chlorpromazine treatment of schizophrenia and related mental disorders" J Nerv Ment Dis 122,4 321-331 10.1955 | |
Mills: "Present organization, products and policies of the Lincoln Foundation" N Engl J Med 253 1090-1091 15.12.1955 Bakteriophagen.. Staphage Lysate.. | |
Gross: "Difference in susceptibility to Ak leukemic agent between two substrains of mice of C3H line" Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 88,1 64-66 1.1955 Leukämie-Virus.. | |
Hull, Minner, Smith: "New viral agents recovered from tissue cultures of monkey kidney cells. I. Origin and properties of cytopathogenic agents S.V.1, S.V.2, S.V.4, S.V.5, S.V.6, S.V.11, S.V.12 and S.V.15" Am J Hyg 63,2 204-215 3.1956 weitere Viren in Affennieren.. | |
Bayly: "The story of the Salk anti-poliomyelitis vaccine" 1956 Geschichte des Salk-Impfstoffs.. | |
Issels: "Fokal-Infekt und Krebs" Dt. Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift 11 123 1956 | |
Issels: "Können wurzelbehandelte Zähne Krebs erzeugen?" Dt. Zahnärzte-Blatt 19 1956 | |
Friend: "The isolation of a virus causing a malignant disease of the hematopoietic system in adult swiss mice" Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 2 106 1956 Friend Leukämievirus FLV.. | |
Smith, Saito, Simmons: "Pattern of 39500 serologic tests in coccidioidomycosis" JAMA 160 546-552 1956 serologische Tests eignen sich zu Diagnose/Prognose von coccidiodomycosis.. | |
Caspar: "Radial density distribution in the Tobacco Mosaic Virus particle" Nature 177 928 1956 Nachweis der RNS im Tabak-Mosaik-Virus.. | |
Franklin: "Location of the ribonucleic acid in the tobacco mosaic virus particle" Nature 177 929 1956 Nachweis der RNS im Tabak-Mosaik-Virus.. | |
Gierer, Schramm: "Infectivity of ribonucleic acid from tobacco mosaic virus" Nature 177 702-703 1956 die RNA des Tabak-Mosaik-Virus ist ansteckend.. kann Krankheit hervorrufen mit neuen viralen Partikeln.. | |
Gross: "Viral egg-borne etiology of mouse leukemia; filtered extracts from leukemic C58 mice, causing leukemia (or parotid tumors) after inoculation into newborn C57 brown or C3H mice" Cancer 9,4 778-791 1956 Leukämie-Virus.. | |
Bernhard, Oberling, Vigier: "Ultrastructure de virus dans le sarcome de Rous, leur rapport avec le cytoplasme des cellules tumorales" Bull du Cancer 43 407-422 1956 | |
Rosenberg, Howe, Chargaff: "Inhibition of influenza virus haemagglutination by a brain lipid fraction" Nature 177,4501 234-235 4.2.1956 Grippe.. | |
Sumner: "Further outbreak of a disease resembling poliomyelitis" Lancet 270,6926 764-766 26.5.1956 | |
Ramsay, O'Sullivan: "Encephalomyelitis simulating poliomyelitis" Lancet 270,6926 761-764 26.5.1956 ME/CFS.. | |
Richardson: "Some aspects of the Royal Free Hospital epidemic" Ann Phys Med 3,3 81-89 7.1956 ME/CFS.. | |
Stetson: "The endotoxic properties of lysates of group A hemolytic streptococci" J Exp Med 104,6 921-934 1.12.1956 Streptokokken lösen Fieber aus.. Grafik.. | |
Santo: "Die Reproduktion von Zellen des Typs weißer Blutkörperchen mit Hilfe von Coli-Bakterien" Medizin heute 3 1956 | |
Hoxsey: "You don't have to die !" Krebsheilung ohne Stahl, Strahl und Chemogifte.. 1957.. | |
The Medical Staff Of The Royal Free Hospital: "An outbreak of encephalomyelitis in the Royal Free Hospital Group, London, in 1955" Br Med J 2,5050 895-904 19.10.1957 ME/CFS.. | |
Ramsay: "Encephalomyelitis simulating poliomyelitis" Public Health 71 98-112 1957 ME/CFS.. | |
Williams, Smith: "A crystallizable insect virus" Nature (London) 119 4551 1957 | |
Fenner, Burnet: "A short description of the poxvirus group (vaccinia and related viruses)" Virology 4 305-314 1957 | |
Isaacs, Lindenmann: "Virus interference; I. The interferon" Proc Roy Soc Series B 147 258-267 1957 antivirales körpereigenes Einweiß Interferon gegen virale Infektionen.. Interferon schützt Zellen gegen Ansteckung mit Grippeviren.. | |
Kendrick, Brown: "Immune response in guinea pigs and monkeys to the individual components of a combined diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus antigen plus poliomyelitis vaccine" Am J Public Health Nations Health 47,4 Pt 1 473-483 4.1957 | |
Sadun: "Fasciolopsiasis and opisthorchiasis as helminthic components of tropical public health" Am J Trop Med Hyg 6,3 416-422 5.1957 Infektion mit Helminthen kann führen zu Anämie, Wachstumsverzögerung, Fehlernährung, chronischer Husten, Dermatitis, Blähbauch, Ascites.. | |
Howe, MacLennan, Mandl, Kabat: "Enzymes of Clostridium tertium. Effects on blood group and virus receptor substances" J Bacteriol 74,3 365-376 9.1957 Enzymwirkung auf Blutgruppen und Viren.. | |
Dalgaard: "Fatal myocarditis following smallpox vaccination" Am Heart J 54,1 156-157 7.1957 Herzversagen nach Pockenimpfung.. Infektion verbraucht Vitamin C.. | |
Smith, Alderman, Gillespie: "Increased survival in irradiated animals treated with bacterial endotoxins" Am J Physiol 191,1 124-130 10.1957 Bestrahlung.. | |
Gajdusek, Zigas: "Degenerative disease of the central nervous system in New Guinea. The endemic occurrence of 'kuru' in the native population" N Engl J Med 257 974-978 1957 langsamer Virus verursacht 'Kuru'.. Verlauf ähnlich Scrapie.. auf Schimpansen übertragbar.. Nobelpreis 1976 | |
Hull, Minner: "New viral agents recovered from tissue cultures of monkey kidney cells. II. Problems of isolation and identification" Ann NY Acad Sci 67,8 413-423 19.4.1957 neue Viren auf Affennieren.. | |
Green: "Protease inhibitors from Ascaris lumbricoides" Biochem J 66,3 416-419 7.1957 erzeugt Unterdrücker gegen Pepsin und Trypsin, Chymotrypsin.. | |
Fraenkel-Conrat: "The infectivity of tobacco mosaic virus nucleic acid" Cellular Biology, Nucleic Acids and Viruses, New York Acad Sci 217 1957 | |
Fraenkel-Conrat, Williams: "Virus reconstitution : combination of protein and nucleic acid from different strains" Biochim Biophys Acta 24 87 1957 virale RNA als Quelle genetischer Information.. | |
Kinoshita, Tanaka, Udaka, Akita: "Glutamic acid fermentation" Proc Intl Symposium on Enzyme Chemistry 2 464-468 1957 Bakterien zur Herstellung von Monosodium Glutamat.. | |
Krueger, Smith, Go: "The action of air ions on bacteria. I. Protective and lethal effects on suspensions of staphylococci in droplets" J General Physiology 41,2 359-381 20.11.1957 | |
Gerlach: "Spezifisch bewirkte Latenz und Regression von Tumoren" Der Krebsarzt 5 1957 | |
Kabilek: "Hanf (Cannabis sativa) - Antibiotisches Heilmittel. 1. Mitteilung: Hanf in der Alt-und Volksmedizin" Pharmazie 12,7 439-443 7.1957 | |
Godfrey: "Antiparasitic action of dietary cod liver oil upon Plasmodium berghei and its reversal by vitamin E" Exp Parasitol 6,6 555-565 11.1957 auch 6 465-485 1957 Plasmodium berghei.. | |
Bather: "The nucleic acid of partially purified Rous No. I sarcoma virus" Br J Cancer 11,4 611-619 12.1957 | |
Friend: "Leukemia of adult mice caused by a transmissible agent" Ann New York Acad Sci 68 522-532 1957 Friend-Leukämie-Virus FLV.. | |
Friend: "Cell-free transmission in adult Swiss mice of a disease having the character of a leukemia" J Exp Med 105 307-318 1957 Friend-Leukämie-Virus FLV.. | |
Mankowski, Diller, Fisher: "The effect of various fungi on mouse tumors with special reference to sarcoma 37" Cancer Res 17,5 382-386 6.1957 | |
Rosenow: "Studies on the etiology and specific treatment of multiple sclerosis" Ohio Med 53,7 783-785 7.1957 | |
Stanley: "Die Beziehungen zwischen Viren und Krebs" Krebsarzt 12,6 307-320 1957 | |
Crowley, Nelson, Stovin: "Epidemiological aspects of an outbreak of encephalomyelitis at the Royal Free Hospital, London, in the summer of 1955" J Hyg (Lond) 55,1 102-122 3.1957 ME/CFS.. | |
Klenner: "An insidious virus" Tri-State Med J 5,4 10-12 6.1957 Kind mit hohem Fieber, Krampfanfälle Arm/Bein, Haut kalt, Augen zu.. alle 4h Vitamin C i.V.. je 1-2g.. Senfpflaster.. | |
Gross: "High susceptibility of 1 to 14 days old C3H mice to passage A leukemic filtrates" Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 97,2 300-304 2.1958 Leukämie-Virus.. | |
Shope: "Influenza. History, epidemiology, and speculation" Public Health Reports 165-179 73,2 2.1958 asiatische Grippe aus China.. ähnlich wie 2020 mit COVID-19.. erste Grippe 1173, verschiedene Namen.. Pandemie 1789 bevor erster Dampfer 1819 über Atlantik fuhr, vor erstem Dampfzug 1830.. Pandemie 1889, Pandemie 1918.. in 4 Monaten weltweit 21 Mio Tote, 4x so viele wie WK I.. Behandlung oft gefährlicher als die Krankheit.. keine Ansteckung nachgewiesen.. vermuteter Erreger Hemophilus influenzae, Pfeiffer-Influenza-Bazillus.. Zusammenhang mit Schweinegrippe.. Hemophilus influenzae suis.. Erreger gefunden, nur löst er die Krankheit bei gesunden Schweinen nicht aus.. ein filterbarer Virus löst dies aus.. beide Erreger zur Auslösung wichtig.. | |
Rosenow: "Studies on specific prevention and treatment of diverse diseases shown due to specific types of nonhemolytic streptococci" Am Pract Dig Treat 9,5 755-761 5.1958 | |
Brown, Martin, Hannah, Rhodes, Labzoffsky: "Three years' experience with poliomyelitis vaccine; Ontario, 1955-57" Can Med Assoc J 79,3 155-162 1.8.1958 interessante Tabellen, Grafiken.. Polio auch bei Geimpften.. | |
Klärner: "Regressionen des Yoshida-Sarkoms nach einmaliger Injektion eines Lipopolysaccharids aus E. Coli" Zeitschrift Krebsforschung 62,3 291-296 1958 einmalige Injektion 0.1mg steigert Tumorrückbildung transplantiertes Yoshida-Sarkom (Ratte) 9-10-fach von 5% auf 47%.. geringere Giftigkeit.. | |
Smith, Alderman, Gillespie: "Hematopoietic recovery induced by bacterial endotoxin in irradiated mice" Am J Physiol 192,3 549-556 3.1958 | |
Hull, Minner, Mascoli: "New viral agents recovered from tissue cultures of monkey kidney cells. III. Recovery of additional agents both from cultures of monkey tissues and directly from tissues and excreta" Am J Hyg 68,1 31-44 7.1958 Polio-Impfstoffverunreinigungen durch Zucht auf Affennieren.. | |
Jordan, Rasmussen, Bierman: "Effect of group A streptococci on transplantable leukemia of mice" Cancer Res 18,8 943-946 9.1958 klare Grafik.. | |
Hollcroft, Smith: "Endotoxin treatment and x irradiation in mice bearing transplanted tumors" J Natl Cancer Inst 21,2 311-329 8.1958 Endotoxin verlängert Überleben.. | |
Myerson: "Preliminary observations of the cultivation and morphology of a microorganism from the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with MS" Am J MS 236 677-691 1958 | |
Shope: "The swine lungworm as a reservoir and intermediate host
for hog cholera virus. I. The provocation of masked hog cholera virus
in lungworm-infested swine by ascaris larvae" J Exp Med 107,5 609-622 1.5.1958 |
Shope: "The swine lungworm as a reservoir and intermediate host for hog cholera virus. II. Attempts to demonstrate the presence of hog cholera virus in lungworms derived from swine with cholera" J Exp Med 108,1 159-169 1.7.1958 | |
deHarven, Friend: "Electron microscope study of a cell-free induced leukemia of the mouse: A preliminary report" J Biophys Biochem Cytol 4 151-156 1958 Friend-Leukämie-Virus FLV.. | |
Havas, Groesbeck, Donnelly: "Mixed bacterial toxins in the treatment of tumors. I. Methods of preparation and effects on normal and sarcoma 37-bearing mice" Cancer Res 18,2 141-148 2.1958 | |
Donnelly, Havas, Groesbeck: "Mixed bacterial toxins in the treatment of tumors. II. Gross and microscopic changes produced in sarcoma 37 and in mouse tissues" Cancer Res 18,2 149-154 2.1958 | |
Gerlach: "Zur Infektionstheorie beim Krebs" Medizin heute 8 1958 | |
Meselson, Stahl: "The replication of DNA in Escherichia coli" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 44 671-682 1958 Zentrifugenversuch zeigt daß sich DNA-Stränge während Verdopplung entwirren und mit neu zusammengesetztem Tochterstrang verbinden.. | |
Schaechter, Maaloe, Kjeldgard: "Dependency on medium and temperature of cell size and chemical composition during balanced growth of Salmonella typhimurium" J Gen Microbiol 19 152 1958 | |
Krejci: "Hanf (Cannabis sativa) - Antibiotisches Heilmittel. 2. Mitteilung: Methodik und Ergebnisse der bakteriologischen Untersuchungen und vorläufige klinische Erfahrungen" Pharmazie 13,3 155-166 3.1958 | |
Ferenczy, Gracza, Jakobey: "An antibacterial preparatum from hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)" Naturwissenschaften 45 188 1958 | |
1958: Nobelpreis J. Lederberg für Entdeckungen genetische Wiederherstellung bakterieller genetischer Apparat.. Nachweis sexueller Zyklus bei Bakterien.. neue dauerhafte Erbanlagen.. | |
Krejci, Horak, Santavy: "Hanf (Cannabis sativa) - Antibiotisches Heilmittel 3. Mitteilung: Isolierung und Konstitution zweier aus Cannabis sativa gewonnener Säure" Pharmazie 14,6 349-355 6.1959 | |
Schultz, Hafner: "Zur Kenntnis eines sedativen und antibakteriellen Wirkstoffes aus deutschem Faserhanf (Cannabis sativa)" Z Naturforschung 14b 98-100 1959 | |
Ochiai, Yamanaka, Kimura, Sawada: "Studies on the inheritance of drug-resistance between Shigella strains and between Shigella and Escherichia coli strains" Nippon Iji Shinpo 1861 34 1959 Antibiotika-Resistenz ohne Transformation/Transduktion.. | |
Gilmore, Howe: "An aerobic soil microorganism which decomposes blood group substances. II: effect of cell-free extracts on blood group substances" J Bacteriol 78,6 814-820 1959 | |
Bech, Magnus: "Studies on measles virus in monkey kidney tissue cultures" Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand 42,1 75-85 1959 Masern.. | |
Acheson: "The clinical syndrome variously called benign myalgic encephalomyelitis, Iceland disease and epidemic neuromyasthenia" Am J Med 26,4 569-595 1959 ME/CFS.. | |
Moody, Winter: "Rapid identification of Pasteurella pestis with fluorescent antibody. III. Staining Pasteurella pestis in tissue impression smears" J Infect Dis 104 288-294 1959 Diagnose Pest.. | |
Whitney, Mortimore: "Isolation of the antifungal substance, 6-methoxybenzoxazolinone, from field corn (Zeamays L.) in Canada" Nature 184,Suppl 17 1320 1959 Antipilzmittel in Getreide.. | |
Burton, Friedman, Kassel, Kaplan, Rottino: "The purification and action of tumor factor extracted from mouse and human neoplastic tissue" Trans NY Acad Sci 21,8 700-707 7.1959 | |
Zweifach, Kivy-Rosenberg, Nagler: "Resistance to whole-body x-irradiation in rats made tolerant to bacterial endotoxins" Am J Physiol 197 1364-1370 12.1959 | |
Christensen: "Infection and malignant tumors. I. Growth of Brown-Pearce carcinomas in rabbits treated with living or killed haemolytic streptococci" Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand 46,4 285-295 9.1959 Rückbildung durch Infektion.. | |
Hirsch, Finland: "Antibacterial activity of serum of normal subjects after oral doses of demethylchlortetracycline, chlortetracycline and oxtetracycline" N Engl J Med 260 1099-1104 1959 Antibiotika-Resistenz durch antibakterielle Substanzen.. | |
Riley, Mills, Nyka, Weinstock, Storey, Sultan, Riley, Wells: "Aerial disseminations of pulmonary tuberculosis. A two-year study of contagion in a tuberculosis ward" Am J Hyg 70 185-196 1959 Lungentuberkulose durch Einatmen von Tröpfchen aktiv Erkrankter übertragbar.. | |
Klieneberger-Nobel: "Pleuropneumonia-like organisms in genital infections" Br Med J 1,5113 19-23 3.1.1959 | |
Crofton: "The cancers: their cause and cure" aus Reprint "The True Nature of Viruses" Kap.4 1936 1959 | |
Klieneberger-Nobel: "Possible significance of PPLO in human genital infection" Br J Vener Dis 35,1 20-23 3.1959 | |
Ricker, Berbee, Smalley: "Effects of crown gall and hairy root on the growth of apple trees" Phytopathology 49 88-90 1959 | |
Lwoff: "Factors influencing the evolution of viral diseases at the cellular level and in the organism" Bacteriol Rev. 23,3 109-124 9.1959 | |
Sabin: "Present position of immunization against poliomyelitis with live virus vaccines" Br Med J 1 663-680 1959 Polio.. | |
Friend: "Immunological relationships of a filterable agent causing a leukemia in adult mice. I. The neutralization of infectivity by specific antiserum" J Exp Med 109,2 217-228 1.2.1959 Friend-Leukämie-Virus FLV und Antiserum.. | |
Meckel: "Ergänzungen zu Carl Spenglers Tuberkulose- und Syphilis-Arbeiten" Spenglersan Meckel 1960.. | |
Smith, Baltscheffsky, Olson: "Absorption spectrum changes observed on illumination aerobic suspensions of photosynthetic bacteria" J Biol Chem 235,1 213-218 1.1960 Spektren Bakterien.. | |
Keyes: "The infectious and transmissible nature of experimental caries. Findings and implications" Arch Oral Biol 1 304-320 1960 | |
Teixeira-Pinto, Nejelski, Cutler, Heller: "The behavior of unicellular organisms in an electromagnetic field" Exp Cell Res 20,2 548-564 9.1960 Ausrichtung von Zellen im Feld, Wanderung, Wirkung bestimmter Frequenzen.. | |
Lwoff: "Tumor viruses and the cancer problem: a summation of the conference" Cancer Res 20 820-829 6.1960 | |
Sweet, Hilleman: "Detection of a "non-detectable" simian virus (vacuolating agent) present in rhesus and cynomolgus monkey-kidney cell culture material. A preliminary report" Second International Conference on Live Poliovirus Vaccines, Washington 1960 | |
Sweet, Hilleman: "The vacuolating virus, S.V.40" Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 105 420-427 11.1960 SV40.. | |
Calleja, Brooks: "Acute hepatitis treated with high doses of vitamin C" Ohio State Med J 56 821 1960 Hepatitis.. | |
Tsugita, Gish, Young, Fraenkel-Conrat, Knight, Stanley: "The complete amino acid sequence of the protein of tobacco mosaic virus" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 46,11 1463-1469 11.1960 | |
Hartwell: "Plant remedies for cancer" Cancer Chemotherapy Reports 6-10 19-24 5.1960 | |
Klieneberger-Nobel: "Pathogenicity and immunology of organisms of the pleuropneumonia group" Ann NY Acad Sci 79 615-625 15.1.1960 | |
Harven: "Electron microscopy of Swiss mouse leukemia virus" Symposia on Tumor Viruses, National Cancer Institute Monograph 4 291-307 1960 | |
Kornberg: "Biologic synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid" Science 131 1503-1508 1960 | |
Mattman, Runstall, Mathews, Gordon: "L variation in Mycobacteria" Am Rev Resp Dis 82 202-211 1960 | |
Crawford: "A study of the Rous sarcoma virus by density gradient centrifugation" Virology 12 143-153 10.1960 | |
Havas, Donnelly, Levine: "Mixed bacterial toxins in the treatment of tumors. III. Effect of tumor removal on the toxicity and mortality rates in mice" Cancer Res 20 393-396 4.1960 | |
Havas, Donnelly: "Mixed bacterial toxins in the treatment of tumors. IV. Response of methylcholanthrene-induced, spontaneous, and transplanted tumors in mice" Cancer Res 21 17-25 1.1961 | |
Eddy, Borman, Berkeley, Young: "Tumors induced in hamsters by injection of rhesus monkey kidney cell extracts" Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 107 191-197 5.1961 | |
Crawford, Crawford: "The properties of Rous sarcoma virus purified by density gradient centrifugation" Virology 13 227-232 2.1961 | |
Bryan: "Virus carcinogenesis" Fourth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability 1961 | |
Vieu: "Intérêt des bactériophages dans le traitement de staphylococcies" Vie Med 42 823-829 1961 Bakteriophagen.. | |
White, Palutke, Orten: "Tissue factors and resistance to carcinoma. I. The effect of electrocautery on survival of carcinomatous mice" J Int Coll Surg 35 6-8 1.1961 | |
Holland: "Receptor affinities as major determinants of enterovirus tissue tropisms in humans" Virology 15 312-326 1961 Zusammenhang zwischen Virus-Rezeptoren des Poliovirus auf der Zelloberfläche und Ansteckungsgefahr bei Menschen und Tieren.. | |
Braude, Siemienski: "The influence of endotoxin on resistance to infection" Bull N Y Acad Med 37,7 448-467 7.1961 Endotoxine wirken auf Immunsystem toxisch + sensibilisierend.. Störung weiße Blutkörperchen, Körpertemperatur, Kreislauf, Darmbewegung, Kohlehydratstoffwechsel, Bluteiweiße, Hormonausschüttung.. | |
Crick, Barnett, Brenner, Watts-Tobin: "General nature of genetic code for proteins" Nature 192 1227-1232 1961 Transfer RNA mit 3-Basen-Code.. | |
Nirenberg, Matthaei: "The dependence of cell-free protein synthesis in E. coli upon naturally occurring or synthetic polyribonucleotides" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 47 1589 1961 Beginn der Entschlüsselung des genetischen Codes.. Nobelpreis 1968 | |
Lwoff, Lwoff: "Cyclic events in the viral cycle" Nature 192 477-478 4.11.1961 | |
Gerlach: "Immunbiologische Studien bei malignen Tumoren und Hämoblastosen" Der Krebsarzt 2 1961 | |
Allison, Blumberg: "An isoprecipitation reaction distinguishing human serum-protein types" Lancet 1,7178 634-637 25.3.1961 Antikörper nach Bluttransfusion.. | |
Ainsworth, Forbes: "The effect of Pseudomonas pyrogen on survival of irradiated mice" Rad Res 14 767-774 1961 | |
Saito, Sher, Schwan: "RF field-induced-forces on microscopic particles" Dig 4th Int Conf Med Electron 154 1961 | |
Thomson: "Radiation protection in mammals" Reinhold Pub Corp, New York 178 1962 | |
1962: Richard Riley: Dokumentation der Übertragung von Tuberkulose durch Tröpfchen.. Ansteckung durch Inhalation.. Ansteckung proportional Tropfenkonzentration in der Umgebung.. | |
Johnston: "Clinical effects of Coley's toxin. I. A controlled study" Cancer Chemother Rep 21 19-41 8.1962 | |
Johnston, Novales: "Clinical effect of Coley's toxin. II. A seven-year study" Cancer Chemother Rep 21 43-68 8.1962 | |
Johnston, Novales, Gonzales, Mahood: "The cytotoxic effect of bacterial toxins on sarcoma 37 cells" Growth 26 147-160 9.1962 | |
Gerencser, Barnothy, Barnothy: "Inhibition of bacterial growth by magnetic fields" Nature 196 539-541 10.11.1962 | |
Diller: "Occurence of mycotic granules in mouse tissues infected with an acid-fast organism" Mycopathologia 16 255-261 10.3.1962 | |
Diller: "Growth and morphological variability of three similar strains of intermittently acid-fast organisms isolated from mouse and human malignant tissues" Growth 26 181-208 1.9.1962 | |
Diller: "Three similar strains of pleomorphic acid-fast organisms isolated from rat and mouse tissues and from human blood" Am Rev Respir Dis 86 932-935 1.12.1962 | |
Diller: "Intracellular forms of an acid-fast organism isolated from mouse tissues" Am Zoologist 2 404 1962 | |
Mazet: "Presence d'elements alcoolo-acido-resistants dans les moelles leucemiques et les moelles non-leucemiques" La Semaine des Hopitaux (Medicine dans le Monde) 38 e Annee 1-2,35 1962 | |
Lwoff: "The thermosensitive critical event of the viral cycle" Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol 27 159-174 1962 | |
Joklik: "The purification of four strains of poxvirus" Virology 18 9-18 1962 Pockenvirus.. | |
Eddy, Borman, Grubbs, Young: "Identification of the oncogenic substance in rhesus monkey kidney cell culture as simian virus 40" Virology 17 65-75 5.1962 | |
Eddy: "Tumors produced in hamsters by SV40" Fed Proc 21 930-935 1962 | |
Melnick, Stinebaugh: "Excretion of vacuolating SV-40 virus (papovirus group) after ingestion as a contaminant of oral poliovaccine" Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 109 965-968 4.1962 | |
Girardi, Sweet, Slotnick, Hilleman: "Development of tumors in hamsters inoculated in the neonatal period with vacuolating virus, SV40" Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 109 649-660 3.1962 | |
Gerber, Kirschstein: "SV40-induced ependymoma in newborn hamsters" Virology 18 582-588 1962 Gehirntumoren bei Hamstern.. | |
Shein, Levinthal: "Fluorescent antibody and complement fixation tests for detection of SV40 virus in cell cultures" Virology 17 595-597 1962 Qualitätssicherung beobachtet nur 2 Wochen, SV40 benötigt bis 6 Wochen.. Vorschlag besseres Erkennungssystem.. wird ohne Zwang nicht eingeführt.. | |
Hayashi, LoGrippo: "Inactivation of Vacuolating Virus (SV40) by Beta-Propiolactone" Henry Ford Hospital Bulletin 10 463-470 1962 SV40 erzeugt Krebs bei Hamstern und lässt menschliche Nierenzellen entarten.. | |
Stinebaugh, Melnick: "Plaque formation by vacuolating virus SV40" Virology 16 349-350 3.1962 präziseres System zur Erkennung von SV40 sinnvoll bei menschlicher Anwendung.. Impfstoffhersteller übernehmen die Idee nicht.. SV40 in Sabins Typ 2-Polio-Schluckimpfung.. | |
Meyer, Hopps, Rogers, Brooks, Bernheim, Jones, Nisalak, Douglas: "Studies on simian virus 40" J Immunol 88 796-806 6.1962 5 Wochen nötig um SV40 zu erkennen.. Gesetz schreibt nur 2 Wochen vor.. niedrige Konzentrationen mit verwendeten Methoden nicht erkennbar.. Vorschlag neuer Methoden nie umgesetzt.. infizierte Affen sollten nicht verwendet werden.. | |
Parkman, Buescher, Artenstein: "Recovery of rubella virus from the army recruits" Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 111 225-230 10.1962 Röteln-Virus.. | |
Weller, Neva: "Propagation in tissue culture of cytopathic agents from patients with rubella-like illness" Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 111 215-225 1.10.1962 Röteln-Virus.. | |
Braude, Jones, Douglas: "The behavior of Escherichia coli endotoxin (somatic antigen) during infectious arthritis" J Immunol 90,2 297-311 1.2.1963 Endotoxine.. | |
Ford, Peterson: "The efficiency of surcical face masks" Am J Surg 106 954 1963 | |
Blumberg, Riddell: "Inherited antigenic differences in human beta lipo-proteins. A second antiserum" J Clin Invest 42 867-875 1963 Beschreibung des Hepatitis B-Antigens im Blut.. starker Zusammenhang mit Leberkrebs.. Entwicklung Impfstoff gegen den Virus.. Nobelpreis 1976 | |
Girardi, Sweet, Hilleman: "Factors influencing tumor induction in hamsters by vacuolating virus SV 40" Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 112 662-667 1963 | |
Yasumura, Kawakita: "The research for the SV40 by means of tissue culture technique" Nippon Rinsho 21 1201-1219 1963 | |
Mant: "Mort subite due a une myocardite focale suivant une vaccination contre la variole" Ann Med Leg 443 49-52 1963 Pocken.. | |
Beard: "Viral tumors of chickens with particular reference to the leucosis complex" Conference on Epizootiology of Cancer in Animals NY Acad Sci 2.1963 | |
Prasad, Miale, Farid, Sandstead, Schulert: "Zinc metabolism in patients with the syndrome of iron deficiency anemia, hepatosplenomegaly, dwarfism, and hypogonadism" J Lab Clin Med 61 537-549 1963 Zinkmangel bei Fehlernährung, Anämie, Infektionen.. | |
Mengeling, Pirtle, Torrey: "Identification of hog cholera viral antigen by immunofluorescence. application as a diagnostic and assay method" Can J Comp Med Vet Sci 27,10 249-252 10.1963 Immunfluoreszenz.. | |
Grace, Mirand: "Human susceptibility to a Simian tumor virus" Ann NY Acad Sci 108 1123-1128 4.11.1963 Roswell Park Memorial Institute, NY State Department of Health, Buffalo.. Ausbruch von Tumoren bei Rhesusaffenkolonie in Nigeria.. große pleomorphe Zellen.. Verdacht virale Herkunft.. zellfreie Übertragung der Tumoren.. Pockenvirus.. nicht erfolgreiche Versuche den Virus in Gewebekulturen zu vermehren.. 6 Krebspatienten mit Virus aus Affen mit zellfreien Filtraten angesteckt.. Befunde ähnlich denen der Affen.. gesunder Laborarbeiter infiziert.. virale Antikörperbildung im Serum innerhalb 1 Wo.. 3 Wochen Anstieg, dann 4 Monate gleich.. Knoten an Einstichstelle wächst rasch.. nach 7 Tagen 2cm.. operativ entfernt.. | |
DE-Patent 1464350: Verfahren zur Erzeugung elektromagnet. Strahlung. Priore 31.5.1963 | |
US-Patent 3280816: Apparat zur Erzeugung zelldurchdringender Strahlen. Priore 23.5.1963 -> 25.10.1966 Erzeugung Teilchenstrahlung + Wellenstrahlung 3-80cm (14cm Leber, 19.5cm Milz), 2 einstellbare Röhrenoszillatoren, veränderliche magnetische und/oder elektrische Felder, rotierender Reflektor.. | |
US-Patent 3368155: Apparat zur Erzeugung zelldurchdringender Strahlen. Priore 23.5.1963 -> 6.2.1968 | |
Holliday: "A mechanism for gene conversion in fungi" Gen Res 5 282-304 1964 | |
Blumberg: "Polymorphisms of the serum proteins and the development of iso-precipitins in transfused patients" Bull N Y Acad Med 40,5 377-386 5.1964 Suche nach Hepatitis B.. | |
Epstein, Achong, Barr: "Virus particles in cultured lymphoblasts from Burkitt's lymphoma" Lancet 1,7335 702-703 28.3.1964 Epstein-Barr-Virus.. | |
Komiya, Yanagisawa: "Some considerations on the pathogenesis of human ascaris and hookworm infections: a review" Jap J M Sc Biol 17 223-233 1964 | |
Farnes, Barker, Brownhill, Fanger: "Mitogenic activity in: Phytolacca Americana (Pokeweed)" Lancet 284,7369 1100-1101 21.11.1964 | |
Diller, Medes: "Isolation of a pleomorphic acid-fast organism from liver and blood of carcinogen-fed rats" Am Rev Respir Dis 90 126-128 1.7.1964 | |
Weiss, Bonhag, Parks: "Studies on the heterologous immunogenicity of a methanol-insoluble fraction of attenuated tubercle bacilli (BCG). I. Antimicrobial protection" J Exp Med 119,1 53-70 1.1.1964 BCG erhöht Immunität gg. Infektion mit Klebsiella pneumoniae.. | |
Barnothy: "Rejection of transplanted tumors in mice" in Barnothy: 'Biological effects of magnetic fields' 100-108 1964 | |
Halpern, Greene: "Effects of magnetic fields on growth of HeLa Cells in tissue culture" Nature 202 717 16.5.1964 | |
Coley-Nauts, Swift, Coley: "The treatment of malignant tumors by bacterial toxins, as developed by the late William B. Coley, M.D., reviewed in the light of modern research" Cancer Res 6 205-216 1964 | |
Knisely, Stratman-Thomas, Eliot, Bloch: "Knowlesi malaria in monkeys II: A first step in the separation of the mechanical pathologic circulatory factors of one sludge disease from possible specific toxic factors of that disease" Angiology 15 411-416 1.9.1964 | |
Epstein, Henle, Achong, Barr: "Morphological and biological studies on a virus in cultured lymphoblasts from Burkitt's lymphoma" J Exp Med 121 761-770 1.5.1965 Epstein-Barr-Virus.. | |
Bailey, Karp, Sacks: "Ultraviolet-absorption spectra of dry bacterial spores" J Bacteriol 98,4 984-987 4.1965 UV-Spektren Bakteriensporen.. | |
Blumberg, Alter, Visnich: "A new antigen in leukemia sera" JAMA 191 541-546 15.2.1965 Hepatitis B und Leukämie.. | |
Ramsay: "Hysteria and Royal Free Disease" Br Med J 2 1062 30.10.1965 ME/CFS.. | |
Rowson, Mahy, Salaman: "Studies on the mechanism of action of Riley virus. II. Action of substances affecting the reticuloendothelial sysem on the level of viraemia" J Exp Med 122,5 983-992 12.1965 Anstieg Riley-Virus im Plasma nach Injektion in Mäuse.. | |
Evans, Salaman: "Studies on the mechanism of action of Riley virus. III. Replication of Riley's plasma enzyme-elevating virus in vitro" J Exp Med 122,5 993-1002 12.1965 Riley-Virus vermehrt sich in Maus-Embryo-Kulturen 8-12 Tage lang.. | |
Fernandes, Moorhead: "Transformation of African green monkey kidney cultures infected with simian vacuolating virus (SV40)" Texas Reports on Biology and Medicine 23 Suppl 1 242-258 6.1965 SV40 wächst in Kuturen ohne sichtbaren Effekt falls ohne Färbung.. mehr Sicherheit empfohlen bei Impfstofftests.. | |
Barker, Farnes, Fanger: "Mitogenic activity in Phytolacca Americana (Pokeweed)" Lancet 285,7377 170 16.1.1965 | |
Mankiewicz: "Bacteriophages that lyse mycobacteria and corynebacteria, and show cytopathogenic effect on tissue cultures of renal cells of Cercopithecus aethiops" Can Med Assoc J 92,1 31-33 2.1.1965 Bakteriophagen bei Lungenkrebs die Corynebakterien und Mykobakterien auflösen.. zelltötender Effekt auf Nierenzellen afrikanischer Grünaffe.. | |
Fallon, Grist, Inman, Lemcke, Negroni, Woods: "Further studies of agents isolated from tissue cultures inoculated with human leukaemic bone-marrow" Br Med J 2 388-391 1965 Mykoplasmen aus Zellkulturen von Knochenmark von Leukämiepatienten.. | |
Grace, Horoszewicz, Stim, Mirand, James: "Mycoplasmas (PPLO) and human leukemia and lymphoma" Cancer 18,10 1369-1376 10.1965 bei 4 von 31 Krebsfällen Mykoplasmen nachgewiesen.. kein Befund bei Gesunden.. | |
Barile, Bodey, Snyder, Riggs, Grabowski: "Isolation of Mycoplasma orale from leukemic bone marrow and blood by direct culture" J Nat Cancer Inst 36 155-159 1965 Mykoplasmen in Knochenmark und Blut von Leukämiepatienten.. | |
Robinson, Pitkanen, Rubin: "The nucleic acid of the Bryan strain of Rous sarcoma virus: purification of the virus and isolation of the nucleic acid" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 54,1 137-144 7.1965 | |
Girardi: "Prevention of SV40 virus oncogenesis in hamsters. I. Tumor resistance induced by human cells transformed by SV40" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 54,2 445-451 8.1965 Tumoren durch SV40.. weniger Tumoren durch Impfung.. Grafiken.. | |
Chandler, Stark, Allen, Fletcher: "Treatment of cancer by bacterial toxins" Am Surg 31 443-449 7.1965 Immuntherapie.. | |
Schwarz, Saito, Schwan: "On the orientation of nonspherical particles in an alternating electrical field" J Chem Phys 43 3562-3569 1965 | |
Rosenberg, Vancamp, Krigas: "Inhibition of cell division in Escherichia coli by electrolysis products from a platinum electrode" Nature 205 698-699 1965 Strom durch Platinelektrode.. | |
Barile: "Mycoplasma (PPLO), leukemia and autoimmune disease" Wistar Inst Symp Monogr 4 171-185 9.1965 Leukämie.. | |
Inoue, Singer, Hutchinson: "Causative agent of a spontaneously originated visceral tumor ot the newt Triturus" Nature 205 408-409 1965 Molch.. | |
Diller, Diller: "Intracellular acid-fast organisms isolated from malignant tissues" Trans Am Microscopical Soc 84,1 138-148 1.1.1965 verdoppelte Tumorrate durch Impfung mit Bakterienkultur aus Mäusen mit Leukämie.. | |
Livingston, Alexander-Jackson: "Mycobacterial forms in myocardial vascular disease" J Am Womens Assoc 20 449-452 5.1965 Bakterien bei Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen.. | |
Wuerthele-Caspe Livingston, Alexander-Jackson: "An experimental biologic approach to the treatment of neoplastic disease; determination of actinomycin in urine and cultures as an aid to diagnosis and prognosis" J Am Med Womens Assoc 20,9 858-866 9.1965 | |
Rosenberg, Van Camp, Krigas: "Inhibition of cell division in Escherichia coli by electrolysis products from a platinum electrode" Nature 205 698-699 1965 | |
Villequez: "L'etude biochimique du sang ne doit pas meconnaitre le role des evolutions de corpuscles existant dans ce milieu" Proc 10th Congr Int Soc Blood Transf, Stockholm, Bibliotheca Haematologia, Basel 23 752 1965 | |
Lwoff: "The specific effectors of viral development" Biochem J. 96,2 289-301 8.1965 | |
White: "Etiology of malignancies; a new concept" J Int Coll Surg 43 593-602 6.1965 | |
Cantwell, Craggs, Swatek, Wilson: "Unusual acid-fast bacteria in panniculitis" Arch Dermatol 94,2 161-167 8.1966 Sklerodermie.. | |
Barker, Farnes, LaMarche: "Peripheral blood plasmacytosis following systemic exposure to Phytolacca Americana (Pokeweed)" Pediatrics 38,3 490-493 1.9.1966 | |
Cole, Dreyer, Rousselot, Tendler: "The radioprotective and anti-tumor effects of mixed bacterial toxins and anthramycin" Am J Roentgen 97,4 997-1002 1.8.1966 | |
Dombrádi, Földeák: "Screening report on the antitumor activity of purified Arctium Lappa extracts" Tumori 52,3 173-175 1966 | |
Delmon, Biraben: "Growth of the Guerin's carcinoma under the effect of magnetic fields" Revue de Pathologie Comparee 3 85 1966 | |
Pautrizel, Rivière, Priore, Berlureau: "Influence d'ondes électromagnétiques et de champs magnétiques sur l'immunité de la souris infestée par trypanosoma equiperdam" C R Acad Sci 263 579-582 1966 Trypanosomen.. | |
Alexander-Jackson: "Mycoplasma (PPLO) isolated from Rous sarcoma virus" Growth 30,2 199-228 6.1966 | |
Macpherson, Russell: "Transformations in hamster cells mediated by mycoplasmas" Nature 210,5043 1343-1345 25.6.1966 | |
Brentano, Margraf, Montafo, Moyer: "Antibacterial efficacy of a colloidal silver complex" Surgical Forum 17 76-78 1966 ionisches und/oder kolloidales Silber wirksam bei Verbrennungsopfern.. speziell gg. Pseudomonas aeruginosa.. | |
Kamiya, Wakao, Nishioka: "Studies on improvement of eye drops. Bacteriological consideration of DMSO" Jpn J Clin Opthalmol Rinsho Gank 20 143-152 1966 Antibiotikaresistente Bakterien sprechen wieder auf Antibiotika an nach Behandlung mit Lösung mit 5% DMSO.. | |
Ahlborg, Linroth, Nordgren: "ECG-changes without subjective symptoms after smallpox vaccination of military personnel" Acta Med Scand Suppl 464 127-134 1966 Pocken.. | |
Allen, Soike: "Sterilization by electrohydraulic treatment" Science 154,3745 155-157 1966 elektrische Sterilisierung.. | |
Warburg: "The prime cause and prevention of cancer" K. Triltsch 1969.. 2. Fassung von Warburgs Vortrag an Nobelpreisträger Lindau 30.6.1966.. Hauptursache und Prävention bei Krebs.. | |
US-Patent 3231484: Glimmentladung bei Raumdruck preisgünstiger. Berghaus. 25.1.1966 | |
1966: Nobelpreis Francis Peyton Rous für Entdeckungen auf dem Gebiet der tumorerzeugenden Viren.. | |
Hartwell: "Plants used against cancer. A survey" Lloydia 30,4 379-436 1967 bis 34,4 386-425 1971 Pflanzen gegen Krebs.. | |
Spooner: "History of surgical face masks" AORN J 5 76-80 1967 Masken.. | |
Marshall, Joy, Ai, Quy, Stockard, Gibson: "Plague in Vietnam 1965-1966" Am J Epidemiol 86,3 603-616 11.1967 Pest in Vietnam.. | |
Lwoff: "Principles of classification and nomenclature of viruses" Nature 215,5096 13-14 1.7.1967 | |
Blumberg, Gerstley, Hungerford, London, Sutnick: "A serum antigen (Australia antigen) in Down's syndrome, leukemia, and hepatitis" Ann Int Med 66,5 924-931 5.1967 Verdacht auf Hepatitis B.. | |
Almeida, Tyrrell: "The morphology of three previously uncharacterized human respiratory viruses that grow in organ culture" J Gen Virol 1,2 175-178 4.1967 Coronaviren unter Elektronenmikroskop.. | |
Flamm, Gericke, Kovac, Parczyck: "Der mögliche Ko-Leukämogene Effekt von Mykoplasmen (PPLO)" Naturwissenschaften 54,20 540 10.1967 Mykoplasmen isoliert aus Knochenmark von Leukämiepatienten.. Albinomäuse erkranken an Leukämie falls 1x/Woche und ab 11. Woche Methylcholanthren.. Kontrollgruppen mit nur je einem Stoff leukämiefrei.. | |
Klieneberger-Nobel: "Mycoplasma, a brief historical review" Ann NY Acad Sci 143,1 713-718 28.7.1967 | |
Gilliland, Speck: "Mechanism of the bactericidal action produced by electrohydraulic shock" Appl Microbiol 15,5 1038-1044 1967 elektrische Desinfektion.. | |
Sale, Hamilton: "Effects of high electric fields on microorganisms. I. Killing of bacteria and yeasts" Biochim Biophys Acta 148 781-788 1967 | |
Hamilton, Sale: "Effects of high electric fields on microorganisms. II. Mechanism of action of the lethal effect" Biochim Biophys Acta 148 789-800 1967 | |
Van Nostran, Reynolds, Hedrick: "Effects of a high magnetic field at different osmotic pressures and temperatures on multiplication of Saccharomyces cerevisiae" Appl Microbiol 15 561-563 1967 | |
Gameson, Saxon: "Field studies on effect of daylight on mortality of choliform bacteria" Water Res 1 279 1967 | |
Krugman, Giles, Hammond: "Infectious hepatitis. Evidence for two distinctive clinical, epidemiological, and immunological types of infection" JAMA 200,5 365-373 1967 Hepatitis A und B.. | |
Wyllie, Limbosch, Nyhus: "Inhibition of gastric acid secretion by bacterial lipopolysaccharide" Nature 215 879 1967 Magensäurehemmung durch bakterielle LPS.. | |
Baume, Nicholls, Baxter: "Inhibition of gastric acid secretion by a purified bacterial lipopolysaccharide" Nature 215 59-60 1967 Magensäurehemmung durch bakterielle LPS.. | |
McKay, Margaretten: "Disseminated intravascular coagulation in virus diseases" Arch Intern Med 120,2 129-152 8.1967 Verklumpungen bei viraler Erkrankung.. | |
Patuleia, Friend: "Tissue culture studies on murine virus-induced leukemia cells: isolation of single cells in Agar-liquid medium" Cancer Res 27 726-730 1967 Friend-Leukämie-Virus FLV.. | |
Diller, Donnelly, Fisher: "Isolation of pleomorphic, acid-fast organisms from several strains of mice" Cancer Res 27,8 1402-1408 8.1967 | |
Duthie, Stewart, Alexander, Dayhoff: "Isolation of diphtheroid organisms from rheumatoid synovial membrane and fluid" Lancet 1,7482 142-143 21.1.1967 | |
White: "Increasing evidence that the 'transformed' yeast or mold microorganism is the etiological factor behind the pathogenesis of cancerous tissue" Int Surg 48,5 417-424 11.1967 | |
Seibert, Farrelly, Shepherd: "DMSO and other combatants against bacteria isolated from leukemia and cancer patients" Ann NY Acad Sci 141,1 175-201 15.3.1967 DMSO 12.5-25% unterdrückt 27 pleomorphe Krebs- und Leukämiemikroben ohne gesunde Blutzellen zu schädigen.. löst Transportstörungen, da ungiftiges Lösungsmittel.. | |
Downing, Kemp, Denborough: "Plant agglutinins and mitosis" Nature 217,5129 654-655 17.2.1968 | |
Keosin: "The origin of life" New York 1968 | |
Basch, Gadebusch: "In vitro antimicrobial activity of dimethyl sulfoxide" Appl Microbiol 16 1953-1954 1968 DMSO unterdrückt viele Bakterien, Pilze, Parasiten bei 30-50% Konzentration.. | |
Ghajar, Harmon: "Effect of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) on permeability of Staphylococcus aurens" Biochem Biophys Res Commun 32 940-944 1968 DMSO erzeugt bakteriostatischen Effekt auf staphylococcus, möglicherweise durch Anheben des Sauerstoffs und reduziertem Glycintransport.. | |
Wallach, Williamson: "Partial list of parasites found at necropsy at the Chicago and St. Louis zoological parks" Proc Ann Meet Am Assoc Zoo Vet Mich St U, E. Lansing, MI 7-8 10.-11.12.1968 | |
Bayer, Blumberg, Werner: "Particles associated with Australia antigen in the sera of patients with leukaemia, Down's syndrome and hepatitis" Nature 218,5146 1057-1059 15.6.1968 Partikel bei Hepatitis B.. | |
Cantwell, Craggs, Wilson, Swatek: "Acid-fast bacteria as a possible cause of scleroderma" Dermatologica 136,3 141-150 1968 | |
McKay: "Disseminated intravascular coagulation [abridged]" Proc R Soc Med 61,11 Pt 1 1129-1134 11.1968 Heparin gg. Viren, Krebs.. | |
Seibert: "Pebbles on the Hill of a Scientist" St. Petersburg Printing Co 1968.. | |
Fahy: "Pebbles on the Hill of a Scientist" Am Rev Resp Dis 100,4 584 1969 Inhaltsangabe zu Seibert Biografie.. besser gereinigtes Wasser reduziert Infektionsgefahr.. | |
Iliev, Papanov: "Antibiotic activity of turpentine oils" Pharmaceutical Chemistry J 3,3 155-156 1.3.1969 antibiotische Wirkung von Terpentinöl.. | |
Forbes: "Rubella: historical aspects" Am J Dis Child 118 5-11 1969 Röteln.. | |
London, Sutnick, Blumberg: "Australia antigen and acute viral hepatitis" Ann Int Med 70,1 55-59 1.1969 Hepatitis B.. | |
Blumberg, London, Sutnick: "Relation of Australia antigen to virus of hepatitis" Bull Path 10 164 1969 Hepatitis B.. | |
Lippincott, Lippincott: "Bacterial attachment to a specific wound site as an essential stage in tumor initiation by Agrobacterium tumefaciens" J Bacteriol 97 620-628 1969 | |
Nott: "Cancer: Link to bacteria studied" Evening Independent 28.11.1969 Florence Seibert, Irene Corey Diller.. Tumor-Isolate aus Gewebe und Leukämie-Blut in Mäuse injiziert die in 18 Monaten Krebs entwickeln und sterben.. | |
Stewart, Alexander, Duthie: "Isolation of diphtheroid bacilli from synovial membrane and fluid in rheumatoid arthritis" Ann Rheum Dis 28,5 477-487 9.1969 | |
Hager, Bailey, Hampers, Merrill: "Immunity against the Ehrlich ascites carcinoma produced by bacterial endotoxins" Transplant Proc 1,1 124-125 3.1969 | |
Nakai, Imagawa: "Electron microscopy of measles virus replication" J Virol 3,2 187-197 2.1969 Masern.. | |
Pease: "Bacterial L-forms in the blood and joint fluids of arthritic subjects" Ann Rheum Dis 28,3 270-274 5.1969 | |
Pautrizel, Priore, Berlureau, Pautrizel: "Stimulation, par des moyens physiques, des défenses de la souris et du rat contre la trypanosomose expérimentale" C R Acad Sci Ser D 268 1889-1892 1969 Trypanosomen.. | |
Iliev, Papanov: "Antibiotic activity of turpentine oils" Pharmaceutical Chemistry J 3,3 155-156 1.3.1969 antibiotische Wirkung von Terpentinöl.. | |
Miller: "Killing and lysis of gram-negative bacteria through the synergistic effect of hydrogen peroxide, ascorbic acid, and lysozyme" J Bacteriol 98,3 949-955 6.1969 H2O2.. | |
Stewart, Tolnai: "The regression of an inflammatory skin lesion by the induction of a delayed hypersensitivity reaction. A case report" Cancer 24,1 201-205 7.1969 strahlenresistenter Hautkrebs reduziert durch Streptokokken.. | |
Scragg, Rubidge, Wallace: "Typhoid fever in African and Indian children in Durban" Arch Dis Child 44,233 18-28 2.1969 Typhus-Fieber.. | |
Adler: "Chemoreceptors in bacteria" Science 166 1588-1597 1969 | |
1969: Nobelpreis Max Delbrück, Alfred Day Hershey, Salvador E. Luria für Entdeckungen auf dem Gebiet des Fortpflanzungszyklus der Viren und der genetischen Struktur von Bakterien und Viren.. | |
Dane, Cameron, Briggs: "Virus-like particles in serum of patients with Australia-antigen-associated hepatitis" Lancet 1,7649 695-698 4.4.1970 Partikel bei Hepatitis B.. | |
Inoue, Singer: "Experiments on a spontaneously originate dvisceral tumor in the newt, Triturus pyrrhogaster" Ann NY Acad Sci 174 729-764 1970 Mycobakterium-ähnlicher Organismus aus Tumoren und Blut bei Krebs isoliert.. injiziert in Mäuse und Meerschweinchen löst chronische Granulome oder Krebs aus.. Molch.. | |
McEvedy, Beard: "Royal Free epidemic of 1955: a reconsideration" Br Med J 1,5687 7-11 3.1.1970 ME/CFS.. Hysterie? | |
"Epidemic malaise" Br Med J 1,5687 1-2 3.1.1970 ME/CFS.. Hysterie? | |
Compston, Dimsdale, Ramsay, Richardson: "Epidemic malaise" Br Med J 1,5692 362-363 7.2.1970 ME/CFS.. | |
Parish: "Epidemic malaise" Br Med J 3,5713 47-48 4.7.1970 ME/CFS.. | |
Pease: "Morphological appearances of a bacterial L-form growing in association with the erythrocytes of arthritic subjects" Ann Rheum Dis 29,4 439-444 7.1970 | |
Temin, Mizutani: "RNA-dependent DNA polymerase in virions of Rous carcinoma virus" Nature 226 1211-1213 1970 | |
Fiszman, Bucchini, Girard, Lwoff: "Inhibition of poliovirus RNA synthesis by supraoptimal temperatures" J Gen Virol 6,2 293-304 2.1970 | |
Oriel, Almeida: "Demonstration of virus particles in human genital warts" Br J vener Dis 46 37 1970 Warzenvirus.. Elektronenmikroskopbilder.. | |
Uebbing, Schierz, Winter: "Ungewöhnliche korpuskuläre Elemente im Blut" Ärztliche Praxis 2.1970 | |
Gerlach: "Biologie der Mykoplasmen und ihre Beziehung zu malignen Tumoren" Wiener tierärztliche Monatsschrift 57,6-7 232-245 1970 | |
Thiemann, Wagner: "Die Wirkung eines homogenen Magnetfeldes auf das Wachstum von Micrococcus denitrificans" Z Naturforsch 25b 1020-1023 1970 | |
Livingston, Alexander-Jackson: "A specific type of organism cultivated from malignancy: Bacteriology and proposed classification (Microorganisms associated with malignancy)" Ann NY Acad Sci 174,2 636-654 30.10.1970 pleomorphe Formen S.111 Livingston-Wheeler: 'Compendium' | |
Diller, Donnelly: "Experiments with mammalian tumor isolates" Ann NY Acad Sci 174,2 655-674 30.10.1970 | |
Livingston, Livingston, Alexander-Jackson, Wolter: "Toxic fractions obtained from tumor isolates and related clinical implications" Ann NY Acad Sci 174,2 675-689 30.10.1970 | |
Seibert, Feldman, Davis, Richmond: "Morphological, biological, and immunological studies on isolates from tumors and leukemic bloods" Ann NY Acad Sci 174,2 690-728 30.10.1970 | |
Alexander-Jackson: "Ultraviolet spectrogramic microscopic studies of Rous sarcoma virus cultured in cell-free medium" Ann NY Acad Sci 174,2 765-781 30.10.1970 | |
Dunbar, Howard, Cacciatore: "Comparisons between Mycobacteria and isolates from tumors and leukemia bloods" Ann NY Acad Sci 174,2 872-876 30.10.1970 | |
Gay, Clarke, Dermott: "Morphogenesis of Bittner Virus" J Virol 5,6 801-816 6.1970 viele Bilder.. | |
A von Seld: "Chronische Magenleiden.." Selbstverlag | |
Pareilleux, Sicard: "Lethal effects of electric current on Escherichia coli" Applied Microbiol 19,3 421-424 3.1970 tödlicher Stromfluss.. | |
Gerlach: "Zur Pathogenität der Mykoplasmen aus malignen Tumoren" Wiener Tierärztl. Monatsschrift 1 1971 | |
Estola: "Coronaviruses, a new group of animal RNA viruses" Avian Dis 14,2 330-336 5.1970 Coronaviren.. | |
Lwoff: "From protozoa to bacteria and viruses. Fifty years with microbes" Annu Rev Microbiol 25 1-26 1971 | |
Weinberg: "Roles of iron on host-parasite interactions" J Infect Diseases 124 401-409 1971 | |
Cantwell, Kelso: "Acid-fast bacteria in scleroderma and morphea" Arch Dermatol 104,1 21-25 7.1971 | |
Brännström, Nyborg: "The presence of bacteria in cavities filled with silicate cement and composite resin materials" Swed Dent J 64 149-155 1971 | |
Lerman, Gold: "Measles in children previously vaccinated against measles" JAMA 216,8 1311-1314 24.5.1971 Masern bei Ungeimpften 52.4%, bei Geimpften durch Arzt 17.9%, bei Geimpften durch andere 1.2%.. | |
Friend, Scher, Holland, Sato: "Hemoglobin synthesis in murine virus-induced leukemic cells in vitro: stimulation of erythroid differentiation by dimethyl sulfoxide" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 68 378-382 1971 Friend-Leukämie-Virus FLV und DMSO.. | |
US-Patent 3600126: Sterilisierung von Oberflächen durch 1ms-Plasmaglimmentladung. Energie 0.03-300eV. Hellund 5.2.1968 -> 17.8.1971 | |
US-Patent 3636191: Impfstoff gegen virale Hepatitis. Blumberg/Millman 8.10.1969 -> 18.1.1972 | |
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1976: Aufhebung Pflicht zur Pockenimpfung.. | |
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Schauble, Habal, Gullick: "Inhibition of experimental tumor growth in hamsters by small direct currents" Arch Pathol Lab Med 101,6 294-297 6.1977 Tests bei A-Mel-4 Tumoren bei Hamstern mit 3 Gleichströmen 3mA, 500uA, 0.96uA.. 1h/Tag.. Tumorwachstum unterdrückt, Metastasen reduziert.. bester Effekt an positiver Elektrode.. | |
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Alter, Purcell, Holland, Popper: "Transmissible agent in non-A, non-B hepatitis" Lancet 1 459-463 1978 Hepatitis C-Virus.. | |
Morishige, Murata: "Vitamin C for prophylaxis of viral hepatitis B in transfused patients" J Int Acad Prev Med 5,1 54-58 1978 Vermeidung Hepatitis B nach Transfusionen durch Vitamin C.. | |
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Wirsen, Jannasch: "Physiological and morphological observations on Thiovulum sp" J Bacteriol 136 765-774 1978 mikrobielle Schwefeloxidation als Energiequelle für Tierkolonien in der Tiefsee ohne Lichteinfall.. | |
Tedeschi, Bondi, Paparelli, Sprovieri: "Electron microscopical evidence of the evolution of corynebacteria-like microorganisms within human erythrocytes" Experientia 34,4 458-460 15.4.1978 | |
Tedeschi, Sprovieri, Del Prete: "Cocci and diphtheroids in blood cultures from patients in various pathological situations" Experientia 34,5 596-598 15.5.1978 | |
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